Sdad 5590 01 Issue Paper
Sdad 5590 01 Issue Paper
Sdad 5590 01 Issue Paper
Rita Manalastas
Issues Amongst Community Colleges: How Food Insecurity Impacts Student Success
Postsecondary students are not immune to the effects of the roles that inequity and racism
play in making basic necessities and well-being less accessible. After all, they are people before
they are students on or off-campus. Food insecurity is defined as instability around one's access
to nutritious food and it has been reported that over half of post-secondary students across the
country experience food insecurity (Nikolaus et al., 2019). These numbers are much higher in
two-year institutions. Community colleges are open-access institutions that serve some of the
most diverse and underrepresented student populations (Spaid et al., 2021). These institutions
have provided more affordable and accessible pathways to higher education and yet, the
retention and graduation rates are much lower than in four-year institutions. Community colleges
are investigating what factors contribute to these low retention and graduation rates. This
ultimately linked the role of well-being and access to basic necessities in the overall success of
students in two-year institutions. And while students from diverse and underrepresented
communities do thrive and succeed in community colleges, there are external hardships that can
negatively impact their experiences. BIPOC, low-income communities, specifically Black and
Hispanic populations, are less likely to access basic necessities and more likely to experience
poverty (Haider & Roque, 2021). This includes food insecurity, and this leads to the disruption
of one's focus and triggers anxiety about not knowing where one's meal is coming from next. The
physiological consequence of hunger follows which causes another set of issues that impact
student success. There are a couple of reasons why this issue has been overlooked: stigma, the
normalization of not eating well (ex. Instant noodles), and the lack of institutional responsibility
for holistic student wellness. Additionally, in four-year institutions, while food insecurity is also
persistent in this space, the presence of on-campus eateries has created the assumption that there
is an abundance of food. As a result, community colleges, which are already misunderstood and
inaccurately compared to four-year institutions, are also associated with this dangerous
The issue of food insecurity magnifies a greater example of inequity. This type of
inequity has flourished in the socio-economic statuses of communities of color and permeated
into the system of higher education where those same communities of color are being
underserved and their needs are short of being recognized. Multiple systems are mimicking an
inequity that behaves the same way but might deliver a different outcome.
Before explaining what these outcomes could look like in relation to food insecurity, it is
important to see the relationship between community colleges and the socio-economic impact on
communities of color caused by unjust systems. The inner workings of systemic and institutional
racism have cultivated inequitable and disadvantaged financial situations for communities of
color with an emphasis on Black and Latinx populations. Racial inequities have created the cycle
of poverty that perpetuates financial stress, generational poverty, and the lack of economic
mobility (Haider & Roque, 2021). When these communities are given the opportunity to pursue a
challenges can start influencing academic success (Spaid et al., 2021). Another factor is the
rising cost of tuition that forces students to have to choose what they will be investing in: rent,
food, or tuition. The irony lies in the fact that community colleges are believed to be the most
Research has been expanding on the prevalence of food insecurity on college campuses
as well as which populations are affected the most. A study on male students of color confirms
colleges as well as the trend of stressors such as housing instability, financial stressors, and food
insecurity (Vasquez et al., 2018). Male students of color have also been found to be less engaged,
have strained relationships with faculty/staff, and overall feel less supported. This research aimed
to get an idea of the lived experiences of male students of color and the following themes that
emerged from the study: housing instability, financial troubles, and food insecurity. Chances are,
food insecurity is just the tip of the iceberg of the grander issue at hand. Communities that are
already enduring financial challenges outside of their academics will find that their academic
obligations could exacerbate those challenges. Despite the importance of meeting one's
physiological needs before anything else, these students are faced with having to decide whether
to spend their money on school expenses, their dependents' needs, or their physiological needs.
The physiological needs, like food, are often the ones that get neglected.
The issue of food insecurity should not be the fault of the students living through it.
