RAW Reviewer S2 Q3

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subjects before proceeding to explaining the

Reading and Writing Skills Reviewer subsequent points.

2nd Semester - 3rd Quarter
Prepared by ..-. .-. .- -. -.-. . ... / -- .- . / -... .-.-.- / .-.. . . Properties of a Well-written Texts
A text is defined as written material or piece of writing
such as an article, essay, novel, book, magazine, or
Parts of Comparison and Contrast Essay newspaper.
An essay is... In writing a paragraph or any composition, we should
always consider the properties of a well-written text which
★ a common piece of writing includes organization, cohesion and coherence, language
★ a formal piece of writing which is usually short and use, mechanics.
deals with single subject (Bow Valley College 2020)
★ allows to understand specific ideas and hones your Organization–An arrangement that refers to the structural
ability to explain concepts in your own words framework for writing. A text is considered organized when
ideas are accurately and logically arranged with a focus on
Essay Parts the arrangements of ideas, incidents, evidence, or details in
a definite order in a paragraph, essay, or speech.
Introduction–is usually written in discursive style which
enables you to present evidences and arguments to ★ text structure - framework
address specific issue of inquiry. Thus it encourages you to (beginning/introduction, middle/body,
filter out and arrange your ideas in a well thought manner end/conclusion)
★ signal words - text cues
★ Thesis Statement–serves as the controlling idea of ★ physical format - headings, subheadings, bullet
the entire essay. Provides direction and points, or font emphasis
encapsulates the content of the essay.
★ Parallel Structure–helps the sentences in your There are three major parts of a texts;
thesis statement clearer and easier to read. Allows beginning/introduction, middle/body, end/conclusion.
the readers to easily follow the topic sequence in
each paragraph of your essay. Coherence and Cohesion
Thesis Statement with Parallel Structure ★ Coherence refers to the overall sense of unity in a
★ Thesis Statements – all nouns ★ Cohesion is the connection of ideas both at the
Ex. Japanese cars are better that their American sentence level and at the paragraph level
counterparts because of their durability, variety,
and comfort. To achieve coherence and cohesion, one technique is to
★ Thesis Statements – verbs-infinitives to + basic use signal devices which that hint readers on how the
forms of verb points in your paragraph are a progression. This can be
Ex. Christmas vacations are my favorite holidays shown in the paragraphs using transitions, repetitions,
because I love to go shopping around the stores, synonyms, pronouns, and parallel structures.
decorate the house, and visit my relatives and
friends and their houses. (Note: It is not necessary ★ Transitions or Transition Words refer to words that
to repeat to in all three occasions.) connect one idea to another, making the writer's
★ Thesis Statements – all adjectives ideas flow smoothly.
Ex. I like to take classes with Ma'am Valdehueza; Ex. therefore, in conclusion, to summarize, on the
she's by far the more knowledgeable, patient, kind other hand, thus, moreover, ...
and dedicated than all others. ★ Repetitions include a word, a phrase, or a full
★ Thesis Statements – verbs with phrases/same verb sentence, repeated to highlight its importance in
tense the entire text. The repetition of the main ideas
Ex. Last year we had the best vacation ever keeps continuity and helps the readers remain
because we travelled to many places, ate at many focused and headed in the right direction.
different restaurants, and stayed at different Ex. If you think you can make it, you can make it.
hotels every day. Ruffa Mae Quinto said, “You’re doing great! Todo
na natin ’to! Go, go, go!”
Body–also called as the middle section, presents the ★ Synonyms are words similar in meaning to
writer's point of view which is supported with evidences. important words or phrases. This technique is used
These facts prove the writer's argument and persuade the if direct repetition is too obvious.
reader to accept and agree with the writer's opinion and Ex. Teenagers face an enormous amount of peer
perspective. pressure from friends. Hence, many young adults
are showing signs of great stress or depression at
Conclusion–restates and summarizes the thesis and it an early age.
identifies the key points of the essay which proved the ★ Pronouns are used to connect sentences by
writer's position. May also provide possible implications, referring to preceding nouns and pronouns. They
suggestions, and recommendations. can also help create paragraphs readable by
removing wordiness and unnecessary repetition.
Structure of Comparison and Contrast Essay Ex. He, She, They, Them
★ Parallel Structures include the use of matching
★ Subject-by-Subject Format (block method)–the words, phrases, clauses, or sentence structures to
