Alimentatia Complementara Metode
Alimentatia Complementara Metode
Alimentatia Complementara Metode
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Complementary Feeding Methods—A Review of the Benefits
and Risks
Nikki Boswell
Abstract: Complementary feeding methods have the potential to not only ensure a diet of nutritional
adequacy but also promote optimal food-related behaviours and skills. While the complementary
feeding practice known as baby-led weaning (BLW) has gained popularity, evidence supporting the
potential benefits and/or risks for infant growth, development, and health warrants consideration.
A review of 29 studies was conducted with findings indicating that parents who implement BLW
typically have higher levels of education, breastfeed for longer, and differ in other personality traits.
Fear of choking was an important factor in parents’ decision not to implement BLW; however, this fear
was not supported by the literature. Benefits of BLW included lower food fussiness, higher food
enjoyment, lower food responsiveness, and higher satiety responsiveness. While this profile of eating
behaviours confers a reduced obesity risk, few studies have examined the relationship between
BLW and infant growth robustly. BLW does not seem to increase the risk of inadequate zinc or iron
intake; however, emphasis needs to be given to ensuring adequate intake of these micronutrients
among all infants. A better understanding of the impacts of BLW is needed to inform evidence-based
recommendations to support and guide parents in complementary feeding methods.
Keywords: baby-led weaning; complementary feeding; infant feeding
Citation: Boswell, N.
Complementary Feeding
Methods—A Review of the Benefits
and Risks. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public 1. Introduction
Health 2021, 18, 7165. https://
During the first year of life, infants progress from an all-milk diet to one that includes
nonmilk foods. This transition intends to support the changing nutritional requirements of
infants, with implications for long- and short-term growth, development, and health [1].
Academic Editor: Paul B. Tchounwou
Given this, the period of transition from a milk-based diet to one that includes solid foods
(complementary feeding/weaning) is a critical time in establishing dietary-related practices
Received: 4 June 2021
Accepted: 24 June 2021
and behaviours [1]. Ultimately, complementary feeding should lead to the consumption of
Published: 4 July 2021
a variety of foods that meet nutritional requirements, while supporting the acquisition of
optimal food-related behaviours, skills, and attitudes. In achieving this, both what and how
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
infants are fed are of importance as integral aspects of an infant’s interpersonal food envi-
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
ronment. The interpersonal food environment specifically refers to proximal interactions
published maps and institutional affil- of the infant with the parents/caregivers, who impose structural boundaries, practices,
iations. and norms in relation to food and eating occasions. These interpersonal interactions are
significant constructs of the food environment for infants, who rely exclusively on such
interactions for the procurement of food and the facilitation of eating occasions [2–5].
In this regard, while much public health and clinical attention has been given to what
Copyright: © 2021 by the author.
infants are fed, as one aspect of the interpersonal food environment, attention to how
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
infants are fed has received less focus. In young children, evidence supports that how
This article is an open access article
children are fed can have an impact on food-related behaviours, such as food fussiness,
distributed under the terms and food responsiveness, and satiety responsiveness, with implications for dietary intake and
conditions of the Creative Commons child weight, growth, and development [6–10]. From this understanding, responsive
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// feeding models have been established as a preferential means of feeding young children, with positive impacts on eating behaviours and dietary intake established across the
4.0/). literature [11–17]. In responsive feeding, the child leads the feeding interaction by deciding
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 7165.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 7165 2 of 15
if and how much they will eat, while the parent retains responsibility over what, when,
and where a child is fed [14,18]. The parent must refrain from pressuring, coercing,
overtly restricting, or rewarding the child with regard to eating [11–15]. This division of
responsibility supports a child to self-regulate hunger and appetite, respond appropriately
to interoceptive signals, and enjoy a wide variety of nutritious foods [14,18].
