CSTP 6 Mauger 11

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Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Is aware of the need to Begins to engage in Engages in reflection Reflects individually Maintains ongoing
reflect on teaching reflection on teaching individually and with and with colleagues reflective practice and
practice to support practice individually colleagues on the on refinements in action research in
student learning. and with colleagues relationship between teaching practice and supporting student
Reflects individually or that is focused on making adjustments connections among learning and raising
with colleagues on methods to support in teaching practice the elements of the the level of academic
immediate student the full range of and impact on the full CSTP to positively achievement.
learning needs. learners. range of learners. impact the full range 11/9/22
9/21/21 of learners. Engages in and fosters
4/28/22 reflection among
colleagues for school
wide impact on
student learning.
There are many ways Being observed this I reflect on my own
that I reflect on my school year by my teaching practices by
teaching practices. One principal, mentor reflecting on my
6.1 Reflecting on way that I check for teacher, school student's learning. I use
teaching practice in student learning is psychologist, and speech formative and
support of student through formative pathologist has helped summative assessments
assessments while me reflect on my own to help me better
learning teaching. I often use exit teaching practices. They understand what my
tickets in my math have given me so much students retain from the
lessons to ensure that feedback on how I can lessons that I teach. I
the students are meeting improve my lessons. reflect on what teaching
the learning goals. I also Because I am teaching in practices are effective
observe student person this school year I with my students and
behavior during my have had many more adjust future lesson
lessons to ensure that opportunities to discuss plans to include those
they are engaged and and reflect on my teaching strategies. I
learning. I often reflect teaching practices with adjust my plans between
back on my lessons to my colleagues. The the different school
see what I should kindergarten team years to meet the needs
change to help improve meets twice a month to of my current students. I
student learning in my discuss issues we are meet with my grade
next lesson. Depending facing in our classrooms level team to discuss
on the success of my and what steps we can how their students are
lesson I may adjust take to address and fix doing and how I can
future activities. the problem. improve.
9/21/21 4/28/22 3/25/23
Develops goals Sets goals connected Sets goals connected Sets and modifies Sets and modifies a
connected to the CSTP to the CSTP that take to the CSTP that are authentic goals broad range of
through required into account authentic, challenging, connected to the CSTP professional goals
processes and local self-assessment of and based on self- that are intellectually connected to the CSTP
protocols. teaching practice. assessment. challenging and based to improve
4/28/22 on self-assessment instructional practice
Attends required Expands knowledge and feedback from a and impact student
professional and skills individually Aligns personal goals variety of sources. learning within and
development. and with colleagues with school and beyond the classroom.
through available district goals, and Engages in and 3/25/23
professional focuses on improving contributes to Engages in ongoing
development. student learning. professional inquiry into teacher
9/21/21 4/28/22 development targeted practice for
on student professional
Selects and engages in achievement. Pursues development.
6.2 Establishing
professional a variety of additional 3/25/23
professional goals
development based on opportunities to learn Contributes to
and engaging in needs identified in professionally. professional
continuous and professional goals. 11/9/22 organizations, and
purposeful 4/28/22 development
professional opportunities to
growth and extend own teaching
development practice.
I have found as a new I set goals for myself and I attend as many Through the course of
teacher attending as my class this semester professional this semester, I have
many PD days as I can off of the CSTP’s. I chose development days as I addressed the CSTP’s
helps me to become a CSTP goals based on can, and when given the while completing my
better teacher and fit in what I felt I needed the opportunity, I choose teacher leader project. I
with my school’s most improvement on. I professional now know that I can also
learning culture. My also had to choose goals development that I think be a teacher leader
school has many virtual for myself and work to would most benefit my which addresses the
PD days that cover our improve on them for the students. I set CSTP CSTP standards as well
online learning district. Although I try to goals for the teaching as the TLMS standards. I
platforms as well as attend every PD induction program in feel confident in my
different instructional available, when I can't addition to my principal ability to create another
strategies. I also discuss make them all I try to every semester. This professional
professional growth choose the the PD’s that semester my focus was development and share
with veteran teachers on address my areas of CSTP 1, 2, and my it with the entire staff at
my grade level team. need improvement. district sets CSTP 6. a PLC meeting.
9/21/21 4/28/22 11/9/22 3/25/23
Attends staff, grade Consults with Collaborates with Collaborates with Facilitates
level, department, and colleagues to consider colleagues to improve colleagues to expand collaboration with
other required how best to support student learning and impact on teacher and colleagues.
meetings and teacher and student reflect on teaching student learning 3/25/23
collaborations. learning. practice at the within grade or Works to ensure the
classroom level. department and broadest positive
Identifies student and Begins to identify how 4/28/22 school and district impact possible on
teacher resources at to access student and levels. instructional practice
the school and district teacher resources in and student
level. the broader Interacts with Engages with achievement at school
professional members of the members of the and district levels and
community. broader professional broader professional for the profession.
