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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Laguna
District of Cavinti





Teacher III


District: CAVINTI



Principal III Public Schools District Supervisor

Reviewed by: Date:

________________________ __________________

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________________________ __________________

EPS-In Charge

I. Context and Rationale

II. Action Research Questions

III. Proposed Innovation, Intervention and Strategy

IV. Action Research Methods

a. Participants and/or other sources of Data and


b. Data Gathering Methods

c. Data Analysis Plan

V. Action Research Work Plan and Timelines

VI. Cost Estimates

VII. Plans for Dissemination and Utilization

VIII. References
I. Context and Rationale

Science educators in the early 21st century are facing a myriad of issues.

Indeed, students in the United States still lag behind students in other nations

in science achievement, particularly European and Asian countries (National

Center for Education Statistics, 2017). Some of the complex issues in the field

of science education include the availability of appropriate textbooks and

classroom resources; the preparation and training of science teachers

(including both pre-service training and in-service professional development);

political and religious opposition to cutting-edge science instruction; the need

to meet standards and to prepare students for standardized examinations; and

the dramatically increasing use of the internet as a source of information. Given

these and other issues, it is extremely important to understand, acknowledge,

and build upon the abilities of adolescent learners, while at the same time

tailoring instruction to address the unique challenges faced by this age group.

The field of educational psychology has much to contribute to science

education. There have been many important recent developments in the study

of adolescent cognition and motivation, and this new knowledge has much to

add to the enhancement of science education. Learning about science requires

the coordination of a complex set of cognitive, affective, and motivational

strategies and skills. Specifically, research from educational psychology can

contribute greatly to our understanding of how adolescents acquire and process

scientific knowledge; overcome misconceptions; learn the discourse of

scientists; learn to think and reason like scientists; evaluate sources of scientific

information; and reconcile personal beliefs (e.g., religious and political beliefs)

with science content.

In today’s educational setting where modular learning modality is being

implemented in majority of the public schools in our country brings challenges

on how would learners develop holistically. In School, pupil’s academic

performance is link towards a strong foundation of learning as a preparation for

a greater world competition. It is necessary to develop the academic aspect of

every young learners. It is a scenario in most schools which pupils has low

academic performance. As the situation which our pupils are used to be

performing the different learning task with the provision of teachers inside the

classroom. It will test the pupils’ courage and motivation in order to meaningfully

learn out from the learning activities provided for them with the support of their

guardian at home and to finish it with duration given with ample time.

From 60 Grade VI – Pupils of Cavinti Elementary School, 30 or 50% are

classified as low mastery level in the identified learning competencies in

Science due to low scores in the performance task, Diagnostic Test with

29.80% MPS which resulted to deteriorating performance in Science which was

determined by the assessment of learning competencies. To help improve

mastery level in the said learning area of our pupils it will be solved to take an

action, to help pupils at risk cope with their comprehension skills by utilizing the

Experimental Toolkit.

The researcher believed that improving the comprehension skills of our

Grade VI pupils will results to wider scope of understanding and enable them

to develop a high degree of educational importance.

The researcher’s station, Cavinti Elementary School is a child-friendly

school headed by Mrs. Rosie C. Abad, Principal III and has a teaching force
consisting of twenty- (23) dedicated teachers. From this teaching staff, there are

teachers who are teaching Science and usually encounter pupils will low

competencies in the said learning area. It is an alarming case that they are in the

higher level of basic education and they should have a higher mastery level of

the concepts and skills as well. It is a scenario which typically calls for the right

action in order to help our pupils to have an improvement in the mastery level.

Based on the researcher’s interview from her co- Grade VI teachers, it is the

common problems seen in their class of the said school.

And the researcher targets the Grade VI of section Ruby which has needs

more attention in their academic development particularly in Science. Based on

the researcher’s experience as a Grade VI teacher, learners should have a

higher academic development. Providing them with the appropriate instructional

materials and the integration of the suited teaching strategies that will help them

develop their mastery level. Learning would be more fun and meaningful most of

the time and will be able to maximize their full potentials. We want every Grade

VI pupils in our school are all competent learners and develop a strong sense of

passion in their study.

II. Action Research Questions

1. What is the academic performance of Grade VI pupils in Science before

and after the utilization of Mind Mapping Activity?

2. What is the behavior and feed backs of pupils in the utilization of Mind

Mapping Activity?
3. Is there significant relationship between the performance of pupils in the

Science to the utilization of Mind Mapping Activity?

III. Proposed Innovation, Intervention and Strategy

The researcher proposed the Mind Mapping Activity as an instructional

strategy to be utilized in teaching their pupils in the new normal educational

setting to further improve the competencies of pupils in the said learning area.

