Term 1 2 3 Basic7 Computing

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Date: Period: Subject: Computing
Duration: 50 mins. Strand: Introduction To Computing
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Components of Computer

Content Standard: Lesson:

B7.1.1.1. Examine the parts of a
B7. the fourth-generation computers
computer 1 of 6
Core Competencies:
Performance Indicator:
CI, CC, CL, CI 6.1, CC 7.4
Learners can discuss features of fourth generation computers

References : Computing Curriculum Pg. 3

Keywords : microchip, generation, circuit

Phase/Duration Learners Activities Resources

PHASE 1: STARTER Use questions and answers, find out what learners already Set of computer,
know about the fourth generation computers. Video /pictures, wall
Share with learners the performance indicators.

PHASE 2: NEW Let learners discuss features of fourth generation

LEARNING computers
The computers of fourth generation used very large scale integrated
(VLSI) circuits. This made computers more powerful, compact, reliable
and affordable. As a result, it gave rise to personal computers (PC)
revolution. E.g. desktop computers, laptop, notebook, etc.

Guide learners to Identify a microchip

Engage learners to explore the architecture of a


1. State any two features of fourth generation computers
2. What is the main function of the microchip in
3. Processors are also known as
PHASE 3: Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out
REFLECTOIN from learners what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Ask learners how the lesson will benefit them in their

daily lives.
Date: Period: Subject: Computing
Duration: 50 mins. Strand: Introduction To Computing
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Components of Computer
Content Standard:
Indicator: Lesson:
B7.1.1.1. Examine the parts of a
B7. Demonstrate understanding in the use of
input devices 2 of 6
Core Competencies:
Performance Indicator:
CI 6.1, CC 7.4
Learners can identify input devices and state its uses

References : Computing Curriculum Pg. 3

Keywords : wireless, touchscreen, barcode

Phase/Duration Learners Activities Resources

PHASE 1: STARTER Use questions and answers, find out what learners already Set of computer,
know about input devices. Video /pictures, wall
Share with learners the performance indicators.
PHASE 2: NEW Engage learners to watch video or picture of input
LEARNING devices e.g. wireless keyboard, mouse and touchscreen in

Demonstrate to learners the use of input devices in a

computer laboratory/classroom.

Have learners to distinguish manual (e.g. keyboard, etc.)

and automatic (e.g. barcode reader etc.) input devices.

Let learners explore the advantages and disadvantages of

input devices

Learners to explore areas where different types of input

devices are used.

1. what is an input device?
2. mention the least input devices of a computer
3. draw any 2 input device.
PHASE 3: Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out
REFLECTOIN from learners what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Ask learners how the lesson will benefit them in their

daily lives.
Strand : Introduction to computing Class : B7

Sub Strand: Components of Computer Duration :

Content Standard: B7.1.1.1. Examine the parts of a computer Date : 24TH JAN, 2022
Indicators: B7. Examine the uses of the output devices: Day :
Key words: speakers, projector, headphones

Activities For Learning & Assessment Equipment/Resources Learners Resource Page Progression
Starter (5 mins) Set of computer, Computing Curriculum Pg. 3 Learning how
Video /pictures, wall to identify and
Using questions and answers, find out what learners already know chart use output
about output devices. devices

Share with learners the performance indicators.

Main (35 mins)

Engage learners to watch video or pictures of output devices in use.

Using the pictures, brainstorm learners to come out with the use of
the output devices.

Guide learners to demonstrate the use of output devices in a

computer laboratory or classroom.

Let learners explore the advantages and disadvantages of output


Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from

learners what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Ask learners in turns to demonstrate the use of output devices.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 What is an output device?
 Mention any five output device you know.
 State the functions of the output devices stated above
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues

Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties

Learners inability to distinguish between input and output devices
The facilitator can arrange to use the nearby school’s computer lab
Strand : Introduction to computing Class : B7

Sub Strand: Components of Computer Duration :

Content Standard: B7.1.1.1. Examine the parts of a computer Date : 24TH JAN, 2022
Indicators: B7. Examine full-sized external hard drives, hard Day :
drive speed, disk caching, Storage portable hard drives, Optical
Discs and Drives
Key words: magnetic storage devices, portable hard drives, Optical Discs and Drives

Activities For Learning & Assessment Equipment/Resources Learners Resource Progression

Page Ref.
Starter (5 mins) Set of computer, Computing Learning how to
Video /pictures, wall Curriculum Pg. 3 identify and use
Recap with learners to find out what they already know about chart storage devices
storage devices.

Share with learners the performance indicators.

Main (35 mins)

Guide learners to Identify magnetic storage devices, portable hard
drives/Optical Discs and Drives or pictures of these items to class.

Learners to discuss the features of hard drives/Optical Disc storage

Let learners explore the maximum capacities of these storage
1. a floppy disk is able to store 360KB and 1.44MB of data
2. a compact disc (CD) is able to store 700MB to 750MB of data.

Explore the different write speeds of these storage devices.

1. SD cards will read and write at speeds of 12.5MB/s
2. a typical 7200 RPM HDD will deliver a read/write speed of 80-160MB/s
3. the write speed of 2.0 USB can be as slow as 4MB per second and as
fast as 8MB/s.

Explore the differences in the various Hard Disk Drives (HDD).

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from
learners what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Ask learners how the lesson will benefit them in their daily lives.
Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 What is a storage device?
 Identify the primary storage devices of a computer.
 Identify any four secondary storage devices of the computer
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues

Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties

The facilitator can arrange to use the nearby school’s computer lab
Strand : Introduction to computing Class :
Sub Strand: Computer Systems Duration :
Content Standard: B7.1.1.2. Demonstrate the use of the features Date : 4TH FEB, 2022
of the Windows Desktop
Indicators: B7. Discover the latest Windows Operating Day :
System (Start screen, Use of tiles, Taskbar buttons, Preview
thumbnails), temporal peeking into a window on a taskbar
Key words:

Activities For Learning & Assessment Equipment/Resources Learners Resource Progression

Page Ref.
Starter (5 mins) Set of computer, Computing Exploring the
Recap with learners to find out what they already know about the Video /pictures, wall Curriculum Pg. 4 features of the
computers’ desktop. chart desktop

Call up volunteers to mention some features of the computers’ desktop

Share the performance indicators with learners.

Main (35 mins)

Brainstorm learners to describe the computers desktop.

Turn on a computer and ask learners to observe the computers desktop.

Ask learners to identify some of the things they see on the screen.

Learners to identify things they have not seen before on a computers screen.

Guide learners to identify the features of the desktop.

 Taskbar
 Start button
 Icons
 Wallpaper
 Mouse pointer

Assist learners to navigate through the features on the desktop.

Guide learners to demonstrate how to preview thumbnails.

A thumbnail is a compressed preview image of the original that is used as a placeholder .

Let learners explore the features of the taskbar.

Demonstrate how to preview windows on the taskbar.

Reflection (10 mins)
Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners what
they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

In groups, let learners navigate through the features of the desktop.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 What is a computers’ desktop
 Identify the features of the computer’s desktop
 Explain the following
a) Icons b) wallpaper c) taskbar
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues

Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties

The facilitator can arrange to use the nearby school’s computer lab
Strand : Introduction to computing Class :
Sub Strand: Computer Systems Duration :
Content Standard: B7.1.1.2. Demonstrate the use of the features Date : 4TH FEB, 2022
of the Windows Desktop
Indicators: B7. Practice file management techniques Day :
Key words: files, folder, extension

Activities For Learning & Assessment Equipment/Resources Learners Resource Progression

Page Ref.
Starter (5 mins) Set of computer, Video Computing Practicing file
Using questions and answers, find out what learners already know about file /pictures, wall chart Curriculum Pg. 4 management
and folders. techniques

Share with learners the performance indicators.

Main (35 mins)

Guide learners to explore different account levels for users of computer
A user account is a location on a network server used to store a computer
username, password, and other information.
The account users may be a regular user or guest user.

Have learners to explore different permission levels that are applied to files
and folders.
Files and folder permissions control what user is permitted to perform which
actions on a file or folder.
Files and directories can have three types of permissions: read, write and execute.

Lead learners to demonstrate file management techniques by following the

naming conventions and organizing files in folders and subfolders.
File management includes;
 Renaming - (giving a desired name to a file of folder)
 Moving – (copy and paste, cut and paste methods)
 Deleting – (moving unused files and folder into the Recycle Bin)

Explore the types and importance of file extensions.

A file extension is a string of characters attached to a filename, usually preceded
by a full stop and indicating the format of the file.
Examples are DOC and DOCX, HTML and HTM, ODT, PDF, XLS and
XLSX, ODS, PPT, TXT, MP3, etc.

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

In groups, learners create folders and files.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 What is a file?
 What is a folder?
 State the steps in creating a folder.
 Mention any three file extensions you know.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues

Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties

The facilitator can arrange to use the nearby school’s computer lab
Strand : Introduction to computing Class :
Sub Strand: Technology in the community Duration :
Content Standard: B7.1.2.1. Demonstrate the use of Date : 11th FEB, 2022
Technology in the community
Indicators: B7. Describe and give examples of at least five Day :
technology tools for learning in each subject
Key words: YouTube, Encarta, Microsoft office, calculators

Activities For Learning & Assessment Equipment/Resources Learners Resource Progression

Page Ref.
Starter (5 mins) Internet connection, Computing Curriculum Understanding
Have learners watch a video on current issues in Ghana. laptop/mobile phone, Pg. 5 what technology
Example: Discussion on E-levy applications (Scratch), tools are, and
light bot, spreadsheet their uses.
Assessment? (MS Excel or Open office
1. what helped us to watch the video? Calc), presentation (MS
2. what part of the video did you like best? PowerPoint or Open Identifying and
office Impress), Virtual exploring some
Share the performance indicators and introduce the lesson. Museum (second canvas). technology tools
e.g. light bot,

Main (35 mins)

Brainstorm the meaning of technology tools.
Technology tools refers to software or gadgets that can be used to
develop or support learning or service.
Example: YouTube, Encarta, Microsoft office, calculators, radio,
television, etc.

Explore various technology tools that can be used for learning

(Educational Software) by guiding learners to surf the internet to
discover more about such tools.
In Mathematics:
- Spreadsheet and calculator for calculations
- Television for watching Brilliant Science and Math quiz, PSI on

In English
Word Processor – vocabulary, spelling, synonyms and antonyms
Radio for listening to Everyday English

In Science:
- Television for watching Brilliant Science and Math quiz

Other Subjects
Encarta Program – for searching for information on various topics
Internet – is used to search for information on various topics.

Guide learners to brainstorm some technology tools for learning

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from
learners what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Ask learners how the lesson will benefit them in their daily lives.
Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
Task learners to surf the internet or newspaper articles to identify other technology tools not mentioned.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues

Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties

 Learners may have a problem browsing the internet in areas with weak network reception.
 Learners experiencing challenges with various websites may need assistance when browsing the internet and using the technology tools
Strand : Introduction to computing Class :
Sub Strand: Technology in the community Duration :
Content Standard: B7.1.2.1. Demonstrate the use of Date : 11th FEB, 2022
Technology in the community
Indicators: Demonstrate the use of at least three technology Day :
tools identified in B7.
Key words:

Activities For Learning & Assessment Equipment/Resourc Learners Resource Progression

es Page Ref.
Starter (5 mins) Manila card, flipchart Computing Identifying any
Recap with learners to review their understanding in the previous Curriculum Pg. 5 three (3)
lesson. technology tools
that aid learning.
Share performance indicator with learners.

the uses of the
Main (35 mins) technology tools
In turns, learners mention at least three examples of technology tools. mentioned

Show pictures or video as to how the tools are used.

Learners discuss the uses of the technology tools and relate to them.
Engage learners to demonstrate the use of a technology tool in groups
and present to the whole class how that tool works.

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Ask learners how the lesson will benefit them in their daily lives.
Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
Learners should look for additional technology tools and their uses
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
 Learners may have a problem browsing the internet in areas with weak network reception.
 Learners experiencing challenges with various websites may need assistance when browsing the internet and using the technology tools
Strand : Introduction to computing Class : B7
Sub Strand: Technology in the community Duration :
Content Standard: B7.1.2.1. Demonstrate the use of Date : 18th FEB, 2022
Technology in the community
Indicators: B7. Discuss the benefits of using technology Day :
tools in learning
Key words:

Activities For Learning & Assessment Equipment/Resources Learners Resource Progression

Page Ref.
Starter (5 mins) Manila card, flipchart, Identifying any
surfing the internet for three (3)
Using questions and answers, review learners understanding in the solutions benefits of
previous lesson. technology
tools that aid
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. learning.

Describing the
benefits of
Main (35 mins) tools that aid
Revise with learners on what technology tools are.

Guide learners to discuss in pairs the benefits of using technology tools

in learning (e.g. using spreadsheet to draw graphs)
1. It makes teaching easy and interesting.
2.I CT facilitates sharing of resources, expertise and advice.
3.There is greater flexibility in carrying out their work as teachers.
4.They gain ICT literacy skills, confidence and are enthusiastic about their work.
5.Easier planning and preparation of lessons and designing materials
6.Students easily learn at their own pace.
7.Students who use ICT in school are more motivated to learn.
8.It encourages the student to be independent and active in his/her learning and be
9.Teaching is more focused and tailored to students’ strengths and weaknesses..
10.Gains in understanding and analytical skills, including improvements in reading

Let learners discuss the negative effects, if any of technology tools in


Guide learners to identify the limitations of technology tools in teaching

and learning.

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Ask learners how the lesson will benefit them in their daily lives.
Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
What are technology tools
State three benefits of technology tools in learning
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
 Learners may have a problem browsing the internet in areas with weak network reception.
 Learners experiencing challenges with various websites may need assistance when browsing the internet and using the technology tools.
 Learners may not appreciate that the internet is also a technology tool.
Strand : Introduction to computing Class : B7
Sub Strand: Technology in the community Duration :
Content Standard: B7.1.2.1. Demonstrate the use of Date : 18th FEB, 2022
Technology in the community
Indicators: B7. Examine the negative impact of computers Day :
and computer use on the environment
Key words:

Activities For Learning & Assessment Equipment/Resources Learners Resource Progression

Page Ref.
Starter (5 mins) Manila card, flipchart, Identifying any
Recap with learners to find out what they already know about green surfing the internet for three (3)
computing. solutions benefits of
technology tools
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. that aid learning.

Describing the
benefits of
Main (35 mins) technology tools
that aid learning
Brainstorm learners to explain what green computing is.
Green computing is the sustainable approach in the design, manufacture, use,
and disposal of IT resources.

Let learners observe people who use and work with computers in
the community.

Learners to visit websites or watch videos/pictures of how

computers, including other electronic components, are disposed of.

