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International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE

& Health

Volume 44, Issue 6, Page 7-16, 2023; Article no.IJTDH.97766

ISSN: 2278–1005, NLM ID: 101632866

Effect of Feeding Stimulators on Intake

of Complementary Foods among Infants
and Toddlers Age Six Months to Two
Years in Oluyole Local Government
Area, Oyo State, Nigeria
Olanike O. Balogun a* and Olusola Ladokun a
Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Lead City University, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration between both authors. Author OOB designed the study,
performed the statistical analysis, wrote the protocol, and wrote the first draft of the manuscript.
Author OL managed the analyses of the study, reviewed the manuscript and approved the final
manuscript. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/IJTDH/2023/v44i61410

Open Peer Review History:

This journal follows the Advanced Open Peer Review policy. Identity of the Reviewers, Editor(s) and additional Reviewers,
peer review comments, different versions of the manuscript, comments of the editors, etc are available here:

Received: 25/01/2023
Original Research Article Accepted: 26/03/2023
Published: 04/04/2023

Aims: To ensure that infant gets adequate nutrition, it’s essential to assist the child to eat in a
responsive-feeding environment rather than forced-feeding. This study evaluated the effects of
feeding-stimulators on intake of complementary-food among infants and toddlers aged six months
to two years.
Study Design: The study was a combination of cross sectional and experimental study which
involved nursing mothers with infant aged 6-24 months in Oluyole Local Government.
Place and Duration of Study: Nursing mothers who attended primary health care centres in
Oluyole Local Government Area, Oyo State were sampled for this study, between January and
March, 2021.

*Corresponding author: Email:;

Int. J. Trop. Dis. Health, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 7-16, 2023
Balogun and Ladokun; Int. J. Trop. Dis. Health, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 7-16, 2023; Article no.IJTDH.97766

Methodology: One hundred and twenty (120) nursing mothers who specified that they had
difficulties in feeding their children were sampled for this study. Ninety (90) nursing mothers were
selected for intervention while the remaining thirty (30) nursing mothers were used as the control.
Structured questionnaire was administered to the nursing mothers and their infants’ anthropometry
measures were recorded. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics
Results: Findings revealed that 62.2% of the nursing mothers specified that after introduction of
complementary food, their infants received the new complementary food. Furthermore, it was
discovered that most of the nursing mothers specified that their children accepted the food when
they dished the food in a colorful plates and spoon, used toys with sounds, played songs from the
phone and played cartoons through phones. There was a significant increase (t(89) = 2.467, P =
.02**) in the food intake level of children with feeding stimulators than infants without feeding
stimulators. Likewise, there was a significant improvement in anthropometric measurement among
the infants after the usage feeding stimulators.
Conclusion: It was concluded that stimulation consistently benefit child development, and
nutritional status. It is recommended that care givers and health-workers ought to be enlightened on
the usage of feeding stimulators in children’s nutrition.

Keywords: Feeding stimulators; complementary foods; nutrition; infants; toddlers.

