Information and Communication Technology 9 Junior High School 23&24
Information and Communication Technology 9 Junior High School 23&24
Information and Communication Technology 9 Junior High School 23&24
Module 11 Coverage:
This module has the following lessons:
Lesson Title You’ll learn to… Core Values Estimated
no. Time
11 Creating and Know what a report Globally oriented 10 days
Reports is Responsible users in social
Learn to create a
report from the
layout or Design
Content Standard: The students can understand how to adjust the alignment report
Performance Standard: The learner shall be able to create, edit, modify, design,
change page size and margins, preview, print and delete a report
Expected Skills:
To do well in this module, you need to remember and do the following:
1. Layout and design view
2. edit, modify, design,, change page, size and margins, preview, print, and delete a report
3. Create a report
Day 1 PRE-
End of Explore
Great, you finished answering the questions. Congratulations and keep on learning!
DAY 2, 3 & 4
Directions: Please! Refer to your book Visual Basic Access, open your book on page 85-93 and
read whole lesson 10.
End of Firm-Up
Very good! You now have learned about Creating and Formatting Reports. Study your lessons and I am
looking forward on your progress on the next part of this lesson.
DAY 5, 6 , 7&8
I believe that you have a firm grasp on our topic. In this section, let’s dive into the depths of your learning
and answer the activity that follows.
Task 3. Directions: Write and answer the following activities: Refer to your book on page
94. Activity 2 . (1-5).
End of Deepen
Amazing! You really did great. Continue learning at your own pace as you gradually move forward to
the next phase.
DAY 9-10
Directions: Write and answer the following activities: Refer to your book on page 94 on
hands on 1 and present as your performance task.
End of Transfer
Hopefully, you have learned many things about Creating and Formatting Reports: Continue improving
your learning as we go along with our next lessons.
Directions: Open your Friends List and create a report. Refer to your book on page 94 on
hands on 3 and present as your performance task.
Using the scale of 1 to 5, rate your skills (1 = poor, 2 = satisfactory, 3 = good, 4 = very good, 5 =
Rate Skills