GRS Assignment

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The Global Recycle Standard (GRS) was

originally developed by Control Union
Certifications in 2008 and ownership was passed
to the Textile Exchange on 1 January 2011. The
GRS is an international, voluntary, full product
standard that sets requirements for third-party
certification of recycled content, chain of custody,
social and environmental practices and chemical
restrictions.The GRS is intended to meet the
needs of companies looking to verify the recycled
content of their products (both finished and
intermediate) and to verify responsible social,
environmental and chemical practices in their
production. The objectives of the GRS are to
define requirements to ensure accurate content
claims and good working conditions, and that
harmful environmental and chemical impacts are
minimised. This includes companies in ginning,
spinning, weaving and knitting, dyeing and
printing and stitching in more than 50 countries.


The Global Recycled Standard tracks certified

recycled materials in the whole supply chain,
from the first processor to the final product.
Each organization along the value chain is
required to ensure the integrity of the input
The GRS label has strict guidelines and
certification processes. It verifies the recycled
content of textile products, backed by
independent certification of the input material.

To become GRS certified, raw materials,

intermediates, and final textile products must
take sufficient steps to preserve the identity of
the input material.

The Global Recycled Standard covers

companies in ginning, spinning, weaving,
knitting, dyeing, printing, cutting, and stitching
of all textiles made with at least 20% of
certified recycled content.


The GRS certification aims to increase the

use of recycled materials. It provides a tool
for companies to validate and communicate
sustainability claims about their products.

In the global textile and apparel industry,

the raw material level has one of the most
significant impacts and is the farthest way
away from the consumer.

The GRS certification verifies essential

practices at the beginning of the supply
chain and tracks the material to the final
product. It offers brand protection,
confidence in sourcing, and greater

The Global Recycled Standard verifies

responsible social, environmental, and
chemical practices in the production of
recycled products.
It provides transparent, consistent, and
comprehensive independent evaluation and
verification of recycled material content
claims on products.

The GRS certification ensures that

sustainability commitments lead to
meaningful and positive change. It uses an
independent third-party certification process
to ensure that products adhere to recycled
content requirements.

By verifying the claims made to consumers,

the GRS certification provides a credible
voice for suppliers and brands. It leads to
higher confidence with a system of
standards recognized internationally.

The Global Recycled Standard defines

requirements to guarantee reliable content
claims as well as socially compliant working
conditions in the supply chain. It also
ensures the least possible environmental
and chemical impacts.

The GRS also drives the industry to move

faster towards progress on sustainability
goals. It defines globally recognized
requirements that ensure the recycled
status of textiles, from raw material
harvesting to the final product.

The Global Recycled Standard provides a

credible assurance to the end consumer. It
allows textile processors and manufacturers
to export their recycled fabrics and
garments with one certification accepted in
all major markets.
The GRS is also an active contributor to
sustainable development. It pushes
recycled textiles to become a significant
part of everyday life, enhancing human
lives and the environment.

The Global Recycled Standard sets social

requirements regarding:

social policies
forced labor
child labor
freedom of association
discrimination, harassment, and abuse
health and safety
wages and benefits
terms of employment
working hours
The Global Recycled Standard
certification process

The GRS certification relies on third-party

verification to confirm whether a product
includes the proper amount of recycled
and sustainably produced material.

The Global Recycled Standard often

serves as a business-to-business tool and
a means for companies to ensure that
they are selling and buy certified recycled

It verifies recycled content in products

along the supply chain and tracks the
material from its first processing to the
final product. Each organization is
checked by an independent third-party.

Entities that wish to become GRS certified

are requested to contact an approved
certification body (CB) to request
services. The CB manages the entire
process of certification, from beginning to
final labeling and communications.

Here is how the GRS certification process

looks like step-by-step:

1)Choose a certification body and fill out

the application form.

2)Apply to more than one certification

body to compare price and timing.
3)Sign a contract with the certification
body of your choice (valid one year).

4)Read the standard and prepare relevant


5)Meet the auditor after good preparation

to reduce certification costs.

