Assignment 1-1

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University Of Management and Technology

Assignment 1: Introduction to Statistics –QM-120 – Section C3

Submission Date: 28th April, 2023 Marks: ________/ 10

Name: _______________________________ Registration #: ____________________

Q.1- Complete the following table:

Class Mid Cumulative Class Relative Relative
Classes f
boundaries points frequency interval Frequency C.F

1-11 6⁄

11.5-19.5 13

9 6

25.5-34.5 40

7 40

42-46 8 44

Q.1 (b) -Draw a Histogram of above givendata. Also Comment about the Shape of the data,
either it is symmetric, positive skewed or negative skewed.
Q.2- For the following 80 marks:

98 99 93 95 90 108 52 88 101 96 72 56 64

27 97 59 82 69 72 65 84 04 11 107 36 87

85 66 09 10 78 66 106 83 57 60 51 94 20

101 92 86 44 36 95 78 55 99 63 97 71 44

64 90 97 59 12 26 27 45 84 85 16 104 36

87 58 66 10 104 78 36 106 83 74 06 51 12

91 72

a) Make a stem and leaf display

b) Tabulate above marks in a grouped frequency distribution with 8 classes and starting
value as “1” including class boundaries, class marks, frequencies, cumulative
frequencies, relative frequencies and relative cumulative frequencies.
c) Make a frequency polygon of above grouped data given in Q-2(b).
d) Draw an Ogive of the above grouped datagiven in Q-2(b).
Q.5-Graph the following data showing the areas in millions of square miles of the oceans of the
world, usingBar Chart.

Ocean Pacific Atlantic Indian Antarctic Arctic

Area 99.8 47.2 38.5 76.7 54.5

Q-6.Draw a multiple bar chart to represent the imports and exports of Pakistan (values in rupees)
for the years 2005 to 2009.

Years Exports Imports

2005 14260 17930
2006 15225 18850
2007 16150 19780
2008 17340 21720
2009 18145 22150

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