Let learners discuss the impact of computers and computer use on

the environment.
Example: computers heavy metals, such as lead and toxic chemicals that pollute
the soil and contaminate groundwater.

Engage learners to discuss the benefits of practicing green

Example: it reduces the energy consumption which results into low carbon
dioxide emission.
It saves that will be spent in extra usage of energy and resources.

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from
learners what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Ask learners how the lesson will benefit them in their daily lives.
Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 What is green computing?
 Identify three effects of computer usage on the environment
 Write three benefits of green computing.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
 Learners may have a problem browsing the internet in areas with weak network reception.
 Learners experiencing challenges with various websites may need assistance when browsing the internet and using the technology tools.
 Learners may not appreciate that the internet is also a technology tool.
Strand : Introduction to computing Class : B7
Sub Strand: Technology in the community Duration : 50 mins
Content Standard: B7.1.2.1. Demonstrate the use of Date :
Technology in the community.
Indicators: B7. Propose environmentally responsible Day :
practices that can be used to reduce the negative impact of
computers and computer use on the environment
Key words:6

Activities For Learning & Assessment Equipment/Reso Learners Resource Progression

urces Page Ref.
Starter (5 mins) Manila card, Proposing
flipchart, surfing environmentally
Recap with learners to review their understanding in the previous lesson. the internet for responsible
solutions practices that
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. can be used to
reduce the
negative impact
of computers
Main (35 mins) and computer
Bring pictures of energy-efficient gadgets or devices to class e.g. energy use on the
saving light bulbs, energy-efficient cooking stoves, toilet water saver, solar environment
chargers, energy saving shower heads etc. to class.

Guide learners to discuss in groups and present to the whole class

examples of energy-efficient devices and techniques.

Revise with learners on the negative impact of computers and computer

use on the environment.
Example: Negative effects – resource depletion ,pollution, privacy and
security etc
Guide learners to discuss how the negative effects identified can be
Example: avoid wasting electricity, avoid wasting paper, dispose of old
equipment responsibly

Guide learners to evaluate environmentally responsible practices.

Put learners in groups to propose measures to effectively manage e-waste

in a particular environment (e.g. Agbogbloshie).

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Identify any two negative effect of computers on the environment.
 State two ways of reducing the negative effects identified.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues

Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties

 Learners may have a problem browsing the internet in areas with weak network reception.
 Learners experiencing challenges with various websites may need assistance when browsing the internet and using the technology
 Learners may not appreciate that the internet is also a technology tool.
Strand : Introduction to computing Class : B7
Sub Strand: Technology in the community Duration : 50 mins
Content Standard: B7.1.2.1. Demonstrate the use of Date :
Technology in the community.
Indicators: B7. Create a component from disposed Day :
computer parts.
Key words:6

Activities For Learning & Assessment Equipment/Resourc Learners Resource Progression

es Page Ref.
Starter (5 mins) Manila card, flipchart, Demonstrating
surfing the internet for the use of
Recap with learners to find out what they already know about solutions Technology in
computer recycling. the community.

Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson.

Creating a
from disposed
Main (35 mins) computer
Guide learners to explain the meaning of computer recycling.
Computer recycling is the disassembly and separation of components and
raw materials of waste electronics.

Learners to discuss the importance of computer recycling.

Task learners to collect and bring disposed computer/electronic parts

from the community to school.

Lead learners to create a component from the disposed computer


Have learners watch a video/picture depicting the recycling of

computer parts.
Reflection (10 mins)
Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Ask learners how the lesson will benefit them in their daily lives.
Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
Learners to create a component from disposed computer parts.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues

Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties

 Learners may have a problem browsing the internet in areas with weak network reception.
 Learners experiencing challenges with various websites may need assistance when browsing the internet and using the technology
 Learners may not appreciate that the internet is also a technology tool.
Strand : Introduction to computing Class : B7
Sub Strand: Health and Safety in using ICT tools Duration : 50mins
Content Standard: B7.1.3.1. Demonstrate how to apply Health Date :
and Safety measures in using ICT Tools
Indicators: B7. Describe health measures and current Day :
regulatory requirements and potential computing-related disorders
Key words: typing, injuries, posture

Activities For Learning & Assessment Equipment/Resources Learners Resource Progression

Page Ref.
Starter (5 mins) Set of computer, Video 1. Identifying the
/pictures, wall chart possible health
Recap with learners to review their understanding in the previous lesson. hazards of
prolonged use of
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson.

2. Understanding
the preventive
Main (35 mins) measures to
offset the health
Let learners mention some examples of ICT tools used at home. and safety risks.

Engage learners to discuss the uses of the ICT tools identified.

Put learners in groups to brainstorm and discuss the possible health

hazards associated with long term exposure to the use of ICT tools.

Engage learners to watch videos on the health hazards of prolonged use

of computing devices or show pictures of bad body postures and other
hazards in using computing devices.
e.g. hearing impairment from loud Public Address (PA) Systems, vision
impairment from the monitor, repetitive strain injury, Carpal tunnel syndrome,
computer vision syndrome, etc.
Guide learners to discuss the risk involved in receiving a call while the
mobile phone is on charge.

Guide learners to identify the health hazards associated with each ICT

 Television – affects vision

 Computer – affects vision, back ache, wrist pain.
 Mobile phone – radiation which can cause cancer, loud ring tones can
damage hearing.
 Radio – high volume damages hearing
 Public address system – high volumes damages hearing.

Brainstorm learners to provide preventive measures regarding the stated

health and safety risks.

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Identify any five ICT tools you know.
 Explain the prolong health hazard associated with the tools identified above.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues

Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties

 Learners may not consider bad postures as health hazards
Strand : Introduction to computing Class : B7
Sub Strand: Health and Safety in using ICT tools Duration : 50mins
Content Standard: B7.1.3.1. Demonstrate how to apply Health Date :
and Safety measures in using ICT Tools
Indicators: B7. Describe Safety measures in using ICT tools Day :
Key words: typing, injuries, posture

Activities For Learning & Assessment Equipment/Resources Learners Resource Progression

Page Ref.
Starter (5 mins) Set of computer, Video 1. Identifying the
/pictures, wall chart possible health
Recap with learners to review their understanding in the previous hazards of
lesson. prolonged use of
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson.
2. Understanding
the preventive
measures to
Main (35 mins) offset the health
and safety risks.
Revise with learners on the possible health hazards associated with long
term exposure to the use of ICT tools.

Guide learners to discuss the safety precautions for the use of ICT
i.e. holding mouse, typing, looking at the computer screen, etc. and the
risk of injuries to one’s neck, back, eyes, etc.

Demonstrate to learners, the correct body posture for working with a

personal computer and let learners practice correct posture.
Guide learners to discuss the danger of spilling liquids on a computer
device or on the electronic circuit.

Let learners discuss tripping over power cables and touching the
negative and positive terminals of electrical wires

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Learners should complete a group-based project, listing any five (5) health and safety issues associated with the use of technology tools
and suggest preventive measures to combat each.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues

Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties

 Learners may not consider bad postures as health hazards
Strand : Introduction to computing Class : B7
Sub Strand: Health and Safety in using ICT tools Duration : 50mins
Content Standard: B7.1.3.1. Demonstrate how to apply Health Date :
and Safety measures in using ICT Tools
Indicators: B7. Demonstrate how to apply Health and Day :
Safety measures in Using ICT Tools
Key words: typing, injuries, posture

Activities For Learning & Assessment Equipment/Resourc Learners Progression

es Resource Page
Starter (5 mins) Set of computer, Video Page 7 1. Identifying
/pictures, wall chart the possible
Recap with learners to review their understanding in the previous lesson. health hazards
of prolonged
use of
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson.

Main (35 mins) the preventive
measures to
Revise with learners on the possible health hazards associated with long offset the
term exposure to the use of ICT tools. health and
safety risks.
Guide learners to discuss the safety precautions for the use of ICT tools.
i.e. holding mouse, typing, looking at the computer screen, etc. and the
risk of injuries to one’s neck, back, eyes, etc.

Get learners to demonstrate how to apply Health and Safety measures in

using ICT Tools.
1. Phone
- Do not answer or receive calls when charging a mobile phone.
- Avoid long conversation
- Use headsets or speaker out option
- Keep mobile devices away from your body when sleeping
- Turn Off cellular data and Wi-Fi when not in use, etc.

2. Avoid plugging ICT tools in damaged sockets

3. Do not overload socket.
4. Ensure a good body posture when using ICT tools
5. Take regular breaks when working with ICT devices .
6. Position your body correctly when using the computer
7. Television
- keep lights on when watching television.
- do not sit close to your television set.

Learners in turns or groups demonstrate how to apply Health and Safety

measures in using ICT Tools.

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 In groups of five (5), enumerate the possible health hazards of prolonged use of computing devices.
 Suggest five (5) preventive measures to reduce health and safety risks associated with the use of computers
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues

Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties

 Learners may not consider bad postures as health hazards
Strand : Introduction to computing Class : B7
Sub Strand: Health and Safety in using ICT tools Duration : 50mins
Content Standard: B7.1.3.1. Demonstrate how to apply Health Date :
and Safety measures in using ICT Tools
Indicators: B7. Explore safety measures at workstations Day :
Key words:7

Activities For Learning & Assessment Equipment/Resourc Learners Progression

es Resource Page
Starter (5 mins) Set of computer, 1. Identifying the
Video /pictures, wall possible health
Recap with learners to review their understanding in the previous chart hazards of
lesson. prolonged use of
computing devices.
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. 2. Understanding
the preventive
measures to offset
the health and
Main (35 mins) safety risks.
Guide learners to identify measures that will help to eliminate
workstation hazards and where they cannot be eliminated,

In groups, learners discuss how to minimize the risk.

(e.g. evaluating display screen, adjusting the chair for comfort, avoiding
potential slips and falls, re- positioning of devices, etc.)

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues

Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties

Strand : Productivity Software Class : B7
Sub Strand: Introduction to Word Processing Duration : 100mins
Content Standard: B7.2.2.1 Demonstrate how to use Microsoft Date :
PowerPoint (Editing): Introduction to PowerPoint.
Indicators: B7. Explain the importance of presentation software Day :
Key words: multimedia, presentation, Corel, Adobe

Activities For Learning & Assessment Equipment/Resources Learners Resource Progression

Page Ref.
Starter (5 mins) Computer with Describing the
Microsoft PowerPoint, importance of
picture chart. presentation
Using questions and answers, review learners understanding in the previous

Main (35 mins)

Brainstorm learners to discuss the meaning of presentation software.
Presentation software is a program used to create slide shows or multimedia presentations.

Guide learners to explain the meaning of multimedia.

Multimedia means presenting data in more than one medium, such as combining text,
graphics, animation, video and sound.

Have learners to discuss the benefits of using presentation software.

Brainstorm to elicit the names of some common presentation software

packages (e.g. MS-PowerPoint, Corel Presentation, Adobe persuasion,
Google Slides, Keynotes etc.)
Reflection (10 mins)
Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners what
they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 What is a presentation software?
 What is meant multimedia?
 Mention three benefits of using presentation software.
 State three examples of presentation software.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues

Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties

The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory
Strand : Productivity Software Class : B7
Sub Strand: Introduction to Word Processing Duration : 100mins
Content Standard: B7.2.2.1 Demonstrate how to use Microsoft Date :
PowerPoint (Editing): Introduction to PowerPoint.
Indicators: B7. Explore features of MS-PowerPoint interface Day :
Key words: Review tabs, language, spelling & grammar, thesaurus

Activities For Learning & Assessment Equipment/Resources Learners Resource Progression

Page Ref.
Starter (5 mins) Computer with Exploring
Recap with learners to find out what they already know about MS Microsoft PowerPoint, the features
PowerPoint. picture chart. of MS-
Example: have learners to demonstrate how to use icons in the Text PowerPoint
group in the Insert ribbon interface

Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson.

Main (35 mins)

Show examples of MS-PowerPoint interface with the aid of a projector or

In groups, learners observe and talk about the picture. Guide learners to
identify some of the features of the power point interface.

Demonstrate the functions of the features of the MS-PowerPoint.

Call volunteer learners to give the correct process of the launching the

Guide learners to explore MS-PowerPoint themes and templates.

Learners to explore the use of the Proofing and Language group under
the Review tab.
Demonstrate the use of the Language, Spelling & Grammar, Thesaurus
and other buttons in MS-PowerPoint under the Review tab.
Reflection (10 mins)
Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Give the correct steps of how to launch the MS-PowerPoint.
 Identify and state the function of any five features of the MS-PowerPoint.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues

Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties

The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory

Strand : Productivity Software Class :B7

Sub Strand: Introduction to Presentation Duration :
Content Standard: B7.2.2.1 Demonstrate how to use Microsoft Date :
PowerPoint (Editing): Introduction to PowerPoint.
Indicators: B7. Demonstrate how to use Special Day :
Characters. Design a 7-slide presentation in MS-PowerPoint using
the tools under the Insert ribbon
Key words: Microsoft PowerPoint, review tabs, language, Spelling & Grammar, thesaurus

Activities For Learning & Assessment Equipment/Resources Learners Resource Progression

Page Ref.
Starter (5 mins) Computer with Microsoft Read on how to
PowerPoint, mouse or use special
Learners give the steps of launching the MS PowerPoint and talk touchscreen input device, characters
about its purpose and benefits. projector under the Insert
tab within the
Learners explore the use of the Proofing and Language sections Symbol group
under the Review tab.

Learners practice the use of the Language, Spelling & Grammar,

Thesaurus and other buttons

Main (35 mins)

Explore the use of special characters section under the Insert tab
under the symbol group

Present a prepared project or exercise using the editing group of

the ribbons studied.
Use projected examples of a PowerPoint interface with the aid of
a projector or pictures

Use projected examples of a PowerPoint interface with the aid of

a projector or pictures
Reflection (10 mins)
We have learnt how to use Special Characters to design a 7-slide
presentation in MS-PowerPoint

Engage learners in a think-pair-share activity on how to use

templates and themes.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
Design a 7-slide presentation in MS-PowerPoint using the tools under the Insert ribbon
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues

Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties

The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory.
Strand : Productivity Software Class :
Sub Strand: Introduction to Presentation Duration :
Content Standard: B7.2.2.2 Demonstrate how to use Microsoft Date :
PowerPoint (Formatting).
Indicators: B7. Demonstrate how to change text case, text Day :
size, text color and decorate text.
Key words: Microsoft PowerPoint, review tabs, language, Spelling & Grammar, thesaurus

Activities For Learning & Assessment Equipment/Resources Learners Resource Progression

Page Ref.
Starter (5 mins) Computer with Microsoft Read on how to
PowerPoint, mouse or use special
Learners give the steps of launching the MS PowerPoint and talk touchscreen input device, characters under
about its purpose and benefits. projector the Insert tab
within the Symbol
Learners explore the use of the Proofing and Language sections group
under the Review tab.

