Penilaian Akhir Tahun: Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Indonesia
Penilaian Akhir Tahun: Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Indonesia
Penilaian Akhir Tahun: Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Indonesia
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Indonesia
Satuan Pendidikan : SMP
Kelas/Semester : IX / Genap
Hari dan Tanggal :
Waktu :
Petunjuk Umum :
1. Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian Lembar Jawaban yang disediakan;
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawab;
3. Laporkan kepada pengawas kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau jumlah soal kurang;
4. Dahulukan mengerjakan soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah;
5. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang benar dengan menghitamkan bulatan jawaban;
6. Apabila Anda ingin memperbaiki/mengganti jawaban, bersihkan jawaban semula dengan penghapus sampai
bersih, kemudian hitamkan
1. After reading the 2. What will probably happen if the people ignore
text, the readers will know that the place is ... . this notice?
A. full of fire A. The people will not smoke anyway
B. to smoke B. There will be fresh air in this place
C. to light the fire C. The surrounding will be in danger
D. free from smoke D. The smoker will be safe
3. The text mainly talks about ... . 5. The main idea of the paragraph 2 is about
A. who has built the building ... of Eiffel Tower.
B. where the tower was built A. the use
C. what is the usage of the tower B. the size
D. the detailed information of the building C. the designer
4. The Eiffel Tower at the beginning is used as ... . D. the location
A. the biggest tower in France 6. The Eiffel tower is higher than the Chrysler
B. the tallest structure in France Building ... the additional of antenna.”
C. the entrance arc to the World’s Fair A. due to
D. the museum for antenna in France B. therefore
C. although
D. because
7. The writer sends this card because someone 8. The purpose of the writer in writing the
... . card is ... .
A. has grown old A. for obeying the old people
B. proves the truth B. to envy of someone’s success
C. holds an event that day C. for appreciating someone’s success
D. has got an achievement D. to prove his/her care to his/her friend
1. Speech contest
2. Making a poem
3. Calligraphy
4. Dance
5. Solo song
All students or classes must register their team before 20 August 2018. The winner will get the trophy
and prize.Thank you for your attention and good luck.
Further information: Kundin 085788971415
14. The announcement is written to ... . 15. We know from the text that the students
A. inform about HKS competition have to ... .
B. inform kinds of anniversary program A. make a group
C. ask students to register in HKS B. take the trophy
competition C. enroll their team
D. ask all students’ participation in D. join all the competitions
16. The text is mainly about ... . 18. The underlined word in ...” the bear was
A. the adventure of poor rabbit always clumsy.” Has the closest meaning
B. the misery of hunger rabbit to ....
C. a kind youngest bear child A. awkward
D. the greedy of big bear B. nasty
17. Which characteristic best describes of C. rigid
papa bear? D. stiff
A. Greedy C. Naughty
B. Callous D. Selfish
25. The function of the text is ... . 26. We know from the text that ...
A. to persuade the readers to buy the food A. It is a healthy food.
B. to inform about the serving size of the food B. It is not crunchy snack.
C. to give detailed information about the C. It is not good as diet food.
product D. It is made from raw potatoes.
D. to give information about how to use the
The text is for questions 27 to 29.
A stupid man was sent by his father to sell salt. First, He went to a mining area but nobody
wanted his salt. When he returned home, his father told him that if he had helped the miners to dig, they
would have bought his salt.
Next, the man went to a house where a wedding was taking place. There, he dug a huge hole.
This made the people angry and they chased him away. When he returned home, his father told him
that if he had beaten a drum and danced instead, the people would have bought salt from him.
Then, he went to a village where a fire happened. Rushing to the place, he started drumming and
dancing, only to be thrown out by the people. His father told him that he should have poured water on
the fire instead, if he wanted to sell the salt.
In the next place, a couple were fighting each other. The foolish man poured a bucketful of water
on them, again he was chased away. His father later told him that he should have tried to settle the
quarrel, so, they would have bought salt from him.
In the final event, the man saw two bulls fighting each other. He stepped in to stop the fight and
was gored to death by angry bulls.
30. The text is mostly talking about ... . C. The deer does not have horn and bigger
nocturnal animal in the forest in size
herbivorous mammals in the world D. The mouse deer does not have horn and
the description of mouse-deer in general smaller in size
the information of mouse deer in specific 32. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
31. What are the differences between mouse A. The size of the deer
deer and deer? B. The description of mouse deer
A. The deer has horn and bigger in size.
B. The mouse deer has horn and smaller in C. The characteristic of the mouse deer
size. D. The comparison between deer and mouse
33. The text tells us about the ... of the mouse 34. The underlined word in “The shape of the
deer. head of a mouse-deer resembles a rat’s
A. name, size, habitat, diet, fur head.” (par 1 ) has the same meaning as ... .
B. name, size, activity, food, fur A. as like
C. size, food, group, fur, activity B. closes to
D. activity, food, habitat, size, species C. in favour
D. looks like
Sometimes in the morning we want to enjoy some fresh and crispy bread.
The simplest way to do so is by using a toaster.
With toaster we can lightly cook slices of bread and make it tastier.
Here is step by step of how to make delicious bread by using toaster.
1. Insert a slice of bread into each toaster slot.
2. Choose the toasting level, usually it is from the lightest to the darkest. This will allow you to choose
how dark the toast to be.
3. Wait until the toasting process finished, usually the process only takes a minute.
4. Pick the bread when the toasting process is finished and the bread pops up from the toaster slot.
Then put it on a plate.
5. Pour some sugar on the bread while it is still warm or put some butter on it.
6. The toasted bread is ready.
(Taken from:, 2020)
44. What is the topic of the text? C. The tower’s income sources
A. The second tallest building in Japan D. The popularity of the tower
B. The reason of building the tower
45. How does the government maintain Tokyo 46. Tokyo Tower's height was not enough ...
tower? assisting terrestrial digital broadcasting to the
A. It is painted white and orange. area.
B. It is appeared in social media. A. to
C. It spends more than 150 million. B. for
D. It is repainted in every five years. C. as
D. by
47. The text is mostly talking about ... . 48. Tina gets the information by ... .
A. information in front of teacher’s room A. reading in front of teacher’s room
B. national competition on the newspaper B. seeing in the teacher’s office
C. Nicole’s triumph in national competition C. reading on the newspaper
D. good news on a newspaper for Tina D. looking for the information