Supporting Privacy Protection in Personalized Web Search: V. Aarthi (Reg. No: 1436J0049)
Supporting Privacy Protection in Personalized Web Search: V. Aarthi (Reg. No: 1436J0049)
Supporting Privacy Protection in Personalized Web Search: V. Aarthi (Reg. No: 1436J0049)
Submitted By
( Reg. No: 1436J0049 )
MARCH 2015
and that this project work has not formed basis for the award of any
University Coimbatore in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the
record of the student of V. AARTHI ( Reg No:1436J0049 ) during the period of her
College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore under my supervision and guidance and the
project has not formed the basis for the award of any Degree / Diploma / Associateship /
I also express thanks to all staff member who helped me to complete the
Project work successfully.
Last but not the least I thank all my friends and my family Members who helped
me directly or indirectly in completing the project.
Aarthi. V