6)Review documents and procedures

against the GRS requirements.

7)Wait for the result of the audit and

subsequent certification decision.

8)Act on a corrective action plan if there

are non-conformities (NC).
9)Receive a scope certificate (SC) when
all requirements are met.

10)Prepare for unannounced inspections

that verify standard compliance.

11)Contact the certification body to apply

for a transaction certificate (TC).

Global Recycled Standard

approved certification bodies

2)Control Union Certifications (NL)
5)GSCI Services Pvt. (IN)
6)IDFL Institute and Laboratory (TW)
7)Intertek Testing Services NA (CN)
8)NSF Certification (US)
9)OneCert International Pvt. (IN)
10)SCS Global Services (US)
11)USB Certification Denetim Gozetimve
Belgelendirme Hizmetleri (TR)

Audit checklist

Facility Name:

No Document Name Document


Recycled Material Requirement

1 Quality Manual and Procedures Y N

2 Certified product list/GRS product
specification Y N
3 BOM/formula/composition of the certified
products Y N
4 Processing flow-chart of the certified
products Y N
5 An inventory of incoming materials of the
products to be inspectedY N
6 The list of all suppliers and periodical
evaluation record Y N
7 Calculation record Y N
8 Valid Reclaimed Material Supplier
Agreement and Reclaimed Material
Declaration Form for each reclaimed
materials from suppliers if suitable Y N
9 Business permit for operation of
reclaimed materials from each suppliers if
suitable Y N
10 GRS/RCS scope certficates from each
suppliers of recycled materials Y N
11 Valid transation certificate (TC) of all
recycled material from suppliers if suitable
12 Production cleaning recordY N
13 Purchase order and invoice Y N
14 Delivery note of recycled raw materials
from supplier Y N
15 Incoming raw material acceptance
inspection record Y N
16 Stock in and out record for all reclaimed/
recycled materials Y N
17 Production records of each product to be
certified Y N
18 Product delivery record Y N
19 Sales contract and contract review,
Sales invoice Y N
20 Roles and responsibilities in the
production of GRS products Y N
21 Appoint a management representative or
appropriate personnel Y N
22 Traing Reocrd of production of GRS
products and responsibilities Y N
23 Calibration record or report of measuring
devices, gauge and test equipment Y N
24 Effective handling process of customer
complaints and records Y N
Chemical management
1 Written chemical management policy Y
2 An approved supplier list for chemicals
used Y N
3 Supplier letter and confirmation from
suppliers Y N
4 List of approved chemicals Y N
5 Management control procedures of
approved chemicals Y N
6 Test reports or certificates of compliance
7 Mechanism of collecting the SDS Y N
8 SDS of each approved chemical Y N
9 Mechanisms of determining and
managing chemical risks Y N
10 Chemical risk assessment report
/records Y N
11 Documented chemical handling
procedure Y N
12 Training mechanism or plan Y N
13 Training records, including registration
table and assessment methods Y N
14 Training packages (E.g. presentations,
case studies, video, etc.) Y N
Environmental requirement
1 EIA report & approval; CAI report &
approval Y N
2 Water use permit (if any) Y N
3 Pollutant Discharge Permit Y N
4 Environmental Management System
Documents and Policy Y N
5 Doument, measure and track controls
for indicators of energy use, water use,
wastewater/effluent,emissions to air, waste
management Y N
6 Facility Master Plan Y N
7 Annual reduction plan on energy use Y
8 Annual reduction plan on water use Y
9 Map for Effluent and storm water
pipeline, wastewater flow direction and
discharge points Y N
10 Contractor for off-site wastewater
treatment Y N
11 Wastewater/air abatement
facility/equipment operation and maintenance
record.Y N
12 Energy and water consumption
(monthly) Y N
13 Regular wastewater quality
testing/monitoring against all local legal
requirements and TE GRS V4.0 limits listed
in Appendix D. (report coverY N
14 Wastewater discharge data/testing
report of Off-site wastewater treatment facility
