Djj42022: Industrial Management: Pensyarah: Aspalila Binti Awang
Djj42022: Industrial Management: Pensyarah: Aspalila Binti Awang
Djj42022: Industrial Management: Pensyarah: Aspalila Binti Awang
A social unit of people that is structured
and managed to meet a need or to
pursue collective goals. All organizations
have a management structure that
determines relationships between the
different activities and the members,
and subdivides and assigns roles,
responsibilities, and authority to carry out
different tasks. Organizations are open
systems--they affect and are affected by
their environment.
The term organisation means that a
functional group working together for
achieving common purposes/objectives.
Organisation provides mechanism for
integrated and co-operative action by two
or more persons with a view to
ORGANIZATION implementing any plan. Organisation
facilitates efficient administration, direction
STRUCTURES and control.
It avoids wastage of raw materials and
human efforts. Every management has to
Introduction establish its own organisation structure for
efficient conduct of business activities
There are different structures which can be
given to an organisation. An organisation
deals with a number of elements which
defines the relationships between the
members of a group. It is concerned with
the channels of communication and lines of
It also defines the degree of authority and
responsibility of each person in the
2. Definitions of Organisation