Poultry Breeds
Poultry Breeds
Poultry Breeds
1. Write about exotic breeds of poultry
2. Write about other species of poultry
Poultry are domesticated avian species that can be raised for eggs, meat and/ or feathers. The
term poultry covers a wide range of birds, from indigenous and commercial breeds of chickens to
Muscovy ducks, mallard ducks, turkeys, quinoa fowl, geese quail, pigeons, ostriches and
The following are the poultry breed of birds reared.
Exotic breeds and
Indigenous or local breeds.
Exotic breeds refers to a foreign birds which are imported from other countries and are used for
Before you started with raising meat birds there are some things you need to consider, where will
they live, how long will you raise them, in a pasture system or in a coop. what do meat chicken
eat? How long will you get a continuous supply of water to them?
Feeding exotic chicken 1 to 3 weeks with chicken mash,
3 to 6 weeks feed with broiler starter thereafter with broiler finisher.
Water source should be placed in drinkers raised from birds reach.
Fast growth rate
Heavy meat production
Good disposition
They have health problems like heart problem and leg issues.
Not recommended for reproduction
Require a lot of feeds
Not sustainable for long term
2. BIG RED BROILERS: these are hybrid meat chicken breed that is basically an updated of reg
rangers. They are great alternative to cross chicken.
These birds are great on pasture they are good foregars.This means that they will require less
Red broilers they do lay red eggs but they are not known to go broody and are not recommended
for reproduction as most are infertile.
Egg at maturity is 12weeks
Average mature weight is 7 to 10 LBS.
Good forager
First growth
Lots of meat without health issues
Good test
Not recommended for reproduction
Take a couple weeks longer than Cornish
Inconsistent growth rates
3. BRESSE: raised in the brasses region of France but there’s on American brasses breed that
you can purchase for use hatcheries. These heritage breeds birds have a large red single comb
and blue legs. They lay about 4 to 5 eggs per week
Age at maturity 16 weeks.
Average mature weight 5 to 7 lbs.
Tasty marbled meat.
They have great temperature.
Active forager.
Slow rate of growth.
Special diet for traditional fresh blesse flavor.
4. Turken.
These are also known as neck chickens, this breed is not a cross between turkey and chicken as
that is an impossible pairing scientifically. Turken are simply a breed of chicken that lacks
feathers on the knee and bottom.
Its meat do well in cold climate despite their lack of feathers.
They are cold weather tolerant.
Good egg layer.
Fewer feather to pluck in processing.
They take long to mature ie 20 weeks.
Not eye appealing.
Usually do not raise their own chicken.
The kosher king is a hybrid meat chicken that originated from multiple heritage breeds. They
have a faster growth rate than heritage breeds.
Age of maturity is 12 weeks.
Average mature weight is 5 to 7 lbs.
They are excellent foragers.
Rapid growth rate.
This is dual purpose chicken breed that originated in England. Black feathers originated from
England. Age at maturity 22 weeks.
Average mature weight is 8 to 10lds.
Brood breasts.
Heavy mature weight.
Good layers.
These are both for meat and egg production.
The kuroiler is a hybrid chicken breed introduced by Vinod kapur of keg farms group in
Gurgaon, Haryana. Kuroilres are a cross breed from broiler male with Rhode island red female
or white leg horn males crossed with females Rhode island red.
Description of kuroilers
Name. Kuroilers.
Variety. Appears in many colors.
Chicken weight. Male kuroiler weighs approximately 3.5kgs, female weighs 2.5kgs. native
kuroiler, male weighs 2.5kgs, female weighs 1.2kgs.
Eggs. Lays 140 to 150 eggs, natives lay 40eggs often medium size, and brownish in color.
Comb type. Single.
Number of toes. 4 in number.
Cold hardness. Hardy in winter.
Heat tolerance. Not especially heat hardy
The Kuroiler chicken is a dual purpose hybrid breed developed in India. It was created by Vinod
Kapur of Keg Farms Private Ltd. in the early 1990s. And the name ‘Kuroiler’ is a portmanteau of
Keg and Broiler.
The Kuroiler chicken was created by crossing either White Leghorn roosters with Rhode Island
Red hens, or colored broiler roosters crossed with Rhode Island Red hens.
The eggs of Kuroiler chickens are hatched in more than a thousand ‘mother units’ throughout the
country, instead of raising all in a central hatchery. Then are distributed down to the individual
villages as day-old poultry chicks. And the breed is very popular among the large numbers of
landless or smallholder farmers in India.
The breed has popularity in the rural areas of India, including; Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand,
Meghalaya, Mizoram, Uttara hand, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.
1. They grow at a very fast rate and within five months they start laying eggs. They continuously
lay eggs for a period of 2 years.
