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In the period of thirty years during which he was

great. True electric current arises solely from convection

coins, &c.; the latter, which is more cursive in character, is

and structure of both plants and animals; and they render it

and even criminals and slaves were there safe, violence

period more or less contemporary with Dynasties XI. and XII.

Gallia, Britannia (1846); and Numismatic Illustrations of

and around the northern tributaries of the St Lawrence.

AMSDORF, NICOLAUS VON (1483-1565), German Protestant

Iliad (v. 365) Ares is imprisoned by them, but delivered by

faithful to the king and his heirs, and truth and faith to

a neck of land a few yards in breadth. The highest mountains,

largely recruited, and, indeed, there are few of the chiefs

account the lines D and G' are united for ordinary photographic

Ordnung of 1887, which completed the organization by the

also on the refraction of light, especially on atmospheric

ships and the special requirements of the director of works,

science, which has frequently and quite legitimately used

AEthelfrith was defeated and slain at the river Idle by Raedwald

by itself; and we can thus recognize that it may behave very

Acropolis, together with that of his friend Xanthippus, the

them; the white are terribly tormented by the insects and

Aberdeen at once resigned office, and the queen bestowed

John in 1887; Count A. E. W. Gleichen, With the Mission to

AEROTHERAPEUTICS, the treatment of disease by atmospheric

p. 134; H. Winnefeld, Romische Mitteilungen, 1889, 126;


to abandon his tour, and on his return to Norway he taught

conduct of their officers and practitioners, and the fees

chiefly of pamphlets and articles of more or less ephemeral

amount made per kilowatt hour may be misleading, since a

Girishk, on the Helmund, are extensive mounds and other traces

amphitheatre was primarily used were first organized as public

merit, and its novelist in Sylvester Judd (1813-1853), whose

of the children educated at the different orphanages are

Buildings and Institutions.--The Dam is the vital centre of

The bureau of supplies and accounts procures and distributes

brother the grand-duke Constantine, was clamorous for peace;

can here be made. It is satisfactory to record that but very

Alsace, like the rest of the empire, was divided into

constructive work, have contributed much to the preservation

and interfering with salivary and peptic digestion, has been

keep off sun and rain, thus being collapsible so that the

line west of the Niger being drawn from the 9th parallel to

architecture, the upper member of the capital of a column.

clay. The committee appointed by the British Association

The public buildings of chief interest are the kasbah, the

the Septuagint for Hebrew altars); ilasterion; bomos

sent twenty vessels to the aid of the Ionians in 498 B.C.

the regiment won for it the distinction of wearing badges

fullest account of early English advertising that has ever been

them are: Les Trappeurs de l'Arkansas (1858); La Grande

pasture since the 1st Elizabeth shall be again converted into

posterior, the civilization of the Iliad was reminiscent of the

which Julius Scaliger speaks with great praise.

should be about 25 ft. in diameter and 1/225th of an inch

town in the Paduan territory. But his tastes were botanical,

Ephesus. Note the confident local allusion in xix. 9 to ``the

Central Asian watershed, by a continuous series of strata

country, and died there, leaving their families to grow up

though among the Pueblos, strangely enough, men are weavers.

by Marcus Antonius, the triumvir (Cicero, De Lege Agraria,

war, while the duchess was actively engaged in organizing

K. Wood-house.

abandon the idea of college and enter a business office in New

heat for some hours in order to settle out the ferric oxide which

the coast states (the chief of which are Pedir, Gighen and

Ages. In Spain its revival was due to the Saracens, and by

centre of a saline lacustrine depression several hundred

contained chromate of lead, eleven gamboge, twelve red-lead,

1870 11 10 1/2 11 1 1/2

finds himself compelled to print as many insets as the

(see fig. 3); these begin about an inch from the pylorus and

.= 9.90 lb. Drift rear wings, 29.5X(o.o43-0.242X0.05235)X2.42

to the sanctuary; and whether looked at from its courts or

his son Stephen succeeded not only to the countship of Aumale,

that (Esther x. 1) he laid ``a tribute upon the land and upon

The breaking up of Gondwana Land is usually considered to have

Impositions (1680) in answer to Stillingfleet's Mischief

reposed on much wider and less special principles---those,

sake. This incident it simply did not fall within the scope of

like his hand. If the dealer refuses the elder hand scores
suppression of indecent or objectionable advertisements.

flora, the following works are particularly noteworthy: --

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