Chapter 8 Developing Managers

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Shahid Hossain

MGT 351

Chapter 8 Developing managers

-Management development
-Any attempt to improve current or future management
performance by
-Imparting knowledge
-Changing attitudes
-Increasing skills

-General management development process consists of

-Assessing the company’s needs for future executive

-Management development is important because

-It prepares junior managers for future promotions
-Helps to socialize management trainees

-Changing nature of mgmt

-Employees are rotated through programmed series
departmental assignment and educational experience
-This also gives them a breadth of experience

-Succession planning
-Usually executive positions like CEOs are filled this

-Stages of succession planning

-Org projection
-The firm anticipates the dept’s mgmt needs based on
factors like planned expansion or contraction

-Mgmt skills inventory

-HR reviews the skills inventory

-Replacement charts

Shahid Hossain
MGT 351

-Managerial on the job training

-Job rotation
-Mgmt training technique involves moving a trainee from
dept to dept to broaden his/her experience and identify his
strengths and weaknesses

-Advantages of job rotation

-Disadvantages of rotation
-Focus is more on mere performance NOT efficiency

-To improve job rotation

-This program should be tailored to the needs and capabilities
of then trainees
-Trainees’ interests, aptitudes, and career interests should be

-Coaching/understudy approach
-Here the trainee works directly with the person he/she is to
-It gives the trainee a direct chance to learn the job
-To be effective the executive has to be a good coach

-Junior boards
-This gives the juniors an invaluable experience in real life
business matters
-Also referred as multiple mgmt

-Action learning
-Here the trainee meets with 4/5 persons project group where
they discuss and debates about their progress

Shahid Hossain
MGT 351

-Action learning may require good cooperation from other


-Pros and cons of action learning

-It gives trainees with real experience with actual
-Helps in developing their skills in analysis and
-One problem is employer looses the service of a full-
time good manager for sometime while they are gone
for action learning

-Managerial off the job training

-Case study method
-Mgmt games
-Outside seminars
-University related programs
-Behavior modeling

-Case study method

-Here the trainees learn how to diagnose a problem using
different judgment
-They also realize that many times their ways of solving a
problem is influenced by their needs and values

-Case method has five main features

-Some suggestions about case method

-Use the cases from the present company

-Make sure the does not dominate the session

Shahid Hossain
MGT 351

-Mgmt games
-Development technique where teams of managers compete
with one another by making computerized decisions
regarding realistic but simulated companies

-Pros and cons of mgmt games

-People learn best when they get involved
-Games are more interesting than other methods
-But in real life managers more often rewarded creative
decision making

-Outside seminars

-University related program

-Employer’s contribution
-Many employers encourage their employees to go for higher



-Behavior modeling
-Training technique where trainees are first shown good
mgmt technique in film and then they are asked to play roles
as per the film in a simulated situation and finally they are
given feedback
-Watching is converted into doing

-Things covered are

-First line supervisors are trained on employee-
supervisor relationship program
-The process involves

Shahid Hossain
MGT 351

-Organizational development (OD)

-A method of changing the attitudes, values, and beliefs of
employees so that employees can improve the organization

-Involves three factors

-Survey feedback

-Sensitivity training
-Participants’ feeling and attitude are expresses in
frank manner

-Team building
-Sometimes the consultant meet with each team
member separately and then in a group

-9,9 managers

-Learning org
-An org that is skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring
knowledge and at modifying its behavior to reflect new
knowledge and insights

-Five engagements of learning org

-HR and systematic problem solving
-A learning org depend son scientific method not
on guessing

-HR and experimentation

-Experimentation means systematic searching for
and testing for new info and knowledge

-HR and learning from experience

-Case study and precedent can be used to guide

Shahid Hossain
MGT 351

problem solving
-HR and learning from others
-Companies have to look beyond their interior to
gain further insights into new knowledge


-HR and transferring knowledge

-Spreading knowledge quickly and effectively
throughout the org

-Executive development program

-Five key factors
-1. Extensive and visible involvement by the CEO

-2. A successful development process have a clearly

articulated and understood executive development policy
and philosophy
-Philosophy includes
-Ensuring the availability of qualified executives
for current and future openings
-Develop the junior managers to assume future

-3. Successful executive development program is clearly

linked to the Corporations’ business strategies, objectives,
and vision

-4. Successful EDP involves three things

-Annual succession planning process

-5. EDP is the responsibility of the line managers not the staff
(like HR)

-Executive development in global companies

Shahid Hossain
MGT 351

-For international assignment follow these guidelines

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