1. INTRODUCTION important both for the growing brain and body

[5].Stimulating a child improve baby’s attention
Feeding a child appropriately during his or her span, memory and nervous system, in other
1,000 days’ window of opportunity, from the day words, stimulating enables child to reach
the child is conceived up to the 24th month, is developmental milestone faster. Moreover,
essential for the wellbeing of that child, thus adequate nutrition and the presence of both
guaranteeing the achievement of the child’s parents during the early years are also crucial to
optimum development [1]. The World Health a child’s being and all these factors contribute
Organization and United Nations International towards a normal healthy adult. However, the
Children’s Emergency Fund endorsed the stimulation a child receives depends on both
adoption and practice of EBF in the first 26 family structure and dietary lifestyle [7].
weeks and immediately after then introducing
adequate CF while continuously BF for up age 2 Stimulation and nutrition interventions delivered
or beyond [2,3]. However, feeding techniques in the first 2 years of life in low-income and
and consumption of food contribute to nutrient middle-income countries have demonstrated
adequacy of infants and dietary habits which can consistent short-term benefits to children’s early
last for a long period [1].The optimal approach to development and growth outcomes [8]. The first
determine child’s growth and development is 1000 days are the “prime time” for a young
through infant feeding practices. Exclusive developing brain. This intense period of brain
infant’s breast feeding for up to 6 months is growth and network building capacity happens
recommended for healthy nursing mothers. only once in a lifetime. During this period, the
Suitable infant feeding is vital to ideal infant and brain’s neural pathways supporting
child growth and survival [4]. communication, understanding, social
development and emotional well-being grow
For infants to grow maximally to their full rapidly in these first three years [9]. It has
potential, the care given, responsiveness and however been discovered that one reason for
stimulation are expedient [5]. Stimulators are poor brain growth is malnutrition. Children who
devices or something that raises the levels of have been severely malnourished as infants has
physiological or nervous activity in the body or a poor academic performances, are more
person that encourages the development of or vulnerable to both physical and mental illnesses
increased activity in a state or process [6]. and have less chance of being productive in
Feeding stimulators in this context include their adult years [8]. A systematic review of
provision of different toys, colourful utensils, and combined stimulation and nutrition interventions
interaction between mother and child through in Jamaica, reported that stimulation consistently
play, songs, or rhymes during the act of feeding benefit child development, while nutrition usually
to enhance the intake of food. Stimulation is improves nutritional status and growth, and

Balogun and Ladokun; Int. J. Trop. Dis. Health, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 7-16, 2023; Article no.IJTDH.97766

sometimes improves child development [9]. According to the Convention of the Right of a
Likewise, it was revealed that when an infant Child, every infants and child has the right to
develop in a prolonged adverse condition without good nutrition, and to ensure that infant gets
parental care it disrupts brain development and adequate nutrition, it’s essential to assist the
in like manner, an undernourished child whose child to eat in a responsive-feeding environment
care is deficient in affection and stimulation limits rather than forced-feeding. Forced-feeding is a
the child’s intellectual, physical growth and common practice in developing countries and
development, with long term effect such as low despite the dangers associated with it, many
productivity, poor employment chances and mothers are still driven by various reasons in
lifelong disability [10]. justifying its practice. The practice of forced-
feeding is usually borne out of good intentions for
Infants depend on others to feed them, especially the Child’s benefit. However, because it is
mothers who are the primary caregivers, play a usually with the use of coercion, force, physical
key role in the formation of children’s dietary restraints or psychological threat, it has been
habits and also decide on what the child eats and regarded as a form of inhumane and degrading
they determine how the child will be fed [11]. treatment that could lead to unhealthy food
Also, the interaction between caregiver and child habits and other health related consequences
early in life has both positive and negative effects [18].
on nutrition and growth, as well as on the child’s
cognitive and social development [12,13]. Several cases of child death following force
However, the role of the family in how a child feeding have also been reported globally [19].
learns how to feed through the means or Given the psychological trauma forced-feeding
approach that mothers or caregivers use to may inflict on children, research is needed
stimulate feeding cannot be over emphasized. immediately to discover the acceptability of
Also, the behaviour and the interaction that various feeding practices to enhanced
occurs during mealtime between mother -child or complementary feeding and the impact on
caregiver- child have been characterized as infant’s nutritional status. This study therefore
responsive style is more often associated with assessed the effects of feeding stimulators on
the formation of adequate feeding practices, as intake of complementary foods among children
well as the development of appetite self- aged six to twenty-four months in Oluyole Local
regulation by the child [14]. Some of these Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria.
components of responsive feeding that are
effective and stimulate food intake include: 2. METHODOLOGY
responding positively to children by smiling,
making eye contact and using words of 2.1 Study Design
encouragement; feeding the child slowly and
patiently, with a good disposition; waiting for the A cross sectional and experimental design was
child to stop eating and watching carefully if the used to study the effect of child feeding
child expresses signs of satiety hence the stimulators on the intake of complementary foods
context in which feeding occurs most be among nursing mothers with infants and toddlers
considered in order to provide an environment (6-24 months) in Oluyole Local Government
that is pleasant [15]. Area, Oyo State, Nigeria.