Emerging research, largely from the UK and New Zealand, has begun to examine
the application of responsive feeding models during the complementary feeding period
and the differing impacts on infant growth, development, and health [19–24]. Specifically,
the responsive complementary feeding practice, known as baby-led weaning (BLW), aims to
replicate the division of responsibility whereby parents provide the infant chunks or strips
of finger food (deciding what, when, and where the infant is fed) and allow the infant to
self-feed, thereby not imposing on how much the infant consumes. With BLW, the infant
must engage oral motor skills in a more sophisticated way compared with traditional
spoon feeding. That is, the infant is required to manipulate and move chunks of food from
the front of the mouth to the back and, consequently, is exposed to the authentic textures
and flavours of a variety of foods. Given the unique developmental period of infancy,
this method of feeding, while holding much potential to positively shape interpersonal
food environments, may also carry inherent risks.
Given the increasing popularity of BLW, and the unique developmental needs of
infants, it is important to establish the benefits and/or risks of BLW, as responsive comple-
mentary feeding practices, for the growth, development, and health of infants. A better
understanding of the impacts of BLW will provide the opportunity to inform evidence-
based public health and clinical recommendations, which are necessary to support and
guide parents in creating healthful interpersonal food environments during the weaning
period. The aim of this review is to develop understanding of the prevalence, practice,
and common definitions of BLW, as well as to consolidate evidence of the benefit and/or
risk of this responsive feeding method. Discussion will conclude by examining the gaps
and limitations in the literature.
Data were extracted for each qualifying paper and recorded on a spreadsheet by a
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 7165 3 of 15
single reviewer. Studies were analysed under categories of focus (i.e., BLW prevalence,
eating behaviour outcomes, nutrient intake outcome). Where studies fit more than one
category of focus, the dominant focus as indicated by the studies’ primary aim was se-
FigureFigure 1 provides
1 provides an overview
an overview of of
thethe articleselection
article selectionprocess
process from which
Figure Data
Data extraction
extraction process.
2.4. Analysis
2.4. Analysis
A narrative synthesis was performed in order to consolidate the current body of litera-
A narrative synthesis was performed in order to consolidate the current body of lit-
ture and identify gaps in understanding. Studies included in this review were evaluated
erature and identify gaps in understanding. Studies included in this review were evalu-
according to the relevant study quality assessment tools from the National Institutes of
ated according
Health to thetools
[26]. These relevant studya quality
comprise series ofassessment toolsassess
questions that fromseveral
the National Institutes
potential sources
bias in [26]. These
a study. Thetools
areascomprise a seriesassessment
covered include of questions that assess
of measure several
validity, the potential
sources of biasdesign
of the study in a study. The areas
to address covered
research include
questions, theassessment of measure
generalizability of the validity,
sample tothethe
population of interest, and the extent to which key confounders are accounted forofinthe
of the study design to address research questions, the generalizability the
sample to the
analyses. population
Based on this,of interest,
studies andrated
were the extent to which
as “good”, key or
“fair”, confounders
“poor” [26]. are accounted
for in the analyses. Based on this, studies were rated as “good”, “fair”, or “poor” [26].
3. Results
3.1. Findings
A total of 29 articles were identified for inclusion in this review. Five studies were
A total of in 29
nature, while
articles were ofidentified
the quantitative studies,
for inclusion in12 focused
this review. onFive
and nutrient
intake; 5 focused on the prevalence, parental experiences, or practical
qualitative in nature, while of the quantitative studies, 12 focused on food and nutrient aspects of BLW;
4 focused
intake; on eating
5 focused on thebehaviours
prevalence, (i.e., food fussiness,
parental satiety
experiences, responsiveness);
or practical aspects of3BLW;
on choking;
focused on eatingand behaviours
no studies were foundfussiness,
(i.e., food that focused explicitly
satiety on growth3 (i.e.,
responsiveness); over-onor
choking; and noalthough
studies werethis was
found also a secondary
that focus of several
focused explicitly on growthstudies.
(i.e., over- or un-
derweight), although this was also a secondary focus of several studies.
3.2. Characteristics of Included Studies
The characteristics of the studies are detailed in Table 1. The studies predominately
involved samples from New Zealand, UK, Australia, Canada, or US. Infants were aged
from birth to 6.5 years; however, most samples were between 6 and 12 months.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 7165 4 of 15
Table 1. Cont.
