The Lymphatic System
The Lymphatic System
The Lymphatic System
▪ And organic acids in specific regions lower the pH Antigen bound to the immunoglobulin receptors on B cells
locally to either kill entering microorganisms directly or (BCRs) is endocytosed, processed, and presented on MCH
inhibit their growth. class II proteins to helper T cells.
Red Pulp
➢ Lymph nodes are bean-shaped, encapsulated ➢ Closed Circulation, moving from capillaries into the
structures, generally only 10 mm by 2.5 cm in size, venous sinusoids.
distributed throughout the body along the
lymphatic vessels. ➢ Open Circulation, with capillaries opening directly
➢ Filters lymph into the splenic cords.
➢ Site for B-cell activation and differentiation.
➢ Interaction with splenic cord macrophages that
remove old, swollen RBCs unable to slip between stave
cells to reenter the venous blood flow.