Opengamma Local Vol - 003

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The forward can be identified as

F (t, T ) = ET [ST |Ft ] (7)

where the expectation is under the T-forward measure - i.e. the numeraire is the zero coupon
bond P (t, T ). The option price is Vt = P (t, T )V¯t , and both F (t, T ) and P (t, T ) are market
observables (at time t for a range of T ) in many markets. By this transformation, any reference
to the (generally) unobserved r and q is removed.

2 Dupire Local Volatility

Using the Fokker-Planck result that for a SDE

dxt = a(t, xt )dt + b(t, xt )dWt (8)

the transition probability, p(T, xT ) ≡ p(T, xT ; t, xt ),3 is governed by the PDE

∂p(T, x) ∂[a(T, x)p(T, x)] 1 ∂ 2 [b2 (T, x)p(T, x)]

=− + (9)
∂t ∂x 2 ∂x2
together with the Breeden-Litzenberger result that

∂ C(t, S ; T, K)
p(T, x; t, st ) = er(T −t)
∂K 2

where C(·) denotes a call option, leads to the forward PDE

∂C 1 ∂2C ∂C
= σ 2 (K, T )K 2 − (r − q)K − qC (11)
∂T 2 ∂K 2 ∂K
In this equation, the state variables are expiry, T , and strike, K. Numerically solving the PDE
forward in time, T , with the initial condition is C(t, St ; t, K) = (St − K)+ , will give call prices for
all expiries and strikes (within the chosen boundaries). Dupire [Dup94] rearranged this equation

+ (r − q)K ∂K ∂C
+ qC
σ(T, K) = 2 ∂T ∂ 2C (12)
K 2 ∂K 2
which, given a continuous, twice-differentiable in strike and once in time, surface of call options
prices, will give a unique local volatility. A real market will only have a finite number of (liquid)
option prices. Direct interpolation of market prices is difficult since calendar arbitrage (i.e.
∂T + (r − q)K ∂K + qC < 0) and strike arbitrage (i.e. ∂K 2 < 0) must be avoided. Even if these
∂C ∂C

conditions are met, finding local volatility this way is dangerous, not least because for OTM
options, the derivatives will be with respect to very small prices (and thus in turn produce small,
possibly inaccurate numbers), leading to a division of one very small number by another. Since it
3 the probability of going from xt at time t to xT at time T ≥ t

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