The Place of Repentance in Intercession Tjcii 07 - 07 - 21
The Place of Repentance in Intercession Tjcii 07 - 07 - 21
The Place of Repentance in Intercession Tjcii 07 - 07 - 21
What is it
1. NACHAM - to lament, to grieve. This word is describing the emotions that are
aroused when motivated to take a different course of action.
2. SHUV - This word expresses a radical change of mind toward sin and implies a
conscious moral separation from sin and a decision to forsake it and agree with God.
In the Greek of the New Covenant, there are also two words used which parallel the Hebrew
Repentance is the informing and changing of the MIND stirring and directing the
EMOTIONS to urge the required change, and the action of the yielded WILL in turning away
from sin and to God.
In the New Testament, the key term for repentance is metanoia [metavnoia]. It has two usual
senses: a "change of mind" and "regret/remorse."
We STOP and think, we ask our self where we are, are going in the right way? Are you sure
what you are doing? Do you have some guilt feelings?
Make 180 degrees turn to the opposite direction. Confess and repent and turn to doing the
right thing or going to the right direction.
Repentance was an important call or theme in the OT and NT. GOD called his people to
confess and repent their sins and their father’s sins as we will see later. Repentance brings
forgiveness, healing or restoration to individuals and to nation.
If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My
face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin
and heal their land. 2 Ch 7:14
This is the most quoted verse about praying or repenting the sins of the nation. God
gave this promise to a people who had a covenant with Him. People who knew Him. We
can use this verse too because we have our covenant with Yeshua. We have been
included in the commonwealth of Israel. (Eph 2:12)
1. Humble themselves
2. Pray
3. Seek my face
4. And turn from their wicked ways
God will
We often want God to do his part without us doing our part, intercession, confessing and
repentance become hard, dry and unfruitful. We are discouraged, and we may stop
interceding for people and situations
John the Baptist began his ministry by proclaiming, ‘repent for the kingdom of
God is at hand. Mt 3:2
Jesus began his ministry by calling people to repent for the kingdom of God is
near. (Mt 4:17) To enter the kingdom of God, one must repent.
There Are Three Types of Repentance. Could be more but here we look at the three
Individual repentance
Corporate Repentance
Identification repentance which our topic today.
1. God commands it "God now commands all men everywhere to repent" Acts 17:30
He said that He has 'winked' at our previous ignorance - He has turned a blind eye to
it, but now there is no excuse.
2. Yeshua said, "Except you repent you shall all likewise perish " (Luke 13:3). There is
no qualification - it means ALL. It is the God- appointed way of salvation - "for
godly sorrow works repentance unto salvation" 2 Corinthians 7:10. No repentance
no salvation.
3. "You shall call his name Y'shua for he shall save his people from their sins" Matthew
4. He Himself said, "I am come to seek and to save that which was lost" Luke 19:10 "I
am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance"
5. John the Baptist preached the same message Matthew 3: 2 & Isaiah 40: 3
6. Luke 5:32 "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" Matthew 4:17
7. The commission of His people It was the original commission of the descendants of
Abraham which is now conferred also upon all believers in the God of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob.
8. Speaking to Israel, "And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation"
on the condition that they kept His covenant and obeyed His laws (Exodus 19: 5).
9. "This gospel of the kingdom (i.e. repentance and remission of sins) should be
preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, " Matthew 24:14
10. That repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all
nations" Luke 24:47
11. "Repent and be baptised" - the execution of the commission by the apostles Acts
Iniquity in Hebrew means crooked or twisted we it is sin. There are sins from previous
generation that were not repented. Sins that follow us makes to crooked and twisted. We are a
people that is corrupt, crooked and twisted.
4. We acknowledge, O Lord, our wickedness And the iniquity of our fathers, For we
have sinned against You. (Jeremiah 14:20)
5. I will return again to My place Till they acknowledge their offense. Then they will
seek My face; In their affliction they will earnestly seek Me.” (Hosea 5:15)
6. Go and proclaim these words toward the north, and say: ‘Return, backsliding
Israel,’ says the Lord; ‘I will not cause My anger to fall on you. For I am merciful,’
says the Lord; ‘I will not remain angry forever. Only acknowledge your iniquity,
That you have transgressed against the Lord your God, And have scattered your
charms To alien deities under every green tree, And you have not obeyed My voice,’
says the Lord. “Return, O backsliding children,” says the Lord; “for I am married to
you. I will take you, one from a city and two from a family, and I will bring you to
Zion. And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with
knowledge and understanding. (Jeremiah 3:12-15)
7. Mt 3:13. Jesus did this for us by being baptised by John the Baptist and He died on
our behalf. The greatest and most wonderful identification repentance happened on
the cross and we are forever grateful.
Spiritual research must be done since in intercession we don’t only listen to the Lord but we
pray with information. The information most is in history which can be found in public
library. Or in books. One may need to go and look for the information. Without this research
our intercession will be very limited. After the research is done, then action follows and you
begin to confess and to repent.
In Spiritual Mapping or research, we look at the History of the family, church, city or nation.
Whatever you are interceding for even if it is an individual, it good to know the history. The
foundation in which someone was born and brought up.
1. Idolatry
2. Sexual immorality
3. Bloodshed
4. Broken covenants or agreements
5. Oppression
6. Curses in family. city or nation
7. Reception of the gospel when it was first preached in a city or nation. We want to
know the gospel was welcomed well or it was resisted. Some missionaries were killed
in the process of preaching the gospel.
8. And today we want to research on how Jews people were treated in the nations,
because we need to confess and repent of this sin.
9. We must repent of Replacement theology, supperssessionism as well as antisemitism
against the Jews people.
There many others and for further study on Spiritual Mapping see the end notes.
Answer these questions, they will help you to move forward in intercession.
Have you done Spiritual Mapping or research in your life, family, church, city,
Write down the people you intercede for and ask God to show how to intercede for
Think through today’s message and see whether there is some way you can add to
your intercession.
What was your take home in today’s teaching?
Repentance and identification repentance?
Repentance therefore is God’s second chance.
It prepares the way for God’s kingdom.
It opens doors of grace for people.
True repentance gives no excuse; it is like standing naked before God.
Touches the heart of God and makes him change his mind therefore, it must be
Gives us sovereign authority to operate in the spiritual realm.
It is a platform for us to negotiate with God and to do spiritual warfare.
Displaces Satan, he loses his legal rights.
Connects us with the Holy Spirit who leads us in spiritual warfare.
Enables us to deal with strongholds.
We need to bring quality and quantity repentance. Repentance and confession is best
done with understanding therefore do not be in a hurry. Do not use tongues. Do not do gross
or wholesale confession or repentance
1. Brian Mills and Roger Mitchell, Sins of The Fathers.
(Tonbridge, Kent, England: Sovereign Word International
2. John Dawson, Healing “The Wounds of America.” (Ventura
3. Jon Dawson, Taking our Cities for God. (Lake Mary, Fl:
Creation House, 1989)
4. Breaking Strongholds in your City, Peter Wagner, Regal books
5. Defeating the Enemy with the Help of Spiritual Mapping, by
Harold Caballeros
6. An Overview of Spiritual Mapping, George Otis Junior
Scripture are from NKJV and NIV 1984