"Vehicle Dynamics Technologies To Provide Driving Pleasure" Round-Table Discussion
"Vehicle Dynamics Technologies To Provide Driving Pleasure" Round-Table Discussion
"Vehicle Dynamics Technologies To Provide Driving Pleasure" Round-Table Discussion
Round-Table Discussion
Mitsubishi Motors’ corporate philosophy is encapsulated in the following motto:
“We are committed to providing the utmost driving pleasure and safety for our valued cus-
tomers and our community. On these commitments we will never compromise. This is the
Mitsubishi Motors Way.”
In this issue focusing on driving pleasure, we hear from the engineers in charge of developing
the technologies for enhanced vehicle dynamics and 4WD systems, which provide the core support
for driving pleasure.
From left to right Vehicle Dynamics Testing Dept., Development Engineering Office
Advanced Chassis Engineering, Advanced Vehicle Engineering Dept., Tsuneaki NISHIDA (Chairman)
Development Engineering Office Vehicle Control Engineering, Advanced Vehicle Engineering Dept.,
Hiroyuki SUNOUCHI Development Engineering Office
Drivetrain Design, Drivetrain Engineering Dept., Sumio MOTOYAMA
Development Engineering Office Ride & Handling Testing, Vehicle Dynamics Testing Dept.,
Kaoru SAWASE Development Engineering Office
Master Evaluation, Testing Control Dept., Hiroshi SUGIMOTO
Development Engineering Office Advanced Vehicle Engineering Dept., Development Engineering Office
Hiroshi FUNO Yusuke KONDO
1. Introduction leading to the driver feeling that this spoils the fun of
driving the vehicle. This suggests that electronic con-
Nishida: In recent years, we have seen remarkable trol is not always welcome and there are areas where
progress in vehicle dynamics control technologies. intrinsic performance of the vehicle reigns. I think that
These technologies have the possibilities of allowing achieving an optimum combination of the two is an ulti-
drivers to operate a vehicle more safely and comfort- mate goal as we strive to offer driving pleasure to our
ably, even in difficult conditions or even if they are customers. Needless to say, the application of latest
unskilled. As you know, Mitsubishi Motors Corporation testing and analysis technologies, extensive field trials,
(MMC) has adopted “utmost driving pleasure” as a key and stringent and accurate evaluation are all indispens-
phrase expressing the driveability and roadability that able to achieving the goal.
is the fundamental attraction of our vehicles, aimed at With this in mind, it is worth reviewing to what point
producing exciting vehicles. These dynamic control our vehicle manufacturing has advanced in the field of
technologies are incorporated in the LANCER EVOLU- vehicle dynamics technology. Today, we have attend-
TION and other MMC vehicles and now support driving ing engineers who are involved in vehicle dynamics
pleasure as well as “toughness and safety”, which is technology development, from the control technology,
another of our key phrases. On the other hand, vehicle basic technology and testing and evaluation sections.
systems that work on these control technologies do not Please share your thoughts with everyone freely,
necessarily meet the driver’s expectation, sometimes including any difficulties you experienced.
“Vehicle Dynamics Technologies to Provide Driving Pleasure” Round-Table Discussion
“Vehicle Dynamics Technologies to Provide Driving Pleasure” Round-Table Discussion
such means as controlling the damping force has tems under the key theme of safety. The systems that
become increasingly active today. Do you have any follow these will be steering-related control systems
thoughts on this? because they have the potential to offer a high degree
Motoyama: Technologies for selecting suspension of freedom. Of course, one option is a system that com-
characteristics were predominant in development in bines these. The largest benefit of the EPS is a high
this field, but the trend has now shifted toward tech- degree of freedom of control. Its control is so free that
nologies for varying them continuously. The former we can even generate steering torque in the opposite
technologies aimed at selecting the best characteristics, direction to that of the driver’s input.
but actually selected characteristics might be neither Sunouchi: The EPS contributes less to the reduction
better nor worse, while the latter aims at continually of fuel consumption on larger vehicles. For these vehi-
adjusting the system to optimum characteristics. cles, the EPS will find its application in added functions,
Today, variable characteristics suspension systems are such as lane keeping and parking-assist systems, to
mostly employed on high-end luxury cars, but they will assist the driver rather than to reduce the fuel consump-
become popular with lower-priced vehicles. The key tion. The EPS will offer more potential in this area
factor that decides whether the systems on high-end where the capabilities offered by hydraulic means have
cars will evolve further will be the energy they con- reached a limit.