Learners practice the use of the Language, Spelling & Grammar,

Thesaurus and other buttons

Main (35 mins)

Explore the use of the Font group under the Home ribbon.

Make use of the sentence case, font size, colour and font
decoration features in MS-PowerPoint

Project examples of PowerPoint interface to learners with the

aid of a projector or pictures.

Reflection (10 mins)

We have learnt how to change text case, text size, text color
and decorate text.

Engage learners in a think-pair-share activity on how to use

templates and themes.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
ask learners to develop a 5-page slide and apply the special characters under the Insert tab within the Symbol group.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues

Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties

The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory.
WEEK 11 & 12

Strand : Strands treated for the term Class : B7

Sub Strand: Sub strands for the term Duration : 50 mins
Content Standard: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the topics treated so Date :
Indicators: Recall and summarize all what they have learnt within the term. Day :
Key words:

Activities For Learning & Assessment Equipment/Resourc Learners Progression

es Resource Page
Starter (5 mins) Set of computer, Computing Learning how to
Video /pictures, wall Curriculum Pg. 3 identify and use
Revise previous lesson with learners using questions and answers. chart output devices

Main (35 mins) responsible
practices that can
Revise with learners to discuss features of fourth generation computers. be used to
The computers of fourth generation used very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuits. This reduce the
made computers more powerful, compact, reliable and affordable. As a result, it gave rise negative impact
to personal computers (PC) revolution. E.g. desktop computers, laptop, notebook, etc. of computers and
computer use on
Guide learners to Identify and explore the physical features of a microchip the environment
Revise with learners to demonstrate the use of input devices in a computer

Have learners to distinguish manual (e.g. keyboard, etc.) and automatic (e.g.
barcode reader etc.) input devices.

Using pictures, brainstorm learners to come out with the use of the output

Guide learners to demonstrate the use of output devices in a computer

laboratory or classroom.
Let learners explore the advantages and disadvantages of output devices.

Revise with learners to Identify magnetic storage devices, portable hard

drives/Optical Discs and Drives or pictures of these items to class

Guide learners to discuss in groups and present to the whole class

examples of energy-efficient devices and techniques.

Revise with learners on the negative impact of computers and computer

use on the environment.
Example: Negative effects – resource depletion ,pollution, privacy and
security etc

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Ask learners how the lesson will benefit them in their daily lives.
Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 State any two features of fourth generation computers
 What is the main function of the microchip in computers
 Identify any two negative effect of computers on the environment.
 State two ways of reducing the negative effects identified.
 What is an input device?
 Mention the least input devices of a computer
 Draw any 2 input device.
 What is an output device?
 Mention any five output device you know.
 State the functions of the output devices stated above
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues

Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties

The facilitator can arrange to use the nearby school’s computer lab
Strand : Strands treated for the term Class : B7
Sub Strand: Sub strands for the term Duration : 50 mins
Content Standard: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the topics treated so far. Date :
Indicators: Preparation towards vacation Day :
Key words:

Activities For Learning & Assessment Equipment/Resourc Learners Resource Progression

es Page Ref.
Starter (5 mins) Exercise books, pen, Answering
pencils, erasers, end of term
Ask learners to bring and display all the materials needed for the Answer sheets. examination
assessment. assessment
Educate them on the consequences of examination mal practice.

Main (35 mins)

Engage learners to arrange themselves properly to sit for the assessment


Mark learners answer sheets or exercise books.

Fill in learner’s SBA books and report cards.

Distribute learners answer sheets or exercise books for feedback.



Components of Computers and Introduction to

1 Web Technologies
Computer Systems Presentation

Components of Computers and Introduction to

2 Web Technologies
Computer Systems Electronic Spreadsheet
Components of Computers and Introduction to Introduction to
Computer Systems Electronic Spreadsheet Programming
Introduction to Introduction to
4 Technology in the community
Electronic Spreadsheet Programming

Introduction to Introduction to
5 Technology in the community
Electronic Spreadsheet Programming

6 Technology in the community Computer Networks Algorithm

Health and Safety in using ICT

7 Computer Networks Algorithm
Health and Safety in using ICT Internet and Social
8 Robotics
tools Media
Introduction to Word Internet and Social
9 Artificial Intelligence
Processing Media
Introduction to Word
10 Information Security Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to Word
11 Information Security

12 Introduction to Presentation



Productivity Introduction to
1 B7.2.1.1 B7.
Software Word Processing Set of
Video /pictures
Productivity Introduction to
2 B7.2.1.1 B7.
Software Word Processing

Introduction to
3 Electronic B7.2.3.1 B7. Set of
Spreadsheet computer,
Video /pictures
Introduction to
4 Electronic B7.2.3.1 B7.
Introduction to
5 Electronic B7.2.3.2 B7. Set of
Spreadsheet computer,
Introduction to Video /pictures
6 Electronic B7.2.3.2 B7.

7 Communication B7.3.1.1 B7. Set of
Networks computer,
Video /pictures
8 Communication B7.3.1.1 B7.

Internet and
9 Communication B7.3.2.1 B7.
Social Media Mobile phones
with social
Internet and media handles
10 Communication B7.3.2.1 B7.
Social Media
Set of
11 Communication B7.3.3.1 B7. computer,
Security Video /pictures

12 Communication B7.3.3.1 B7.



1 Web Technologies B7.3.4.1 B7. Set of
Networks computer,
Communication /pictures
2 Web Technologies B7.3.4.1 B7.

Communication Introduction to
3 B7.4.1.1 B7. Set of
Networks Programming computer,
Communication Introduction to
4 B7.4.1.1 B7.
Networks Programming

Communication Introduction to
5 B7.4.1.1 B7. Set of
Networks Programming computer,
Computational /pictures
6 Algorithm B7.4.2.1 B7.

Computational Set of
7 Algorithm B7.4.2.1 B7. computer,
Computational /pictures
8 Robotics B7.4.3.1 B7.
9 Artificial Intelligence B7.4.4.1 B7. Set of
Thinking computer,
Computational /pictures
10 Artificial Intelligence B7.4.4.1 B7.

Strand : Productivity Software Week Ending: 13th ,
Sub Strand: Introduction to Word Processing Duration :50mins
Content Standard: B7.2.1.1 Demonstrate how to use Microsoft Word Class : B7

Indicators: B7. Demonstrate how to insert, select, delete and move text Day :
Core competences: DL5.1: Ability to ascertain when information is needed and be able to identify, locate, evaluate and effectively use it to
solve a problem.

Activities For Learning & Assessment Equipment/Resources Learners Resource Progression

Page Ref.
Starter (5 mins) Set of computer, Video Computing Learning how to
/pictures Curriculum Pg. 8-9 use insert text,
Recap with learners to review their understanding in the previous move text, delete
lesson. text, undo, redo
and use the
Introduce the lesson by sharing the performance indicators. spelling &
grammar check

Main (35 mins)

Brainstorm learners to come out with the meaning of editing.
Editing is the process of correcting mistake changes to the content of a

Show projected examples of MS-Word interface with the aid of a

computer, projector or pictures.
Guide learners to discuss the ways of editing a document.
Example: inserting text, moving text, deleting text, undo, redo and
spelling & grammar check.
Demonstrate to learners, how to insert, move and delete text in a
word document.
Example: to insert text
1. Move the insertion point to where you want to insert the text.
2. Click to place the insertion point
3. Start typing the text

Learners practice how to use the undo, redo and spelling &
grammar check tools for editing.

Have learners to explore more tools for editing in MS Word.

Explore the use of the overtype or insert option by right-clicking

the status bar.

Reflection (10 mins)

We have learnt how to use spelling and grammar check as well as
setting language preferences.

Engage learners in a think-pair-share activity to practice how to

spell and grammar check text in a passage.
Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 What is editing?
 State three ways of editing a word document.
 Describe how to insert a text in a word document.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory.
Strand : Productivity Software Week Ending: 13th ,
Sub Strand: Introduction to Word Processing Duration :50mins
Content Standard: B7.2.1.1 Demonstrate how to use Microsoft Word Class : B7
Indicators: B7. Demonstrate how to find and replace content and undo
edited changes and demonstrate how to spell check, carry out content translation, Day :
language setting
Core competences: DL5.1: Ability to ascertain when information is needed and be able to identify, locate, evaluate and effectively use it to
solve a problem.

Activities For Learning & Assessment Equipment/Resources Learners Resource Progression

Page Ref.
Starter (5 mins) Set of computer, Video Computing Learning how to
/pictures Curriculum Pg. 8-9 use Find and
Recap with learners to review their understanding in the previous Replace tool in
lesson. MS-Word,
Proofing and
Introduce the lesson by sharing the performance indicators. Language group,
Spelling &
Main (35 mins)

Guide learners to make use of the Find and Replace tool in MS-
Word under the Home tab.
Have learners to explore the use of the Editing group under the
Home tab.

Guide learners to demonstrate the use of the Proofing and

Language group under the Review tab.

Show how to use the Language, Spelling & Grammar, Thesaurus

and other tools in MS-Word under the Home tab.

Reflection (10 mins)

We have learnt how to use replace tool in MS-Word, Proofing and
Language group, Spelling & Grammar, Thesaurus.

Engage learners in a think-pair-share activity to practice how to use

replace tool in MS-Word and spell and grammar check text in a
Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 What is editing?
 State three ways of editing a word document.
 Describe how to insert a text in a word document.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory.
Strand : Productivity Software Week Ending: 20th ,
Sub Strand: Introduction to Word Processing Duration :50mins
Content Standard: B7.2.1.1 Demonstrate how to use Microsoft Word Class : B7
Indicators: B7. Demonstrate how to use text-decoration, change text case,
Day :
text size and color
Core competences: DL5.1: Ability to ascertain when information is needed and be able to identify, locate, evaluate and effectively use it to
solve a problem.

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Learners Resource Progression

Page Ref.
Starter (5 mins) Set of computer, Computing Learning how to
Video /pictures Curriculum Pg. 8-9 use text-
Recap with learners to review their understanding in the previous lesson. decoration,
change text case,
Introduce the lesson by sharing the performance indicators. text size and
color in MS

Main (35 mins)

Guide learners to explore the use of the Font group under the Home tab.

Quiz learners to mention some of the tools under the Font group.
Font style and Font size
Bold, Italics and Underline
Superscript and Subscript
Increase and decrease font size

Engage learners to demonstrate the use Bold, Italics, Underline

Strikethrough, Superscript and Subscript in MS-Word.

The boy is going to school with his friends.

Bold Strikethrough Underline Italics

4x4x4x4=44 Superscript

Two molecules of oxygen = O2 Subscript

Demonstrate the use of sentence case, font size, color and font decoration
features in MS-Word

Chantal is an intelligent student.

Changing the font style of a Text
1. Highlight the text you want to change its font type.
2. Click the font type list arrow and
3. Select the font style of your choice from the list.
Project examples of MS-Word interface to learners with the aid of a
projector or pictures.

Reflection (10 mins)

We have learnt how to use replace tool in MS-Word, Proofing and Language
group, Spelling & Grammar, Thesaurus.

Engage learners in a think-pair-share activity to practice how to use replace

tool in MS-Word and spell and grammar check text in a passage.
Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
1. Identify any five Editing tools you know.
2. State the use of the following
a. text-decoration,
b. change text case,
c. text size
d. text color
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory.
Strand : Productivity Software Week Ending: 20th ,
Sub Strand: Introduction to Word Processing Duration :50mins
Content Standard: B7.2.1.1 Demonstrate how to use Microsoft Word Class : B7
Indicators: B7. Demonstrate how to align text, indent paragraphs, bullet,
Day :
line space and shade
Core competences: DL5.1: Ability to ascertain when information is needed and be able to identify, locate, evaluate and effectively use it to
solve a problem.

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Learners Resource Progression

Page Ref.
Starter (5 mins) Set of computer, Computing Learning how to
Video /pictures Curriculum Pg. 8-9 how to align text,
Recap with learners to review their understanding in the previous lesson. indent
Introduce the lesson by sharing the performance indicators. bullet, line space
and shade in MS

Main (35 mins)

Guide learners to explore the use of the Paragraph group, using the align
left, center, align right and justified in MS-Word under the Home tab.
Guide learners to explore the use of Bullets, Decrease and Increase
Indentation under the Home tab.

Guide learners to identify the use of the Border Button and set line spacing
using the dialogue Box Launcher button under the Home tab.

Border button

Line and Spacing

Reflection (10 mins)
We have learnt how to use replace tool in MS-Word, Proofing and
Language group, Spelling & Grammar, Thesaurus.
Engage learners in a think-pair-share activity to practice how to use replace
tool in MS-Word and spell and grammar check text in a passage.
Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
1. Identify any three Editing tools you know.
2. State the use of the following
a. align text
b. indent
c. paragraphs,
d. bullet,
e. line space and shade
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory.
Strand : Productivity Software Week Ending: 27th ,
Sub Strand: Introduction to Electronic Spreadsheet Duration :
Content Standard: B7.2.3.1. Demonstrate how to use the Spreadsheet (Editing
Class : B7
Indicators: B7. Explain the importance of electronic spreadsheet Day :
Core competences: DL5.1: Ability to ascertain when information is needed and be able to identify, locate, evaluate and effectively use it to
solve a problem.

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Learners Progression

Resource Page
Starter (5 mins) Computer with Computing Learning the
Using questions and answers, revise with learners to find what they already Microsoft Excel, Curriculum Pg. 9- importance of
know about electronic spreadsheet mouse or 10 electronic
touchscreen spreadsheet
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. input device,

Main (35 mins)

Brainstorm learners to discuss the meaning of electronic spreadsheet.

A spreadsheet is a grid or table made from column and rows that is primarily used to work with
numbers and text.

Guide learners to launch the MS-Excel

 Click on the start button to open the start menu.
 Scroll down to locate the Microsoft Office folder
 Click on the folder to open the drop down menu.
 Click on Microsoft Office Excel.
Discuss the benefits of using electronic spreadsheet software.
 It helps to maintain values
 It helps us to represent values graphically by creating charts based on worksheet
 It is also used to create data summaries and short-lists using PivotTables or AutoFilters.

Brainstorm learners to elicit response on some common electronic

spreadsheet software packages.
Example: MS Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, LibreOffice Calc, Google Sheets etc.)

Reflection (10 mins)

We have learnt the importance of electronic spreadsheet.