The Complementary feeding period is a vital 2.2 Study Location

transition time in infant life and unsuitable
complementary feeding techniques with related The study was conducted among nursing
adverse health penalties remain an important mothers with children between ages 6 to 24
public health issue globally, a lot of infant’s months in Oluyole Local Government Area
parents are disturbed about difficulties (OLGA) of Oyo State.Oluyole is a Local
encountered during feeding. Over 50% of nursing Government Area in Oyo State, Nigeria. Its
mother’s report that at least one of their children headquarters are in the town of Idi Ayunre. It has
do not eat properly during this period [16]. an area of 629 km and a population of 290,800
However, the interaction between the mother and as at 2022 [20]. It shares boundaries with four
child during the act of feeding or being fed has Local Governments, viz.: Ibadan South West,
been the focus of research interest in recent Ibadan South East, Ona Ara Local Government
years, because the caregiver’s characteristics and Ido Local Government all within Ibadan
and how he/she relates to the child has a direct metropolis. It also shares boundaries with Ogun
impact on the way a child will approach food [17]. State through Obafemi Owode, Odeda and Ijebu

Balogun and Ladokun; Int. J. Trop. Dis. Health, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 7-16, 2023; Article no.IJTDH.97766

North Local Governments. Oluyole Local 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Government has ten (10) wards with twenty-six
(26) primary health care centres. 3.1 Respondents Using Feeding
Stimulators to Enticed Their Infant &
2.3 Data Collection Methods and Toddlers during Complementary
Procedures Feeding
Written approval was gotten from the The view of respondents’ after usage of feeding
management in-charge of the primary health stimulators was displayed in Table 1. From the
centers. Two-stage sampling technique was results, it was revealed that 62.2% of the nursing
used to select nursing mothers from the primary mothers stated that their children received the
health care centres. Eight (8) functional primary new complementary food after introduction of
health centres were randomly selected from the feeding stimulators while 37.8% specified that
twenty-six primary health centres in Oluyole their children still did not received the
Local Government. One hundred and twenty complementary food. Results showed that 60%
(120) nursing mothers who specified that they of the nursing mothers specified that use of
had difficulties in feeding their children with feeding stimulators was a good alternative in
complementary food were selected from the order to positively influence the intake of
eight primary health centres using stratified complementary foods among infants.
sampling technique (proportional) based on the Furthermore, out of the different types of feeding
sampling frame (registers) in the primary health stimulators given to the respondents to use
care centres. However, ninety (90) nursing during complementary feeding of their infants,
mothers were selected for the intervention and results indicated that 63.3% of the nursing
feeding stimulators (such as colorful plates and mothers stated that their children accepted the
spoons, video games, toys, colours, etc.) were food when they dished the food in a colorful
given to them to use so as to enticed their plates and spoon, followed by using of toys with
children with it to see if their child would accept sounds (61.1%), playing of songs from the phone
the food who specified that their children were (57.8%) and playing of cartoons through phones
having difficulties in feeding while the remaining (53.3%). On the other hand, 57.8% of the
thirty (30) nursing mothers served as control. respondents revealed that their children did not
Each primary health centres were visited on all received the food when they made used of toys
immunization days and nursing mothers who without sound.
volunteered to participate were recruited using a
simple random technique. Structured 3.2 Remark of Nursing Mothers after
questionnaire was used to collect data from the Usage of Feeding Stimulators
consented participants. Verbal consent from the
participants was obtained after the objectives of Table 2 showed the remark of nursing mothers
the study were explained to the respondents and after usage of feeding stimulators. Results
their confidentiality was guaranteed. Each revealed that 26.7% of the nursing mothers
randomly selected nursing mothers were agreed that use of feeding stimulator was time
administered a structured questionnaire and their consuming. Moreover, larger percentage (43.3%)
children’s anthropometry measures were of the nursing mothers agreed that there was
recorded before and after the intervention. need to be vigilant during usage of feeding
stimulator so that the child does not put the
2.4 Statistical Analysis stimulator inside his/her mouth. Likewise, 38.9 %
of the nursing mothers agreed and 15.6%
Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS strongly agreed that the child focused more on
version 20) was used. Data collected were the feeding stimulator and ignored
analyzed using descriptive statistics such as complementary food. .Similarly, more than half
frequency and percentage. Inferential statistics (35.6%) of the nursing mothers agreed that work
such as T-test to test significance difference schedules of mothers would not allow use of
between food intake among children with feeding feeding stimulators on intake of complementary
stimulators and infants and toddlers without foods. Results further indicated that 31.1% of the
feeding stimulators, chi square test was used to nursing mothers agreed that lack of knowledge
elucidate the association between knowledge, concerning feeding stimulators could hinder the
perception, use of feeding stimulators and food usage. On the other hand, 23.3% of the nursing
intake. mothers disagreed with the statement that lack of

