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Note : Thickener is designed as WATER Retaining Structure based on uncracked design as per IS : 3370

1 Basic Details
1 Width of inside Launder = 300 mm =
2 Base IL of launder = 11 m EL
3 Maximum Water Level in Launder = 11.45 m EL
4 Top of Launder Wall = 11.45 m EL
5 Height of the launder wall = 0.45 m
6 Grade of Concrete = 30 N/mm2
7 Grade of Reinforcment Steel = 500 N/mm2
8 Concrete Cover = 50 mm =
9 Density of water = 10 kN/m3

2 Side wall Design

1 Maximum Water Depth in Launder = 0.45 m

2 Mo = ϒw × H3/6
= 0.151875
3 Since M/Z = σcbt
∴ Z = b × d2 /6
and σcbt = Permissible stress of concrete due to Tension in Ben
σcbt = 2 N/mm2 (As per IS 3370-2, Table 1)
∴ M = σcbt × b × d2 /6
∴ d = = 21.34537

∴ Cover = 40 mm
∴ Provide Effective thickness 110 mm
∴ Overall Depth 150 mm

4 Area of steel Ast =

= 9.049022 mm2
Minimum Ast = 0.35%OF CROSS SECTION
= 525 mm2
Assume Main Bar dia φ = 8 mm
ast = 50.26548 mm2
Spacing = 95.74378 =
maximum spacing = 150 mm
Provide 8 φ @ 150 mm
Provided Ast = 3500.000 mm2 OK

5 Base wall Design

Assume the thickness of Base of Launder = 150 mm
Weight,W Distance "e" Moment
Wall 0.15x0.45x25 0.3+(150/2/1000) Wwall x ewall
1.6875 0.375 0.6328125
Base 0.15x0.45x25 0.3+(150/2/1000) Wbasex ebase
1.6875 0.375 0.6328125
Water 0.3x0.45x10 0.3/2 Wwaterx ewater
1.35 0.15 0.2025
Mo 0.151875

Total Moment = Mwall + Mbase+ Mwater+Mo

= 1.62
Since M/Z = σcbt
∴ Z = b × d2 /6
and σcbt = Permissible stress of concrete due to Tension in Ben
σcbt = 2 N/mm2 (As per IS 3370-2, Table 1)
∴ M = σcbt × b × d2 /6
∴ d = = 69.7137

∴ Cover = 40 mm
∴ Provide Effective thickness 110 mm
∴ Overall Depth 150 mm

6 Area of steel Ast =

= 96.5229 mm2
Minimum Ast = 0.35%OF CROSS SECTION
= 525 mm2
Assume Main Bar dia φ = 8 mm
ast = 50.26548 mm2
Spacing = 95.74378 =
maximum spacing = 150 mm
Provide 8 φ @ 150 mm
Provided Ast = 3500.000 mm2 OK
per IS : 3370

0.3 m

0.05 m

concrete due to Tension in Bending

(As per IS 3370-2, Table 1)

mm = 30 mm


concrete due to Tension in Bending
(As per IS 3370-2, Table 1)

mm = 78 mm


Note : Thickener is designed as WATER Retaining Structure based on uncracked design as per IS : 3370
1 Basic Details
1 Design TWL = 11.45 m EL
2 Base IL of Thickener = 7.76 m EL
3 Min Base IL Near Sump = 7.267 m EL
4 Top of RCC Peripheral Wall = 11.95 m EL
5 Free board inside clarifier = 500 mm =
6 FGL = 7.95 m EL
7 Diameter of thickener = 5.4 m
8 Width of inside Launder = 300 mm =
9 Base IL of launder = 11 m EL
10 Maximum Water Level in Launder = 11.45 m EL
11 Top of Launder Wall = 11.45 m EL
12 Ground Water Table = 7.95 m EL
13 Surcharge Load (wall design) = 20 kN/m2
14 Design Safe Bearing Capacity = 140 kN/m2
15 Grade of Concrete = 30 N/mm2
16 Grade of Reinforcment Steel = 500 N/mm2
17 Concrete Cover = 50 mm =
18 Density of water = 10 kN/m2

