3rd - Sem-Ct-23-Chemical Engineering

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Semester – 3 Branch: - Chemical engg.
Subject: - Mechanical operation (2014304) Full marks: - 20

GROUP – A (5)

1. Choose the most suitable answer from the following options.

i) The ratio of the area of opening in any one screen to the area of the opening in 1
the next finer screen is-
a) 1.5
b) 1
c) √2
d) 2

ii) 200 mesh screen means 200 opening per 1

(a) cm2
(b) cm
(c) inch
(d) inch2
iii) The opening of 200 mesh screen (Taylor series) is 1
(a) 0.0074 cm
(b) 0.0074 mm
(c) 0.0047 cm
(d) 74 µm
iv) Grinding efficiency of a ball mill is of the order of ……. percent. 1
(a) (1-5) %
(b) (40-50) %
(c) (75-80) %
(d) (90-95) %
v) Shape factor for a hemisphere is 1
(a) 1
(b) >1
(c) < 1
(d) = 0
GROUP – B (answer any two) (5)

2. Describe in brief construction and working of vibrating screens. 2.5

3. Describe in brief principal, construction and working of fluid energy mill. 2.5

4. Describe the relationship between co-efficient of friction µ and α for the particle 2.5
to be crushed.
GROUP – C (answer any two) (10)

5. Derive the overall effectiveness of a screen. 5

6. Derive the critical speed of a ball mill. 5

7. Calculate: - 5
(i) The mass ratio of overflow and underflow to feed.
(ii) The effectiveness of the screen.
Data: Dp =1.651 mm, xF = 0.47, xD = 0.85, and xB = 0.195.
Semester – 3 Branch: - Chemical engg.
Subject: - Momentum Transfer (2014305) Full marks: - 20

GROUP – A (5)

1. Choose the most suitable answer from the following options.

I) Point velocity is measured by 1

(a) Venturi meter
(b) Orifice meter
(c) Pitot tube
(d) None of these
ii) The example of Bingham plastic is 1
(a) Gas
(b) Non- colloidal Solution
(c) Sewage Sludge
(d) Rubber latex
iii) The S.I unit of Kinematic Viscosity is: 1
(a) m2/sec
(b) Kg/m.sec
(c) Kg.m/sec
(d) Sec/m2
iv) The value of Reynolds number for turbulent flow is 1
(a) NRe <2100
(b) NRe >4000
(c) 2100<NRe<4000
(d) NRe > 2100
v) The unit of Viscosity is: 1
(a) Kg/m
(b) Kg/(m.sec)
(c) Kg.sec/m
(d) Kg.m/Sec
GROUP – B (answer any two) (5)

2. Differentiate between Laminar Flow and Turbulent Flow. 2.5

3. Differentiate between steady flow and unsteady flow. 2.5

4. Differentiate between uniform and non-uniform flow. 2.5

GROUP – C (answer any two) (10)

5. Define Newton’s Law of viscosity. Write SI unit of kinematic and dynamic viscosity. 5

6. Derive Euler’s equation of motion of fluid and hence obtain Bernoulli’s equation. 5

7. A differential manometer connected at the two-point A and B at the same level in 5

a pipe containing an oil of Sp. Gr. 0.9, Shows a difference in mercury levels as 130
mm. Determine the difference of pressure at the points A and B.
Semester – 3 Branch: - Chemical engg.
Subject: - Introduction to chemical engineering (2014301) Full marks: - 20

GROUP – A (5)

1. Choose the most suitable answer from the following options.

i) A solar cell converts the sunlight directly into ....... energy. 1

(a) Thermal
(b) Electrical
(c) Mechanical
(d) Chemical
ii) Energy from sun arises mainly from ……. reaction. 1
(a) Fusion
(b) Fission
(c) Combustion
(d) None of these
iii) Spherical shape of mercury droplets is due to its 1
(a) High viscosity
(b) Low surface tension
(c) High density
(d) High surface tension
iv) Natural gas mainly consists of 1
(a) Ethane
(b) Propane
(c) Methane
(d) Butane
v) Which of the following is a non-renewable source of energy? 1
(a) Wind energy
(b) Hydel power
(c) Solar power
(d) Fossil fuels
GROUP – B (answer any two) (5)

2. Give four example of unit operation. 2.5

3. Give four example of unit Process. 2.5

4. Name at least five Petroleum products. 2.5

GROUP – C (answer any two) (10)

5. Differentiate between chemist & chemical engineer. 5

6. How is chemical engineering is different from other engineering courses? 5

7. Discuss the role of chemical engineer to the Society? 5

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