sume. The weight of the additional control system for Motoyama: I think another key point for success in
the drivetrain or steering system is greater than that of the EPS is the embodiment of steering feel that is avail-
the braking system. The additional system for the sus- able only with an electric system control. The target is
pension system is heavier than that of the drivetrain or not something on a par with, but rather that exceeds
steering system. As the weight increases, more power hydraulic systems. Steering feel adds “flavor” to the
is consumed. An active steering system, for example, vehicle.
requires a maximum current of 10 A, approximately the Nishida: On a different topic, electric systems
same current as that of brake lamps, but an extra con- remind me of MMC’s MiEV electric vehicle.
trol system added to the suspension system weighs Funo: The MiEV has a low center of gravity, which
more and therefore consumes more current. means good stability in vehicle control. It sways little
Sunouchi: Currently, air suspension systems are and only has a small load transfer in cornering, so you
employed in some high-end sedans and sport utility feel like the center of gravity is near the wheel axis. The
vehicles (SUV). Hydraulically operated fully active sus- location of the battery has been optimized, so the distri-
pensions were used in the past, but what we have today bution of the vehicle mass is well controlled. Because
is classified as a semi-active type of suspension. the electric motor responds much better to accelerator
Motoyama: Hydraulic systems consume sufficient operation than a mechanical engine, I think it is reason-
power to change the result of emissions test cycle dri- able to design the response rather conservatively to
ving. In this sense, electric active suspensions will be prevent the driver from perceiving a surprising differ-
more feasible than hydraulic systems. Electric systems ence from gasoline engine vehicles when using the
allow energy to be regenerated. Another merit is a accelerator, although suppressing a good response is
much larger range of control. wasteful. What is important is a good-feeling response,
Nishida: The conversion of various chassis systems low electricity consumption and problem-free running
into electrically operated systems is now advancing. distances. The i MiEV runs really well. It is definitely a
The most important of these is electric power steering next-generation electric car.
Sunouchi: EPS has had a issue in its steering feel. 3. Drivetrain control technology
However, it can now give almost the same level of feel-
ing as a hydraulic system. Nevertheless, friction and Nishida: How about drivetrain control? Electronics
motor inertia remain an EPS challenge to be addressed. have been applied to 4WD and other drivetrain controls
Besides the hardware, the approach may include to enhance the vehicle’s dynamic performance.
enhancing the software. Sawase: Electronic traction control technologies
Funo: EPS control technology may have the poten- intended to enhance cornering performance, in addition
tial to give the driver a sporty feel. to traction, are becoming the mainstream. Early elec-
Motoyama: The increased worm gear friction with tronic control applied to the 4WD system was an on-
the EPS is caused by road surface inputs. It is possible demand system that allowed high-speed on-road dri-
to solve this problem by developing the control technol- ving and distributed more torque to the rear wheels as
ogy, but this requires tremendous skill. Even with the lateral acceleration increased. At MMC, the first drive-
best EPS today, the steering feel it provides is not as train control introduced as a means of enhancing the
good as that with the best hydraulic power steering sys- vehicle’s dynamic performance was the system
tem in particular aspects. employed in the 1992 GALANT. This is the first fully-
Nishida: The EPS reduces fuel consumption. How fledged system that controls the distribution of traction
about its contribution to the vehicle’s dynamic perfor- between the front and rear wheels by using the center
mance? differential full-time 4WD as a base system. Few peo-
Motoyama: We are going to expand the application ple will know about this system because it was only pro-
of the stability control and brake-related control sys- duced in small volumes (laughter). Today, electronic
“Vehicle Dynamics Technologies to Provide Driving Pleasure” Round-Table Discussion
“Vehicle Dynamics Technologies to Provide Driving Pleasure” Round-Table Discussion
identified as an embodiment of the concept in question numerical values alone, so we do not consider only the
in Europe. In Japan, the concept is called “Direct Yaw data. Indeed, there are good and bad images of a vehi-
Moment Control” or “DYC”. cle’s dynamic characteristics, but the image can be
Nishida: MMC has now introduced the concept in expressed in words rather than in numerical values.
the All Wheel Control (AWC) and Super All Wheel Funo: During the development of the S-AWC, we
Control (S-AWC). evaluated performance by using a sensory method and
Sawase: AWC is a set of 4WD-based technologies the results were expressed in a point rating system.
to optimally control and use the performance available However, the rating alone could not represent the full
from the four tires fully. Its most advanced form is the picture, so we tried to convey our views on the sensa-
S-AWC system. The system mounted on the LANCER tion, flavor and feel of the vehicle in close communica-
EVOLUTION series is the result of steady enhancement tion with the system developers, using descriptive com-
over the years, and its high degree of perfection and ments.
speed performance having been verified in a number of Motoyama: I can tell you that data were used only
races. Application of the technology should not be lim- for the presentation at the completion meeting of the
ited to the LANCER EVOLUTION. system development, ... data that we collected a long
time ago (laughter).