Balogun and Ladokun; Int. J. Trop. Dis. Health, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 7-16, 2023; Article no.IJTDH.97766

knowledge concerning feeding stimulators could a statistical significant (t(89) = -4.252, P = .00)
hinder usage. In addition, 32.2% of the nursing improvement in MUAC among the children after
mothers agreed that use of feeding stimulators the intervention.
was more stressful.
3.7 Significance Difference between
3.3 Nursing Mothers Not Using Feeding Heights of Infant & Toddlers with
Stimulators to Enticed Their Infant & Feeding Stimulators before and after
Toddlers during Complementary Intervention
Table 7 showed the result of the significant
Table 3 showed the consumption pattern of difference between the heights of children with
nursing mothers’ children without using feeding feeding stimulators. The results indicated that
stimulators. Result revealed that 56.7% of the there was a statistical significant (t(89) = -
nursing mothers stated that their children 2.823, P = .00) improvement in the height of the
received the complementary food without using children before and after the intervention.
feeding stimulators but 43.3% of them specified
that their children did not received the 3.8 Discussion
complementary food.
Stimulators are devices that encourage the
3.4 Significance Difference in the Food development of or increased activity in a state or
Intake between Infant & Toddlers process. Feeding stimulators in this context
without Feeding Stimulators and include provision of different toys, colourful plates
Infant & Toddlers with Feeding and spoon, and interaction between mother and
child through play, songs, or rhymes during the
act of feeding in order to enhance the intake of
food. From the observation after the trial findings
Table 4 showed the result of the significant
revealed that the infants and toddlers consume
difference between food intake between children
more food when they were provided with
without feeding stimulators and children with
stimulators especially when they dished the food
feeding stimulators. Results showed that there
in colorful plates and spoon, and the use of toys
was a significant increase in the food intake level
with sounds. According to Bridget Nicole
of infants with feeding stimulators than children
Safferman [21], the study reported that color may
without feeding stimulators t (89) = 2.467, P =
have the capacity to influence the duration of
specific behaviors in children. Also, this aligned
with [22] in one of the four key points to
3.5 Significance Difference between characterize the principles of responsive feeding
Weights of Infant & Toddlers with and emphasize that the child’s food should be
Feeding Stimulators before and after served in a separate dish, so that the
Intervention mother/caregiver can observe how much food
the child is eating: feed them slowly and patiently
Table 5 showed the result of the significant and encourage children to eat, and not to force
difference between the weight of children with them.
feeding stimulators before and after intervention.
The results indicated that statistical significant Furthermore, observation after the trial reveals
(t(89) = -8.848, P = .00) occurred in the weights that usage of feeding stimulators was time
among the children with feeding stimulators after consuming and requires that the user be vigilant
the intervention. so that the child would not put the stimulator
inside his/her mouth, moreover, infants and
3.6 Significance Difference between toddlers focused more on the feeding stimulator
MUAC of Infant & Toddlers with rather than the food. This was in accordance with
Feeding Stimulators before and after the outcome of Baker-Henningham H, Boo FL [7]
Intervention who specified that children were more attached
to the feeding stimulator even after the
Table 6 disclosed the result of the significant intervention and did not concentrate on their
difference between the MUAC of children with food. Similarly, more than half of the nursing
feeding stimulators before and after the mothers reported that their work schedules would
intervention. The results indicated that there was not allow use of feeding stimulators during