15 Inventory of main point sources
emissions to air Y N
16 Regular maintenance records of
equipment containing ozone-depleting
substances (ODS) Y N
17 Environmental Monitoring Report of air
emissions Y N
18 Waste disposal contract (e.g. general
industrial waste, hazardous waste) Y N
19 Record for waste generation and
collection Y N
20 Annual reduction plan on waste reduction
21 Training on environmental policy,
environmental risk, updated environmental
regulations/laws and environmental
awareness Y N
Social requirement
1 Business license Y N
2 Timecards or Attendance Records (Last
12 months), including active employees and
resignation employees. If electronics time
card is used, the auditor may need to review
the time record directly from the computer,
with the assistance from the facility staff Y
3 Payroll Records (Last 12 months),
including active employees and resignation
employees. If wage paid by Bank Transfer,
Bank Transfer record is required accordingly
4 Employee roster and employee
personnel records (including I.D. card copy)
5 Labor Contract Y N
6 Social Insurance Receipts (Last 12
months), Name List, Social Insurance Local
Policy or Qualified Certificate (when
applicable), etc. Commercial insurance
records (if any), e.g. Commercial Insurance
Policy, Commercial Insurance Receipts Y
7 Construction Project Fire Safety
Acceptance Document/ Record Y N
8 Fire Fighting and Emergency Evacuation
Plan, Fire Drill Record, Work Accident
Records and Work-related Injury Record Y
9 The operator certificate of automatic fire
control system and maintenance contract
10 Safety training certificate for main
responsible person, safety manager
certificate Y N
11 Special Appliance (if any) Registration
Certificate and Inspection Report, such as
Lift, Lifting Appliance, Inside Special Motor
Vehicle, Boiler and Compressing Equipment
(including Gas Cylinders, Gauge and Safety
Valve) and etc. Y N
12 Special Appliance Operator (if any)
Certificate, such as Lift Operator/ Safety
Administrator, Lifting Appliance Operator,
Inside Special Motor Vehicle Driver, Boiler
Operator, Compressing Equipment Operator
and etc. Y N
13 Special Operation (if any) License, such
as Electrician, Welder and etc. Y N
14 Kitchen’s Catering Service License and
Cooks’ Health Certificate Y N
15 Occupational Hazards Factors Testing
Report and Employee Occupational Health
Examination ReportY N
16 Enterprise Regulation or Employee
Handbook (Including but not limit to,
recruitment, discrimination, forced labor,
working hours, compensation & benefit,
disciplinary procedure, working conditions,
health and safety, freedom of association
and collective bargaining) Y N
17 Work Safety Education and Training
Records, such as Fire Safety Training, Work
Safety Rules and Post Safety Operation
Procedure, Chemical Safety Training
Records, Occupational Health TrainingY N
18 Local Minimum Wage Standard Y N
19 Leave Application Form, Resignation
Application Form with Approval (Last 12
months) Y N
20 Production Records (Last 12 months),
such as Daily Production Records, Send/
Receiving Materials Records, Piece-rate
Records, Quality Control Records, and etc.
21 Young Worker’s Health Examination and
Registration RecordsY N
22 Dispatched Employees’ Personal Files
with ID Card Copy, Attendance & Payroll
Records, Labor Contracts, Social Insurance
Receipt & Certificates (when applicable),
Name List, Labor Dispatch Agreement, Labor
Dispatch Business License and Business
Certificate of Labor Agent Y N
23 Construction Completion Acceptance
Check Report/ Register, Building structural
safety inspection record Y N
24 Official Comperhensive Working Hour
System Approval, Non-fixed Working Hour
System Approval (when applicable) Y N
25 If Intern employed, please provide the
list of Intern, Tripartite Agreement signed by
the school, the Facility and Students Y N
26 If foreigner employed, please provided
the Foreigner Employment Permits and
Foreigner Employment License Y N
27 Collective Labor Agreement or Collective
Bargaining Agreements (if any) Y N


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