Engage learners in a think-pair-share activity to come up with other

importance of electronic spreadsheet.
Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Have learners do further reading on the importance of electronic spreadsheet.
 Learners to differentiate between electronic spreadsheet and manual spreadsheet.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory
Strand : Productivity Software Week Ending: 27th ,
Sub Strand: Introduction to Electronic Spreadsheet Duration :
Content Standard: B7.2.3.1. Demonstrate how to use the Spreadsheet
Class : B7
(Editing Worksheets)
Indicators: B7. Explore features of MS-Excel interface Day :
Core competences: DL5.1: Ability to ascertain when information is needed and be able to identify, locate, evaluate and effectively use it to
solve a problem.

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Learners Progression

Resource Page
Starter (5 mins) Computer with Computing Learning how to
Microsoft Excel, Curriculum Pg. 9-10 insert, select, delete
Using questions and answers, revise the previous lesson with learners. mouse or and move data using
touchscreen a sample data set
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. input device,

Main (35 mins)

Revise with learners on how to launch the Microsoft Office Excel.

Show projected examples of MS-Excel interface with the aid of a projector

or pictures.
Guide learners to explore features of MS-Excel interface.
Example: title bar, menu bar, standard and formatting toolbars, worksheet,
workbook, column, row, range, AutoSum, etc.

Learners to explore and demonstrate the functions of the features

identified above.

Explore operations of inserting, selecting, deleting and moving data.

Learners explore techniques of inserting, selecting, deleting and moving data

in groups.

Demonstrate how to insert, select, delete and move data using a sample
data set.

Learners practice how to insert, select, delete and move data using a
sample data set.

Reflection (10 mins)

We have learnt how to select and move data.

Engage learners in a think-pair-share activity on how to use other

techniques for moving text.
Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Do further reading on how to set the cell data type (General, Number, Currency, etc.)
 Identify any six (6) features of Microsoft Excel.
 State the function of the AutoSum in Excel
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory

Strand : Productivity Software Week Ending : 3RD JUNE,

Sub Strand: Introduction to Electronic Spreadsheet Duration :
Content Standard: B7.2.3.1. Demonstrate how to use the Spreadsheet
Class : B7
(Editing Worksheets)
Indicators: B7. Demonstrate how to set the cell datatype Day :
Core competences: DL5.1: Ability to ascertain when information is needed and be able to identify, locate, evaluate and effectively use it to
solve a problem.

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Learners Progression

Resource Page
Starter (5 mins) Computer with Computing Learning how to set
Microsoft Excel, Curriculum Pg. 9-10 and modify the cell
Using questions and answers, revise the previous lesson with learners. mouse or type of values and
touchscreen text.
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. input device,

Main (35 mins)

Guide learners to discuss the types of data in spreadsheet.

Value - +23341123456
Labels/Text – January, , 24.04’, #3, 7th, etc.Formula – A7
+ B7, =C4 * C5, etc.
Function - =SUM(A5:G5), AVERAGE(B4:B5)

Revise with learners on how to enter data in spreadsheet.

 Click the cell where you want type information.
 Type the data.
 The data can either typed in the active cell or in the formula bar.
 Click on the Enter key.

Let learners investigate data entry techniques, how to set and modify the
cell type of values and text.
 AutoFill – enter the first value in a recognized series and use the fill
handle to extend the series.
 AutoComplete – type the first few letters in a cell, and if a similar value
exist in the same column, Excel suggests the existing value.
 Fill series – enter the first two values in a series and use the fill handle
to extend the series.

Guide learners to enter values, text, dates and time in worksheet cells and
change the formats for presentation. E.g. General, Number, Currency,
Accounting, Dates, Time, etc.

Reflection (10 mins)

We have learnt how to select and move data.

Engage learners in a think-pair-share activity on how to use other

techniques for moving text.
Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 State the four types of data we enter into spreadsheet.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory
Strand : Productivity Software Week Ending: 3RD JUNE,
Sub Strand: Introduction to Electronic Spreadsheet Duration :
Content Standard: B7.2.3.1. Demonstrate how to use the Spreadsheet
Class : B7
(Editing Worksheets)
Indicators: B7. Demonstrate how to use Align Text, Merge & Wrap, Day :
Borders and Shades
Core competences: DL5.1: Ability to ascertain when information is needed and be able to identify, locate, evaluate and effectively use it to
solve a problem.

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Learners Progression

Resource Page
Starter (5 mins) Computer with Computing Learning how to
Microsoft Excel, Curriculum Pg. 13- change text
Using questions and answers, revise the previous lesson with learners. mouse or 14 alignment, merge
touchscreen cells and wrap text
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. input device,

Main (35 mins)

Have learners demonstrate how to apply the AutoSum feature.

Excel can make somewhat of an intelligent decision on its own and determine which cells
of a row or column should be" summed" . This is called the AutoSum feature.

To quickly add the contents of a column or row, follow the steps shown
1.Select the cell either to the right or below the cells that are to be total ed.
2.Double Click on the AutoSum tool ( which is located on the standard tool bar ).

Guide learners to demonstrate how to change text alignment (Horizontal &

Vertical), merge cells and wrap text.
Unless you specify otherwise, Excel left justifies text and right justifies
numbers. That is, text fills cell space from left to right while numbers are
filled from right to left so that they align properly.

To change the cell alignment for a single cell or a group of selected cells,
click one of the following tools.

Left Justify
Center Right
How to merge cells
A single cell is created by combing two or more selected cells. The cell reference for a
merged cell is the upper left cell in the original selected range. If there is a data in other
cells, the data is deleted.
 Copy the data you want into the upper left most cell within the range
 Select the cells in arrow or column and center the cell contents, click merge and center
on the formatting toolbar.

Have learners investigate how to access border & shade features and
format the appearance of a worksheet as group work.

Reflection (10 mins)

We have learnt how to change text alignment, merge cells and wrap text.

Engage learners in a think-pair-share activity on how to use other

techniques for moving text.
Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
Describe briefly to merge cells in a spreadsheet.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory
Strand : Productivity Software Week Ending : 10TH JUNE,
Sub Strand: Introduction to Electronic Spreadsheet Duration :
Content Standard: B7.2.3.2. Demonstrate how to format a worksheet Class : B7
Indicators: B7. Demonstrate how to adjust margins and set page Day :
Core competences: DL5.1: Ability to ascertain when information is needed and be able to identify, locate, evaluate and effectively use it to
solve a problem.
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 16

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Learners Progression

Resource Page
Starter (5 mins) Computer with Computing Learning how to
Microsoft Excel, Curriculum Pg. 9-10 adjust margins and
Using questions and answers, revise the previous lesson with learners. mouse or set page orientation
touchscreen for printing
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. input device,

Main (35 mins)

Guide learners to demonstrate how to adjust margins and set page

orientation for printing.
Adjusting Margins
 On the page layout tab, click margins, and then select custom margins.
 Use the arrows to increase or decrease the margin size in the appropriate box. When
you are done, click Ok.

Page Setup
 Press CTRL and then click each worksheet tab in the workbook that you want to affect
 On the file menu, click page setup. Click the dialog box launcher in the page setup
group in the page layout tab.
 Make the changes that you want in the page setup dialog box, and then click Ok.

Demonstrate how to perform margin adjustment on different page sizes.

Guide learners to explore the display of worksheets in different views as

listed on the View tab.

Reflection (10 mins)

We have learnt how to adjust margins and set page orientation for printing.

Engage learners in a think-pair-share activity on how to use other

techniques for moving text.
Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Describe how to adjust margins for printing in Excel
 List four tools on the Page Layout tab and give one function of each.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory
Strand : Productivity Software Week Ending: 10th JUNE,
Sub Strand: Introduction to Electronic Spreadsheet Duration :
Content Standard: B7.2.3.2. Demonstrate how to format a worksheet Class : B7
Indicators: B7. Demonstrate how to set up a header and a footer. Day :
Core competences: DL5.1: Ability to ascertain when information is needed and be able to identify, locate, evaluate and effectively use it to
solve a problem.
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 16

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Learners Progression

Resource Page
Starter (5 mins) Computer with Computing Learning how to set
Microsoft Excel, Curriculum Pg. 13- up header and
Using questions and answers, revise the previous lesson with learners. mouse or 14 footer elements
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. input device,

Main (35 mins)

Guide learners to demonstrate to learners how to set up header and

footer elements.
 On the inert tab, in the text group, click Header & Footer.
 To add or edit a header or footer text box at the top or the bottom of the
worksheet page (under header, or above footer)
 Type the new header or footer text.

Engage learners to explore the use of page numbers, current date, time and
file name in setting up headers and footers.
Reflection (10 mins)
We have learnt how to set up headers and footer elements.

Engage learners in a think-pair-share activity on how to use other

techniques for moving text.
Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
Describe briefly how to set up header and footer elements in Excel.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory
Strand : Productivity Software Week Ending : 17TH JUNE,
Sub Strand: Introduction to Electronic Spreadsheet Duration :
Content Standard: B7.2.3.2. Demonstrate how to format a worksheet Class : B7
Indicators: B7. Demonstrate the use of the Autofill function in MS-Excel worksheet Day :
Core competences: DL5.1: Ability to ascertain when information is needed and be able to identify, locate, evaluate and effectively use it to
solve a problem.
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 16

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Learners Progression

Resource Page
Starter (5 mins) Computer with Computing Learning how to use
Microsoft Excel, Curriculum Pg. 9-10 the Autofill function
Using questions and answers, revise the previous lesson with learners. mouse or to generate the days
touchscreen of the week, months
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. input device, of the year, set of
projector numbers

Main (35 mins)

Demonstrate the use of the Autofill function.

e.g. to generate the days of the week, months of the year, set of numbers
(e.g. counting numbers, odd numbers, multiplication tables etc.).

To do this:

1. Select the first cell in the range that you want to fill (e.g. A3).
2. Type the starting value for the series (e.g. 1 in A3).

3. Type a value in the next cell to establish a pattern (e.g. 2 in A4). [Tip: For
example, if you want the series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5..., type 1 and 2 in the first two
cells. If you want the series 2, 4, 6, 8..., type 2 and 4.]

4. Select the cells that contain the values (e.g. A3 and A4)

5. Drag the fill handle across the range that you want to fill
(e.g. A3:A10)

Again guide learners to use function to number rows or columns

1. Select the first cell in the range that you want to fill. (e.g. A3)

2. Type the ROW function (e.g. = ROW(A1). [The ROW function returns
the number of the row that you reference. For example, = ROW(A1)
returns the number 1.]
3. Select the cells that contain the function (e.g. A3).

4. Drag the fill handle across the range that you want to fill.
(e.g. A3:A10)

Reflection (10 mins)

We have learnt how to use Autofill function to generate the days of the
week, months of the year, set of numbers.

Engage learners in a think-pair-share activity on how to use other

techniques for moving text.
Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Describe how to use Autofill function to generate the days of the week, months of the year, set of numbers.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory
Strand : Productivity Software Week Ending: 17th JUNE,
Sub Strand: Introduction to Electronic Spreadsheet Duration :
Content Standard: B7.2.3.2. Demonstrate how to format a worksheet Class : B7
Indicators: B7. Demonstrate how to create formulas Day :
Core competences: DL5.1: Ability to ascertain when information is needed and be able to identify, locate, evaluate and effectively use it to
solve a problem.
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 16

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Learners Progression

Resource Page
Starter (5 mins) Computer with Computing Learning how to
Microsoft Excel, Curriculum Pg. create simple
Using questions and answers, revise the previous lesson with learners. mouse or 13-14 formulas in Excel
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. input device,

Main (35 mins)

Guide learners to identify and name cells in an Excel.

A cell is named after its column letter and row number.
Example: B4, C6, E8

Guide learners to create simple formulas starting with the equal sign.
Excel formulas makes use of the basic mathematical operations (+, -, * and /)
A3 X fx
1 Name Class score Exams score Total
2 Kojo Nkrumah 25 46 71
3 Ama Serwaa 19 45
4 Efia Akoto 24 35
5 Kofi Cash 15 34

 Write formulas for cell E3, E4 and E5.

From the table the figure in cell E2 (71) is as a results of adding 25 and 46.
Therefore we are to use the operation sign (+).
Now determine the cell which contains the figures 25 and 46.
That is C2 (25) and D2 (46).
So we can conclude that
E2 = C2 + D2
E3 = C3 + D3

A3 X fx
1 Items Selling Price Cost Price Total
2 Milk 6 4
3 Sugar 20 15 5
4 Milo 50 35
5 Gari 35 20 15

 Write formulas for cell E2 and E4.

From the table the figure in cell E3 (5) is as a results of subtracting 15 from
20. Therefore we are to use the operation sign (-).
Now determine the cell which contains the figures 20 and 15.
That is C3 (20) and D3 (15).
So we can conclude that
E3 = C3 - D3

Reflection (10 mins)

We have learnt how to create simple formulas in Excel.

Engage learners in a think-pair-share activity on how to use other techniques

for moving text.
Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
Write formulas for cell E3, E7, E8, E9, E10
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory
Date: 24th JUNE, DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Computer Networks
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B7.3.1.1 Identify the concept of computer networking for B7. Draw diagrams to illustrate features of the
global communications. network topologies (Bus, Star, Ring, Mesh) 1 of 2
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can draw diagrams to illustrate features of the network DL5.1: Ability to ascertain when information is needed and be able to
topologies identify, locate, evaluate and effectively use it to solve a problem.
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 16-18

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Pictures of the various media
network through which
Using questions and answers, revise the previous lesson with learners. topologies, sketch people
diagram, projector communicate.
Display pictures or show a video of people communicating using phones, text messaging, video
conferencing, etc. Help learners understand how they are all connected to each other. Identifying major
components that
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. help computers to

Main (35 mins) Learning how to

draw diagrams to
Engage learners to explore key hardware for setting up network systems (such as server, client, illustrate features
hub, switch, cable etc.) of the network
Show learners diagrams of various setups to explain network topologies.

Bus – is a communication system that transfers data between components inside a computer or
between computers.

Star – in a star network, each computer is connected by its own cable directly to the server.

Ring – in a ring network, all the computers are to one another in a circle.
Mesh – is a network setup where each computer and network device is interconnected with
one another.

Let learners discuss the features of each network topology.

Have learners present in groups, diagrams of well-elaborated network topologies.

Allow learners to sketch the topologies to deepen their understanding.

Reflection (10 mins)

We have learnt how to draw diagrams to illustrate features of the network topologies.

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners what they have learnt
during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Learners are to work in groups to design well-elaborated network topologies and present them in class
 Using play dough and sticks, form/design the types of network topologies.
Date: 24th JUNE, DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Computer Networks
Content Standard: Lesson:
B7.3.1.1 Identify the concept of computer networking for
B7. Describe types of networks.
global communications 2 of 2
Core Competencies:
Performance Indicator:
DL5.1: Ability to ascertain when information is needed and be able to
Learners can describe the types of networks.
identify, locate, evaluate and effectively use it to solve a problem.
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 16-18

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Pictures of Describing the
network types of networks
Using questions and answers, revise the previous lesson with learners. topologies, sketch
diagram, projector
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson.