Balogun and Ladokun; Int. J. Trop. Dis. Health, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 7-16, 2023; Article no.IJTDH.97766

feeding. This is similar to Melissa Gladstone et initial childhood can lessen opposing effects of
al. [23] who reported that caregivers may want poverty [24]. Field workers stimulated quick child
to invest time in playing, communicating and stimulation via amplified mother-child
interacting with their children however many relationship, introduced exciting toys as well as
describe how they have so many competing learning material revised to the infant’s age and
demands within the household, at work. Also, the coached mothers on the usage of toys and
nursing mothers agreed that use of feeding creating of safe playing environments for their
stimulators was more stressful. Stimulation in children [25].
Table 1. View of respondents on usage of feeding stimulators for their infants & toddlers
(n =90)

Variables Yes Freq. No Freq.

(%) (%)
My child received the new complementary food after introduction of 56(62.2) 34(37.8)
feeding stimulators
Use of feeding stimulator is a good alternative in order to positively 54(60.0) 36(40.0)
influence the intake of complementary foods among infants
Different types of feeding stimulators used for the intervention
My child accepted the food when I gave him/her toys with sounds 55(61.1) 35(38.9)
My child accepted the food when I used toys without sound to 38(42.2) 52(57.8)
attract my child
I played songs for my child and he/she got attracted to the food and 52(57.8) 38(42.2)
consumed it with little stress
My child accepted the food when I played cartoons for her through 48(53.3) 42(46.7)
my phone
I made used of a colorful plates and spoon to appeal my child to 57(63.3) 37(36.7)
the food and he/she accepted it.
Source: Data Computation, 2021

Table 2. Remark of nursing mothers after usage of feeding stimulators (n=90)

S/N Statement Disagree Strongly Undecided Agree Strongly

Freq.(%) disagree Freq.(%) Freq.(%) agree
Freq.(%) Freq.(%)
1. Use of feeding stimulator is 21(23.3) 16(17.8) 16(17.8) 24(26.7) 13(14.2)
time consuming
2. Need to be vigilant so that 10(11.1) 10(11.1) 11(12.2) 39(43.3) 20(22.3)
the child does not put the
stimulator inside his/her
3. The child focuses more on 15(16.7) 13(14.4) 13(14.4) 35(38.9) 14(15.6)
the feeding stimulator and
ignores complementary
4. Work schedules of mothers 15(16.7) 17(18.8) 14(15.6) 32(35.6) 12(13.3)
will not allow use of feeding
stimulators on intake of
complementary foods.
5. Lack of knowledge 21(23.3) 12(13.3) 17(18.9) 28(31.1) 12(13.4)
concerning feeding
stimulators can hinder
6. Use of feeding stimulators 17(18.9) 17(18.9) 16(17.8) 29(32.2) 11(12.2)
are more stressful.
Source: Data Computation, 2021

Balogun and Ladokun; Int. J. Trop. Dis. Health, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 7-16, 2023; Article no.IJTDH.97766

Table 3. Consumption pattern of nursing mothers’ infant & toddlers without using feeding
stimulators (n =30)

Variables Yes Freq. (%) No Freq. (%)

My child received the new complementary food without use of 17(56.7) 13(43.3)
feeding stimulators
Source: Data Computation, 2021

Table 4. T-test showing the significant difference between food intake among infant &
toddlers without feeding Stimulators and infant & toddlers that used feeding stimulators

Variables Mean Std. Std. 95%confidence interval T df Sig. (2-

dev error of the difference tailed)
mean Lower Upper
Food intake between .225 .577 .091 .041 .409 2.467 89 .02*
infants without feeding
stimulators and infants
that used feeding
Note: Significant at p<0.05
Source: Data Computation, 2021

Table 5. T-test showing significance difference between weights of infant & toddlers with
feeding stimulators

