DLL - English 3 - Q1 - W3

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: MA. SONER ROSE B. DAGDAG Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and SEPTEMBER 5-9,2022
Time: Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


A. Content Standard Continuation of Beginning Literacy and Weekly Articulation
B. Performance Standard Oral Language Grammar Vocabulary Development Reading Comprehensions
C. Learning Competency/s: Share relevant information Use different kinds of sentences. Show understanding of meaning Describe literary of elements of Weekly Test
EN3OL-Ic -1.3 EN3G – Ic -1 of short u words through text including characters, setting
drawing,actions,and using them and plot.
in sentences. EN3RC – Ic –e- 2.1
EN1V- Ic-24
II CONTENT Story : Stone Soup Recognizing Telling and Asking Short U Words Literary Elements of Text
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages CG p.37 of 174
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Text book pages
4. Additional Materials from Laptop, pictures, copy of the story, Laptop, pictures, copy of the Charts, laptop,powerpoint.
Learning Resources chart story, chart
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson Reciting the vowels.Filling –up Recall titles of the stories
or presenting the new lesson the vowels. listened to: “Belling the Cat” and
the Crow and the Pitcher”,
“Stone Soup”

B. Establishing a purpose for Unlocking of key words in the story Present examples of What are vowels? What makes stories interesting?
the lesson using pictures, role play sentences taken from the stories
“ The Stone Soup” and “ Belling
the Cat”

C. Presenting Divide the class into groups with Show a slides or video to the Present the slides or powerpoint Allow pupils to recall the
Examples/instances of new group names based on the word class. about short u words. characters and setting in the
lesson STONE and have each group play stories: The Crow and the
the Think, Ask and Up. Pitcher;” Belling the Cat” and
Let pupils fill up the first column “Stone Soup”
of the Prediction Chart
D. Discussing new concepts Read text using Chunking Method - How do we know that - What is the slides all about? Have a discussion onto it.
and practicing new skills #1 sentences is asking and telling ?
- What punctuation marks do we
use to identify the difference of
the two?
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery Tracing the u
(Leads to Formative
G. Finding Practical Allow pupils to answer second Group the class into three.Give Make a game for short u words. Have pupils do the exercises A
applications of concepts and column of the Prediction Chart them activity sheets to perform. and B about story setting and
skills Wrap-up discussion character.
Have pupils do the activity about
story character and setting

H. Making generalizations What are relevant information? - How do we recognize that a What are literary elements of
and abstractions about the sentence is asking and telling? text?
lesson Original File Submitted and
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for more
I. Evaluating Learning LM Activities 23, 24, 25 pp. 33 Copy these sentences putting in Provide an activity card to Castles in the Sand Trevor and
Let pupils write 2 – 3 sentences capital letters and choosing a full answer. his parents lived in Santa
commending the best trait of the stop or a question mark. 1) Barbara, California. Trevor loved
traveller. butter is made from milk the ocean and spent a lot of time
Write 5 sentences about the story. 2) how are you today at the beach. He was eleven the
3) why were you late this summer he and his parents
morning moved to LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
4) honey is made by bees Trevor was sad to move so far
5) the school bus was late today away from the water. But then
he learned that LaCrosse was on
the Mississippi River. They even
had a sandcastle contest at the
beach. Trevor and his friends in
Santa Barbara had built many
sandcastles with walls, moats,
and fancy towers. Trevor wanted
to enter the contest in LaCrosse.
But it was hard work to build a
good sandcastle, and he didn’t
have any friends in LaCrosse yet.
His parents encouraged him to
go. They thought he would meet
new people at the contest.
Trevor’s body felt tense as he
rode his bike across the bridge.
Below him, the blue Mississippi
wound into the distance. He
could see kids dotting the shore.
Trevor arrived at the beach. He
pulled out a piece of paper and a
pencil and drew a castle. He
went out on a limb by showing
his picture to two boys and a girl
standing near the shelter. They
invited him to join their group.
They won second place in the
contest. Better yet, Trevor met
three kids from the school he
would be attending in the fall
1. Characters
2. Setting
3. Plot
J. Additional activities for Make a story that is alike in the Write three asking sentences Cut pictures with short u words. Read story. Write the title.Then
application or remediation story “ Stone Soup”. and three telling sentences, you the characters, settings, and plot
heard when you go to school. of the story.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the formative
B. No. of Learners who
require additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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