Australian Studies 2020.1 Expository Essay: 1000 Words PLUS Appendix With Feedback Comments Week 7, Sunday 11:59pm
Australian Studies 2020.1 Expository Essay: 1000 Words PLUS Appendix With Feedback Comments Week 7, Sunday 11:59pm
Australian Studies 2020.1 Expository Essay: 1000 Words PLUS Appendix With Feedback Comments Week 7, Sunday 11:59pm
Expository Essay
Weighting: 30%
Assessed: 1, 3, 4 and 5.
Compare the two arguments offered in these articles, and evaluate which
argument is the most convincing
Article 1
Article 2
Note: You must seek written feedback from either Studiosity (formerly YourTutor) or Your class
teacher attach it to your final essay before submitting.
Further help: Your class teacher will allocate some time in class to discuss the essay and for you
to be able to ask questions and seek help.
Weeks 5-6: Begin to establish your argument and structure for the essay.
- Determine your position for the essay based on the two articles and other things
learnt in Australian Studies.
- Write down a thesis statement for your essay.
- You CAN conduct more research but do not have to.
- Make sure you acknowledge all extra sources if you use any in your final essay.
- Come up with 3-4 paragraph arguments that support your thesis.
- Send your first draft to Studiosity or take a copy to your classroom teacher for
- Think about the feedback, and incorporate it into your final essay.
- Ensure that your essay is correctly referenced.
- Include your feedback as an appendix at the end of the essay (it is worth 10%).
- Submit your essay to Turnitin by Friday night.
Marking Rubric – Expository Essay
Expression The student has produced a piece of work in In most parts of the assessment, In most parts of the assessment, the The student’s writing is clear and mostly The student’s writing is clear, so that their
which most sentences are difficult to the student’s writing can be student’s writing can be understood formal, so that their intended meaning intended meaning can be understood.
20 marks understand, which makes the student’s understood. That is, the written and their meaning is mostly clear. can be understood. Their use of full Additionally, the writing is in a formal style, and
meaning unclear. expression enables the marker to The use of capital letters, full stops stops, commas and capital letters is correctly uses the terminology and language
understand what the student is and commas is mostly correct. mostly correct. Additionally, the from the unit and/or readings.
trying to say. student has made a good effort to use
some of the terminology and language
of the unit.
Understanding The student provides a response that either . The student provides a response The student provides a response that The student provides a response that The student provides a response that
of provided does not discuss the texts, or demonstrates a that demonstrates a mostly demonstrates an accurate demonstrates a detailed and accurate demonstrates a detailed and accurate
texts sustained misunderstanding of the texts. accurate understanding of some of understanding of the key ideas understanding of the key ideas understanding of the ideas presented in the
the ideas presented in the texts. presented in the texts. presented in the texts. reading. Additionally, the student has accurately
20 marks distinguished between the main arguments and
supporting evidence each text presents.
Comparison of The student provides a response that does not The student provides a response The student provides a response that The student provides a response that The student provides a response that compares
two articles compare the positions in the texts. that compares or contrasts the two compares or contrasts the two texts compares or contrasts the two texts on or contrasts the two texts on at least three
texts on at least one point and on at least one point, in detail, and at least two points, in detail, and with points, in concise detail, and with relevant
15 marks includes a general description or with relevant supporting examples relevant supporting examples for the supporting examples for the comparisons.
discussion. for the comparison. comparisons.
Evaluation The student provides a response that The student’s response includes a The student’s response includes a The student’s response provides a The student’s response provides a careful and
discusses the two articles but does not brief attempt to evaluate the two general evaluation of the two thoughtful evaluation of the arguments well-argued evaluation of the articles, justified
15 marks evaluate their arguments. articles. articles, supported by relevant provided in each article, and reaches a by reasons that are supported with reference to
reason(s) and evidence. convincing conclusion based on this ideas presented in the texts, unit and possibly
evaluation. beyond. It also provides a convincing conclusion
based on this evaluation.
Structure The student provides a response that is not The student provides a response The student’s response contains most In addition to the credit level, the In addition to the distinction level, the student’s
written in the style of an essay. that attempts to follow a basic elements of an essay, having drawn student provides a response that has a response presents a logical structure where the
10 marks essay structure, such as having on the requirements of the essay strong essay structure, with paragraphs argument presented in each paragraph is
introduction, body and conclusion plan including topic sentences, addressing one main point each, and logically connected to the other points made in
sections in accordance with the explanations, supporting evidence building up to a coherent, overall the essay, and the overall argument. The
essay plan. and concluding statements. argument. introduction and conclusion are clear and
Referencing The student has created a piece of work that An attempt to use quotation marks The use of quotation marks The student demonstrates a sound The student demonstrates a sound
makes no attempt to distinguish between indicates the student is aware of demonstrates a sound understanding understanding of where quotation understanding of where quotation marks and in-
10 marks their own words and ideas, and the words and the difference between quoting of the difference between quoting marks and in-text citations are needed, text citations are needed, and uses paraphrasing
ideas found in the source material. and paraphrasing. The attempt at and paraphrasing. The location of in- as well as paraphrasing. Additionally, effectively. Additionally, the student has
referencing demonstrates an text citation attempts demonstrate the student has attempted to format in- formatted most in-text citations and the
understanding of where in-text an understanding of where text citations and the reference list reference list according to the Harvard UWS
citations are needed. referencing is required according to the Harvard UWS style. style.
Response to The student has not sought feedback for this The student has evidence of The student has evidence of feedback The student has actively engaged with The student has actively engaged with the
feedback assessment or there is no clear evidence that feedback and has clearly attempted and has improved the quality of the the feedback provided and integrated feedback provided and has substantially
the feedback has been followed. to follow it. essay. those suggestions into their final essay. improved their final essay.
10 marks.