Main (35 mins)

Brainstorm learners for the meaning of Network.

A network is the collection of two or more computers and hardware components that are linked together such as
that they can communicate using wire or wireless technology.

Have learners discuss the two forms of network.

 Wired network is a network that uses network cables or wires to connect the computers in the network. It is
called Cable Network.
 Wireless Network – this doesn’t not use wires or cables to connect computers in a network. It uses wireless
technologies such as GPRS, EDGE, WIFi, WiMax, HSPA, infrared and Bluetooth.
Guide learners to explain the various types of networks available. (e.g. PAN, LAN, MAN, WAN,

 The International Network (Internet) : Internet is a global network connecting millions of computers
that communicate using wire or wireless technology.

 Local Area Network (LAN): Is a network of computers that are geographical close together (in a
single building) such as school building, computer laboratory, office building, etc.

 Wide Area Network (WAN): Is a combination of two or more Local Area Networks (LANs). The
computers are farther apart and are connected by telephone lines or radio waves.

 Personal Area Network (PAN) is the network around a person for his/her personal use. PAN
involves the use of USB cables, Bluetooth or Infrared in connecting the computers for

 Home Area Network (HAN) is the network of digital devices in a user's home. Devices may
include computer, printer, mobile devices, game consoles, remote control, etc.

 Campus Area Network (CAN) is a network within a limited geographical area such as university
campus, company, government agency, etc.

 Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is a network that spans a city or a metropolitan area.

 Intranet is a restricted private network within an organization that is only used by authorized users.

 Extranet is a private network of an organization or company or bank that can be accessed by

customers. It uses Internet technology to securely share part of a business's information or
operations with suppliers, vendors, partners, customers or other businesses.

Reflection (10 mins)

We have learnt the types of networks.

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners what they have learnt
during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 What is Network?
 Differentiate between wired and wireless network.
 Explain the following terms
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory
Date: 1ST , DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Computer Networks
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B7.3.1.1 Identify the concept of computer networking for B7. Discuss the entrepreneurial opportunities in
global communications. networking computing devices 1 of 2
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can describe the benefits and challenges of networking in DL5.1: Ability to ascertain when information is needed and be able to
different environments identify, locate, evaluate and effectively use it to solve a problem.
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 16-18

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Pictures of Identifying the
network benefits and
Using questions and answers, revise the previous lesson with learners. topologies, sketch challenges of
diagram, projector networking in
Display pictures or show a video of people communicating using phones, text messaging, video different
conferencing, etc. Help learners understand how they are all connected to each other. environments

Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson.

Main (35 mins)

Guide learners to discuss the benefits of networking in different environments (school, business,
health, etc.).

1. Ease of accessibility
Modern computer networks are easy to explore. So, even if you are a kid or a person new to technology, you'll find it easy to
2. Flexibility
Here, flexibility means that different people will be able to explore different things as per their requirements. For this purpose,
computer networks provide you a wide array of choices to share a particular piece of information. For example, e-mail or
messaging apps like WhatsApp. So, there is flexibility for different users.

3. Convenient resource sharing

The main aim of a computer network is to enable sharing of resources among its users. You can use resources such as printers,
scanners and photocopy machines that can be shared across multiple users. This resource sharing is important for big
companies as they can use one single common network for connecting with their employees.

4. Connectivity
Computer Networks improve connectivity irrespective of a person's location. In these testing times, we can see live examples as
we use video call apps or Google documents to connect with our friends and colleagues.

5. Security
Computer networks provide security through authorization. Authorization is done via user id and password. So, it ensures that
when we log in, we are only able to do it when there is a perfect match between our details and the details stored in the data

6. Great storage capacity

Organizations have an abundance of data that needs to be stored. For that purpose, they are required to store them in a central
server. A central server is a remote server that is accessible to each and every employee. So, if in case one loses the data, others
have it.

7. Reduced cost
Cost is one of the crucial factors that one needs to consider while evaluating the pros and cons of a particular technology. In
networking, a central server is used that enables companies to store files in one place and thus reducing file storage expenses.

Guide learners to discuss the challenges of networking in different environments (school,

business, health, etc.).

1. Lack of robustness
Computer networks rely on the main server called the central server. If the central server malfunctions or there is an issue in the
central server, then the entire network would stop functioning. So, this is a major disadvantage due to dependency on a single

2. Spread of computer virus

As computers in a network are interconnected, there is a high probability that if one of the computers is affected by the virus,
others too can get affected. This spread can actually damage the entire system. Also, if the central server gets corrupted, then
it's quite dangerous as the network depends on the central server.

3. Independence issues
The entire networking system is based on a centralized server, so it lacks independence. So, individual users lack the freedom to
use the computer as per their wish.
4. Lack of productivity
Since a network has a lot of advantages and applications, it is certain that it results in simultaneous use of many services that
cause distraction. Thus, due to employees focusing on a myriad of tasks, productivity issues are quite common.

5. Health issues
Computer network provides access to a gamut of services including entertainment, gaming, and movies. These result in making
you addicted to the content and thus results in overuse of these services. This excessive screen time makes you feel lethargic,
causes eye strain and body pain.

Reflection (10 mins)

We have learnt the benefits and challenges of networking in different environments.

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners what they have learnt
during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions

Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory
Date: 1ST , DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Computer Networks
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B7.3.1.1 Identify the concept of computer networking for B7. Identify different environments where the
global communications various types of networks can be applied. 2 of 2
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can describe different environments where the various DL5.1: Ability to ascertain when information is needed and be able to
types of networks can be applied identify, locate, evaluate and effectively use it to solve a problem.
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 16-18

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Pictures of Identifying different
network environments where
Using questions and answers, revise the previous lesson with learners. topologies, sketch the various types of
diagram, projector networks can be
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. applied.

Main (35 mins)

Guide learners to identify different environments where the various types of networks can be

 Marketing and sales: – Computer networks are widely used in both marketing sales firms. These are used by
marketing professionals to collect, exchange, and analyzes data relating to customer requirements and product
development cycles. Teleshopping is also important part of sales applications that use order-entry computers or
telephones connected to an order-processing network, and on-line reservation services for hotels airline and so
 Manufacturing: – Now days, computer networks are used in a several aspects of manufacturing, including the
manufacturing process itself. Two applications which use a network to provide necessary services are computer-
assisted manufacturing (CAM) and computer –assisted designing (CAD) both of which permit multiple users to
work on a project simultaneously.
 Financial Services: – In Present, Financial services are completely dependent on computer networks. Main
applications are credit history searches, foreign exchange and investment services, and Electronic Funds
Transfer (EFT) that permits a user to transfer money without going into bank.
 Teleconferencing: – With The help of teleconferencing conferences are possible to occur without the
participants being in the same place. Applications include simple text conferencing, voice conferencing, and
video conferencing.
 Cable Television:-Future Services provided by cable television network can include video on request, as well as
the same information, financial and communications services currently provided by the telephone companies
and computer networks.
 Information Services:- Network information services include bulletin boards and data banks. A World Wide
Web site offering the technical specifications for a new product is an information service.
 Electronic Messaging:– Electronic mail (e-mail) is the most widely used network application.
 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI):– EDI permits business information to be transferred without using paper.
 Directory services: – By using directory services, it is possible to store the last of files in a central location to
speed worldwide search operations.
 Cellular Telephone: – In the past, two parties desiring to use the services of the telephone company had to be
linked by a fixed physical connection. But, in present cellular network make it possible to maintain wireless
phone connections even while travelling over large distances.

In groups, task learners to identify the business aspect of networking and how they can be
turned into a lucrative business.

Have them to present their findings to the whole class.

Reflection (10 mins)

We have learnt the different environments where the various types of networks can be applied.

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners what they have learnt
during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Identify 5 environments where the various types of networks can be applied
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory
Date: 8th , DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Internet and Social Media
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B7.3.2.1 Demonstrate the use of Social Networking and B7. Identify the various types and uses of Social
Electronic Mail. Media sites such as those for Social Networking 1 of 2
Core Competencies:
Performance Indicator:
DL5.1: Ability to ascertain when information is needed and be able to
Learners can describe uses of Social Media sites
identify, locate, evaluate and effectively use it to solve a problem.
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 16-18

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Pictures and videos Identifying uses of
Social Media sites
Using questions and answers, revise the previous lesson with learners.

Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson.

Main (35 mins)

Guide learners to Illustrate the use of social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn,
WhatsApp, etc.
Facebook is a website which allows users, who sign-up for free profiles, to connect with friends, work colleagues or
people they don’t know, online. It allows users to share pictures, music, videos, and articles, as well as their own
thoughts and opinions with however many people they like.
Users send “friend requests” to people who they may – or may not – know. Facebook has over 1 billion users
Once accepted, the two profiles are connected with both users able to see whatever the other person posts.
“Facebookers” can post almost anything to their “timeline”, a snapshot of what is happening in their social circle at
any given time, and can also enter private chat with other friends who are online.
Guide learners to discuss ways of staying safe with using Facebook.
Example: Terms of service and privacy policy.

Guide learners to Illustrate the use of social networking sites such as LinkedIn and access its
importance WhatsApp
LinkedIn is a social network that focuses on professional networking and career development.
You can use LinkedIn to display your resume, search for jobs, and enhance your professional reputation by posting
updates and interacting with other people.
LinkedIn is free, but a subscription version called LinkedIn Premium offers additional features like online classes and
seminars, as well as insights into who's searching for and viewing your profile

A well written LinkedIn profile will give you credibility and establish you as a trustworthy
potential employee. Every time a recruiter contacts you, you can be sure that they have looked
at your profile.

Guide learners to Illustrate the use of social networking sites such as WhatsApp and access its

WhatsApp is free to download messenger app for smartphones. WhatsApp uses the internet to send messages,
images, audio or video. The service is very similar to text messaging services, however, because WhatsApp uses the
internet to send messages, the cost of using WhatsApp is significantly less than texting.
To use WhatsApp you need a compatible smartphone or tablet with a sim card, an internet connection, and a
phone number. The app uses your phone number as its username, and your account is locked to the phone,
although you can transfer your contacts over to new devices

 Stimulates a dynamic learning environment
 Facilitates rich interactions and 24×7 learning even outside the classroom
 Encourages real-time communication between teachers and students, and teachers and parents
 Fosters collaboration between students so they can learn better together
 Share educational resources to match the learning styles and needs of different students
 A familiar, comfortable interface that students love to use for learning

Reflection (10 mins)

We have learnt the uses of Social Media sites

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners what they have learnt
during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Write four importance of facebook and WhatsApp.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory
Date: 8th , DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Internet and Social Media
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B7.3.2.1 Demonstrate the use of Social Networking and B7. Identify the various types and uses of Social
Electronic Mail. Media sites such as those for Social Networking 2 of 2
Core Competencies:
Performance Indicator:
DL5.1: Ability to ascertain when information is needed and be able to
Learners can describe how microblogging platforms works.
identify, locate, evaluate and effectively use it to solve a problem.
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 16-18

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Pictures and videos Identifying how
Using questions and answers, revise the previous lesson with learners. platforms works

Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson.

Main (35 mins)

Brainstorm learners for the meaning of microblogging.
Is an online broadcast medium that exists as a specific form of blogging. Microblogging is a
combination of instant messaging and content production

Using pictures, learners discuss some examples of microblogging.

Examples: Tumblr, Medium, Blogger, Instagram, twitter, Pinterest, etc.
Demonstrate the use of microblogging platforms.
is a blogging and social media tool that allows users to publish a "tumblelog", or short blog posts. Tumblr's
major differentiator is the free-form nature of the site and the ability of users to heavily customize their
own pages. This is the exception to the rule, as nearly all other social networks have standardized profile
pages with limited design flexibility.

How is Tumblr used?

Getting a page set up on Tumblr is similar to other social media networks. Users sign up for an account by
providing an email address as well as creating a password, username and a URL for the page.

Twitter is a free social networking site where users broadcast short posts known as tweets. These tweets
can contain text, videos, photos or links. To access Twitter, users need an internet connection or smart
phone to use the app or website, Twitter.com. It is a microblogging service -- a combination of blogging
and instant messaging -- for registered users to post, share, like and reply to tweets with short messages.
Nonregistered users can only read tweets.

How Twitter works

Users choose what they want to see on Twitter by following other users and companies and searching
topics. Generally, the timeline reflects the users' preferences, but they may see retweets from people they
follow and promoted Tweets, which are paid advertisements

Reflection (10 mins)

We have learnt how microblogging platforms works

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners what they have learnt
during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
State and explain how four of the microblogging platforms works
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory
Date: 15th , DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Internet and Social Media
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B7.3.2.1 Demonstrate the use of Social Networking and B7. Demonstrate the use of the following features
Electronic Mail. of Electronic mail: Attachment and Address book 1 of 2
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can Demonstrating how to compose and send email messages CI 6.3: DL5.1:
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 16-18

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Pictures and videos Demonstrating
how to compose
Using questions and answers, revise the previous lesson with learners. and send email
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson.

Main (35 mins)

Revise with learners on some ways of sharing information.

E-mail with/without Attachments

Brainstorm learners for the meaning of Email.

Email is a network communication system used to transmit messages from one networked computer to
another over the Internet.
Demonstrate the steps involved in logging in into an email account.
Log In is the process by which an individual gains access to a computer system or a website by identifying
and authenticating themselves with a username and a password. Log In is also known as Log On or Sign

How to Sign In / Log Into E-mail Account

1. Open your e-mail service log in webpage (mail ISP). E.g. www.gmail.com or www.ymail.com
2. Type your e-mail username or user ID.
3. Type your password.
4. Click on Sign In or press Enter key to launch your e-mail account.

Guide learners to describe some terminologies in relation to email.

 From: is the location where the sender’s email address is inserted.
 To: is the location where the original recipient(s) email address(es) is/are inserted.
 Carbon copy (Cc) is used to send the same information to other recipients apart from
the original recipient.
 Blind carbon copy (Bcc) is used to secretly send the same information to other
 Subject is the location where the title/theme of the email message is inserted before
sending a message.

Guide learners to demonstrate the steps in creating and sending email.

To compose email means to create a message in the form of text entered from the keyboard with or
without an attachment.

Composing E-mail Messages

 Log into your e-mail account.

 Click the Create Mail (compose) button . The New Message window appears.
 Type the recipient’s e-mail address or add recipient from your Address Book in the To: box .
 To send a copy of a message to someone, click in the Cc: field and/or the Bcc: field and repeat Steps 3
to enter their e-mail addresses.
 Click the Subject field and enter a subject for the e-mail.
 Click the Message Body, in the lower pane, then type the message as you would in a word processor.
 To send a file or picture along with your message click the Attach button on the toolbar and then
select the file in the Insert Attachment dialog box.
 When you’re finished with the message, click the Send Message button on the toolbar.
 A confirmation will be sent to Outbox
 Click on ‘sign out’ to close page.

