Integrated Water Resources Management / Akhouryan River: Armenia
Integrated Water Resources Management / Akhouryan River: Armenia
Integrated Water Resources Management / Akhouryan River: Armenia
83-1302e-cc.docx 36210
Brief Project Description
More than one third of the Armenian population is involved in agriculture providing between 20 and 30% of
the gross domestic product (GDP) of the country. Most of the agricultural production is obtained under
irrigation which plays a decisive role for crop yield. To regulate seasonal varying river discharges, dams and
reservoirs were designed and built until the 1980s. The construction of Kaps Dam and Reservoir at the
Akhouryan River near Gyumri, Province of Shirak, was started, but not completed due to worsening of the
economic situation which followed the devastating Spitak earth-quake in 1988 and the collapse of Soviet
Union in 1991.
Therefore, it is intended to first restore the water conveying system (Kaps reservoir and the pipeline system)
as an immediate measure during self-contained Project Phase 1, while the irrigation system itself shall be
developed during a later Phase 2.
Under Phase 1, a certain completion of the dam though with a lower height than originally planned is
foreseen in order to decrease the risk emanating from the incomplete dam structure and provide water per
gravity for irrigation to the surrounding farm lands. This will imply the construction of a dam, a spillway and
the provision of a gated irrigation outlet. Phase 1 thus foresees the construction of a small dam of about 10
m height on the existing dam body (crest level at 1708 m amsl) with its appurtenant spillway and outlet
facilities, securing the safety of the site. The created storage capacity of 6 Mm³ will provide irrigation water
and improved water provision for about 2200 ha of land.
Furthermore, the transportation of water to the irrigation schemes requires a pipeline connection to the sites
of the present pumping stations. These pumping stations are old, partially out of operation and highly energy
consuming. The hydraulic pressure created by the restored dam would substitute pump pressure allowing
the elimination of 8 pumping stations, irrigation by gravity and thus the saving of energy.
As a second project component during a further stage (Phase 2), the improvement and modernization of the
field irrigation systems and technology is envisaged. Canals and water distribution systems are in bad shape
and applied techniques on low level causing high water losses. Phase 2 shall be based on a holistic
approach for an Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) for the Akhouryan River Basin (Basin
Action Plan) - including Lake Arpi National Park - that promotes coordinated development and management
of water, land, and related resources to maximize economic and social welfare equitably, without
compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems.
Familiarizing with existing feasibility studies, reports, designs of Kaps Reservoir and Gravity Irrigation
Inventory of implementation and operation capacities available within the PEA, Shirak Water Users
Association, “Akhouryan-Araks” Water Supply Agency and the future operators, specification of
operation requirements, verification of operation facilities and proposed operation concepts and
elaboration of a proposal for the qualification of the PEA and future operators;
Establishment of an updated feasibility study for both the Kaps dam and the irrigation schemes
Supporting the PEA, Shirak Water Users Association, “Akhouryan-Araks” Water Supply Agency and
other stakeholders during tendering and contracting procedures for the implementation of Phase 1,
e.g. by preparing the detailed design, tender documents according to the standard terms and
conditions for tenders, including the estimate of quantities, technical description of equipment and
facilities, preparing a draft contract; update of the project cost; evaluation of bids; evaluation report
and award recommendation (optional);
Carrying out supervision and administration of supply and works contracts as well as disbursements
during the implementation of Phase 1 (optional);
Developing a basin management strategy and a basin management plan for the Akhouryan River
Basin to provide a blue print for rationally managing and developing the basin water resources for
multisectoral needs.
83-1302e-cc.docx 36210