9/21/21 community to access community to access 3/25/23
resources that resources and a wide Initiates and develops
6.3 Collaborating support teacher range of supports for professional learning
with colleagues effectiveness and teaching the full range opportunities with the
and the broader student learning of learners. broader professional
professional 4/28/22 11/9/22 community focused on
community to student achievement.
I make it a priority to I collaborate with the I meet with my grade Through the work on my
support teacher meet with the other other members of the level team bi-weekly to teacher leader project I
and student teachers in my grade kindergarten team to discuss at-risk students was able to help unify
learning level team on a weekly help me plan out and different teaching the kindergarten team
basis. We collaborate in activities for my class. I practices. We discuss and bring us together to
our lesson planning as also talk with my what has been working try and learn about
well as how to manage school’s principal, in our classrooms and additional educational
student behavior and special education what concepts that our technologies and
parent communication. teacher, speech students are currently strategies. The team was
I also speak with our pathologist, and the struggling with. I also so supportive of the
GATE coordinator on school counselor to help participate in online work that I completed
how I can include more me be the most effective teaching communities and were interested in
GATE strategies into my teacher. The school specific to my grade other new technologies
daily lessons. I also psychologist in level and curriculum. that I am using such as
consult our school’s particular has been These online Canva and Chat GPT. By
specialists on how I can really helpful this school communities share completing my first TLP
best meet the needs of year with managing lesson ideas, materials, I have gained the
all of my different difficult behaviors in the advice, and are also confidence to share
student groups. classroom. available for you to ask what I know with other
9/21/21 4/28/22 questions. teachers at my school.
11/9/22 3/25/23
Is aware of the role of Acknowledges the Supports families to Provides Structures a wide
the family in student importance of the contribute to the opportunities and range of opportunities
learning and the need family’s role in classroom and school. support for families to for families to
for interactions with student learning. Adjusts actively participate in contribute to the
families. Seeks information communication to the classroom and classroom and school
about cultural norms families based on school. community. Supports
of families awareness of cultural 4/28/22 a school/district
represented in the norms and wide range environment in which
school. Welcomes of experiences with Communicates to families take
family involvement at schools. families in ways which leadership to improve
classroom/ school 9/21/21 show understanding student learning.
events. of and respect for 11/9/22
cultural norms. 3/25/23
There are many different This year has been very I participate in
ways that I communicate difficult to have families schoolwide PTA events
and work with families participate in the that bring students,
to support student classroom activities. Due teachers, and families
6.4 Working with
learning. I speak with to Covid 19 we have not together. Just this
families to support parents on a daily basis been able to allow any October we had a
student learning through the use of non student or non trunk-or-treat event
Seesaw, phone calls, and faculty member on where I came to school
face-to-face campus. I did volunteer at night, decorated my
communication with and involve my students' car, wore a Halloween
parents at student families in our schools costume, and passed out
pickup. I also send drive thru halloween candy to the students. I
home weekly letters event. I communicate also work with parents
about what is going on with families everyday in my classroom, where
in our classroom, hold a at the school gate as well we plan out events,
virtual open house, and as over the phone and fundraisers, field trips,
have scheduled on Seesaw. To and book fairs for the
parent-teacher incorporate my students. Last school
conferences. I also students' families in the year I worked with the
utilize the Spanish and classroom I had each PTA and parents in my
Vietnamese interpreters student bring in a classroom to plan and
that we have in the front picture of them with decorate for
office to help their families. I have a kindergarten
communicate with photo board up on the graduation. I
families who do not wall in my classroom communicate with
speak English at home. with all the pictures. families daily.
9/21/21 4/28/22 3/25/23
Develops awareness Seeks available Uses a variety of Uses a broad range of Collaborates with
about local neighborhood and neighborhood and neighborhood and community members
neighborhoods and community resources. community resources community resources to increase
communities 4/28/22 to support the to support the instructional and
surrounding the curriculum. instructional program, learning opportunities
school. students, and families. for students.
Includes references or Includes knowledge of
Uses available connections to communities when Draws from Engages students in
neighborhood and communities in single designing and understanding of leadership and service
community resources lessons or sequence of implementing community to in the community.
in single lessons. lessons. instruction improve and enrich Incorporates
9/21/21 4/28/22 the instructional community members
program. into the school
3/25/23 learning community.