writer presents all the facts and supporting details express similar ideas. It allows the reader to
about one subject in separate paragraphs. understand the connections between ideas and to
★ Point-by-Point Format–the writer organizes flow smoothly from one idea, sentence, or
information by discussing each point for both paragraph to the next.
Ex. In the conference hall, the students attended a letters, some numbers and abbreviations. Note: groups of
lecture where the speaker demonstrated how to years no longer require an apostrophe (ex. the 1950s or
properly wear a PPE. They also attended a lecture the 2000s)
where their school nurse explained how to keep
one's health protected from COVID-19. Dash — used to separate parts of a sentence. It is also
known as “em dash” because it is the length of a printed
Language Use refers to the appropriateness of letter m — is is longer than a hyphen.
word/vocabulary usage. Proper language use enables you,
the writer, to capture the message that you want to give to Ellipsis ... it indicates that part of the text has been
your readers. Language use is one of the strongest intentionally been left out.
indicators of a well-written text because it leads writers to
effectively communicate ideas without confusing the Exclamation Point ! used to show excitement or emphasis.
Hyphen - used between parts of a compound word or
Six Characteristics of Effective Language: name. It is also used to split a word by syllables to fit on a
line of text.
1. concrete and specific, not vague and abstract
2. concise, not verbose Parentheses () used to separate explanations or qualifying
3. familiar, not obscure statements within a sentence (each one of the curved lines
4. precise, not ambiguous is called a parenthesis). The part in the parentheses is
5. constructive, not destructive called a parenthetical remark.
6. appropriately formal
Period . used to note the end of a declarative sentence.
Mechanics are conventions that have to be considered in
writing. Spelling, punctuation, and capitalization are some Question Mark ? used at the end of the question.
of the examples. To prevent confusion, it is necessary to
know and follow these conventions in writing. Quotation Mark “” used at the beginning and end of a
phrase to show that it is being written exactly as it was
★ Spelling when writing, always make sure that you originally said or written.
are consistently using one standard regarding the
spelling of your words. There are slight differences ★ Capitalization, like punctuation, it also helps
in American English spelling and British English express details. Any sentence’s first word is
spelling. capitalized, signaling that a new sentence has
airplane – aeroplane started. To signify uniqueness, proper nouns are
analyze – analyse capitalized. However, using capitalization merely to
tire – tyre make a word appear or sound significant is not
color – colour right.
maneuver – manoeuver
★ Punctuation is the act of using a system of Identify Claims in Texts
symbols used to provide structure to and
organize a text, such as comma, period, A Claim is the most important part of the text or it is also
quotation, marks, question marks, etc. The use called as the central argument or thesis argument or
of punctuation directs the reader to interpret thesis statement of the text. It's a sentence that
the text. summarizes the most important thing that the writer
wants to say as a result of his/her thinking, reading, or
Commas , (a) used to separate items in a series. If all items writing.
in the series are followed by and or or, use a comma. (b)
Comma is also used to separate two complete sentences Claims in texts are significant propositions/arguments.
joined by a conjunction (and, but, or, nor, or, for, and
sometimes yet and so). 3 Types of Claim
Semicolons ; (a) is used to separate tow sentences when 1. Claim of Fact states a quantifiable assertion, or a
there is no coordinating conjunction such as and, but, or, measurable topic. Usually answers a “what” question. Is
nor, or for. (b) If the two sentences are joined by a an inference made based on data, documents, scientific
conjunctive adverb, such as however, consequently, observation results, and research. Could be found in
therefore, or moreover, use a semicolon before the historical facts, in relational-causal events/concept, and
conjunctive adverb and a comma after it. (c) Use a prediction based on plausible evidence.
semicolon to separate two sentences joined with
coordinating conjunction when commas are contained Ex. The sampaguita’s roots are used for medical purposes,
within either of the sentences. (d) Use a semicolon to such as an anesthetic and a sedative. This inference is
separate items in a series if there are commas within the based on scientific observation results, and research.
2. Claim of Value asserts something that can be qualified.
Colon : (a) use a colon for conventional items: giving the It consists of arguments about moral, philosophical, or