4. Discussion
4.1. Prevalence, Practice, and Definition of BLW
The popularity of BLW, as a complementary feeding practice, has grown substantially
over the past 10 years [24,27]. This increasing popularity has the potential to create a
marked shift in the interpersonal environment of infants, with consequences for health,
well-being, and development. According to cross-sectional studies from the UK, between
30% and 60% of parents strictly follow BLW practices [27,28]. This rate differs substantially
from those reported in New Zealand, wherein only between 8% and 18% of parents
indicated they fully implemented BLW practices, while around 70% indicated they followed
traditional spoon-feeding methods [23,29]. While sociocultural and population differences
between the UK and New Zealand are likely to play a role in explaining these differing
rates, so too is lack of a standard definition of BLW practices.
Rapley et al. (2015) broadly defines BLW as “the inclusion of the infant in family
mealtimes, where food that is suitable for the infant to eat is made available to all” [30].
More objectively, Brown and Lee (2011b) applied a cutoff of ≤10% pureed food and
≤10% spoon-fed food for a practice to be considered BLW [31]. While many researchers
have applied this ≤10% cutoff, a number of other studies simply allow participants to
self-define whether they practice BLW or traditional complementary feeding [27,29,32].
Several studies have also been seen to use prompts that describe BLW prior to asking
parents to indicate complementary feeding practices, which could induce social desirability
bias [27,31]. Further to this, the BLISS RCT specifically classifies adherence to BLW as ≤10%
of foods solely parent-fed, ≤15% of foods infant- and parent-fed together, and at least 75% of
foods infant-self-fed only [33,34]. The complementary feeding protocol implemented in this
trial, however, is considered a modified BLW protocol as parents were given instructions on
the implantation of BLW that may differ from authentically implemented practices within
free-living populations. That is, parents within the BLISS BLW group were instructed to
focus on including high-iron foods (e.g., strips of steak, pate, hummus) and high-energy
foods (e.g., avocado, cheese) at each meal, and on reducing the risk of infant choking
by avoiding high-risk foods (e.g., raw apple) [33,34]. Importantly, the BLW practices
recommended in the BLISS trial were not only considered developmentally appropriate
for infants but also considered socioculturally appropriate for the study population (New
Zealand). This is likely to be an important consideration with respect to the transferability
of the intervention and/or results to other study populations. On this note, it has been
reported within free-living populations that while mothers describe BLW in terms of whole
foods and self-feeding, in practice mothers indicate also offering purees and infant cereals
and assisting the infant in feeding to varying degrees [29,35,36]. This too is important to
keep in mind when interpreting data from studies, particularly those in which participants
self-defined their participation in BLW practices.
It is also important to acknowledge that parents who implement BLW practices appear
to differ from parents who implement traditional complementary feeding, and thus the
impacts and outcomes may not be transferable to different demographic groups. That is,
parents who implement BLW typically have higher levels of education, breastfeed for
longer, and differ in other personality traits [28,29,31,37–39]. Parents who implement
BLW practices have also been seen to introduce complementary foods later compared with
parents who follow traditional spoon-feeding practices, while adhering to the World Health
Organization’s (WHO) recommendation for the introduction of solids at around 6 months
of age [28,29,31,37–41]. Many studies also focus on primiparous samples, who may differ
from multiparous samples [21,31,42].
In terms of understanding why parents choose different complementary feeding
practices, qualitative studies indicate that BLW has ties to ideologies of motherhood and
superior parenting [41,43]. This perception of BLW is likely based on media representation
of the complementary feeding practices, rather than health-care advice. Across multiple
samples, it has been seen that only around 20% of parents indicate they receive information
about BLW from health-care professionals, compared with 75%–80% of information from
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 7165 7 of 15
other sources, largely including the Internet and social media [23,36,37]. In line with this,
a content analysis of ProQuest International Newsstand (2015) identified 78 news articles
that depicted BLW positively, proclaiming it to reduce fussy eating, promote self-regulation,
facilitate nutrient-dense food choice by infants, and encourage independence [43]. This is in
contrast to perceptions reported by health-care practitioners who had concerns in relation
to infant choking and inadequate energy and iron intake [36,44]. In a study by Canadian
health-care practitioners (n = 33), less than half of those interviewed indicated that they
would support BLW within their practice, although these data are somewhat dated [36].
