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Lesson 5

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 Curriculum comes from the Latin word  One unit of lecture is equivalent to one hour of

“currere” which means “to run”. class meeting every week. (PMLS1 – 3 units, 3
 “Curriculum refers to the knowledge & skills hours per week, 54 hours per semester)
students are expected to learn, which include  One unit of laboratory is equivalent to 3 hours
the learning standards or learning objectives of class meeting every week. (Clinical
they are expected to meet; the units and Bacteriology – 3 units lecture & 2 units
lessons that teachers teach; the assignments laboratory; 3 hours lecture & 6 hours laboratory
and projects given to students; the books, per week; 162 hours per semester)
materials, videos, presentations, and readings  CHED Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 13,
used in a course; and the tests, assessments, series of 2017: “Policies, Standards, and
and other methods used to evaluate student Guidelines for the Bachelor of Science in
learning.” (Glossary of Educational Reforms) Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory
 “Curriculum refers to the planned interaction Science program”
of students with instructional content,  May 18, 1994 – Commission on Higher
materials, resources, and processes for Education (CHED) was established through the
evaluating the attainment of educational passage of RA. No. 772, the Higher Education
objectives.” (Indiana Department of Education) Act of 1992. It is under the office of the
 Curriculum refers to the means and materials President of the Philippines. It covers
which students interact for the purpose of institutions of higher education both public and
achieving identified educational outcomes private. Also, it is tasked to organized and
 Curriculum is the “continuous reconstruction, appoint members of the technical panel for
moving from the child’s present experience out each discipline/program area
into that represented by the organized bodies  Under CHED is the Technical Committee for
of truth that we call studies… the various Medical Technology Education (TCMTE) is
studies… are themselves experience-they are composed of leading academicians and
that of the race. (According to John Dewey) practitioners responsible for assisting the
commission in setting standards among
LOOKING INTO THESE DEFINITION (AND institution offering BSMT/BSMLS program and
OTHERS), CURRICULUM: in monitoring and evaluating such institutions.
A. Is systematic and organized  Old Curriculum CMO No. 14 series of 2016-
B. Explicitly states outcomes (knowledge, skills) length of internship 6 months.
the learners/students have to achieve and learn  New Curriculum CMO No. 13 series of 2017- 1-
through the use of planned instructional year length of internship. (Policies, Standards,
process and other learning implements in a and Guidelines for the BSMLS program.
specific period
C. Consists of a planned process of measurements, GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES
assessment, and evaluation to gauge student 1. Understanding the Self
learning 2. Readings in Philippine History
D. Is designed for students 3. The Contemporary World
4. Mathematics in the Modern World
 BSMT/BSMLS is a four-year program consisting 6. The Life and Works of Rizal
of general education and professional courses 7. Science, Technology, and Society
within the first three years and internship 8. Art Appreciation
training in CHED-accredited laboratories or 9. Ethics
1. Principles of Medical Laboratory Science 1: LICENSURE EXAMINATION
Introduction to Medical Laboratory Science,  conducted in order to identify graduates who
Laboratory Safety, and Waste Management possess the basic qualifications or the minimum
2. Principles of Medical Laboratory Science 2: conceptual skills and technical competencies to
Clinical Laboratory Assistance and Phlebotomy perform the task with minimum errors.
3. Community and Public Health for MT/MLS  The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)
4. Cytogenetics is the government agency, under the Office of
5. Human Histology the President of the Philippines. It is tasked to
6. Histopathologic Techniques with Cytology administer licensure examinations to different
7. Clinical Bacteriology profession.
8. Clinical Parasitology  the Professional Regulatory Board (PRB) under
9. Immunohematology and Blood Bank PRC is tasked to prepare and administer the
10. Mycology and Virology written licensure examinations for graduates
11. Laboratory Management qualified to take the examination. Composed of
12. Medical Technology Laws and Bioethics a chairperson, who must be a duly licensed
13. Hematology 1 pathologist, and two members, should be both
14. Hematology 2 registered medical technologists.
15. Clinical Microscopy  All PRB required to be a holder of PRC licenses.
16. Clinical Chemistry 1  Licensure examination is given twice a year, on
17. Clinical Chemistry 2 the months of March and August.
18. Seminars 1 & 2 
19. Molecular Biology and Diagnostics LICENSURE EXAMINATION1
 REQUIREMENTS FOR QUALIFICATION o Microbiology and Parasitology – 20%
 Completed and passed academic and o Hematology – 20%