Reflection (10 mins)

We have learnt how to compose and send email messages.

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners what they have learnt
during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Describe how to compose and send email messages
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory
Date: 15th , DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Internet and Social Media
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B7.3.2.1 Demonstrate the use of Social Networking and B7. Demonstrate the use of the following features of
Electronic Mail. Electronic mail: Attachment and Address book 2 of 2
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can demonstrate how to receive and reply and forward email. CI 6.3: DL5.1:
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 16-18

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Pictures and videos Demonstrating
how to receive and
Using questions and answers, revise the previous lesson with learners. reply and forward
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson.

Main (35 mins)

Guide learners to demonstrate the steps in receiving email.

To Read/Access or Check Your Malls Messages

 Log on to your search engine. (e.g. yahoo.mail.com/yahoo.co.uk)

 Click on mail and wait for it to open
 Type your user name (ID) and password in box provided.
 Click "Sign In or press the enter key.
 Go to your box by clicking Inbox/Checkmall
 Click on the massage in your box that you want to read (preferably the subject of the mail).
 Click on segment to close you mail.
 If a message has one or more files attached to it, a paper clip will also appear in this area. To open any
file attached to a message, click the paper clip icon and then click the file you want to open from the
list that appears from the paper clip.
 Using Reading Pane, click the Previous and Next buttons on the toolbar to access previous and next
e-mail messages in the Inbox.
 Any new, unread message appear in bold and have a closed envelop icon next to them.

Once you have read the message you can;

 reply straight away to author,
 forward he message to someone else or
 delete the message.

Guide learners to demonstrate replying to and forwarding email

Reply to an Email
When reading your email, you will notice another series of commands. Click on Reply. This will
take you to the Compose screen, where you can compose (write) your reply on top of the
message received.

Replying E-mail Messages

1. Find and open the message you want to reply to.

2. Click the reply option you want to use: Reply to Author or Reply to All .

3. Type your reply in the message body above the email message you’re replying.
4. To send a file or picture along with your message click the Attach button on the toolbar and then select
the file in the Insert Attachment dialog box.

5. Click the Send button on the toolbar when you’re finished.

Forward an E-mal
Another command is to forward an email. You might do this if you have received some
information you want to share with another person who did not receive the message. Click on
the Forward command. This will take the message you want to forward to the compose screen.
You can then write in the address of the person whom you wish to forward the email to When
you forward an email, you still retain a copy for yourself.

Have learners to demonstrate, giving reasons for using From:, To: cc:, bcc: and subject features
when sending an email.

Reflection (10 mins)

We have learnt to reply and forward email

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners what they have learnt
during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 describe how to access and reply email messages.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory
Date: 22nd , DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Information Security
Indicator: Lesson:
Content Standard:
B7. Discuss the key principles of information
B7.3.3.1. Recognize data threats and means of protection 1 of 2
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can describe the principles of information security. CI 6.3: DL5.1:
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 18-20

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Pictures and videos Describing the
principles of
Using questions and answers, revise the previous lesson with learners. information
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson.

Main (35 mins)

Brainstorm learners to explain the meaning of information security.

Information security covers the tools and processes that organizations use to protect information.

Research in pairs the key principles of information security.

Example: confidentiality, integrity and availability

Guide learners to discuss the three key principles of information security.

Confidentiality measures are designed to prevent unauthorized disclosure of information. The purpose of
the confidentiality principle is to keep personal information private and to ensure that it is visible and
accessible only to those individuals who own it or need it to perform their organizational functions.
Consistency includes protection against unauthorized changes (additions, deletions, alterations, etc.) to
data. The principle of integrity ensures that data is accurate and reliable and is not modified incorrectly,
whether accidentally or maliciously.

Availability is the protection of a system’s ability to make software systems and data fully available when a
user needs it (or at a specified time). The purpose of availability is to make the technology infrastructure,
the applications and the data available when they are needed for an organizational process or for an
organization’s customers.

Guide learners to research and analyze scenarios involving information security.

Bob, driving down a main street in his patrol car notices smoke coming out of a warehouse. His partner, Alice,
reports the emergency from her car. Alice enters the address of the building, a brief description of its location (i.c.,
north west corner), and an emergency level.

In addition to a fire unit, she requests several paramedic units on the scene given that area appear to be relatively
busy. She confirms her input and waits for an acknowledgment.

John, the Dispatcher, is alerted to the emergency by a beep of his workstation. He reviews the information
submitted by Alice and acknowledges the report. He allocates a fire unit and two paramedic units to the Incident
site and sends their estimated arrival time (ETA) to Alice.

Alice received the acknowledgment and the ETA.

Reflection (10 mins)

We have learnt the key principles of information security.

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners what they have learnt
during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Identify and explain the key principles of information security
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory
Date: 22nd , DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Information Security
Indicator: Lesson:
Content Standard:
B7. Explore the legal issues regarding intellectual
B7.3.3.1. Recognize data threats and means of protection
property rights 2 of 2
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can discuss legal issues regarding intellectual property rights CI 6.3: DL5.1:
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 18-20

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Pictures and videos Demonstrating
how to compose
Using questions and answers, revise the previous lesson with learners. and send email
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson.

Main (35 mins)

Brainstorm learners to explain the following terms..

Intellectual Property (IP): Intellectual Property (IP) is the property that is as a result of the creativity of
the mind of a person.

Intellectual Property Right (ILR) : Intellectual Property Right is the exclusive right given to inventors for
their Intellectual Property. It is also the exclusive right given to inventors on the production, sale, hiring,
etc. of the things they have invented.

Guide learners to discuss the types of Intellectual Property.

guide learners to differentiate between the various legal issues mentioned.
(e.g. Copyright, Patent, Trademark, Piracy, Copyright Infringement)
Trademark is formally registered name, word, logo, symbol or image that is used to identify the manufacturer or
distributor of products or services. The symbol for trademark is Tm or ®.

Patent is an exclusive right given to inventors to manufacture, use or sell inventions for limited period of

Piracy: Piracy is the unauthorized copying and distribution of copyrighted materials. A person who is copying and
distributing without authorization is a PIRATE. Pirates produce the counterfeits of the original materials and sell
them at low prices.

Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the taking of someone's work or idea and claiming it as your own. It is a criminal act and
is punishable under the copyright laws of Ghana.

Copyright is the legal right given to inventors of original works on the use, production, reproduction, rental and sale
of their works. In other words, it’s the right that does not allow individuals to copy intellectual property of the
original owner. It controls the production of intellectual property right.

Copyright Infringements
Copyright infringement is an act of reproducing, copying, imitating, selling, distributing, using, exhibiting, etc. a
copyright product or material without permission from the inventor.

Guide learners to discuss issues pertaining to copyright (e.g. freeware, shareware, crippleware).
Freeware is software, most often proprietary, that is distributed at no monetary cost to the end user. There is no
agreed-upon set of rights, license, or EULA that defines freeware unambiguously; every publisher defines its own
rules for the freeware it offers.

Shareware is software that is distributed free on a trial basis with the understanding that the user may need or
want to pay for it later. Some software developers offer a shareware version of their program with a built-in
expiration date (after 30 days, the user can no longer get access to the program.

Crippleware has been defined in realms of both computer software and hardware. In software, crippleware
means that "vital features of the program such as printing or the ability to save files are disabled until the user
purchases a registration key".
Guide learners to discuss the consequences associated with breaking these laws.

Reasons for Copyright Protection (Laws)

 To encourage people to be innovative and invent new things.
 To ensure that inventors gain financial benefits from their hard work.
 To increase the revenue of the Nation as it is easy to tax copyrighted materials.
 To protect the works of inventors.
 To promote development because new things will always be produced.

Consequences of Breaking Copyright Laws

 Fine, imprisonment or both on the culprits / offenders.
 Confiscation of items.
 Discourages people from inventing new things.
 Inventors lose financial rewards from their inventions.
 Government loses revenue in the form of taxes and levies.

Reflection (10 mins)

We have learnt how to compose and send email messages.

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners what they have learnt
during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 What is copyright law?
 Identify any four importance of the copyright law
 State four consequence of copyright infringement.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory
Date: 29th , DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Information Security
Indicator: Lesson:
Content Standard:
B7. Evaluate information security forensic auditing
B7.3.3.1. Recognize data threats and means of protection 1 of 2
and criminal laws against offenders
Performance Indicator:
Core Competencies:
Learners can describe the criminal laws against offenders of information
CI 6.3: DL5.1:
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 20

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Pictures and videos Evaluating
Using questions and answers, revise the previous lesson with learners. security forensic
auditing and
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. criminal laws
against offenders.

Main (35 mins)

Engage learners to watch a video of how offenders of data security breach are identified.

Guide learners to discuss the laws protecting data and the applicable sanctions for their breach.
Identify some common occurrences of data security breaches that people in the community
overlook and their corresponding sanctions.

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners what they have learnt
during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Identify and explain criminal laws against offenders of information security.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory
Date: 16th SEPT, 2022 DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Web Technologies
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B7.3.4.1. Demonstrate the use B7. Identify the importance of the web in
of a Web Browser learning [Virtual Learning Environments] 1 of 2
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can identify the importance of the web in learning CI 6.3: DL5.1:
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 19

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Pictures and Describing the
videos importance of
In pairs, discuss: True or False: You can find information about Virtual Learning
everything on the internet. Environments
Have learners present their findings to the class for further discussion.

 What type of information can we find on the internet?

 What do you use those information for?
 Can you information about everything on the internet?

Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson.

Main (35 mins)

Brainstorm learners for the important of the internet.

 What are some of the importance of using the internet?

Their responses must include; for learning.

In groups, have learners to discuss how we can use the internet to learn.

Brainstorm learners for the meaning of Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs.)

Virtual Learning Environments is a web-based platform for the digital aspects of
courses of study, usually within educational institution.

Engage learners to research on the internet for more information and Ghanaian
instructions that run the Virtual Learning Environments.
They can start with www.elearning.presbyunversity.edu.gh

Put learners in groups of five. Let them explore the importance of VLEs for

Using the ICT center, allow self-paced learning (E-learning) among learners.
Allow learners to take notes on;
 Self-discipline
 Health Hazards
 Sense of isolation
 Level of understanding
 The use of data bundle
 Availability of TLMs

Create opportunity to learn new skills without having to use a regular


What is Virtual Learning Environments?
What is the impact of Virtual Learning Environments on learners?
What are the characteristics of Virtual Learning Environments?
State three function of Virtual Learning Environments
Write four benefits/importance of Virtual Learning Environments

Reflection (10 mins)

What have we learnt today?

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Identify four advantages of VLEs
 State four disadvantages of VLEs
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory
Date: 16th SEPT, 2022 DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: 60MINS Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Web Technologies
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B7.3.4.1. Demonstrate the use of a Web B7. Explore the use of open learning websites
Browser (Search engine) in the classroom 2 of 2
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can describe the use of open learning websites in the classroom CI 6.3: DL5.1:
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 19

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Pictures and Describing use of
videos open learning
Using questions and answers, revise the previous lesson with learners. websites in the
 What are Virtual Learning Environments? classroom
 What is the impact of Virtual Learning Environments on learners?
 What are the characteristics of Virtual Learning Environments?
 State three function of Virtual Learning Environments
 Write four benefits/importance of Virtual Learning Environments

Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson.

Main (35 mins)

In groups, let learners research on open learning websites.

Learners present their findings to the class for discussion.
 what is an open learning websites?
 What are some examples of open learning websites?
 Is open learning an LMS?

Guide learners to explain the meaning of open learning websites.

Open learning is an online learning platform that goes beyond content delivery to focus on
community, connectedness and learner engagement.

Engage learners to come up with some examples of open learning websites.

Examples: Khan Academy, edX, Udemy, Udacity, etc.

In groups, let learners research for more information on the examples of
the open learning websites identified.

Each group is supposed to prepare a flow chart of the content and uses of
the open learning websites.

Demonstrate and explore the uses of open learning websites in the

classroom e.g., Khan Academy, Coursera, Edx, Saylor, etc.

 Khan Academy – it is a study website that offers in-depth subjects. This site
is useful to match your learning goals
 EdX – it is one of the best free online courses’ providers. It offers university-
level courses in varieties of disciplines.

 What is a Learning Management Systems (LMS)?
 Identify and describe five examples of open learning websites
 What are open learning websites?
 Give five examples of open learning websites.

Reflection (10 mins)

What have we lean today?

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Explain the concept of Learning Management Systems (LMS)
 Give examples of Learning Management Systems (LMS).
 Is open learning website an LMS?
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory
Reflection (10 mins)
Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Is Google a website or webpage? Discuss.
What is the difference between a website and a webpage?

Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory
Date: 23rd SEPT, 2022 DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: 60mins Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Web Technologies
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B7.3.4.1. Demonstrate the use of a Web B7. Demonstrate the techniques for
Browser evaluating web pages 1 of 2
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can demonstrate the techniques for evaluating web pages CI 6.3: DL5.1:
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 19
Keywords: Authority: Accuracy: Credibility: Content: Current , Functionality

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Pictures and Demonstrating the
videos techniques for
Prepare flash cards of the key words with the words on one side of the card evaluating web
and the meaning on the reverse of the flash card. pages
Issue each learner with a flash card.
Get all the learners with the same key word to come to the front of the class to
try to explain in their own words what they think it means and let the rest of
the class choose the explanation that best fits the correct meaning.

 Did you enjoy the game?

 What words did you learn in the game?

Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson.

Main (35 mins)

In groups, learners research the criteria in evaluating a web page.

Have learners to present their findings to the class for discussion.
 How do you evaluate a webpage?
 What are the ways of evaluating a webpage?
 What is the importance of evaluating a webpage?

Demonstrate with learners the techniques for evaluating web pages.

 Authority: Who owns the content on the page.
 Accuracy: How true is the information?
 Credibility: Who wrote the page? Is the person an expert in the subject
 Content: Is it on the correct subject matter?
 Current: Is the content up-to-date? When was the last time it was updated?
 Functionality: Does the site work well?

In turns, learners state and explain a criteria for evaluating a web page

Through a whole discussion, guide learners to talk of the importance of

evaluating a webpage.

 How do you evaluate a webpage?
 What are the ways of evaluating a webpage?
 What is the importance of evaluating a webpage?