Interestingly, parents who follow traditional “parent-led weaning” appear to share
many of the concerns of health-care practitioners, with the main reasons for not wanting to
try BLW (as reported by 56% of a New Zealand sample, n = 199) being fear of their infant
choking (55.3%), concerns about the infant’s ability to eat enough (44.2%), reservation that
the infant would not have the necessary motor skills to self-feed (27.6%), or perception
that “parent-led feeding” had worked fine previously, so there was no need to change
(27.1%) [29]. These concerns appear in contrast to the reasons that mothers chose BLW,
as reported in a qualitative study of 13 Australian mothers (46% following BLW) in which
“trust” was reported to be a key factor in the decision to follow BLW [41]. That is, trusting
their infant to choose foods they could manage and trusting their own instincts, particularly
amidst social pressures related to infant feeding [41]. Additional themes identified in this
study included “value based versus practical based,” feeding in relation to core values such
as fulfilling ideals related to a superior nutritional upbringing for their child versus a desire
to be practical in infant feeding [41]. Consistent with this, albeit in contrast to the positive
frame of BLW, mothers in this study were inclined to follow traditional feeding (54%) as it
was perceived to be an easier and more efficient approach to complementary feeding than
BLW, particularly in relation to commercial baby foods in regard to returning to work or
other time limitations [41]. This perception of convenience of traditional complementary
feeding, interestingly, contradicts the perceptions of health-care practitioners from New
Zealand (n = 31), who, despite reluctance to recommend BLW, identified convenience as
a potential benefit, along with greater opportunity for shared family mealtimes, fewer
mealtime battles, healthier eating behaviours, and possible developmental advantages [44].
These are important and noteworthy observations in terms of further analysing the benefits
and risks of BLW in order to inform and guide health-care practitioners and provide parents
with accurate complementary feeding advice.
ment to eat, shared mealtimes) and further demographic variables was missed. This is
likely to be an important omission, considering that parents who implemented a strict
and predominant BLW style were reported to use less instrumental feeding, less control,
and less pressure to eat, while also sharing more mealtimes and eating the same meals
more often [37]. As these feeding practices have been seen to be associated with lower
levels of obesogenic eating behaviours in older children, it is not possible to determine
whether differences in eating behaviours reported can be attributed to BLW specifically or
other aspects of responsive feeding [12,45–47].
On this note, Brown et al. (2015) similarly showed that at 18–24 months (n = 298),
infants who were fed via BLW (spoon feeding and purees 10% of the time or less) scored
significantly lower on food responsiveness (2.85 (SEM.50) vs. 3.18 (SEM.45), p < 0.001) and
food fussiness (3.26 (SEM.37) vs. 3.03 (SEM.32), p < 0.05), while also scoring higher on
satiety responsiveness (2.61 (SEM.43) vs. 2.42 (SEM.38), p < 0.05) compared with those
following traditional spoon weaning (spoon feeding and purees more than 10%), as would
confer an eating behaviour profile associated with a reduced risk of obesity [48–50]. Brown
et al. (2015) further showed that in the traditional weaning group only, restrictive feeding
was associated with lower satiety responsiveness, as an obesogenic eating behaviour trait,
while parent concern for infant weight was associated with higher levels of food fussiness
at 6–12 months of age [48]. By 18–24 months, however, restrictive feeding was associated
with lower satiety responsiveness, while pressure to eat was positively associated with
food responsiveness in both weaning groups [48]. These findings are consistent with those
expected based on responsive feeding models in older children and further reiterating
the importance of controlling for a breadth of responsive feeding practices in order to
determine whether suspected differences in eating behaviours can in fact be attributed to
infant self-feeding.
Contrary to the potential benefits of BLW on infants’ eating behaviours, as highlighted,
Taylor et al. (2017) found that infants following the BLISS BLW protocol had lower levels
of satiety responsiveness at 24 months (n = 166) compared with those in the control group
(adjusted difference, −0.24; 95% CI, −0.41 to −0.07) [34]. Although this eating behaviour
trait is considered to confer an increased risk of obesity, no differences were seen in mean
(SD) BMI z-score at 12 or 24 months [34]. In interpreting this finding, however, it should be
remembered that the BLISS RCT was considered a modified BLW protocol, and as such,
implemented BLW practices may differ from those implemented in free-living samples.
