CSTP 2 Larsen 7
CSTP 2 Larsen 7
CSTP 2 Larsen 7
Students are aware of Students know Students follow behavior Students respond to Students demonstrate
classroom rules and expectations for behavior expectations, accept individual and group positive behavior,
consequences. and consequences and consequences and behaviors and encourage consistent participation
respond to guidance in increase positive and support each other to and are valued for their
following them. behaviors. 7/14/23 make improvements. unique identities.
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
My classroom sets up
a class contract based
on respect and
encouragement. We
being the first month
of lessons reviewing
this contract and
taking opportunities
to practice the
positive behaviors. I
model positive
Evidence responses and help
students to practice
kind sentence frame
responses to others.
I ask all students to
mute microphones
and if they do not
follow the classroom
contract, we
consequences that
are respectful.