time, separating chapter from a verse in Bible references, aesthetic topics. It makes judgements, based on certain
separating volume from a page in bibliography references, standard, on whether something is right or wrong, good or
and writing a salutation in a business letter. (b) Use a colon bad, or something similar. It also use of credible
to introduce a formal list. Words such as the following or as authority/experts for support.
follows frequently signal a formal list.
Ex. Food for thought on Sunday of the 18th week in
Apostrophe ‘ is used as a substitute for a missing letter or ordinary time on August 2, 2020 by Monsignor Bonifacio
letters in a word (as in the contraction cannot = can't), to Burlaza,—Do I acknowledge my need for God's help or do I
show the possessive case (Jane’s room), and in the plural of look to other things to satisfy this need?
3. Claim of Policy 2. Network Tree is used to present hierarchy, classification,
specific and and branching. It is useful in showing relationships of
measurable action scientific categories, family trees, snd even lineages.
should be chosen as
solutions to a 3. Spider Map or also known as semantic map is used to
particular problem in investigate and enumerate various aspects of a central
order to address issues or concerns presented in an idea, which could be a concept, topic, or theme.
argument or proposition.
This requires proposals of 4. Problem-Solution Map displays the nature of the
clear and measurable problem and how it can be solved. It usually contains the
actions or steps, problem's description, its causes and effects, and logical
justification of the proposed action, advantages of the solutions.
proposed action,
possible counter 5. Timeline is used to show how events occurred
arguments. You can chronologically through a long bar labeled with dates and
easily identify a claim of specific events. It can be linear or comparative.
policy because they
begin with —“should”, a. Linear Timeline shows how events happened within one
“ought to” or “must”, period.
claims of policy because
they defend actionable plans, usually answering — “how”
b. Comparative Timeline shows two sets of events that
Ex. On the foregoing happened within the same period.
Covid-19 Pandemic,
Mayor Sarah Duterte 6. Plot Diagram used to map events in the story and to
urged Dabawenyos to stay at home, unless they are analyze the major parts of a plot.
working or need to go
out to buy food and 7. Series of Events Chain is used to show the logical
medicines; must wear sequence of events.
face-masks in public
places, observe physical
distancing, and practice
frequent handwashing 8. Fishbone Map is used to better understand the casual
with soap. relationship of a complex phenomenon. It shows the
factors that cause a specific event or problem, as well as
Techniques in Selecting and details of each cause.
Organizing Information
9. Cycle describes how a series
Brainstorming is the most of events interact to produce a
popular tool in generating set of results repeatedly.
creative and rich ideas. First,
you gotta decide for the 10. Persuasion Map is used to
general or primary topic. map out arguments and
Second is to get ideas from everyone. evidence that prove a viewpoint.
It is especially useful when
Two Methods in Brainstorming processing persuasive or
argumentative texts.
1. Idea List involves writing the main topic and listing down
the related ideas.
2. Idea Map is a visual representation of ideas and their
connections with one another. It is more structured, and
shows how one idea subordinates another idea. OUTLINE is considered as a
plan for writing; a dummary
that gives the essential
feature of a text. It shows how
the parts of a text are related
to one another as psrts that
are of equal importance, or
sections that are subordinate
to a main idea.
GRAPHIC ORGANIZER are visual representations of Two Outline Formats
concepts that help us structure information into
organizational patterns. It presents essential information 1. Alphanumeric Outline uses both letters and numbers as
and connect these pieces of information into a coherent labels.
2. Decimal Outline uses only
1. Venn Diagram is used to compare and contrast ideas numbers as labes.
and events. It uses two or more overlapping circles to show
similar and different attributes. Principles of Outlining
1. Coordination requires ideas of the same relevance to be
labeled in the same way.
2. Subordination shows that minor details have to be
placed under their respective major details.
3. Division requires that no cluster should contain only one
4. Parallel Construction requires all entries in each cluster
to use the same structure and format.

Kind of Outline According to Structure

1. Topic Outline a systematic arrangement of ideas using
broad topic in the form of words or simple phrases as

2. Sentence Outline uses complete sentences as its entries.

It is also known as expanded outline.

Prepared by ..-. .-. .- -. -.-. . ... / -- .- . / -... .-.-.- / .-.. . .

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