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Life Skills: Helping A Charity

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Life skills B2 Unit

Helping a charity VIDEO SKILLS: Recognising synonyms

Speakers often use synonyms to avoid using the same
  Before watching
words. Complete the synonyms below.
1 Do the charity challenge. You have three minutes give/do _ _ _ _ money raise/co _ _ _ _ _ money
to complete the task.
help/ca _ _ f_ _ someone organise/p _ _ o_ events
a good cause/a pu _ _ _ _ _
Complete the form about charities.
2b 40 Copy the table. Then watch again and
1 Three different types of charity:
complete it with brief notes.
2 Their fundraising Best way to raise
activities money
2 Three ways to raise money: Sam Sales Human interaction
Put on events for local town
2 Vanessa Sales and cities

3 Get people involved in the charity

Bea Sales
3 Three ways to make donations:
1 Chris Make sure that your campaign is in
care home for the elderly the publiceye as much as possible
3 3a 40 Watch again. Who …
4 Three ways a charity can promote itself:
1 helps charities that help people they know? 
1 Chris
2 helps charities that they or people they know do
work for?  Vanessa
3 emphasises the importance of doing charity work in
  While watching addition to fundraising?  Bea
2a 40  VIDEO SKILLS  Read the video skills box. Then 4 is against putting pressure on people to give
watch the video and write brief notes to answer money?  Sam
the questions.
5 mentions the importance of knowing where your
donations go?  Vanessa

3b Did you hear any opinions on the video that you

disagree with? Which ones? Why?

  After watching
Sam Vanessa 4a Have you ever done any work for charity?
Yes: Describe what you did.
No: If you did some charity work, what type of
charity would you want to support? Why?

4b SKILLS 4 LIFE  Find out about a well-known charity.

Follow these steps.
1 Choose one of the charities you wrote down in 1, or
Bea Chris think of another one.
2 Go to the charity’s website and read about the
1 Which speakers have done fundraising for a charity? charity, its history, its work, how it raises funds, who
Chris makes donations, etc. Make notes as you do this.
3 Present your notes in the form of a fact file on the
2 What types of charities do they mention? charity that you can show to your classmates.
environmental, health disaster and singing charity.
3 What ways for charities to promote themselves do
they mention? You see a group of people raising money for charity
Human interaction, put on events, get people in the street. How do you feel? Why? How do you
involved and make sure about your campaign think the charity sees the situation?

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