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tillage, in agriculture, the preparation of soil for
planting and the cultivation of soil after planting.
Tillage is the manipulation of the soil into a desired
condition by mechanical means; tools are employed to
achieve some desired effect (such as pulverization,
cultivating soil cutting, or movement). Soil is tilled to change its
structure, to kill weeds, and to manage crop residues.
Soil structure modification is often necessary to facilitate the intake, storage, and
transmission of water and to provide a good environment for seeds and roots. Elimination
of weeds is important, because they compete for water, nutrients, and light. Crop residues
on the surface must be managed in order to provide conditions suitable for seeding and
cultivating a crop. See also no-till agriculture.

Generally speaking, if the size of the soil aggregates or particles is satisfactory, preparation
of the seedbed will consist only of removing weeds and the management of residues.
Unfortunately, the practices associated with planting, cultivating, and harvesting usually
cause destruction of soil structure. This leaves preparation of the seedbed as the best
opportunity to create desirable structure, in which large and stable pores extend from the
soil surface to the water table or drains, ensuring rapid infiltration and drainage of excess or
free water and promoting aeration of the subsoil. When these large pores are interspersed
with small ones, the soil will retain and store moisture also.

Seedbed preparation procedures depend on soil texture and the desired change in size of
aggregates. In soils of coarse texture, tillage will increase aggregate size, provided it is done
when only the small pores are just filled with water; tillage at other than this ideal moisture
will make for smaller aggregates. By contrast, fine-textured soils form clods; these require
breakage into smaller units by weathering or by machines. If too wet or too dry, the power
requirements for shattering dry clods or cutting wet ones are prohibitive when using tillage
alone. Thus, the farmer usually attempts tillage of such soils only after a slow rain has
moistened the clods and made them friable.

Some soils require deepening of the root zone to permit increased rate of water intake and
improved storage. Unfavourable aeration in zones of poor drainage also limits root
development and inhibits use of water in the subsoil.

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Tillage, particularly conventional plowing, may create a hardpan, or plow sole—that is, a
compacted layer just below the zone disturbed by tillage. Such layers are more prevalent
with increasing levels of mechanization; they reduce crop yields and must be shattered,
allowing water to be stored in and below the shattered zone for later crops. Tillage is also
associated with the loss of fertile topsoil through erosion, a serious threat to the longevity of
arable land.

Primary tillage equipment

Equipment used to break and loosen soil for a depth
of 15 to 90 cm (6 to 36 inches) may be called primary
tillage equipment. It includes moldboard, disk, rotary,
chisel, and subsoil plows.

plow The moldboard plow is adapted to the breaking of

many soil types. It is well suited for turning under and
covering crop residues. There are hundreds of different designs, each intended to function
best in performing certain tasks in specified soils. The part that breaks the soil is called the
bottom or base; it is composed of the share, the landside, and the moldboard.

When a bottom turns the soil, it cuts a trench, or furrow, throwing to one side a ribbon of
soil that is called the furrow slice. When plowing is started in the middle of a strip of land, a
furrow is plowed across the field, and on the return trip a furrow slice is lapped over the
first slice. This leaves a slightly higher ridge than the second, third, and other slices. The
ridge is called a back furrow. When two strips of land are finished, the last furrows cut
leave a trench about twice the width of one bottom, called a dead furrow. When land is
broken by continuous lapping of furrows, it is called flat broken. If land is broken in
alternate back furrows and dead furrows, it is said to be bedded or listed.

Different soils require different-shaped moldboards in order to give the same degree of
pulverization of the soil. Thus, moldboards are divided into several different classes,
including stubble, general-purpose, general-purpose for clay and stiff-sod soil, slat,
blackland, and chilled general-purpose. The blackland bottom is used, for example, in areas
in which the soil does not scour easily—that is, where the soil does not leave the surface of
the emerging plow clean and polished.