4. S-AWC on the LANCER EVOLUTION X Nishida: Were there any negative comments by the
Nishida: What was the initial market reaction to the Funo: There were a few. If the system is not in sync
S-AWC at the launch of the LANCER EVOLUTION X? with the driver, he or she may initially feel that the sys-
Funo: I attended press events; the S-AWC was giv- tem restricts the driver’s control of the vehicle. Some
en a very high mark. The system enables truly stable drivers fear that, after trying a vehicle with S-AWC, their
driving without the need for the driver to use any spe- driving skill could suffer when they return to their own
cial form of control. cars.
Nishida: Were there any “unpleasant feel” com- Sawase: Even if you are not a highly skilled driver,
ments? the system lets you drive with fewer mistakes and,
Funo: There were almost no comments of this kind. should you make a mistake, the system helps you to
Compared with the previous model (the LANCER EVO- quickly recover from it. Paradoxically, this causes con-
LUTION IX), the new system operates in many more cern, but the EVOLUTION X still makes driving fun and
scenarios and with greater control. Nonetheless, the helps the driver hone their skills in “toughness and safe-
system enables the vehicle to respond faithfully to the ty” before “upgrading” to cars without S-AWC.
driver’s control. The previous system sometimes Funo: The excellent performance of the S-AWC can
required the driver to use special maneuvers so that it be fully demonstrated provided the vehicle itself has
could fully demonstrate its performance. Such driver good characteristics. No matter how sophisticated the
considerations are not necessary with the new system. system, it cannot demonstrate its full capability and the
It indeed gives a natural feel. To make this possible, the driver cannot enjoy it unless the vehicle itself has solid
workload is increased on the part of the vehicle’s sys- characteristics. For example, the system cannot per-
tem. form properly unless the vehicle can reflect the lateral
Sawase: The driver can control the LANCER EVO- acceleration it receives exactly. The basic performance
LUTION X even in situations where he or she would not of the vehicle is very important.
be able to handle an ordinary vehicle, during high later- The tires are also key for a successful demonstration
al acceleration cornering for example, without the need of the system’s performance. The tires selected for the
for special maneuvers. LANCER EVOLUTION X were low rolling resistance
Motoyama: I often heard comments like, “It feels as tires, which now offer good grip due to recent technical
if my driving skills have improved”. Racing drivers developments. As a person who works with system
made comments like, “It makes driving easier”. evaluation, I certainly feel that tire performance is gen-
Sawase: It generally has a reputation for being just erally enhancing. In the LANCER EVOLUTION X, you
amazing. The vehicle behaves quite stably. Our devel- will find that its tires wear in an even pattern. This
opment goal for the system was stable running and the shows that the S-AWC acts positively on the tires. The
market appreciates that goal. front tires carry a lower load.
Nishida: How did you determine the target quality We also sought optimum control of road contact
of each control factor while building up the overall per- loads of the four wheels in developing the AWC system.
formance of the system? To obtain better traction and braking control efficiency
Sawase: When we started handling so-called vehi- from tires, you must keep proper control of the tires’
cle dynamics control systems, we placed more impor- road contact loads. Our success in this area depends
tance on numerical values than on other factors, but significantly on optimizing the vehicle dimensions (a
what we now respect more than numerical values is the wider track width and lower center of gravity) to prevent
solid performance of the system during driving tests. excessive variation in the tires’ vertical loads, which
We adjust the control factors according to comments would result from load transfer. It is also important to
and suggestions from test drivers. In development control vertical loads for traction control. Lower verti-
now, we recognize that a goal cannot be determined on cal loads result in less transmission of traction, which
“Vehicle Dynamics Technologies to Provide Driving Pleasure” Round-Table Discussion
“Vehicle Dynamics Technologies to Provide Driving Pleasure” Round-Table Discussion
“Vehicle Dynamics Technologies to Provide Driving Pleasure” Round-Table Discussion