Chapter 6-Waves-Lecture10

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The Electromagnetic

Spectrum –Chapter 6
Electromagnetic Induction
Interference of waves

Energy Transfer by Waves
•  Wave
–  A traveling disturbance

•  Properties of waves
– Wavelength
– Frequency
– Velocity
– Amplitude
Energy Transfer
The Properties of a Wave
The Relationship mong
A Wavelength, Frequency, & Velocity
•  Velocity of a wave

–  Equation:
v =!f
Waves Passing a Sailboat
Science by the Numbers
• The Sound of Music
The Science of Life
• Use of Sound by Animals

• Interference
– Constructive interference
• Act together

• Interference
– Destructive interference
• Cancellation

The Electromagnetic Wave

The Anatomy of the
Electromagnetic Wave
• Electromagnetic waves continue through internal
mechanisms and transfer energy as they travel
Light and the Energy of
Electromagnetic Waves
• Speed of light –  All electromagnetic waves
have same velocity
– c = 300,000km/s
•  Energy
– Higher frequency = blue color
– Lower frequency = red color
The Speed of Light

The Doppler Effect

•  Doppler effect
–  Wave motion is independent of its source
–  If source moves, frequency appears to

The Doppler Effect

h8p://‐d9A2oq1N38 Sonic Boom
An echocardiogram uses sound
produce images of your heart.
commonly used test allows your
see how your heart is beaZng
pumping blood. Your doctor can
the images from an echocardiogra
idenZfy various abnormaliZes in
heart muscle and valves.


Evidence that everything is moving away from us

The Electromagnetic
The Electromagnetic

Radio Waves and

•  Radio waves
– Range: kilohertz to hundreds of megahertz
– Longest waves
•  Microwaves
–  Range: 1mm–1m
Example….Radio and TV transmissions are being emitted to space, so new episodes
of the Big bang Theory are streaming out into the universe.

The nearest star is 9.5 x 1017 meters away. If there was civilized life on a planet
near this star, how long would they have to wait for the next episode?

9.5 x 1017 m/ 3x108 m/s = 3.17 x 109 s

31,536 000 in an "ordinary" calendar year
31,622,400 in a "Leap" calendar year

3.17 x 109 s / 3.1536x107 s/year = 100 years

The Stealth Fighter
Stealth technology also termed LO
technology (low observable
technology) is a sub-discipline of
military tactics and passive electronic
techniques used with personnel, aircraft, ships,
submarines, and missiles, to make them less visible (ideally invisible) to
radar, infrared,[2] sonar and other detection methods. It corresponds to
camouflage for these parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.
h8p://‐bomber.htm Northrop
Grumman's primary goal for the B-‐2 was stealth, or
low observability.

Simply put, stealth is the ability to fly undetected through

enemy airspace. Ideally, a stealth aircra‘ will be able to reach
and destroy desired targets without ever engaging the enemy in

To do this, the aircra‘ needs to be nearly invisible in a num

different ways. Obviously, it needs to blend in with the backgrou
and it needs to be very quiet. More importantly, it needs to hide
enemy radar as well as infrared sensors.

It also needs to conceal its own electromagneZc energy.

The B-‐2's flat, narrow shape and black coloraZon help it fade
the night. Even in the dayZme, when the B-‐2 stands out
blue sky, it can be hard to figure out which way the
The B-‐2 emits minimal exhaust, so it doesn't leave a visible
trail behind it.
As with most planes, the B-‐2's noisiest component is its engine
unlike a passenger jet or B-‐52, the B-‐2's engines are buried
plane. This helps muffle the noise. The efficient aerodynamic
helps keep the B-‐2 quiet as well, because the engines
operate at lower power segngs. The engine system also works to
the plane's infrared (heat) signature. Infrared sensors, including
heat-‐seeking missiles, typically pick up on hot engine exhaust.

In the B-‐2, all of the exhaust passes through cooling vents

before flowing out of the rear ports. Pugng the exhaust
ports on the top of the plane further reduces the infrared
signature, since enemy sensors would most likely scan below
the plane.
•  Microwave ovens
Infrared RadiaZon
• Infrared radiation
–  Range: 1mm–1µ
• All warm objects emit radiation
Heat Escaping from
Visible Light
• Visible light
– Range: 700nm–400nm
• Colors
– Slices of electromagnetic spectrum
A Glass Prism
SeparaZng White
Path of Light through
the Human Eye
Ultraviolet RadiaZon
• Ultraviolet radiation
– Range: 400nm–100nm
– Shorter wavelength=more energy
• Damage to cells

• Fluorescence
Protect Skin with Sunblock

X-rays and Gamma Rays

•  X-rays
– Range: 100nm–0.1nm
– High-frequency
– Medicine
•  Gamma Rays
– Range: 0.1nm (10–10m)–10–12m
– Highest frequency
– Medicine
– Astronomy

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