Further to this, and consistent with other studies, responsive feeding practices were also
not controlled for in this study, which may alter the results.
more infants fed via BLW (definition not provided) were classified as underweight (based
on BMI z-score cutoff of more than −2) compared with traditionally spoon-fed infants
(definition not provided; n = 3 vs. n = 0, respectively) [52]. Conversely, more infants fed via
traditional spoon feeding were classified as obese (based on BMI z-score cutoff of more than
+2) compared with BLW infants (n = 8 vs. n = 1, respectively; Fisher’s exact test, p = 0.02,
two-tailed) [52]. These results should be interpreted cautiously, however, as 32% of BMI
data were missing from the BLW group due to being obtained by parent report, while
traditional weaning anthropometrics were measured. Further to this, BLW participants
were recruited from different sources compared with traditional feeding participants, which
could further bias the results [52].
As can be seen, few studies have examined the relationship between BLW and infant
growth robustly, with the validity of many studies being compromised due to parent-
reported infant weight and height data, and much data missing. With this caution in mind,
the results lean towards BLW reducing the risk of overweight, and the potential risk of
underweight is a serious concern. To better understand the potential risks and/or benefits
of BLW in regard to infant growth, more robust studies are needed that include objectively
measured infant anthropometrics and longitudinal follow-up. Likewise, with studies on
the relationship between BLW and infant eating behaviours, responsive feeding practices
and demographic variables should also be controlled for.
by Daniels et al. (2018) in a secondary analysis of the BLISS RCT or by Alpers et al. (2019) in
the previously discussed study of 134 infants at 6–12 months [22,51]. Importantly, however,
while Alpers et al. (2019) indicated that the mean zinc intake of both weaning groups met
the recommended nutrition intake (RNI, UK) of 5 mg, 50% of the BLW infants fell below
this RNI [51]. Likewise, iron intake, while not statistically different, was lower than the
RNI (7.8 mg) in both weaning groups, with those in the BLW group having substantially
lower intake (BLW group, 4.8 mg (SD 2.6) compared with the traditional group (6.2 mg
(SD 4.9)) [51].
Despite that there was no difference in zinc intake reported in the BLISS RCT, it was
reported that infants in the control group obtained most of their zinc from vegetables,
compared with the BLW group, who obtained most of their zinc from breads and cereals,
at 7 months and 12 months of age [22]. Further to this, it was reported by Alpers et al. (2019)
that BLW infants consumed less iron from infant milk (1.6 mg (SD 1.9) vs. 2.4 mg (SD 1.7),
p = 0.01), while the traditional weaning group was offered significantly more fortified infant
cereals (p < 0.001) and pre-prepared baby foods (p < 0.001), based on results from a food
frequency questionnaire (FFQ) [51]. Traditionally weaned infants were also offered more
dairy and dairy-based desserts at 9–12 months of age (p = 0.04), as well as more salty snacks
at 6–8 months of age (p = 0.03), compared with the BLW group [51]. Conversely, the BLW
group was offered significantly more oily fish (p < 0.001) and processed meats (p < 0.001) at
all ages compared with the traditional weaning group; however, no significant differences
were seen for intake of fruits, vegetables, meat and fish, sugary foods, or starchy foods [51].
Consistent with this, Rowan et al. (2019) reported that at 6–8 months of age (n = 83),
infants fed strictly and loosely via BLW (self-identified from written prompt) had sig-
nificantly higher exposure to protein than traditionally weaned infants (p = 0.002 and
p = 0.001, respectively) based on a 24 h recall of foods offered to the infant [27]. However,
unlike Alpers et al. (2019), the works of Rowan et al. (2019) reported higher exposure
to vegetables among infants fed strictly and loosely via BLW (p = 0.000 and p = 0.016,
respectively) [27,51]. In further support of this, in the previously discussed study by Brown
et al. (2011b), it was reported that infants fed via BLW (defined as ≤10% pureed food and
≤10% spoon-fed) were most likely to be given fruits or vegetables as first foods (78.9%
spoon use and 76.8% puree) compared with traditionally weaned infants, who were mostly
given iron-fortified rice cereal as first foods (10.8% spoon use and 14.2% puree use vs.