2 Calculation

1 Assumed thickness of t, = 250 mm

2 Cover = 40 mm
3 Main Dia of Wall = 16 mm
4 Effective Depth deff = 202 mm
5 Neutral Axis depth Xu = k x deff
6 k =
7 =
8 m =
10 σcbc = 10 N/mm2
11 σst = 130 N/mm2
12 ∴ m = 9.333333 N/mm2
13 ∴ k = 0.41791
14 ∴ j = 0.860697
15 Lever Arm Z = jxd
Z = 173.8607 mm
16 Moment of resistence M = TxZ = σst × Ast × Z
= CxZ = 1/2 × σcbc × b × Xu
= 1/2 × σcbc × b × k × deff
17 From Eqn 1, Ast = M/(σst × j × d)
18 pt = (100 × Ast)/(b × d)

A Coefficient H2/Dt H = 3.69 m

D = 5.4 m
t = 0.25 m
∴ H2/Dt = 10.086
1 ∴ Max Coefficient for Tension = 0.609419 (Table 9, IS 3370 -4)

2 Tension T = Max coeffient × density water × H × Radius

T = 60.71641 kN

3 ∴ Max Coefficient = 0.012097

for Bending moment

4 Bending Moment = Max coeffient × density water × H ^3

= 6.077845 kN-m

B Design of Section
1 Q = 0.5 × σcbc × j × k
Q = 1.7984703
2 Effective depth d =

d = 58.133057
3 Minimum Cover = 50 mm

d' = 108.13306 mm
4 d' eff = 200
5 dprovided = 250 mm Safe
6 Ast = M/(σst × j × d)
Ast = 271.59777 mm2
7 Assume Main Bar Dia, φ = 16 mm
ast = 201.06193
8 Spacing = 740.293
Minimum spacing = 250 mm (cl.8.1, IS 3370-2)

9 Minimum Reinforcement = 600 mm2 for 1 layer reinforcement

= 300 mm 2
for 2 layer reinforcement
Spacing = 335.10322
Minimum spacing = 250 mm
Vertical Reinforcement
Provide 16 φ @ 250 mm C/C
Provided Ast = 804.248 mm2 OK

10 Hoop Steel
Ast = T/σst
= 467.04935 mm2

Assume Hoop steel Dia, φ = 16 mm

ast = 201.06193 mm2
Spacing = 430.49398 =
Minimum spacing = 250 mm
Provide 16 φ @ 250 mm C/C
Provided Ast = 804.248 mm2 OK

11 Check for tensile stress

σc =

= 0.23652484 N/mm2
Permissible Stress = 0.27 √ fck
= 1.47885091 N/mm2
> 0.23652484 N/mm2 Safe

12 Distribution Steel

Minimum Reinforcement = 0.24 % × thickness of wall × 1000

= 600 mm2
Assume 16 mm dia = 201.06193
Spacing = 335.10322
Minimum spacing = 250 mm
Provide 16 φ @ 250 mm C/C
As vertical and Horizontal Reinforcement away from water side

13 Shear Checks

∴ Max Coefficient for Shear = 0.158

∴ Maximum Shear Force = Co-efficient x ϒw x H2
= 21.513438 kN/m
∴ τv = 0.1075672 < σcbt =
s per IS : 3370

0.5 m EL

0.3 m

0.05 m

= σst × Ast × j × d Eqn 1 OR

/2 × σcbc × b × Xu
/2 × σcbc × b × k × deff Eqn 2
8 0.575
Table 9, IS 3370 -4) 10.086 0.609419
10 0.608

y water × H × Radius

8 0.0146 (Tension on Water side)

10.086 0.012097
10 0.0122
y water × H ^3

or 1 layer reinforcement
or 2 layer reinforcement

Vertical R/f
(toward water side)

Along Circumference
(toward water side)