2. Farmers have reported that eggs laid by Kurioler are highly nutritious because of their yellow
yolk. Their meat is also of high quality and very tasty.
3. Their eggs have been reported to be more nutritious because of their feeding pattern. Unlike
other breeds that are fed on commercial breeds, Kuroilers feed on vegetable remains and other
healthy waste products that add more nutrients to their bodies.
4. This breed can be reared in all areas i.e. whether arid or semi-arid or a fertile area.This makes it
easy for all poultry farmers to breed them.
5. Since they produce high quality products, farmers who rear them are guaranteed high profit
The only and main disadvantage of this breed is that they do not incubate naturally. Therefore
the poultry farmer is forced to incur some extra expenses of buying and maintaining an incubator
Buff Orrington’s are one of the best poultry breeds for eggs.
Whether you’re just getting started or have been raising chickens for a while, chances are you
spend a fair amount of time thinking about the end product—those delicious and nutritious eggs!
Manna Pro® spends a lot of time thinking about laying hens, and we’ve put together a great new
guide to help you get the most out of your flock.
One of the most common questions on forums, in webinars and on our “Ask the Chicken
Whisperer” page is, “What are the best laying breeds?” While there’s no absolute answer to this
question, we’ve compared some of the expert opinions and owner comments and here are the
names that seem to be at the top of everyone’s list:
1: Leghorn
No surprise here—the breed that is used the most commercially because of its laying proficiency
is in fact the best layer. Keep in mind, however, that if you want a colorful egg basket, you won’t
want a flock full of only Leghorns, as their eggs are white.
2: Rhode Island Red
A great choice because they are not only great egg layers, but the males are big enough to eat as
meat (helpful if you incubate and hatch, as you can raise the females as layers and the males as
meat birds).
3: Orrington
Also dual-purpose and known for laying abundant amounts of brown eggs.
4: Australorp
It’s a tie for 5th. Honorable mentions go to these incredible egg-laying breeds.
1. Ocellated turkey.
This is a species of turkey that originates in the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico, as well as in
parts of Belize and Guatemala. It has a clutch size of 8 to 15.
2. Wild turkey.
It’s an ancestor of the domestic turkey that originated from southern mexico. It’s the
heaviest member of galliformes. It has clutch size of 10 to 14 and wing spanof 1.2 to
1.4m (adults)
3. Domestic turkey.
This is a domestic turkey (meleagris gallopavo domesticus) is a large fowl . it has a
clutch size of 12 to 15 and originated from America.
4. Narragansett turkey.
It’s a cross breed between wild turkey and domestic turkey and originated from north
America. It has a weight of 10 to 13kgs (adult male), female 7.3kgs.
This is a common name of water fowl in the family of anatidae. Examples include.
1. Mallard duck. This is a dabbling duck that breeds throughout the temperate and sub-
tropical America. It has a size of 50 to 65cm (adult). Clutch size is 8 to 13. Wing span
is 81 to 98cm (adult). It weighs 0.72 to 1.6kgs and an adult one.
2. Marbled duck. This is a medium sized species of duck that originated from southern
Europe, northern Africa and western and central Asia.
It weighs 450 to 590g.
3. Black bellied whistling duck. This is formerly called black bellied tree duck and
originated from America. It has a mass of 760g from family anatidae and phylum
4. Lesser whistling duck. It’s also known as an Indian whistling duck that originates
from Indian sub-continent and East Asia.
5. West Indian whistling duck. It’s also called black billed duck. It originated from
6. Plumed whistling duck. This is also known as the grass whistling duck, it originated
from Australia, and it’s a brown colored duck with a long neck.
This is also a water fowl bird that belongs a family of anatidae. Examples include the
1. Mourning dove. This is also called Americana mourning dove. It originates from
America and has a length of 22 to 36cm.
2. Streptopelia. It’s a genus of birds in the pigeon and dove family columbidea. They
are mainly slim, small to medium size.
3. Crested pigeons. This a bird found widely throughout main land Australia except
for the far northern tropical areas.
4. Columbinae. This is a sub family of birds from the family columbines . It
originates from north western part of Columbia. It exists on the earth for 6years
with a speed of 160km per hour.
5. European turtle dove. It’s a member of the bird family columbidae. It originates
from North Africa. It weighs 85 to 170g
6. Zebra dove. This is also known as barred dove belonging to family columbidae, it
originates from south east Asia
It weighs 57g as an adult one.
7. Laughing dove, this is a small pigeon that is a resident breeder in Africa, middle
east and southern Asia, it weighs 82g
8. Fruit dove. It is also known as a fruit pigeon, these are colorful, frugivorous doves
found in forest and woodlands in south East Asia.