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 How do you evaluate a webpage?
 What are the ways of evaluating a webpage?
 What is the importance of evaluating a webpage?
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
The facilitator/teacher can arrange to use a nearby Senior High School (SHS) ICT laboratory
Week Ending: 30th SEPT, 2022 DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: 50mins Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Introduction to Programming
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B7. understanding of the concept of B7. Demonstrate the correct use of
programming programming terminologies 1 of 2
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can use of programming terminologies correctly CI 6.3: DL5.1:
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 19

Keywords: Algorithm, source code, compiler, data type, variable, constant, conditional, array, loop, function, class

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Pictures and List the
videos programming
Ask learners questions to review what they already know about terminologies in
programming. alphabetical order
or grouping to aid
 What makes your computers and phone work? recall.
 Do you know how your favorite game was developed?

Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. Explain each of the

Main (35 mins)

Guide learners to list the terminologies relating to programming to aid recall.

E.g. algorithm, source code, compiler, etc.

In groups, learners explain each of the terminologies listed above.

 Algorithm is a set of steps used to complete a specific task. They are the
building blocks for programming, and they allow things like computers,
smartphones and websites to function and make decisions.

 Source code is the list of human-readable instructions that a programmer

writes (in word processing program) when he is developing a program.

 Compiler is a special program that translates a programming language’s

source code into machine code. It is written high level, human readable
language such as Java or C++.

Develop a puzzle or game that will aid understanding the concept of


Explain the following as used in programming.
i. loop,
ii. function,
iii. class

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 List and explain, with practical examples, the terminologies relating to programming in alphabetical order
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
Learners may not easily understand the concepts and terminologies under programming
Week Ending: 30th SEPT, 2022 DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: 50mins Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Introduction to Programming
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B7. understanding of the concept of B7. Demonstrate the correct use of
programming programming terminologies 1 of 2
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can use of programming terminologies correctly CI 6.3: DL5.1:
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 19

Keywords: Algorithm, source code, compiler, data type, variable, constant, conditional, array, loop, function, class

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Pictures and List the
videos programming
Ask learners questions to review what they already know about terminologies in
programming. alphabetical order
or grouping to aid
 What makes your computers and phone work? recall.
 Do you know how your favorite game was developed?

Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. Explain each of the

Main (35 mins)

Guide learners to list the terminologies relating to programming to aid recall.

E.g. data type, variable, conditional array, etc.

In groups, learners explain each of the terminologies listed above.

 Data type is a classification that specifies which type of value a variable has
and what type of mathematical, relational or logical operations can be
supplied to it without causing an error.
Types of data include integral, floating point, character string and composite

 Variable is a value that can change, depending on conditions or on

information passed to the program.

 Loop is a sequence of instructions that is continually repeated until a

certain condition is reached.

Develop a puzzle or game that will aid understanding the concept of


Explain the following as used in programming.
i. constant,
ii. algorithm,
iii. compiler

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 List and explain, with practical examples, the terminologies relating to programming in alphabetical order
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
Learners may not easily understand the concepts and terminologies under programming
Week Ending: 7th OCT, 2022 DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: 50mins Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Introduction to Programming
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B7. understanding of the concept of B7. Demonstrate the correct use of
programming programming terminologies 1 of 2
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can use of programming terminologies correctly CI 6.3: DL5.1:
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 19

Keywords: Algorithm, source code, compiler, data type, variable, constant, conditional, array, loop, function, class

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Pictures and List the
videos programming
Ask learners questions to review what they already know about terminologies in
programming. alphabetical order
or grouping to aid
 What makes your computers and phone work? recall.
 Do you know how your favorite game was developed?

Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. Explain each of the

Main (35 mins)

Guide learners to list the terminologies relating to programming to aid recall.

E.g. data type, variable, conditional array, etc.

In groups, learners explain each of the terminologies listed above.

 Data type is a classification that specifies which type of value a variable has
and what type of mathematical, relational or logical operations can be
supplied to it without causing an error.
Types of data include integral, floating point, character string and composite

 Variable is a value that can change, depending on conditions or on

information passed to the program.

 Loop is a sequence of instructions that is continually repeated until a

certain condition is reached.

Develop a puzzle or game that will aid understanding the concept of


Explain the following as used in programming.
i. constant,
ii. algorithm,
iii. compiler

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 List and explain, with practical examples, the terminologies relating to programming in alphabetical order
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
Learners may not easily understand the concepts and terminologies under programming
Week Ending: 7th OCT, 2022 DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: 50mins Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Introduction to Programming
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B7. understanding of the concept of B7. Demonstrate understanding in the use of
programming data types (e.g. float, integer, string, char, etc.) 1 of 2
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can use of programming terminologies correctly CI 6.3: DL5.1:
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 19

Keywords: Algorithm, source code, compiler, data type, variable, constant, conditional, array, loop, function, class

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Pictures and Learners should be
videos able to
Using questions and answers, revise the terminologies of Programming 1. Identify the
with learners. various data types.
2. Explain what
 Define the Following; data types are.
1. Algorithm 3. Explain the
2. Source Code function and
3. Compiler importance of data
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson.

Main (35 mins)

Briefly explain what data type is.

Guide learners to identify and list the various data types such as float,
integer, string, char, etc.

In groups, learners explain and give uses of each of the data types listed
 Integer (int): Numeric data type for numbers without fractions.
Example: All whole numbers e.g. 50, 400, 30 etc.
 Floating Point (float): Numeric data type for numbers with fractions.
Example: All numbers with points in them e.g. 101.1, 0.7, 405.8 etc.
 String (str or text): Sequence of characters, digits. Example: hello,
0244443344 etc.
 Character (char): Single letter, digit, punctuation mark, symbol, or
blank space. Example: a, 1, !

In Groups, learners develop key questions around daily activities to

identify the data type.
For example, the first name of your best friend is written as a string data

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.
Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.
Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Develop three (3) questions based on daily activities to identify the data types
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
Learners may not easily understand the concepts and terminologies under programming
Guide learners to discuss the use of variables and constants as useful
ingredients for defining values that are used within a function or
 Learners to understand that in programming, constants are used
to store information that is never going to change.
 Learners to understand variables in programming as any
characteristics, number, or quantity that can be measured or
E.g. age, sex, country of birth, class grades, eye color, etc.

Have learners use the internet to search for more practical example of
variables and constants in programing.
During the running of a program, there will be times when the program
needs to remember/ sort a value so it can be read and used later on.

Variable name Value Constant Name value

Level 4 VAT 20
High score 1202 Days 365
Surname Smith Bonus 100

In groups, learners discuss the benefits of using variables instead of

constants in a program.

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 State three benefits of using variables and constants in a program.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
Learners may not easily understand the concepts and terminologies under programming
Week Ending: 14th OCT, 2022 DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: 50mins Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Introduction to Programming
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B7. understanding of the concept of B7. Demonstrate the use of constants and
programming variables used in programming 1 of 2
Performance Indicator:
Core Competencies:
Learners can demonstrate the use of constants and variables used in
CI 6.3: DL5.1:
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 19

Keywords: Algorithm, source code, compiler, data type, variable, constant, conditional, array, loop, function, class

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Pictures and Demonstrate
videos the use of
Ask learners questions to review what they already know about constants and
programming. variables used in
 What makes your computers and phone work? programming
 Do you know how your favorite game was developed?

Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson.

Main (35 mins)

This activity should be done groups. Write down these questions each on a
4. What is computer programming?
5. State and explain any four terminologies used to describe
programming concepts.
6. Identify and explain the various data types.

Give learners enough time to finish the task. Call group 1 to do a presentation
to the whole class. Allow learners to ask questions for more clarification.

Revise with learners on the meaning of programming.

Programming is the process of creating a set of instructions that tell a computer
how to perform a task.

Remind learners that programming is done using a variety of computer

programming languages, such as JavaScript, Python and C++.

Have learners mention some computer application softwares they know.

Example: Microsoft Office, Mavis Beacon, FIFA, etc.

Learners describe and demonstrate how these softwares work.

Guide learners to discuss the use of variables and constants as useful
ingredients for defining values that are used within a function or
 Learners to understand that in programming, constants are used
to store information that is never going to change.
 Learners to understand variables in programming as any
characteristics, number, or quantity that can be measured or
E.g. age, sex, country of birth, class grades, eye color, etc.

Have learners use the internet to search for more practical example of
variables and constants in programing.
During the running of a program, there will be times when the program
needs to remember/ sort a value so it can be read and used later on.

Variable name Value Constant Name value

Level 4 VAT 20
High score 1202 Days 365
Surname Smith Bonus 100

In groups, learners discuss the benefits of using variables instead of

constants in a program.

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 State three benefits of using variables and constants in a program.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
Learners may not easily understand the concepts and terminologies under programming
Week Ending: 21st OCT, 2022 DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: 60mins Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Algorithm
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B7.4.2.1.Analyse the correct step-by-step B7. Understand the use of sequence,
procedure in solving any real-world problem selection and iteration in writing a programme. 1 of 2
Performance Indicator:
Core Competencies:
Learners can demonstrate the use of constants and variables used in
CC8.2: CP6.1
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 21
Keywords: Algorithm, source code, compiler, data type, variable, constant, conditional, array, loop, function, class

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Pictures and Learners will be
videos able to;
Write numbers (1-10) in an orderly arrangement to represent sequence. Write down any
Have learners observe the pattern and talk about it. set of numbers
(e.g. 1-10) in an
Task learners to write thier itinerary for the day in a logical order to orderly
depict sequence. arrangement to
represent a
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. sequence.

2. Present a case
Main (35 mins) study where
there is more
Brainstorm learners for the meaning of sequence, selection and iteration than one option
in writing a programme to choose from
Sequence is the order in which the statements in programing are executed one after and still the same
another. The sequence of a program is extremely important as carrying out outcome is
instructions in the wrong order leads to a program performing incorrectly. achieved.
Show pictures to learners to see a practical example of how a computer 3. Develop a
boots. solution to a
problem which
uses iteration to
control the flow
of the program.
Explain sequencing as the means through which the computer runs a
code in order, one line at a time from the top to the bottom of a
program. It starts at line 1, then executes line 2, then line 3 and so on
until it reaches the last line of the program.

Present a case study that has more than one option to choose from and still
achieve the same outcome with any option chosen. For example, tea with or
without sugar options can still meet a beverage outcome (selection).

Develop a solution to a problem which uses iteration to control the flow of the
programme (iteration).

Guide la to describe the meanings of the term’s algorithm, decomposition and


Demonstrate practically by using Programs such as lightbot for practical lessons.

Present a case study where there is more than one option to choose
from, and yet any option selected leads to the same outcome

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 List a set of numbers (61-100) in an orderly arrangement to represent a sequence.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
Learners may not easily understand the concepts and terminologies under programming
Week Ending: 21st OCT, 2022 DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: 60mins Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Algorithm
Content Standard: Indicator: Lesson:
B7.4.2.1.Analyse the correct step-by-step B7. Understand the use of sequence,
procedure in solving any real-world problem selection and iteration in writing a programme. 2 of 2
Performance Indicator:
Core Competencies:
Learners can demonstrate the use of constants and variables used in
CC8.2: CP6.1
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 21
Keywords: Algorithm, source code, compiler, data type, variable, constant, conditional, array, loop, function, class

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Pictures and Learners will be
videos able to;
Write numbers (1-10) in an orderly arrangement to represent sequence. Write down any
Have learners observe the pattern and talk about it. set of numbers
(e.g. 1-10) in an
Task learners to write thier itinerary for the day in a logical order to orderly
depict sequence. arrangement to
represent a
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. sequence.

2. Present a case
Main (35 mins) study where
there is more
Brainstorm learners for the meaning of sequence, selection and iteration than one option
in writing a programme to choose from
Sequence is the order in which the statements in programing are executed one after and still the same
another. The sequence of a program is extremely important as carrying out outcome is
instructions in the wrong order leads to a program performing incorrectly. achieved.
Show pictures to learners to see a practical example of how a computer 3. Develop a
boots. solution to a
problem which
uses iteration to
control the flow
of the program.

Explain sequencing as the means through which the computer runs a

code in order, one line at a time from the top to the bottom of a
program. It starts at line 1, then executes line 2, then line 3 and so on
until it reaches the last line of the program.
Present a case study that has more than one option to choose from and still
achieve the same outcome with any option chosen. For example, tea with or
without sugar options can still meet a beverage outcome (selection).

Develop a solution to a problem which uses iteration to control the flow of the
programme (iteration).

Guide la to describe the meanings of the term’s algorithm, decomposition and


Demonstrate practically by using Programs such as lightbot for practical lessons.

Present a case study where there is more than one option to choose
from, and yet any option selected leads to the same outcome

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 List a set of numbers (61-100) in an orderly arrangement to represent a sequence.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
Learners may not easily understand the concepts and terminologies under programming
Week Ending: 28th OCT, 2022 DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: 60mins Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Algorithm
Content Standard: Lesson:
B7.4.2.1.Analyse the correct step-by-step
B7. Perform a linear search.
procedure in solving any real-world problem 1 of 2
Performance Indicator:
Core Competencies:
Learners can demonstrate the use of constants and variables used in
CC8.2: CP6.1
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 21
Keywords: Algorithm, source code, compiler, data type, variable, constant, conditional, array, loop, function, class

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Pictures and Learners will be
videos able to;
Revise with learners to review their understanding in the previous 1. Locate a given
lesson. value position
out of a listed set
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. of values.

2. Arrange a
Main (35 mins) given set of
values or data in
Guide learners to understand that linear search, also known as sequential increasing and
search, is a process that checks every element in the list sequentially until the decreasing order.
desired element is found.

Demonstrate ability to locate a given value position out of a listed set of values.
A suggested example is the use of the match function in MS Excel.

Guide learners to list their ages, and use the list to demonstrate how they can
arrange the given data in increasing and decreasing order

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Task learners to list the ages of five (5) family members and arrange the ages in increasing and decreasing
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
Learners may not easily understand the concepts and terminologies under programming
Week Ending: 28th OCT, 2022 DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: 60mins Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Algorithm
Content Standard: Lesson:
B7.4.2.1.Analyse the correct step-by-step
B7. Perform a linear search.
procedure in solving any real-world problem 1 of 2
Performance Indicator:
Core Competencies:
Learners can demonstrate the use of constants and variables used in
CC8.2: CP6.1
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 21
Keywords: Algorithm, source code, compiler, data type, variable, constant, conditional, array, loop, function, class

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Pictures and Learners will be
videos able to;
Revise with learners to review their understanding in the previous 1. Locate a given
lesson. value position
out of a listed set
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. of values.

2. Arrange a
Main (35 mins) given set of
values or data in
Guide learners to understand that linear search, also known as sequential increasing and
search, is a process that checks every element in the list sequentially until the decreasing order.
desired element is found.

Demonstrate ability to locate a given value position out of a listed set of values.
A suggested example is the use of the match function in MS Excel.

