JHS 1 Com WK1

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Date: Period: Subject: Computing
Duration: 50 mins. Strand: Introduction To Computing
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Components of Computer

Content Standard: Lesson:

B7.1.1.1. Examine the parts of a
B7. the fourth-generation computers
computer 1 of 6
Core Competencies:
Performance Indicator:
CI, CC, CL, CI 6.1, CC 7.4
Learners can discuss features of fourth generation computers

References : Computing Curriculum Pg. 3

Keywords : microchip, generation, circuit

Phase/Duration Learners Activities Resources

PHASE 1: STARTER Use questions and answers, find out what learners already Set of computer,
know about the fourth generation computers. Video /pictures, wall
Share with learners the performance indicators.

PHASE 2: NEW Let learners discuss features of fourth generation

LEARNING computers
The computers of fourth generation used very large scale integrated
(VLSI) circuits. This made computers more powerful, compact, reliable
and affordable. As a result, it gave rise to personal computers (PC)
revolution. E.g. desktop computers, laptop, notebook, etc.

Guide learners to Identify a microchip

Engage learners to explore the architecture of a


1. State any two features of fourth generation computers
2. What is the main function of the microchip in
3. Processors are also known as
PHASE 3: Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out
REFLECTOIN from learners what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Ask learners how the lesson will benefit them in their

daily lives.
Date: Period: Subject: Computing
Duration: 50 mins. Strand: Introduction To Computing
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Components of Computer
Content Standard:
Indicator: Lesson:
B7.1.1.1. Examine the parts of a
B7. Demonstrate understanding in the use of
input devices 2 of 6
Core Competencies:
Performance Indicator:
CI 6.1, CC 7.4
Learners can identify input devices and state its uses

References : Computing Curriculum Pg. 3

Keywords : wireless, touchscreen, barcode

Phase/Duration Learners Activities Resources

PHASE 1: STARTER Use questions and answers, find out what learners already Set of computer,
know about input devices. Video /pictures, wall
Share with learners the performance indicators.
PHASE 2: NEW Engage learners to watch video or picture of input
LEARNING devices e.g. wireless keyboard, mouse and touchscreen in

Demonstrate to learners the use of input devices in a

computer laboratory/classroom.

Have learners to distinguish manual (e.g. keyboard, etc.)

and automatic (e.g. barcode reader etc.) input devices.

Let learners explore the advantages and disadvantages of

input devices

Learners to explore areas where different types of input

devices are used.

1. what is an input device?
2. mention the least input devices of a computer
3. draw any 2 input device.
PHASE 3: Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out
REFLECTOIN from learners what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Ask learners how the lesson will benefit them in their

daily lives.

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