Moderator's Script Seminar Proposal
Moderator's Script Seminar Proposal
Moderator's Script Seminar Proposal
Assalamualaikum wr wb//
And also to all audiences,/ thank you for your attending in this seminar
First of all,/ let’s show our gratitude to Allah SWT/ who has been giving us some
mercies and blessings/ so we can attend this seminar,/ entitled :
By ………. as a presenter.//
Before we start the presentation,/ I would like to read the sequence of this
seminar.// This seminar is divided into six sessions :
1. st Opening
2. nd Presentation
3. rd Discussion
4. th Evaluation from the audiences
5. th Evaluation from the lecturers
6. th Closing
That was the end of the presentation by ………….// And now we are going to the
next session,/ which is discussion.//
This session is divided into one section with three questions and one feedback
of each question.// To the questioners please raise your hand and mention your
name.// Fyi, you can ask the question with Bahasa or English,/ thank you.//
Okay, thank you to all audiences for the question.// To ……….. please answer
the first question.
Thank you for all the questions, and we come to the next session.//
……….., please give your evaluation to …………. --- Thank you for the
…………, please give your evaluation to …………… --- Thank you for the
…………, please give your evaluation to ………… --- Thank you for the
…………., please give your evaluation to ……….. --- Thank you for the
Finally, we come to the last session of this seminar.// Thank you to all lecturers
for the evaluations/ and also thank you to all audiences for your participation
in this seminar today.//
Hopefully,/ the informations that we have shared today would be useful for all
of us.//
On behalf of the presenter,/ thank you for the attention and have a nice day,/
Wassalamualaikum wr wb//.