I am aware of a few of I have been trying to I have been engaging Now that our district has
the surrounding branch out to with the community by officially declared that
6.5 Engaging local community resources. In community resources attending the school’s we are out of a Covid 19
particular, my school and this semester. One way trunk-or-treat event state of emergency we
communities in
I promote local tutoring that I did this was by where students, families, are allowed to have
support of the centers and after-school talking to the manager and other local parent volunteers in our
instructional sports programs. I also at a local restaurant that community members classrooms. This has
program play videos from the my students' families can come and get candy helped to improve my
local high school that can eat at. After from our decorated cars. relationship with my
highlights their different speaking with the I am learning about students families by
cultural clubs. During manager I was able to traditional holidays for bringing them in to
both Vietnamese and get coupons for the the Vietnamese and attend field trips,
Hispanic holidays, I show entire school that are Hispanic cultures which volunteer in the
videos of the high school good for a free kids make up a majority of classroom, and attend
students singing and meal. I have also been my student community. assesmblys. This school
dancing in traditional working in the garden For example, we recently year we were able to
cultural attire. We also and involving local celebrated Dia De Los invite families to come
discuss the different communities members Muertos, and I am and watch the Tet
community events that such as the neighbors looking forward to festival dancers with our
are held to celebrate the across the street and celebrating Tet again class. I also was able to
Tet festival which is very local boy scouts. They this year with my class. bring five parent
important to both my have been volunteering We are still working volunteers with me on
students and their and helping transform a with a local boy scout our class farm field trip.
families. I allow students large garden space on troop to get our school Covid 19 made this
to come to school in their my school's campus as garden back up and much more difficult the
traditional outfits. well as donating goods. running. previous two years.
9/21/21 4/28/22 11/9/22 3/25/23
Develops an Maintains Anticipates Integrates the full Models
understanding of professional professional range of professional professionalism and
professional responsibilities in responsibilities and responsibilities into supports colleagues in
responsibilities. timely ways and seeks manages time and advanced planning meeting and
support as needed. effort required to and prepares for exceeding
Seeks to meet required meet expectations. situations that may be professional
commitments to Demonstrates challenging. Responsibilities
students. commitment by Pursues ways to 4/28/22 effectively.
exploring ways to support students’ Maintains continual 11/9/22
address individual diverse learning needs effort to seek, develop, Supports colleagues to
student needs. and maintains belief and refine new and maintain the
in students’ capacity creative methods to motivation, resiliency,
for achievement. ensure individual and energy to ensure
9/21/21 student learning. that all students
4/28/22 achieve.
6.6 Managing
I have many different While I was going I participate in activities
professional hobbies that help to through my student put on by the school to
responsibilities to balance my personal and teaching assignment I try and increase
maintain professional life. I enjoy created a google drive comradery between the
motivation and fishing, playing hockey, and started filing away teachers. For example,
commitment to all and spending time with student activities, lesson for Halloween, all
my dog in my free time. plans, classroom teachers were asked to
students This helps me to connect management ideas as bring their favorite treat
with my students and well as many other to school. Although
have a positive attitude resources. This drive has many teachers did not
with my students and really helped in my participate I made
colleagues. I also find planning this school homemade banana
time on the weekends to year. By planning out my bread and brought in
create additional year in advance I have festive napkins to share
supports to help meet many opportunities to with the other teachers
the learning needs of my adjust my plans if an at school. We are also
students. By balancing unplanned situation celebrating the teacher's
my personal and occurs. I am constantly birthdays one day each
professional life I am trying to learn and semester. I am bringing
able to enjoy teaching improve upon my own treats and helping to
and meet all of my teaching. I learn a lot decorate the teacher's
responsibilities as a from other teachers that lounge for birthdays that
teacher. post ideas online. fall in the second
9/21/21 4/28/22 semester.
Follows all state education codes, legal requirements, district and site Maintains a high standard of personal integrity
policies, contractual agreements, and ethical responsibilities.* and commitment to student learning and the
* As follows: profession in all circumstances.
● Take responsibility for student academic learning outcomes.
● Is aware of own personal values and biases and recognizes ways in Contributes to building professional community
which these values and biases affect the teaching and learning of and holding peers accountable to norms of
students. respectful treatment and communication.
● Adheres to legal and ethical obligations in teaching the full ranges of
learners, including English learners and students with special needs. Contributes to fostering a school culture with a
● Reports suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect as outlined in the high degree of resilience, professional integrity,
California Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act. and ethical conduct.
● Maintains a non-hostile classroom environment and carries out laws 9/21/21
and district guidelines for reporting cases of sexual harassment. 4/28/22
● Understands and implements school and district policies and state and 11/9/22
federal law in responding to inappropriate or violent student behavior. 3/25/23
● Complies with legal and professional obligations to protect the privacy,
6.7 Demonstrating health, and safety of students, families, and other school professionals.
professional ● Models appropriate behavior for students, colleagues, and the
responsibility, profession.
integrity, and ● Acts in accordance with ethical considerations for students.
ethical conduct ● Maintains professional conduct and integrity in the classroom and
school community.
As a young teacher, I feel maintaining a professional
demeanor is critical to receiving respect from both
my colleagues and student parents. I value student
safety and make it a priority to meet all of the state
safety requirements. Maintaining a positive
classroom environment is a priority in my classroom
from the first day of school to the last. I model
appropriate behavior for my students and show
them the respect I expect to see in the classroom. I
also value the California state standards and
learning goals in addition to the district pacing
guides. I consult our school’s professionals to make
sure I am meeting the requirements of my EL
students in addition to my special needs students
and their IEP’s

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