The share is the cutting edge of the moldboard plow. Its configuration is related to soil type,
particularly in the down suction, or concavity, of its lower surface. Generally, three degrees

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of down suction are recognized: regular for light soil, deep for ordinary dry soil, and double-
deep for clay and gravelly soils. In addition, the share has horizontal suction, which is the
amount its point is bent out of line with the landside. Down suction causes the plow to
penetrate to proper depth when pulled forward, while horizontal suction causes the plow to
create the desired width of furrow.

Moldboard plow bottom sizes refer to width between the share wing and the landside.
Tractor plow sizes generally range from 10 to 18 inches (25 to 45 cm), although larger,
special-purpose types exist.

On modern mechanized farms, plow bottoms are connected to tractors either as trailing
implements or integrally. One or more bottoms may be so attached. They are found paired
right and left occasionally (two-way), with the advantage of throwing the furrow slice in a
constant direction as the turns are made. A variation is the middlebreaker, or lister, which is
a bottom equipped with both right- and left-handed moldboards.

The disk plow employs round concave disks of

hardened steel, sharpened and sometimes serrated on
the edge, with diameters ranging from 50 to 95 cm
(20 to 38 inches). It reduces friction by making a
rolling bottom in place of a sliding one. Its draft is
disk plow about the same as that of the moldboard plow. The
disk plow works to advantage in situations where the
moldboard will not, as in sticky nonscouring soils, in fields with a plow sole, in dry hard
ground, in peat soils, and for deep plowing. The disk plow bottom is usually equipped with
a scraper that aids in pulverizing the furrow slice. Disk plows are either trailed or mounted
integrally on a tractor.

The rotary plow’s essential feature is a set of knives or tines rotated on a shaft by a power
source. The knives chop up the soil and throw it against a hood that covers the knife set.
These machines can create good seedbeds, but their high cost and extra power requirement
have limited general adoption, except for the small garden tractor.

The chisel plow is equipped with narrow double-

ended shovels, or chisel points, mounted on long
shanks. These points rip through the soil and stir it but
do not invert and pulverize as well as the moldboard
and disk plows. The chisel plow is often used to
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chisel plow loosen hard dry soils prior to using regular plows; it is
also useful for shattering a plow sole.

Subsoil plows are similar in principle but are much larger, since they are used to penetrate
soil to depths of 50 to 90 cm (20 to 36 inches). Tractors of 60 to 85 horsepower are
required to pull a single subsoil point through a hard soil at a depth of 90 cm (36 inches).
These plows are sometimes equipped with a torpedo-shaped attachment for making
subsurface drainage channels.

Secondary tillage
Secondary tillage, to improve the seedbed by
increased soil pulverization, to conserve moisture
through destruction of weeds, and to cut up crop
residues, is accomplished by use of various types of
cultivators, harrows, rollers, or pulverizers, and tools
disc harrow for mulching and fallowing. Used for stirring the soil
at comparatively shallow depths, secondary tillage
equipment is generally employed after the deeper primary tillage operations; some primary
tillage tools, however, are usable for secondary tillage. There are five principal types of
harrows: the disk, the spike-tooth, the spring-tooth, the rotary cross-harrow, and the soil
surgeon. Rollers, or pulverizers, with V-shaped wheels make a firm and continuous seedbed
while crushing clods. These tools often are combined with each other.

When moisture is scarce and control of wind and water erosion necessary, tillage is
sometimes carried out in such a way that crop residues are left on the surface. This system
is called trash farming, stubble mulch, or subsurface tillage. Principal equipment for
subsurface tillage consists of sweeps and rod weeders. Sweeps are V-shaped knives drawn
below the surface with cutting planes horizontal. A mounted set of sweeps provided with
power lift and depth regulation is often called a field cultivator.

The typical rod weeder consists of a frame with several plowlike beams, each having a
bearing at its point. Rods are extended through the bearings, which revolve slowly under
power from a drive wheel. The revolving rod runs a few inches below the surface and pulls
up vegetative growth; clearance of the growth from the rod is assisted by its rotation. Rod
weeders are sometimes attached to chisel plows.

