CSTP 2 Paz 12
CSTP 2 Paz 12
CSTP 2 Paz 12
creates classroom norms
with students at the
beginning of the year and
build community
agreements. Teacher and
students have restorative
circles when classroom
conflicts affect or harms
our homeroom
community. Students
complete self reflections
when conflicts emerge.
7/17/2022-Teacher crafts
lessons that are grade
level appropriate–we use
primary and secondary
sources that at grade
level, students analyze
various academic sources
and make inferences,
conclusions and engage in
academic discussion. All
students are expected to
Evidence participate and complete
assignments–even if they
require some scaffolding
and modifications.
12/04/2022-Students are
assigned grade level texts
each class and are given
opportunities to discuss
content with appropriate
scaffolds like chunked
texts and visuals/realia to
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
build background
contexts. Teacher
incorporates strategies
that allow all students to
meet high expectations
and complete classwork,
such as supplementing
instruction with learning
videos to provide context
and visuals for all
5/03/2023-Students read
grade-level text and are
provided with rigorous
prompts they must tackle
each day. Students are all
expected to complete the
work and show effort and
I use scaffolds like
chunked or modified
texts, sentence stems,
word banks and clear
CFU’s so that students
know exactly what they
need to produce and have
tools to help them
produce it. I cold-call on
all students at least once
in a class block to provide
my student voice but also
encourage participation
from all students. During
independent work, I do
aggressive academic
monitoring where I
circulate, monitor student
work habits, and provide
targeted feedback to
Students are aware of Students know Students follow behavior Students respond to Students demonstrate
classroom rules and expectations for behavior expectations, accept individual and group positive behavior,
consequences. and consequences and consequences and behaviors and encourage consistent participation
respond to guidance in increase positive and support each other to and are valued for their
following them. behaviors. make improvements. unique identities.
7/17/2022-Students 12/04/2022-Evidence:
engage with content and Each class teacher
have many opportunities monitors student work
to participate in academic habits and issues glows
discussion. Students use and grows. Students
non-verbal hand signals receive this data as a
to build on, agree, or paycheck each Friday
disagree with peers which they will get sent
during discussions and home. Students set goals
can use accountable talk based on the areas of
stems to engage in growth that they received.
discussions. Accountable
Evidence talk posters are posted in 5/03/2023-Teacher
visible areas of the provides students with
classroom to encourage positive narration and
positive discussion. shout-outs when students
Students can shout-out are modeling class
each other and celebrate expectations. Teacher
each other at the end of communicates behavior
each class. and academic habits to
students through Class
Consequences for Dojo. Students and
behavior are posted in a families can monitor Class
visible area of the class .
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Dojo and view feedback
from teachers.
spends time teaching
classroom routines and
procedures at the
beginning of the year and
practice redos to set high
expectations. Students
have assigned classroom
jobs they are responsible
for and help maintain
classroom culture.
routines and procedures
are explicitly practiced
and taught at the
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
beginning of the year to
ensure all students know
the routines of the class.
Students use silent hand
signals to communicate
during a lesson and
prevent disruptions to
instruction. Students have
class jobs to maintain our
classroom, such as
computer monitors,
pencil monitors, paper
monitors, and clean up
monitors. Each student is
responsible for
completing their job and
keeping our space “better
than we found it.”
12/04/202-Teacher time
stamps lesson plans to
utilize time for each
Evidence lesson. Teacher projects
directions with a timer on
board during
independent practice to
ensure students use time
wisely and maximize
work time.