2 N/mm2
1 Design Safe Bearing Capacity = 140 kN/m2
2 Grade of Concrete = 30 N/mm2
3 Density of concrete = 25 kN/m3
4 Grade of Reinforcment Steel = 500 N/mm2
5 Concrete Cover = 50 mm =
6 Density of water = 10 kN/m2
7 Assumed Thickness of wall = 250 mm
8 Height of wall = 3.69 m
9 Diameter of the tank = 5.4 m
10 Q = 1.79847
11 σcbt = 2 N/mm2 (As per IS 3370-2, Table 1)
12 σcbc = 10 N/mm2
13 σst = 130 N/mm2
14 ∴ m = 9.333333 N/mm2
15 ∴ k = 0.41791
16 ∴ j = 0.860697
17 Load Calculation
1 Weight of the wall = (π x Dia) x( Thickness) x Height x Density
= 409.3593 kN
2 Net Pressure on Soil = 17.87423 kN/m2

3 Moment at the center Mc = pR2/8

= 17.83094 kN.m
4 Depth Required drequired = 99.5716 mm
5 Uncracked depth required = 231.2851 mm
Provide = 250 mm OK
Cover = 40 mm
deffective = 210 mm

13 Design of Reinforcement
1 Ast =

= 758.8598 mm2

2 Minimum Reinforcement Ast min = 735 mm2

Assume Main Bar dia φ = 12 mm
ast = 113.0973 mm2
Spacing = 153.8739 =
maximum spacing = 250 mm
Provided Spacing = 150 mm
Provide 12 φ @ 150 mm
Provided Ast = 1025.826 mm2 OK
0.05 m

(As per IS 3370-2, Table 1)

s) x Height x Density

1 Design Safe Bearing Capacity = 140 kN/m2
2 Grade of Concrete = 30 N/mm2
3 Grade of Reinforcment Steel = 500 N/mm2
4 Concrete Cover = 50 mm = 0.05
5 Density of water ϒw = 10 kN/m 2

6 Density of concrete ϒconcrete = 25 kN/m2

7 Height of Tank H = 3.69 m
8 Thickness of wall twall = 250 mm
9 Thickness of base slab tbaseslab = 250 mm
1 Calculation for wall below FGL and above Footing

1 Assumed thickness of t, = 250 mm

2 Cover = 40 mm
3 Main Dia of Wall = 16 mm
4 Effective Depth deff = 202 mm
5 Neutral Axis depth Xu = k x deff
6 k =
7 =
8 m =
10 σcbc = 10 N/mm2
11 σst = 130 N/mm2
12 ∴ m = 9.333333 N/mm2
13 ∴ k = 0.41791
14 ∴ j = 0.860697

1 Portion of wall below IL 7.95 is subjected to HOOP tension due to surcharge load of water and grad
2 Total surcharge load below grade slab = (ϒw x H)+(tbaseslab x ϒconcrete)
= 43.15 kN/m2
3 Pressure on wall due to surcharge load = 0.5 x 43.15
Taken Earth pressure at rest = 21.575 kN/m

4 Design for the hoop tension

H = 1 m
D = 5.5 m
t = 0.25 m
H2/Dt = 0.727273
Max Coefficient = 1.44
FROM, Table 14, IS 3370-4
Tension in the wall = 85.437 kN
Reinforcement required = 657.2077 mm2
Assuming Main dia φ = 16 mm2
ast = 201.0619
Spacing = 305.9336
Minimum spacing = 300 mm
Vertical Reinforcement
Provide 16 φ @ 250 mm C/C Vertical R/f
Provided Ast = 804.248 mm 2
OK (toward water side)

5 Wall footing is going below base and is resting 1m below

● Thicknesss of wall = 0.25 m

● Thicknesss of ledge(base slab) = 0.25 m

● IL of wall = 0.001302 m4
● IL of ledge = 0.001302 m4


arge load of water and grade slab

Vertical R/f
(toward water side)

1) Tank Geometry Data

250 Total surc

h2 150 FGL W2
R2 =

R3 =
h1 1000

Tf 200 W3

575 425

1000 R1 =

R4 =

Df =

Diameter of tank (Outer Diamter) D = 5.50

Height of liquid in tank hliquid = 3.50
Height of cylinderical portion of tank h = 4.00
Angle of Roof with Horizontal axis α = 0.00
= 0.00
Total Height of DM water tank H = 4.000
Inner diameter of Tank D = 5.000
Thickness of tank wall t = 0.25