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Some control of weeds is obtained by tillage that

leaves the middles between crop rows loose and
cloddy. On mechanized farms this is often
accomplished with a cultivator pulled by a tractor.
When a good seedbed is prepared only in the row, the
cultivator seeded crop can become established ahead of the
weeds. Plowing with the moldboard plow buries the
weed seeds, retards their sprouting, and tends to reduce the operations needed to control
them. If weed infestations become bad, they can be reduced somewhat by undercutting.

Since rainfall amount and distribution seldom match crop needs, farmers usually prefer
tillage methods that encourage soil moisture storage at times when crops are not growing.
From the soil moisture standpoint, any tillage practice that does not control weeds and
result in greater moisture intake and retention during the storage period is probably
unnecessary or undesirable.

Minimum tillage
The use of cropping systems with minimal tillage is usually desirable, because intensive
tillage tends to break down soil structure. Techniques such as mulching also help prevent
raindrops from injuring the surface structure. Excessive tillage leaves the soil susceptible to
crusting, impedes water intake, increases runoff, and thus reduces water storage for crop
use. Intensive vegetable production in warm climates where three crops per year may be
grown on the same land may reduce the soil to a single-grain structure that facilitates
surface cementation and poor aeration.

The loosening and granulating actions of plowing may improve soil structure if the plowing
is done when the moisture content is optimal; if not so timed, however, plowing can create
unfavourable structure. The lifting and inversion of the furrow slice likewise may not
always be desirable, because in many cases it is better to leave a trashy surface.

The concept of minimum tillage and no-till agriculture has received much attention. One
type of minimum tillage consists in seeding small grain in sod that has been relatively
undisturbed. Narrow slits are cut in the sod, and seed and fertilizer are placed in the breaks
thus formed. Soil normally subject to erosion can be planted to grain this way while still
retaining the erosion resistance of the sod. The technique has been successful in preparing
winter grazing in southeastern portions of the United States. In another type of minimum
tillage, the land is broken and planted without further tillage in seedbed preparation. One
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approach involves breaking the land and planting seeds in the tractor tracks (wheel-track
planting); the tractor weight crushes clods and leaves the seed surrounded by firm soil.
Another method consists of mounting a planter behind the plow, thus planting without
further traffic and leaving a loose seedbed that is satisfactory in areas where post-planting
rains may be heavy. In some areas, where winter rain often comes after wheat is drilled, a
rotation of wheat following peas has been successful. After the peas have been harvested,
the field is rough plowed, and fall wheat is then drilled in directly. All these methods
minimize expense and land preparation, tending to leave the soil rough, which reduces
erosion and increases water intake. Somewhat similar systems are employed with row
crops, where chemical weed control assists in reducing need for cultivation.

Mulch tillage
Mulch tillage is a system in which crop residues are left on the surface, and subsurface
tillage leaves them relatively undisturbed. In dryland areas, a maximum amount of mulch is
left on the surface; in more humid regions, however, some of the mulch is buried. Planting
is accomplished with disk openers that go through several inches of mulch. Since mulch
decomposition may deprive the crop of nitrogen, extra fertilizer is often placed below the
mulch in humid areas. In rainy sections, intercropping extends the protection against erosion
provided by mulches. Intercrops are typically small grains or sod crops such as alfalfa or
clover grown between the rows of a field crop that reach maturity shortly after the field
crop has been established and furnish mulch cover for a long time. See also green manure.

If growth of the intercrop competes with the main crop for moisture and nutrients, that
growth may be killed at seeding time or soon thereafter by undercutting with sweeps.

Tillage in dry areas must make maximum use of scanty rainfall. The lister (double-
moldboard) plow, or middlebreaker, is here used to make water-impounding ridges that
promote infiltration.

Robert E. Stewart

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Citation Information
Article Title:
Website Name:
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.
Date Published:
24 February 2022
Access Date:
November 24, 2022

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