Guide learners to list their ages, and use the list to demonstrate how they can
arrange the given data in increasing and decreasing order

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Task learners to list the ages of five (5) family members and arrange the ages in increasing and decreasing
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
Learners may not easily understand the concepts and terminologies under programming
Week Ending: 4th NOV, 2022 DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: 60mins Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Robotics
Indicator: Lesson:
Content Standard:
B7. Review the various applications of
B7.4.3.1 Discuss Robot Intelligence Concepts
robotic machines in society. 1 of 2
Performance Indicator:
Core Competencies:
Learners can review the various applications of robotic machines in
CC8.2: CP6.1
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 22
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks, virtual reality, augmented reality, gamification

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Computer/lapto Learners will be
p, internet able to;
Revise with learners to review their understanding in the previous source State the
lesson. applications and
uses of robots in
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. society. 2. Relate
the uses of
robots to real-life
Main (35 mins) situations. 3.
Explore the
Guide learners to understand what a robot is. prospects and
problems of using
Brainstorm learners to describe the work of robots. Learners relate to robots in
some robots they saw on TVs and social media. everyday
Have learners recall some of the causes of unemployment as the
introduction of robots in the production of goods and services.

Guide learners to state the applications and uses of robots in society

(e.g. manufacturing, health, education, assembling and packing, transport,
surgery, laboratory research, mass production of consumer and
industrial goods, taking pictures, etc.)

Brainstorm learners for the meaning of Robotics.

Robotics involves the design, construction, operation, and use of robots.
The goal of robotics is to design machines that can help and assist

In groups, ask learners to bring to class simple gadgets to create simple

Example: fan using motor, Lego cars, cardboard robot, cardboard train,
torchlight, etc.
Explore prospects and challenges of using robots in various operations

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Task learners to explain in detail the importance of robots in relation to health delivery, manufacturing and
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
Learners may not easily understand the concepts and terminologies under programming
Week Ending: 4th NOV, 2022 DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: 60mins Strand: Communication Networks
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Robotics
Indicator: Lesson:
Content Standard:
B7. Review the various applications of
B7.4.3.1 Discuss Robot Intelligence Concepts
robotic machines in society. 1 of 2
Performance Indicator:
Core Competencies:
Learners can review the various applications of robotic machines in
CC8.2: CP6.1
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 22
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks, virtual reality, augmented reality, gamification

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Computer/lapto Learners will be
p, internet able to;
Revise with learners to review their understanding in the previous source State the
lesson. applications and
uses of robots in
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. society. 2. Relate
the uses of
robots to real-life
Main (35 mins) situations. 3.
Explore the
Guide learners to understand what a robot is. prospects and
problems of using
Brainstorm learners to describe the work of robots. Learners relate to robots in
some robots they saw on TVs and social media. everyday
Have learners recall some of the causes of unemployment as the
introduction of robots in the production of goods and services.

Guide learners to state the applications and uses of robots in society

(e.g. manufacturing, health, education, assembling and packing, transport,
surgery, laboratory research, mass production of consumer and
industrial goods, taking pictures, etc.)

Brainstorm learners for the meaning of Robotics.

Robotics involves the design, construction, operation, and use of robots.
The goal of robotics is to design machines that can help and assist

In groups, ask learners to bring to class simple gadgets to create simple

Example: fan using motor, Lego cars, cardboard robot, cardboard train,
torchlight, etc.

Explore prospects and challenges of using robots in various operations

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.
Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.
Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Task learners to explain in detail the importance of robots in relation to health delivery, manufacturing and
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
Learners may not easily understand the concepts and terminologies under programming
Week Ending: 11th NOV, 2022 DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: 60mins Strand: Computational Thinking
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Artificial Intelligence
Indicator: Lesson:
Content Standard:
B7. Discuss the application of various
B7.4.4.1. Discuss Artificial intelligence concepts
areas of artificial intelligence 1 of 2
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can discuss the application of various areas of artificial intelligence CC8.1: DL6.5
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 22
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks, virtual reality, augmented reality, gamification

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Computer/lapto Learners will be
p, internet able to;
Revise with learners to review their understanding in the previous source Compare the key
lesson. technologies such
as machine
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. learning, Artificial
Main (35 mins) (ANN), virtual
Divide the emerging technologies under artificial intelligence and show a augmented
short video (1-5 mins) or documentary on the principles of operation to reality,
generate classroom interaction. gamification,
deep learning,
Consider each emerging technology and discuss the history, principle of data mining.
operation, real-world applications, advantages and disadvantages in
society Discuss the uses
and importance
Where the technology is available, allow learners to use. For example, of Artificial
you can engage them to write a documentary or report on specific sites Intelligence (AI)
explored using the virtual reality. to society
Leaners must investigate the things human intelligence can do in terms of
reasoning that computer/artificial intelligence cannot do.

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Leaners must investigate the things human intelligence can do in terms of reasoning that computer/artificial
intelligence cannot do.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
Learners may not easily understand the concepts and terminologies under programming
Week Ending: 11th NOV, 2022 DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: 60mins Strand: Computational Thinking
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Artificial Intelligence
Indicator: Lesson:
Content Standard:
B7. Discuss the application of various
B7.4.4.1. Discuss Artificial intelligence concepts
areas of artificial intelligence 1 of 2
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can discuss the application of various areas of artificial intelligence CC8.1: DL6.5
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 22
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks, virtual reality, augmented reality, gamification

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Computer/lapto Learners will be
p, internet able to;
Revise with learners to review their understanding in the previous source Compare the key
lesson. technologies such
as machine
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. learning, Artificial
Main (35 mins) (ANN), virtual
Divide the emerging technologies under artificial intelligence and show a augmented
short video (1-5 mins) or documentary on the principles of operation to reality,
generate classroom interaction. gamification,
deep learning,
Consider each emerging technology and discuss the history, principle of data mining.
operation, real-world applications, advantages and disadvantages in
society Discuss the uses
and importance
Where the technology is available, allow learners to use. For example, of Artificial
you can engage them to write a documentary or report on specific sites Intelligence (AI)
explored using the virtual reality. to society
Leaners must investigate the things human intelligence can do in terms of
reasoning that computer/artificial intelligence cannot do.

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Leaners must investigate the things human intelligence can do in terms of reasoning that computer/artificial
intelligence cannot do.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
Week Ending: 18th NOV, 2022 DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: 60mins Strand: Computational Thinking
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Artificial Intelligence
Indicator: Lesson:
Content Standard:
B7. Discuss the application of various
B7.4.4.1. Discuss Artificial intelligence concepts
areas of artificial intelligence 1 of 2
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can discuss the application of various areas of artificial intelligence CC8.1: DL6.5
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 22
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks, virtual reality, augmented reality, gamification

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Computer/lapto Learners will be
p, internet able to;
Revise with learners to review their understanding in the previous source Compare the key
lesson. technologies such
as machine
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. learning, Artificial
Main (35 mins) (ANN), virtual
Divide the emerging technologies under artificial intelligence and show a augmented
short video (1-5 mins) or documentary on the principles of operation to reality,
generate classroom interaction. gamification,
deep learning,
Consider each emerging technology and discuss the history, principle of data mining.
operation, real-world applications, advantages and disadvantages in
society Discuss the uses
and importance
Where the technology is available, allow learners to use. For example, of Artificial
you can engage them to write a documentary or report on specific sites Intelligence (AI)
explored using the virtual reality. to society
Leaners must investigate the things human intelligence can do in terms of
reasoning that computer/artificial intelligence cannot do.

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Leaners must investigate the things human intelligence can do in terms of reasoning that computer/artificial
intelligence cannot do.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
Learners may not easily understand the concepts and terminologies under programming
Week Ending: 18th NOV, 2022 DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: 60mins Strand: Computational Thinking
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Artificial Intelligence
Indicator: Lesson:
Content Standard:
B7. Discuss the application of various
B7.4.4.1. Discuss Artificial intelligence concepts
areas of artificial intelligence 1 of 2
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can discuss the application of various areas of artificial intelligence CC8.1: DL6.5
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 22
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks, virtual reality, augmented reality, gamification

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Computer/lapto Learners will be
p, internet able to;
Revise with learners to review their understanding in the previous source Compare the key
lesson. technologies such
as machine
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. learning, Artificial
Main (35 mins) (ANN), virtual
Divide the emerging technologies under artificial intelligence and show a augmented
short video (1-5 mins) or documentary on the principles of operation to reality,
generate classroom interaction. gamification,
deep learning,
Consider each emerging technology and discuss the history, principle of data mining.
operation, real-world applications, advantages and disadvantages in
society Discuss the uses
and importance
Where the technology is available, allow learners to use. For example, of Artificial
you can engage them to write a documentary or report on specific sites Intelligence (AI)
explored using the virtual reality. to society
Leaners must investigate the things human intelligence can do in terms of
reasoning that computer/artificial intelligence cannot do.

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Leaners must investigate the things human intelligence can do in terms of reasoning that computer/artificial
intelligence cannot do.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
Week Ending: 25th NOV, 2022 DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: 60mins Strand: Computational Thinking
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Artificial Intelligence
Indicator: Lesson:
Content Standard:
B7. Discuss the application of various
B7.4.4.1. Discuss Artificial intelligence concepts
areas of artificial intelligence 1 of 2
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can discuss the application of various areas of artificial intelligence CC8.1: DL6.5
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 22
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks, virtual reality, augmented reality, gamification

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Computer/lapto Learners will be
p, internet able to;
Revise with learners to review their understanding in the previous source Compare the key
lesson. technologies such
as machine
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. learning, Artificial
Main (35 mins) (ANN), virtual
Divide the emerging technologies under artificial intelligence and show a augmented
short video (1-5 mins) or documentary on the principles of operation to reality,
generate classroom interaction. gamification,
deep learning,
Consider each emerging technology and discuss the history, principle of data mining.
operation, real-world applications, advantages and disadvantages in
society Discuss the uses
and importance
Where the technology is available, allow learners to use. For example, of Artificial
you can engage them to write a documentary or report on specific sites Intelligence (AI)
explored using the virtual reality. to society
Leaners must investigate the things human intelligence can do in terms of
reasoning that computer/artificial intelligence cannot do.

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Leaners must investigate the things human intelligence can do in terms of reasoning that computer/artificial
intelligence cannot do.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
Learners may not easily understand the concepts and terminologies under programming
Week Ending: 25th NOV, 2022 DAY: Subject: Computing
Duration: 60mins Strand: Computational Thinking
Class: B7 Class Size: Sub Strand: Artificial Intelligence
Indicator: Lesson:
Content Standard:
B7. Discuss the application of various
B7.4.4.1. Discuss Artificial intelligence concepts
areas of artificial intelligence 1 of 2
Performance Indicator: Core Competencies:
Learners can discuss the application of various areas of artificial intelligence CC8.1: DL6.5
Reference: Computing Curriculum P.g. 22
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks, virtual reality, augmented reality, gamification

Activities For Learning & Assessment Resources Progression

Starter (5 mins) Computer/lapto Learners will be
p, internet able to;
Revise with learners to review their understanding in the previous source Compare the key
lesson. technologies such
as machine
Share performance indicators and introduce the lesson. learning, Artificial
Main (35 mins) (ANN), virtual
Divide the emerging technologies under artificial intelligence and show a augmented
short video (1-5 mins) or documentary on the principles of operation to reality,
generate classroom interaction. gamification,
deep learning,
Consider each emerging technology and discuss the history, principle of data mining.
operation, real-world applications, advantages and disadvantages in
society Discuss the uses
and importance
Where the technology is available, allow learners to use. For example, of Artificial
you can engage them to write a documentary or report on specific sites Intelligence (AI)
explored using the virtual reality. to society
Leaners must investigate the things human intelligence can do in terms of
reasoning that computer/artificial intelligence cannot do.

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 Leaners must investigate the things human intelligence can do in terms of reasoning that computer/artificial
intelligence cannot do.
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues
Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties
WEEK 11 & 12

Strand : Strands treated for the term Class : B7

Sub Strand: Sub strands for the term Duration : 50 mins
Content Standard: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the topics treated so Date :
Indicators: Recall and summarize all what they have learnt within the term. Day :
Key words:

Activities For Learning & Assessment Equipment/Resourc Learners Progression

es Resource Page
Starter (5 mins) Set of computer, Computing Learning how to
Video /pictures, wall Curriculum Pg. 3 identify and use
Revise previous lesson with learners using questions and answers. chart output devices

Main (35 mins) responsible
practices that can
Revise with learners to discuss features of fourth generation computers. be used to
The computers of fourth generation used very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuits. This reduce the
made computers more powerful, compact, reliable and affordable. As a result, it gave rise negative impact
to personal computers (PC) revolution. E.g. desktop computers, laptop, notebook, etc. of computers and
computer use on
Guide learners to Identify and explore the physical features of a microchip the environment
Revise with learners to demonstrate the use of input devices in a computer

Have learners to distinguish manual (e.g. keyboard, etc.) and automatic (e.g.
barcode reader etc.) input devices.

Using pictures, brainstorm learners to come out with the use of the output

Guide learners to demonstrate the use of output devices in a computer

laboratory or classroom.
Let learners explore the advantages and disadvantages of output devices.

Revise with learners to Identify magnetic storage devices, portable hard

drives/Optical Discs and Drives or pictures of these items to class

Guide learners to discuss in groups and present to the whole class

examples of energy-efficient devices and techniques.

Revise with learners on the negative impact of computers and computer

use on the environment.
Example: Negative effects – resource depletion ,pollution, privacy and
security etc

Reflection (10 mins)

Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners
what they have learnt during the lesson.

Take feedback from learners and summarize the lesson.

Ask learners how the lesson will benefit them in their daily lives.
Homework/Project Work/Community Engagement Suggestions
 State any two features of fourth generation computers
 What is the main function of the microchip in computers
 Identify any two negative effect of computers on the environment.
 State two ways of reducing the negative effects identified.
 What is an input device?
 Mention the least input devices of a computer
 Draw any 2 input device.
 What is an output device?
 Mention any five output device you know.
 State the functions of the output devices stated above
Cross-Curriculum Links/Cross-Cutting Issues

Potential Misconceptions/Student Learning Difficulties

The facilitator can arrange to use the nearby school’s computer lab
Strand : Strands treated for the term Class : B7
Sub Strand: Sub strands for the term Duration : 50 mins
Content Standard: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the topics treated so far. Date :
Indicators: Preparation towards vacation Day :
Key words:

Activities For Learning & Assessment Equipment/Resourc Learners Resource Progression

es Page Ref.
Starter (5 mins) Exercise books, pen, Answering
pencils, erasers, end of term
Ask learners to bring and display all the materials needed for the Answer sheets. examination
assessment. assessment
Educate them on the consequences of examination mal practice.

Main (35 mins)

Engage learners to arrange themselves properly to sit for the assessment


Mark learners answer sheets or exercise books.

Fill in learner’s SBA books and report cards.

Distribute learners answer sheets or exercise books for feedback.

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