59.5% spoon use and 62.6% puree use) [31]. These findings are also largely consistent with
those of Fu et al. (2018), who reported that, compared with traditionally weaned infants,
significantly fewer BLW infants consumed iron-fortified cereals (12% vs. 57%, p < 0.001,
respectively) at 6 months of age, although they did consume more red meat (68% vs. 52%,
p < 0.001, respectively) [23].
On this note, contrary to other studies, Fu et al. (2018) reported that infants following
BLW were less likely to consume fruits and vegetables than traditionally weaned infants
when solids were first introduced (8% vs. 19%; p = 0.002) [23]. This finding may be of
particular importance in consideration of an interesting secondary analysis of the BLISS
RCT (n = 74, 7–12 months) that aimed to examine differences in infant gut microbiota
composition following BLW [56]. In this study, it was seen that traditionally fed infants
consumed more “fruits and vegetables” and “dietary fibre” than BLW infants (53 g/day
and 1.3 g/day more, respectively), which was suggested to contribute to significantly
lower alpha diversity among BLISS BLW infants, compared with traditionally fed infants,
at 12 months of age [56]. Mediation models in this study further confirmed that intakes
of “fruits and vegetables” and “dietary fibre” explained 29% and 25% of the relationship
between the weaning group (BLISS versus control) and alpha diversity, respectively [56].
Although this is the first known study to look into the relationship between weaning
method and gut microbiotas, the finding adds a new level of investigation to the risks
versus benefits of BLW, with gut microbiota known to have important implications for
health and well-being, including changes in eating behaviours, dietary diversity, and body
weight [56–61]. In interpreting the findings of this study, however, it must be emphasized
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 7165 11 of 15
that findings in relation to vegetable intake and BLW were not consistent across the
literature. Likewise, in interpreting the results related to nutritional intake and BLW
generally, it should be remembered that many studies were limited due to weaknesses in
research methodology, inconsistency in conceptualization and measure of key variables,
and lack of control for confounding factors (i.e., parental feeding practices in general, parent
eating behaviours, psychosocial variables). With this in mind, the literature reviewed
indicates that while there does not seem to be a significant difference in energy intake
between BLW infants compared with traditionally weaned infants, some differences in
dietary composition appear to exist, particularly in terms of first foods. Although BLW
infants do not seem to be at a significantly increased risk of inadequate zinc or iron intake,
emphasis needs to be given to ensuring adequate intake of these micronutrients among all
infants during the period of weaning.
supports that increased exposure to finger foods through BLW may lead to improved oral
motor skills during infancy compared with traditionally weaned infants.
5. Conclusions
As can be seen, while there is much promise in relation to the benefits of BLW to infant
eating, growth, development, and health, much remains unknown. Based on the evidence
available, the literature suggests that BLW may reduce infant food fussiness and increase
satiety responsiveness; however, these results are far from conclusive. Likewise, although
the current literature hints at BLW reducing the risk of overweight, longitudinal data that
control for confounding factors are needed to clarify this. Additionally, while the risk of
underweight is a serious concern related to BLW, the literature indicates no difference in
energy intake between weaning groups. Similarly, no differences in zinc or iron intake were
seen between BLW infants and traditionally weaned infants; however, ensuring adequate
intake of these micronutrients among all infants during the period of weaning is important.
Likewise, while the risk of choking does not appear to increase among infants following
BLW practices and, in fact, BLW may encourage infants to improve their oral motor skills,
parents need to be guided to avoid introducing foods that pose a choking risk. On this
note and given the increasing popularity of BLW, as a responsive complementary feeding
practices, and the unique developmental needs of infants, it is important to expand the
current evidence base, such as by better informing parents during the weaning period and
developing evidence-based public health recommendations and clinical guidelines.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 7165 13 of 15
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