DLL - MTB 3 - Q1 - W6
DLL - MTB 3 - Q1 - W6
DLL - MTB 3 - Q1 - W6
F. Developing mastery What is being talked about in Group activity Complete the sentences with Match the words in column A Do exercise # 1
(leads to Formative Assessment 3) the poem? Original File Submitted and appropriate words with their meanings in column
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G. Finding practical application of Read the first stanza.Who is Read the poem again and give Do exercises no.2 Paint me Did you spell the words Have you identified the
concepts and skills in daily living talking in the poem? the main idea correctly? different parts of a book?
H. Making generalizations and What is the meaning of What is the main idea of a Talk about your experiences.. Why do we need to spell the What are the parts of a book?
abstractions about the lesson metaphor? poem? words correctly?
I. Evaluating learning Identify the metaphor in the ff. Independent activity Answer the table wriitn on the Spell the following words Refer to activity 6
sentences Refer to activities 1-3 chalkboard. correctly
J. Additional activities for application Do activity 1:Dig it out Refer to activity 4 Write a short paragraph about Rewrite the journal correctly No assignment
or remediation experiences on a blank sheet of paper
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
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