Study of Residual Life Prediction and Maintenance Decision-Making of Portal Crane
Study of Residual Life Prediction and Maintenance Decision-Making of Portal Crane
Study of Residual Life Prediction and Maintenance Decision-Making of Portal Crane
Keywords: portal crane, condition-based maintenance, crack, A portal crane is one of the main equipments for cargo-
residual life, inspection cycle handling work, with short, repeat and cycle features, in bad
work surroundings. The metal structure supports the crane,
Abstract with some fault potentials, which may eliminate functions of
the crane, with huge harm to enterprise and persons if the jib
As a main equipment of port production, a portal crane is is broken. Up to now, the life of portal cranes of the ports
usually repaired according to the status for reducing loss by expires or is nearly expired. The components are damaged to
halting it, and for safe and normal production of port some extent. And, some jib or supporting cylinder is broken,
enterprises. This paper studies the defect categories of it, threatening safe production[6]. Thus, it is necessary to apply
based on metal structure fault detection, to understand the fault management on the metal structures of cranes. This
actual status of a portal crane, as a basis for making paper makes statistics and analysis on the distribution of
maintenance decisions. A method for safe assessment of crane defects, main reasons and rules, etc., to assist the
structure is made via the monitor of stress value of the fault confirmation on maintenance time and cycle.
areas, with the statistic analysis and the Paris model. The
crack sensitive areas and stress values are confirmed with the 2 Analysis of Portal Crane Fault Distribution
finite element analysis and test method, predicting the
residual life of cracked structural members of a portal crane, Currently, the use duration of portal cranes of China ports is
and confirming reasonable maintenance time and inspection relatively long. Some are used in prolonged duration. An
cycle. This paper also shows a case study of engineering investigation[1] showed that there were notable defects if a
practice, justifying that it can provide port enterprises with the portal crane worked for about 10 years, incl. cracks,
efficient and long term technical guarantee in both theory and deformation, breaking and rust, with crack as the most
practice, for safe use of the structural members, reducing popular defect, taking 80% of the metal structure defects. The
notably economic loss caused by halting production. test report of 77 portal cranes checked by Wuhan Port
Machinery Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing
1 Introduction Center during 2003~2006 [4](see Table 1) showed that the
crack probability of cranes used for 15-20 years was 66.53 %.
In production of enterprises, mechanical maintenance is a And, the one used more than 20 years was 88.89%. The crack
must link. In general, mechanical maintenance includes probability was listed No. 1 among all the defects. With the
breakdown maintenance, periodical maintenance and increase of time, the probability was increased as well.
condition-based maintenance. And, the condition-based
maintenance means to control the maintenance time Use Crack Rust Deformation
according to the actual technical status, with the monitor and Duration Occurrence Occurrence Occurrence
fault diagnosis technology as tools. The special checks can Rate Rate Rate
also be applied with various data of modern monitor 15~20 Year 65.63% 40.63% 18.75%
equipment, and manual or special instruments and tools per
>20 Year 88.89% 66.67% 55.56%
specific requirements. The condition-based maintenance can
be used with the machine running or stopped. It can be
applied continuously or by intervals, for timely monitoring Table 1 Main Defect Probability of Portal Crane
the equipment operation, understanding abnormal items and
degeneration laws, forecasting and judging fault positions, For the huge size of portal cranes, it is difficult to find out
arranging reasonably maintenance, for normal operation of small cracks. So, the technicians have to judge sensitive areas
equipment, to avoid any loss caused by sudden mechanical of cracks (where cracks exist easily) by experiences.
breakdown[2]. The statistics of crack location and times creates crack
occurrence probability, as shown by Table 2, which shows
that there are cracks at main components of legs, slewing g Section II is of a stable fatigue expansion stage. The crack
platform, slewing post, jib, A-bracket, weight balance beam, propagation is shown with the Paris rule. At this section,
etc., mainly at locations of sectional or sharp changes of the micro material structure, average stress of fatigue
structure. For instance, the connection parts of upper slewing load and environmental factors do not affect the crack
support ring and legs, and flange plate of slewing platform, propagation speed so much.
etc. The actual tests showed that the stress values of these g Section III is of a stage that the cracks expand to break
parts were larger, which needed more monitor. fast. When the maximum stress intensity factor value is at
the fracture toughness K IC , the fatigue crack makes the
Crack Location Crack Occurrence
structural member broken.[5]
Connection Parts of Upper
Slewing Support Ring and Legs
Flange Plate of Slewing Platform 21.57%
Connection Part of Slewing
Platform and Slewing Post
Jib Flange Plate 5.8%
Cross Section of Jib 3.9%
Bottom of A-bracket 13.73%
Weight Balance Beam 11.76%
The open research projects is supported by the project fund of
The Hubei Province Key Laboratory of Mechanical
Transmission and Manufacturing Engineering Wuhan
University of Science and Technology (2007A22), grateful
thanks to the help.
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