Pcomm Reviewer Midterms
Pcomm Reviewer Midterms
Pcomm Reviewer Midterms
Academic Writing
Conclusion Formalist
emphasizes the form of a literary work to determine its meaning,
The conclusion is the summary paragraph. It should accomplish focusing on literary elements and how they work to create
the following: meaning.
- Clearly restates the thesis sentence but not in verbatim - Examines a text as independent from its time period,
form social setting, and author’s background. A text is an
- Briefly summarizes the evidence presented in the independent entity.
writing - Focuses on close readings of texts and analysis of the
- Provides a final judgement on the subject matter effects of literary elements and techniques on the text.
discussed by tying all themes and ideas together
2 Major Principles of Formalism
Criteria Observed by the Researcher
- Tests & predicts causal relationships effects of
Accuracy intervention
- done methodically: carried out in a methodical and - gathering relatively limited data from a relatively large
organized number
- manner
Library Research
- well organized: habitually using a method or system
for organization - making use of a working bibliography available in the
- based on system: constituting, based on, or library
resembling a system
Field Research
General Classifications of Research
- gathering information by examining records and
According to Who does the Research documents
- Academic Research- ex. Term paper, reports, theses, Participatory
dissertations, seminar paper, etc.
- Professional Research– ex. Proposals, feasibility - the people themselves who develop their own theories
studies participate in the research for solutions to problems
- Government Research- ex proposals, feasibility
- Private Research– ex. Position paper
Writing a Research Report The Reference Section
Title Page
Difference Between Research Report & Research Proposal
- identifies the title of the report, the name of the
Research Report researcher, the name of the guide, institution, month
and year of submission.
- is prepared after a study is completed - The title should communicate what the study is about.
- communicates what was actually done in a study and A well constructed title makes it easy for the reader to
what resulted understand and
- is prepared before a study begins - This page permits the writer to express appreciation to
- communication a researcher’s plan for a study persons determine the nature of the topic .
Table of Contents
Difference Between Research Report & Article - The table of contents is an outline of the report that
indicates the page number on which each major
Research Report section and subsection begins
- is a primary source List of Tables
- It reports the method and results of an original study
performed by the researcher - A list of all the tables included in the report along with
the page numbers should be provided.
List of Figures
- Is a secondary source
- It does not report original research by the author - A list of all the figure included in the report along with
the page numbers should be provided.
Structure of a Research Report
- The abstract is a brief but comprehensive summary of
The Introductory Section the research report
- It includes a concise statement of the goal of the
a) Title Page
research, the type of participants and instruments,
b) Acknowledgments (if any)
outlines the
c) Table of Contents
- Abstract must be limited to a specific number of words,
d) List of Tables (if any)
methods, major results and conclusions. usually
e) List of Figures (if any)
between 100 and 500 words
f) Abstract
2.4. Analysis of Data text with appropriate - The Review of Related Literature indicates what is
known about the problem or topic.
o Tables - Its function is to educate the reader about the area
o Figures under study.
2.5. Results and Discussion Design of the Study
Major Findings (reject or fail to reject Ho) - This section provides a detailed description of the
methodology used in the study. e.g. population, sample
2.6. Summary and Conclusions
size and sampling techniques and tools used in the
o Conclusions study.
o Recommendations for Further Investigation - The purpose of this section is to describe in detail how
a researcher
- performed the study so that someone should be able
to replicate the study
- based on the information that a researcher provide in
this section
- For a qualitative study, this section may also include a Types of Plagiarism
detailed description of the nature and length of
interactions with the participants. The description of Direct Plagiarism
participants includes information about how they were
- Direct plagiarism is the word-for-word transcription of a
selected and mainly representative of the population.
section of someone else’s work, without attribution and
- The description indicate the purpose of the instrument
without quotation marks.
and the validity and reliability of the instrument
- The deliberate plagiarism of someone else's work is
Analysis of Data unethical, academically dishonest, and grounds for
disciplinary actions, including expulsion
- This section describes the statistical techniques or the
inferential interpretations that were applied to the data Self Plagiarism
and the result of these analyses.
- Self-plagiarism occurs when a student submits his or
- Tables and figures are used to present findings or
her own previous work, or mixes parts of previous
graphic form which add clarity in findings for a reader
works, without permission from all professors involved.
- For example, it would be unacceptable to incorporate
part of a term paper you wrote in high school into a
Results and Discussion paper assigned in a college course.
- Self-plagiarism also applies to submitting the same
- The Results section is to tell the reader what was piece of work for assignments in different classes
found in the study. without previous permission from both professors
- it includes the descriptive statistics for the relevant
variables (e.g mean, standard deviation).Then tell the Mosaic Plagiarism
reader what statistical test you used to test your
hypothesis and what you found. - Mosaic Plagiarism occurs when a student borrows
- The Discussion section is where the researcher phrases from a source without using quotation marks,
interprets and evaluates the results. or finds synonyms for the author’s language while
- The discussion of a research report section presents keeping to the same general structure and meaning of
the theoretical and practical implications of the findings the original.
and make recommendation for the future research. - Sometimes called “patch writing,” this kind of
- Discuss the results of the current study, explaining paraphrasing, whether intentional or not, is
exact academically dishonest and punishable – even if you
footnote your source
Accidental Plagiarism
Summary and Conclusions
- Accidental plagiarism occurs when a person neglects
- Conclusions is a summary of the main ideas that come to cite their sources, or misquotes their sources, or
out from the discussion. unintentionally paraphrases a source by using similar
- it draws all arguments and findings together. words, groups of words, and/or sentence structure
- It indicates whether hypothesis were accepted or without attribution.
rejected. - Students must learn how to cite their sources and to
- It summarizes major findings of the study. take careful and accurate notes when doing research.
- The purpose of this section is to evaluate interpret the
result, especially with respect to the original research
How to Avoid Plagiarism
The Reference Section
- You must reference the original source
- provides the reader with all the information needed to
- Your summary should be shorter than the text you are
seek out and obtain all original sources used in the
research. it is written in the alphabetical order.
- You must use your own words, usually with a very
Appendices limited use of quotations