Pop Culture Prelim Reviewer PDF
Pop Culture Prelim Reviewer PDF
Pop Culture Prelim Reviewer PDF
⊳ John Fiske writes, “We construct our ⊳ Culture can be produced, reproduced
space within and against their place, of and circulated
speaking our meanings with their
language.” ⊳ Profits are made by the production
⊳ An example: The Shopping Center.
What is this place within society? ⊳ Once television becomes
consumption, it changes to a producer,
⊳ The Shopping Center is a place of producing the audience, eventually sold
commerce, a place where merchants to advertisers
sell their products to consumers. Is this
space assigned other meanings in our ⊳ The audience is the producer, we
culture, outside of what it was originally decide what becomes popular and not.
intended for?
⊳ Audiences decide what becomes
Defining the Popular popular culture
Ruling class and ruling ideas ⊳ Marx (1976) stresses that it is not the
dominant ideas of a particular time that
⊳ In “The Ruling Class and the Ruling determine its social system, but the
Ideas “(1970), Marx and Engels argue economic production (or the “base”) that
that the prevailing ideas of a particular shapes the prevailing ideas (or the
society are formed by the ruling class to “superstructure”) which in turn reinforce
express and justify their position. This this system and give it meaning. For
contrasts the view that ideas and values example, in the feudal medieval society
within a society exist separately from in Europe a theological worldview
political or economical leadership. Marx asserted by aristocracy and
and Engels propose that the class in disseminated by the church gave
control of the material production also meaning to feudalism. The peasants
controls the “mental production”. While came to believe one’s place in the class
regular citizens are busy with their system was God’s will and obeying
day-to-day tasks, part of the ruling class authority would be rewarded after death.
take on the function of the “thinkers”, According to Marx, as the economy
those whom we see as subject matter develops, the superstructure needs to
experts, and actively develop and be adjusted and as the economic base
promote those values and messages. changes, social revolution occurs (either
The ruling class also has some control gradually through reform or quickly as
over the dissemination of these ideas. an uprising). For example, the growing
industrialisation and international trade
⊳ In modern times for example, by in England resulted in the middle-class
financing blockbuster films that to a playing a more important part in the
larger or lesser extent reinforce the economy and thus becoming more
ruling ideas. Marx and Engels also powerful. With that a new ideology of
argue that these “illusions” about society liberty and self-profit started to develop,
are upheld by detaching them from the eventually leading to a revolution and
ruling class, as propagation of new ruling ideas by a
if they exist independently in a particular new ruling class.
time (mainly because the ruling class
itself believes these ideas are relevant
to all their contemporaries). The ideas
⊳ Marxist theory about the economic
base as the key driving force of society
is particularly fascinating in explaining
how the ruling class ideas work. It also
emphasizes the importance of
considering popular culture in relation to
its context. However, Marx’s writing has
several key limitations. Firstly, it
presents the public as passively
accepting the ruling ideas. In reality
people are active participants in popular
culture, and individuals may choose to
accept or reject these ideas and some
may also promote or contest them.
Secondly, Marx’s writing does not
acknowledge the existence of
alternative ideas, which may not
dominate, but are still present in most
societies. Gramsci’s reflections on
hegemony (1971) and its dependence
on consent help to fill these gaps in the
study of popular culture – a contested
area shaped by “contradictory pressures
and tendencies” (Bennett, 1986) arising
from competing interests of different
groups within society.