Chapter 6-Waves-Lecture10
Chapter 6-Waves-Lecture10
Chapter 6-Waves-Lecture10
Spectrum –Chapter 6
Electromagnetic Induction
Interference of waves
Energy Transfer by Waves
• Wave
– A traveling disturbance
• Properties of waves
– Wavelength
– Frequency
– Velocity
– Amplitude
Energy Transfer
The Properties of a Wave
The Relationship mong
A Wavelength, Frequency, & Velocity
• Velocity of a wave
– Equation:
v =!f
Waves Passing a Sailboat
Science by the Numbers
• The Sound of Music
The Science of Life
• Use of Sound by Animals
• Interference
– Constructive interference
• Act together
• Interference
– Destructive interference
• Cancellation
The nearest star is 9.5 x 1017 meters away. If there was civilized life on a planet
near this star, how long would they have to wait for the next episode?
The B-‐2's flat, narrow shape and black coloraZon help it fade
the night. Even in the dayZme, when the B-‐2 stands out
blue sky, it can be hard to figure out which way the
The B-‐2 emits minimal exhaust, so it doesn't leave a visible
trail behind it.
As with most planes, the B-‐2's noisiest component is its engine
unlike a passenger jet or B-‐52, the B-‐2's engines are buried
plane. This helps muffle the noise. The efficient aerodynamic
helps keep the B-‐2 quiet as well, because the engines
operate at lower power segngs. The engine system also works to
the plane's infrared (heat) signature. Infrared sensors, including
heat-‐seeking missiles, typically pick up on hot engine exhaust.
• Fluorescence
Protect Skin with Sunblock