Ring Wall Geometry Data

Diameter of foundation at Centerline Df = 5.25
Inner Radius of Ring Wall R2 = 2.50
Outer Radius of Ring Wall R3 = 2.75
Inner Radiusr of foundation at base R1 = 2.200
Outer Radius of foundation at base R4 = 3.200
Width of Ring wall foundation = 0.25
Width of the foundation at the base = 1
Thickness of the foundation at the base = 0.2
Center to outside of ring wall base slab = 0.575
Center to inside of ring wall base slab = 0.425
Ring beam height below FGL = 1.0
Ring beam height above FGL = 0.15
Total Height of Ring wall = 1.15
Width of the tank supported on ring wall = 0.25

Design Parameter
Unit weight of soil g soil = 18
Unit weight of water gwater = 10
Unit weight of concrete gconc = 25
Grade of concrete fck = 30
Grade of steel fy = 500

Angle of internal friction of soil in deg. f = 30

Active earth pressure coefficient = 0.33
Passive earth pressure coefficient = 3.00
Allowable Net SBC of soil = 120
Allowable Gross SBC of soil = 138

2) Dead Load calculation

Area of tank A = 19.63 m2
Volume of tank V = 78.54 m3

Mass of wall in term of 'g' mw = 41233.40 kg

Mass of roof slab in term of 'g' ml = 0.00 kg
Mass of bottom plate of the tank mb = 13529.71 kg
in term of 'g'
Dead weight of tank WT = 590.95 kN
(Uncorroded condition)
Operating Weight of tank WO = 1376.35 kN
(Self Weight+Liquid Weight)
Weight of liquid inside tank WL = 785.398163397448 kN

Surcharge due to liquid in tank = 33.06 kN/mm2

Surcharge due to earth W2 = 2.70 kN/mm2

Total weight of earth W1 = 184.91 kN

p((R2 -R1 ) + (R4 -R3 )) x g soil x (h2-Tf)
2 2 2 2

Total weight of Ring wall foundation W3 = 182.75 kN

p((R4 -R1 ) x Tf + (R3 -R2 ) x (h1+h2-Tf)) x g conc
2 2 2 2

3) Wind Load Calculation of Tank

External Pressure coeffcient for roofs and bottom of Cylindrical structure

Risk Coefficient Factor, K1 = 1.08

Terrain roughness & height Factor, K2 = 1.050

Ht. K2
0 1.05
4 1.05
Topography Factor, K3 = 1
Importance Factor for the Cyclonic Region,
K4 = 1.15
Basic Wind Speed, Vb = 50
Height of tank above FGL H = 4.00 m
Wind Pressure, Pz = 2.041 kN/m2

Wind Directionality Factor Kd = 1

Area Averaging Factor Ka = (Given in table below)
Combination Factor Kc = 0.9

Pr.Coeff FV on roof
ent of
Ka pr 0.7 PZ Pd force
Fv Compon
Cpe for =(0.785*D^2*(Cpi- ent of
Ka pr 0.7 PZ Pd roof Cpe)*Pd) force
Dir kN/m2 kN/m2 kN/m2 kN kN
X dir. 0.800 1.469 1.429 1.469 -0.860 1.907 1.907
Cpi = -0.8 (IS -875/3, Cl.
Horizontal Pressure coefficient Cpe = 0.860 (is 875/3,.Table 19)

FH on Wall = (Cpe*Pd*D*h)

= 27.793 kN

Eccentricity, e = 0.1*D
= 0.525 m

Moment about the center(M) = FV x e + FH*h/2

at top of foundation
= 56.588159 kN.m

Total Moment at base of tank foundation = M + FH*depth of Footing

= 84 kN.m

Empty Weight 590.949 kN

Operating Weight 1376.347 kN
Horizontal Force 27.79 kN
Total Moment 84.38 kN.m

Note : Horizontal components of uplift force on conical surface are neglected, to be on conservative side.
4) Seismic Load Calculation of Tank

Time period of Impulsive mode

(IS -1893/2, Cl.

Height of liquid in tank h = 4.000

h/D = 0.800
D/h = 1.375

Mass density of liquid ρ = 1000 kg/m3

Modulus of elasticity of Wall E = 2.74E+05 kg/m2

Coefficiet of time period of impulsive mode

Ci = 4.25302

Ti = 4.597 sec

Time period of convective mode

(IS -1893/2, Cl.