institutional requirements for the first 3 years o Blood Banking and Immunology & Serology –
 Physical and laboratory examinations (CBC, UA, 20%
FA, Chest X-ray and/or sputum microscopy, o Clinical Microscopy – 10%
HBsAg, antiHBs, drug testing) o Histopathologic Techniques – 10%
 Proof of vaccination for Hepatitis B o MT Laws & Bioethics and Laboratory
 Other requirements as specified in the official Management – not written in RA 5527 but are
documents of the institution, college, and/or now included in the board exam
department 2. To pass the exam, an examinee must:
o Receive a GWA of 75%
Clinical Chemistry – 300 hours o Have no rating below 50% in any major courses
Clinical Microscopy and Parasitology – 200 o Pass in at least 60% of the courses computed
hours according to their relative weights
Microbiology – 250 hours 3. If the examinee passed the examination and is
Hematology – 300 hours 21 years old and above, he or she will be issued
Blood Banking – 200 hours a certificate of registration and a PRC card as
Histopathology – 100 hours licensed medical technologist
Immunology and Serology – 220 hour 4. If an examinee failed to pass the MTLE three
Laboratory Management – 40 hours times, he or she needs to enroll in a refresher
Phlebotomy – 54 hours course prior retake
Total = 1,664 hours
5. If an examinee failed to pass the examination 4. It serves as a motivation to further improve a
but garnered a GWA of 70%-74%, he or she may student’s skill set in a particular area.
apply for certification as a medical laboratory 5. It provides information on students’ response
technician. to a particular area.
6. It provides information to the teacher if there is
BSMT/BSMLS PROGRAM GOALS AND need to improve teaching and learning
1. Demonstrate knowledge and technical skills 7. It determines the demonstrable changes in the
needed to correctly perform laboratory testing attitude and behavior of students.
and ensure reliability of test results. 8. It determines whether learning has taken place.
2. Be endowed with the professional attitude and
values enabling them to work with their TYPES OF ASSESSMENT
colleagues and other members of the health 1. FORMATIVE
care delivery system. - It is done during and/or within the
3. Demonstrate critical thinking and problem instructional process of a course. Ex:
solving skills when confronted with situations, quizzes, short-answer questions, reflection
problems, and conflicts in the practice of their papers, etc.
profession. - W. James Popham (2008) “Formative
4. Actively participate in self-directed life-long assessment is a planned process in which
learning activities to be updated with the assessment-elicited evidence of students’
current trends in the profession. status is used by teachers to adjust their
5. Actively participate in research and community- ongoing instructional procedures or by
oriented activities. students to adjust their current learning
6. Be endowed with leadership skills. tactics.”
7. Demonstrate collaboration, teamwork, 2. SUMMATIVE
integrity, and respect when working in a - It is the assessment of learning; done at the
multicultural environment. end of instruction, grading period, or
comprehensive examination. Ex: end-of-
ASSESSMENT unit or end-of-term exams, research term
- Involves a planned, systematic, and papers, final projects
organized way of testing, measuring, 3. DIAGNOSTIC
collecting, and obtaining necessary - It is the type of assessment given prior to
information to gain feedback on instruction. This is used what the students
students’ progress against set standards already know and do not know about the
per course and on the effectivity of the topic at hand. Ex: pre-tests.
teaching methodology.
- To be considered valid and reliable, it must
1. It provides feedback on the progress of be ensured that expected learning
students toward the achievement of learning outcomes are synchronized with the
outcomes. content and appropriateness of the
2. It identifies the flaws in the psychomotor skills assessment tools.
and deficiencies in the theoretical knowledge - There is no single assessment tool suited to
and conceptual skills of the student. measure both lower-order thinking skills
3. It serves as a diagnostic tool to determine the (LOTS) and higher-order thinking skills
capabilities of a student so that the teacher can (HOTS).
prepare additional exercises and activities to 1. Teacher-made written tests
address his or her needs during the assessment. 2. Reflection papers
3. Portfolios
4. Performance tasks
5. Oral examinations and presentations
6. Rubrics


1. Medical technologist in a hospital-based or non-

hospital based clinical laboratory
2. Histotechnologist in an anatomical laboratory
3. Researcher/research scientist
4. Member of the academe
5. Perfusionist
6. Molecular scientist
7. Diagnostic product specialist
8. Public health practitioner
9. Health care leader


1. Molecular Biology
2. Public Health and Epidemiology
3. Veterinary Laboratory Science
4. Food/Industrial Microbiology
5. Veterinary Science
6. Forensic Science
7. Nuclear Medicine/Science
8. Health Facility Administration & Management
9. Quality Management

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