These students have financial hardships that generate other areas of uncertainty such as housing
and food and as a result, they have no choice but to develop into self-giving and resilient
individuals (Vasquez et al., 2018). The problem lies in the lack of institutional responsibility and
the inability of institutions to holistically care for their students. Students, specifically students of
color, have multiple intersecting identities and roles that can produce their own unique set of
challenges when placed in systems, like higher education, that were not made for those identities
in the first place. Another research prompted the recommendation that community colleges
should implement holistic resources for students to utilize instead of "solutions" that lack a true
understanding of their situations (Wood & Harris, 2018, p.144). Especially when these
community colleges are investigating the low retention rates of their students, they must also
scrutinize the other institutional disadvantages that greatly impact the energy, well-being, and
Promising Interventions
While food insecurity requires a larger systemic change and intervention, community
colleges are starting to recognize the ways students are juggling their multiple obligations and
their internal and external wellbeing. Their interventions should also be executed with an
intersectional lens because knowing what specific populations are vulnerable to inequity is just
as important as implementing solutions to mitigate the problems that inequity causes (Wood &
Harris, 2018). Acknowledgment of which communities are impacted the hardest can better
A Shift in Mindset
One significant change that community colleges are adopting is not a tangible one but
rather, a shift in mindset. A study on the Florida College System gathered qualitative data from
individuals and focus groups and found that their missions extend beyond what one would
imagine as "student success" (Nix et al., 2021). The representatives that come from various
Florida community colleges have a basic understanding of the common needs that community
college students have. Being able to link their financial and other life circumstances to student
outcomes is crucial in reflecting on student retention and academic success. Advisors and faculty
members witness first-hand of the distractions that food insecurity can generate, and they are
able to see the differences between community college students who are the breadwinners for
themselves and families versus traditional university students who might have financial support
elsewhere from family and do not have dependents. The Florida College System has taken
ownership of its role in ensuring student success and expresses its commitment to students via
resources that directly address the high rates of food insecurity in their students as well as
indirect support through resources that provide relief to basic needs insecurity elsewhere.
Food Pantries
In the same Florida study, the participants representing various community colleges
mentioned the role of food pantries on campus to respond to students' nutritional needs (Nix et
al., 2021). A specific campus food pantry was formed by a group of faculty members, and it soon
turned into a collective effort that involved other departments across the campus. This service is
low-barrier and fairly popular with up to 75 students utilizing this resource every day.
Seattle Central College also has a food pantry on campus that is accessible by their student ID
(Public Information Office, 2019). Community partners, such as local food banks, have
contributed donations as well. This practice has been particularly promising because it clearly
addresses the students' needs and provides a sense of stability for those who might not know
where their next meal is coming from. The institution has acknowledged external hardships that
affect academic achievement and responded in a straightforward manner that reaches students
where they are at. Since the height of the pandemic, Seattle Central College has even included a
virtual option much like an online ordering system where students can choose a pick-up time to
obtain their products. The continuation of on-campus food pantries and partnerships with outside
organizations will continue to raise awareness of food insecurity while normalizing taking
Holistic Support
In addition to food pantries, community colleges are also organizing other resources that
holistically address intersecting financial hardships. Chances are food insecurity is just one of
many hurdles a low-income student could be faced with (Vasquez et al., 2018). In the Florida
College system, these diverse services include professional clothing for students with upcoming
interviews, bus passes to supplement transportation, tuition scholarships, and mental health
support to mediate the stress that stems from financial instability (Nix et al, 2021). These
community colleges are equipping students with tools to help them succeed and maintain their
well-being as a person. This practice has redefined what responsibilities higher education
institutions hold in how they support their students. Community colleges are continuing to set the
precedent for how institutions should respond to students' hardships as well as how institutions
might unknowingly perpetuate financial inequity if they are not holding themselves accountable
Food pantry established on campus | seattle central news. (2019, August 6).
The food pantry is now accessible online | seattle central news. (2020, October 28).
Haider, A., & Roque, L. (2021, November 5). New poverty and food insecurity data
Nix, A. N., Bertrand Jones, T., Daniels, H., Hu, P., & Hu, S. (2021). “There’s so much
that we’re doing”: How florida college system institutions address basic needs
R.L.S., Gillett-Karam, R., Liburd, L. C., Monroe, D., & Thompson-Johnson, T. (2021).
Vasquez, M. C., Vang, M., Garcia, F., & Harris, F. (2018). What do i eat? Where do i
Wood, J. L., & Harris, F. (2018). Experiences with “Acute” food insecurity among