Cc Coefficiet of time period of convective mode from fig 5, IS 1893 Part-2

Cc = 3.28443

Tc = 0.232244 Sec

Zone factor Z = 0.1

Importance factor I = 1.50
Response reduction factor R = 3 ( As per 1893-II)
Average response accleration coefficient
for impulsive mode Sa/gi = 2.5
for convective mode Sa/gc = 2.5

Horizontal Seismic coefficient at impulsive mode Ahi = 0.0625

Multiplying factor of impulsive mode = 1.4

2% damping for steel tank

Final Ahi coefficient at impulsive mode Ahi = 0.0875

Horizontal Seismic coefficient at Convective mode Ahc = 0.0625

Multiplying factor of convective mode = 1.75
0.5% damping for all type of tank

Final Ahc coefficient at Convective mode = 0.109375

Base Shear in Impulsive mode

Mass of water m = 78539.82 kg

mi /m = 0.77 from Fig. 2 (a) of IS 1983 Part-2 2014

So, Impulsive mass of liquid in term of 'g' mi = 60475.66

Mass of wall in term of 'g' mw = 123308
Mass of roof slab in term of 'g' ml = 38533.6

Vi = 190831.16 N

= 190.83 kN

Bending Moment in impulsive mode

hi = Height of impulsive mass above the bottom of tank without

considering base pressure

hi /h = 0.375 from Fig. 2 (b) of IS 1983 Part-2 2014

hi = 1.50 m

Height of Centre of gravity of wall mass above bottom of tank wall hw =

Height of Centre of gravity of roof mass above bottom of tank wall ht =
Thickness of base plate of the tank tb =
Mass of base slab of the tank in term of 'g' mb =

Mi = 421859.467427808 N

= 421.859 kN

Overturning Moment in impulsive mode

hi* = Height of impulsive mass above the bottom of tank with considering base pressure

hi*/h = 0.575 from Fig. 2 (b) of IS 1983 Part-2 2014

= 2.3 m

Mi* = 516098.677873675 N

= 516.099 kN

Base Shear in convective mode

mc = Convective mass of liquid

mc/m = 0.3 from Fig. 2 (a) of IS 1983 Part-2 2014

mc = 23561.945 kg

Vc = 25281.23 N

= 25.28 kN

Bending Moment in convective mode

hc = Height of convective mass above the bottom of tank without considering base

hc/h = 0.675 from Fig. 2 (b) of IS 1983 Part-2 2014

= 2.700 m

= 68259.323 N

= 68.259 kN

hc* = Height of convective mass above the bottom of tank with considering base pressure
hc*/h = 0.725 from Fig. 2 (b) of IS 1983 Part-2 2014

= 2.900 m

Mc*= 79635.876 N

= 79.636 kN

Total Shear of DM Water Storage Tank

V= 192.498 kN

Total Bending Moment of DM Water Storage Tank

M = 427.346166 kN.m

Total Overturning Moment of DM Water Storage Tank

M* = 522.206586 kN.m

Total Moment at base of tank foundation = M + H*depth

= 649 kN.m

Empty Weight 590.949 kN

Operating Weight 1376.347 kN
Horizontal Force 192.50 kN
Total Moment 648.72 kN.m

Governing load case is Seismic Load

5) Base Pressure Calculation

Load Case -1 (Dead Load)

Total Dead load W = 958.62 kN

Base pressure due to Dead load q1 = 56.51 kN/m2

W / PI() (R42-R12)

Load Case -2 (Surcharge Load)

Total surcharge pressure qs = 33.06+2.7
35.76 kN/m2
Base pressure due to surcharge, at the bottom of ring wall base is calculated by using

coefficients given in the book ' Tall Chimneys ' by S.N.Manohar. in chapt. 6 ,Table 6.8 .

a = R1 / R4 = 0.688 b = (Db/2) / R4 = 0.820

Base pressure at inner edge, q2 = 40.89 kN/m2

Base pressure at outer edge, q3 = -10.56 kN/m2

LOAD CASE -3 (Wind Load / Seismic load)