This said material can be a scaffolding to a strong sense of responsibility for

parents to become a great learners in answering the different learning activities

and exercises provided. It is ideally designed for instructional delivery in order

to ensure the effective learning experience of every pupils. It is easy to monitor

and asses through the help of instructional aid from time to time where progress

will be made gradually checked. The said material will be a good practice of

improving a good relationship of children to their parents wherein their journey

in the learning experience would be more fruitful and meaningful in a sense that

their role independent learners will be maximized.

IV. Action Research Methods

a. Participants and/or other sources of Data and Information

The researcher chooses to use his class of Grade VI- Ruby of Cavinti

Elementary School consisting of 21 males and 9 females, total of 30

pupils for the SY. 2022-2023.

b. Data Gathering Methods

The researcher will ask permission to the School Head for the

administration of Diagnostic test to obtain the baseline data. The

designed strategy will be implemented to the pupils with a specified

schedule and cycle. The researcher will create monitoring checklist to

describe the phenomenon happened in every conduct of the tool and

assessment of the learners’ response after the implementation of the

said strategy. Summative test will be conducted to validate the result by

using the instrument made. Qualitative method of research will be used

to observe what happens in the change of behavior thru observation and

by answering the interview guide.

c. Data Analysis Plan

The researcher will get the average and percentage of the profile of

his respondents. He will also get the Mean, MPS and Standard Deviation

of the Pretest and Posttest as a comparative analysis of the

effectiveness of the intervention material he will test the relationship

between the implementation of Mind Mapping Activity and the

competencies of pupils in Science.

V. Action Research Work Plan and Timelines

September October November 2022-January

Activities February 2023
2022 2022 2023
Week Week 1-4 Wee Week Week Week Week
Week 2
1-4 k1 2 3 4 1
n of
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on of
of Mapping
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of terminal
VI. Cost Estimates


Action Research Proposal P 1,000.00


Reproduction of Mind Mapping P 2,500.00

Activity Materials

Monitoring and Evaluation P 1,500.00

Preparation of Terminal Reports P 1,000.00

TOTAL P 6,000.00

The fund to be used by the researcher will be coming from his

personal money.

VII. Plans for Dissemination and Utilization

Mind Mapping Activity will be contemplated to follow a certain

schedule cycle of administration. After the formulation of monitoring

checklist, the researcher plans to accomplish the Parent-Pupil

monitoring guide on the designated time schedule. When the said

strategy is properly administered it can be a way to provide reading

intervention for every Grade VI pupils and to those have low mastery in

the said learning area by analyzing and interpreting the data gathered.

The result will serve as basis on the effectiveness of the said innovation

and then if it is approved to the School Head, it can be utilized to the

researcher’s school and later on within the District of Cavinti

VIII. References

Ascher, C. (1988). Improving the school-home connection for poor

and minority urban students. Urban Review, 20, 109-123.

Babbie, E.R. 2004. The Practice of Social Research. USA:


Bal, S. A, Goc, & J. D. 1999. Increasing Parent Involvement to

Improve Academic Achievement in Reading and Math (Master’s

Dissertation), Saint Xavier University.

Baloyi, G. 2006. Parental involvement in Hlanganani South.


Banks, J. A. 1990. Citizenship education for a pluralistic democratic


Best, W. J. and Kahn, J. V. 1993. Research in education. 7th ed .

New York: Harcourt

Bogdan, R.C and Biklen, S.K. 2007. Qualitative Research for

Education: An Introduction to Theories and Method. Boston: Pearson

Education, Inc.

Bogden, R. and Biklen, S.K. 1992. Qualitative Research for

Education. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.

Borg, W.R. and Gall, M.D. 1989. Educational Research: An

Introduction. 5th ed. New York: Longman.

Botha, R. J. et al. 2007. Managing the school as an organisation.

Pretoria: Unisa.

Branelt, R .1989. On parents and school: a conversation with Joyce

Epstein. Educational Leadership,

Breiseth, L. et al. 2011. A Guide for Engaging ELL Families: Twenty

Strategies for School leaders.

Bridgemohan, R.R. Parental involvement in early childhood

development in Kwazulu-Natal. Thesis UNISA.

Browne, L. and Gordon, N. 2009. Parent involvement in an

alternative school for students at risk for educational failure.

Education and Urban Society.

Parental Involvement in Education - Research on Parental

Involvement, Effects on Parental Involvement, Obstacles to Parental
Involvement, Controversies, Current Issues - StateUniversity.com

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