Shahid Hossain MGT 351

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Shahid Hossain

MGT 351

Chapter 5 Employee testing and selection

-Why selection process is important

-Management is process of collective performance

-Cost involves
-Search fees
-Interview time
-Reference check
-Travel time and accommodation
-Legal bindings
-Court wants to make sure no one has been
discriminated against
-Older folks, women, and minorities, and

-Negligent hiring
-Courts will hold employers liable for hiring
people who have bad records in this area
-Employers are to hire employees with sound
background who will add value to the firm

-Balancing EEO and negligent hiring

-Just because an applicant had criminal record does not
mean he/she will not get the job

-Things to be careful about

-Reject applications who have falsified records or hid

-Basic testing concepts

-Some test has direct relationship with the employee’s
behavior on the job

Shahid Hossain
MGT 351

-Some tests do not have any direct relationship with the

-It is more of a projective personality test that tries to
explain how a person behaves and perceives his

-Test validity
-The accuracy with which the test or the interview
measures what it was supposed to measure.

-Validity of test
-It means that the test is directly job related and
the result is a valid predictor of the job

-There are two ways to demonstrate a test’s

-Criterion validity
-Validity based upon showing that the
scores on the test (predictor) are
related to the job performance
-Content validity
-Refers to the tests that contain fair
sample of the tasks and skills actually
require for the job in question


-Retest estimate

-Equivalent form estimate

Shahid Hossain
MGT 351

-Sources of unreliability
-A test may become unreliable if there is a wide time
gap between two equivalent tests

-Chance response tendencies

-Change in the testing conditions

-Change in the applicant’s behavior

-How to validate a test?

-Validation process usually has five steps
-Analyze the job

-Choose your tests

-Administer test
-One way to do this is to administer the tests on
the employees on the job already and compare
them against the applicants in question

-Relate test score and criteria

-Usually a correlation analysis is done using
statistical means

-Cross validation and revalidation

-Guidelines for testing

-Use tests as supplements
-Don’t solely depend on test numbers to decide

-Validate the tests in YOUR organizations

-Analyze all your current hiring and promotion standards

Shahid Hossain
MGT 351

-Ask your self why you are using those measures

-Keep accurate records

-Provide fair test conditions

-Be confidential with the test results

-Types of tests
-Cognitive (mental) abilities
-Motor and physical abilities
-Personality and interests

-Test of cognitive abilities

-Intelligence test

-Specific cognitive abilities

-More known as aptitude test

-Test for motor and physical abilities

-Measuring personality and interests

-Individual motivation and interpersonal skills are taken into
-The expert tries to draw analogies about the personality trait
and the success on the job
-Industrialists apply the Big Five Model

-Emotional stability



Shahid Hossain
MGT 351

-Openness to experience

-Achievement tests

-Work samples

-Develop work-sampling procedure

-Management assessment centers

-Situation where a management candidates are asked to make
decisions in hypothetical situations and are scored on their

-Miniature job training

-Candidate is trained to perform a sample of the job’s task
and his or her ability to perform these tasks are then

-Background investigation and reference checks

-Involves checking the credit history & reference checks
-Very important for financial jobs

-Effectiveness of reference checks is questionable

-Former employer may supply incorrect information
that may cause the applicant to be declined
-Sometimes former managers provide false positive
information about his current employee just to get rid
of them

-Physical examination

-Drug test
-These tests should be conducted without any prior notice

-Compliance with the immigration laws

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