Base pressure due to moment = M/Z

Moment of inertia of ring wall base = 63.96 m4

=PI()*( R44 - R14 ) / 4
Section modulus Z = I / R4 = 19.99 m3

Base pressure at outer edge, q4 = +/- 32.46 kN/m2

Base pressure at inner edge, q5 = +/- 22.31 kN/m2


Surcharge Load (SL) q3


Wind Load / Seismic Load q5(-)

q4(-) 22.31 kN/m2




DL+SL+Wind/Seismic Load+Surcharge Load


q10 q9
119.71 75.08
kN/m2 kN/m2

DL+Wind/Seismic Load+Surcharge Load

q10 q9
78.82 34.19
kN/m2 kN/m2

Calculation of contact area q8


q7 75.08 X=

R1 = 2.200 m
R4 = 3.200 m
Y = - m
Z = - m
j = - Deg.

Area not in contact with soil = [ ( 2 j / 360 ) x p x R4^2 ] - ( Y x Z )

= 0.000 m2

Total area of foundation = p*(R42-R12)

= 16.96 m2

Effective contact area = 100% > 80% HENCE FOUNDATION SIZE IS OK

6) Check for overturning

Case (i) Wind Load (Empty Condition)

Dead load of tank = 958.62 kN

Wind moment at base = 84.38 kN-m

Balancing moment = Wt x R4 = 3067.57 kN-m

Factor of safety , overturning = 36.35 > 1.4 HENCE FOUNDATION SIZE IS OK

Case (ii) Wind Load (Operating Condition)

Operating Load load of tank = 1744.01 kN

Wind moment at base = 84.38 kN-m

Balancing moment = Wt x R4 = 5580.84 kN-m

Factor of safety , overturning = 66.14 > 1.4 HENCE FOUNDATION SIZE IS OK

case (iii) Seismic Load (Empty Condition)

Weight of tank contents = 958.62 kN

Seismic moment at base = 648.72 kN-m

Balancing moment = Wt x R4 = 3067.57 kN-m

Factor of safety , overturning = 4.73 > 1.4 HENCE FOUNDATION SIZE IS OK

case (iv) Seismic Load (Operating Condition)

Weight of tank contents = 1744.01 kN

Seismic moment at base = 648.72 kN-m

Balancing moment = Wt x R4 = 5580.84 kN-m

Factor of safety , overturning = 8.60 > 1.4 HENCE FOUNDATION SIZE IS OK

7) Check for sliding

Case (v) Wind Load (Empty Condition)

Wind base shear at tank bottom = 27.79 kN

Balancing Vertical Load = 958.62 kN

Coefficient of friction = 0.30
between soil and concrete

Factor of Safety , Sliding = 10.35 > 1.2 HENCE FOUNDATION SIZE IS OK

Case (vi) Wind Load (Operating Condition)

Wind base shear at tank bottom = 27.79 kN

Operating Load load of tank = 1744.01 kN

Coefficient of friction = 0.30

between soil and concrete

Factor of Safety , Sliding = 18.82 > 1.2 HENCE FOUNDATION SIZE IS OK

case (Vii) Seismic Load (Empty Condition)

Seismic base shear at tank bottom = 192.50 kN

Balancing Vertical Load = 958.62 kN

Coefficient of friction = 0.30

between soil and concrete

Factor of Safety , Sliding = 1.49 > 1.2 HENCE FOUNDATION SIZE IS OK

case (Viii) Seismic Load (Operating Condition)

Seismic base shear at tank bottom = 192.50 kN

Operating Load load of tank = 1744.01 kN

Coefficient of friction = 0.30

between soil and concrete

Factor of Safety , Sliding = 2.72 > 1.2 HENCE FOUNDATION SIZE IS OK

8) Design of annular raft and wall

35.76 kN/m2
150 FGL


qs qf

575 425

1000 C
RING TAN Db/2 = 2625


Coefficient of active earth pressure Ka = 0.500

[ Ka = (1-sin j)/(1+sin j) ]

Calculation of Hoop Reinforcement

Ring wall is subjected to maximum hoop tension due to

operating (or test) weight of eqpt and weight of soil fill inside the foundation.