Mean Std. Std. error 95% confidence t df Sig (2

deviation mean interval of the tailed)
Lower Upper
Weight Before – -1.01400 .81037 .11460 -1.24430 -.78370 -8.848 89 .000
Weight After
Note: Significant at p<0.05
Source: Data Computation, 2021

Table 6. T-test showing significance difference between MUAC of children with feeding

Mean Std. Std. 95% confidence t Df Sig (2

deviation error interval of the tailed)
mean difference
Lower Upper
MUAC Before – -.46400 .77163 .10912 -.68329 -.24471 -4.252 89 .000
MUAC After
Note: Significant at p<0.05
Source: Data Computation, (2021)

Table 7. T-test showing significance difference between heights of children with feeding

Mean Std. Std. 95% confidence t df Sig (2

deviation error interval of the tailed)
mean difference
Lower Upper
Height Before – -.42400 1.06187 .15017 -.72578 -.12222 -2.823 89 .000
Height After
Note: Significant at p<0.05
Source: Data Computation, 2021

Balogun and Ladokun; Int. J. Trop. Dis. Health, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 7-16, 2023; Article no.IJTDH.97766

Furthermore, Baker-Henningham H, Boo FL [7] toys that gave sounds and playing of cartoons
reported that nursing mothers were less intrusive through phones. In respect to the nursing
and more sensitive during the application of mothers view, usage of feeding stimulators
stimulation. Also, programmes on early requires the user to be vigilant so that the child
stimulation have been revealed to benefit would not put the stimulator inside his/her mouth.
parenting behaviour of nursing mothers, However, from the hypothesis finding, it was
interaction between mother-child and stimulation observed that there was a significant increase in
level delivered in the home, and home the food intake level of children with feeding
stimulation has been shown to be an stimulators than children without feeding
independent forecaster of children’s mental stimulators. This implied that the more the use of
growth in developing nations in numerous feeding stimulators, the more increment in the
studies especially for vulnerable children [26,27]. consumption level of the infants. In addition,
there was a positive impact on the consumption
In addition, from the observation of the effect of level of the infants and toddlers enticed with
feeding stimulators on food intake, it was feeding stimulator during feeding which
revealed that there was a significant increase in simultaneously had a positive influence on the
the food intake level of infants with (intervention) children’s anthropometry indices (weight, mid
than children without feeding stimulators upper arm circumference etc). In summary,
(control), this implies that the intervention Nursing mothers / caregivers are therefore
positively benefited the infants behavior towards encouraged to patiently make use of feeding
food. According to Brown A, Lee M [14], reported stimulators such as songs, rhymes and toys with
that the interaction that occurs during mealtime sounds when feeding their infants and toddlers
between mother -child or caregiver- child have in place of force feeding them as it enhances
been characterized as responsive style which is their food intakes.
more often associated with development of
appetite self-regulation by the child as well as the CONSENT
formation of adequate feeding practices, hence
the approach the mothers or caregivers used to "All authors declare that ‘written informed
stimulate feeding cannot be over emphasized. consent was obtained from the nursing mothers
attending primary health care centres in the
Likewise there was a significant improvement in study location for publication of this manuscript.
the weight, mid upper arm circumference and
height of the infants& toddlers after the ETHICAL APPROVAL
intervention. This conform to a systematic review
of combined stimulation and nutrition Written informed consent was obtained from
interventions in Jamaica that reported that participants. The ethics approval for the
stimulation consistently benefit child implementation of this research was obtained
development, while nutrition usually improves from the ministry of health, Oyo state, Nigeria.
nutritional status and growth, and sometimes
improves child development [9] and according to
Baker-Henningham H, Boo FL [7], it was Authors would like to acknowledge the Primary
reported that the intervention conducted had a Health Care Centers and Nursing Mothers
positive impact of children’s’ growth. Likewise, recruited for this study for their time and
another study revealed that stimulation served as cooperation throughout the study.
a great benefit to undernourished children’s
growth but their mental development was yet to COMPETING INTERESTS
be ascertained [27].
Authors have declared that no competing
4. CONCLUSION interests exist.
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