Power Intention (Christallin Command) : CROWN HEART INTEGRATION (Aligning Head and Heart)
Power Intention (Christallin Command) : CROWN HEART INTEGRATION (Aligning Head and Heart)
Power Intention (Christallin Command) : CROWN HEART INTEGRATION (Aligning Head and Heart)
1. Take a deep breath in, relax and ground yourself, when you breathe out roll
up your eyes like trying to look inside of your skull (Optional: if you want:
touch the tip of your tongue to the palate), keep your eyes rolled up till end of
intention (in the beginning this can be straining but just do the best you can
until you master it. Note: some people experience dizziness or faintness in the
beginning, but persevere, nothing bad will happen.
2. Say: “Even if I don’t know how to .........(state desired outcome) with grace, ease
and joy, what I do know is that it’s already so now and I am fulfilled and
3. Delete, delete, delete any sabotage, any negative belief, trauma, impression,
information, programming or memory (adapt this to you needs or just say
anything) that holds me back to be in my power and move forward to my
desired outcome.
4. Download, download, download (or reprogram, reprogram, reprogram) all
the resources that will empower me to be in my power, and move forward
while becoming unstoppable on my way to my goals.
5. So it is, so it is, so it is and I am eternally grateful for all the blessings I receive
daily and continuously.