Blood Blood Cell Formation Bone Marrow
Blood Blood Cell Formation Bone Marrow
Blood Blood Cell Formation Bone Marrow
Inorganic components
BONE MARROW ➢ Na, K, Mg, P, Fe
Organic components
▪ Blood Consists of
➢ Cells suspended in a fluid that flow in a regular ➢ Urea, creatinine, uric acid, glucose,
unidirectional movement within the closed cholesterol, and enzymes (lipase, amylase,
circulatory system. protease)
▪ Normal proportion
Active marrow in adults
o 65% granulocytes and their precursors
o Pelvic bones (34 %) o 25% erythroid precursors
o Vertebrae (28%) o 10% lymphocytes and monocytes and their
o Cranium and mandible (13 %) precursors
o Sternum and ribs (10 %)
o Extreme proximal portions of femur and humerus ▪ Normal Myeloid to Erythroid (M:E) ratio:
(4-8 %) o 2 to 3:1