Load causing hoop tension due to operating weight = Wo / (p R42 / 4)

= 35.76 kN/m2

Equiv. surcharge ht, he = Load / g soil = 1.99 m

Total ht. causing hoop tension, h+he = 2.94 m

qs = Ka x g soil x he = 17.88 kN/m2

qf = Ka x g soil x h = 8.55 kN/m2

Pressure at the base = Ka x g soil x (h +he) = 26.43 kN/m2

Max. Hoop tens. = q R4 / 2 = 52.032 kN

Factored Hoop tension = 78.05 kN

Tension capacity = 435 N/mm2 From design criteria, T

Area of steel req = 179 mm2

Area of steel reqd. on each face = 90 mm2

300 mm
Ast,min =

Ast,req = 300 mm2

Bar size = 12 mm

Spacing reqd. = 377 mm

Provide Spacing = 120 mm

Ast, provided = 942 mm2 O.K.

Calculation of vertical Reinforcement

30 N/mm
fck =

500 N/mm
fy =

Moment, M = 9.35 kN-m

Load factor = 1.50

Mu = 14.03 kN-m

b = 1000 mm

Cover to reinforcement = 45 mm

d = 199.00 mm

dreq =sqrt(Mu / fck.b.k) = 18.75 mm Hence Ok

R =Mu / bd2 = 0.35431

% Ast reqd. = 0.08259 %

Min % of Ast reqd = 0.24 %

Ast reqd. = = 477.60 mm2

Bar size = 16.00 mm

Spacing reqd. = 421 mm

Provide Spacing = 120 mm

Ast, provided = 1676 mm2 O.K.


Bending Moment at junction with shaft is calculated by using the procedure given in the
book 'Tall Chimneys: Design and Construction' by S.N.Manohar. in Chapt. 6, Section 6.2.

Soil pressure at outer edge due to axial load = 56.51 kN/m2

[ ie = q1 ]
Surcharge pressure = 35.76 kN/m2
[ ie = qs ]
Soil pres. at outer edge due to wind moment = -32.46 kN/m2
[ ie = q4 ]

Bending Moment at junction with shaft,

Due to axial load = -7.417 kN-m / m

Due to surcharge load = 0.191 kN-m / m

Due to wind load = 4.034 kN-m / m

Total moment = -3.192 kN-m / m

Load factor = 1.50

Mu = -4.79 kN-m
b = 1000 mm

Cover to reinforcement = 45 mm

d = 147.00 mm

dreq =sqrt(Mu / fck.b.k) = 10.95 mm Hence Ok

R =Mu / bd2 = 0.222

% Ast reqd. = 0.051 %

Min % of Ast reqd = 0.24 %

Ast reqd. = = 352.80 mm2

Bar size = 16.00

Spacing reqd. = 570 mm

Provide Spacing = 150 mm

Ast, provided = 1340 mm2 O.K.


RAFT SLAB Provide 16 @150 cc bothways top and bottom

RING WALL VERTICAL Provide 16 @120 cc each face

RING WALL HORIZONTAL Provide 12 @120 cc each face

Differntial Settlement Calculation

Soil Modulus = 120 / 0.025 * 2.5

= 12000 kN/m2/m

Case 1 ; Dead Load

Max Base pressure acting inner edge of foundation = 56.51 kN/m2

Max Base pressure acting outer edge of foundation = 56.51 kN/m2

Settlement at inner edge = 11.77225 mm Settlement at Outer edge =

Case 2 ; Surcharge Load

Max Base pressure acting inner edge of foundation = 40.89 kN/m2

Max Base pressure acting outer edge of foundation = -10.56 kN/m2

Settlement at inner edge = 8.52 mm Settlement at Outer edge =

Differntial settlement = 10.72

Case 3 ; Wind Load / Seismic Load

Max Base pressure acting inner edge of foundation = 32.46 kN/m2

Max Base pressure acting outer edge of foundation = -32.46 kN/m2

Settlement at inner edge = 6.76 mm Settlement at Outer edge =

Differntial settlement = 13.52

Case 4 : Dead Load + Surcharge Load

Max Base pressure acting inner edge of foundation = 97.40 kN/m2

Max Base pressure acting outer edge of foundation = 45.95 kN/m2

Settlement at inner edge = 20.29 mm Settlement at Outer edge =

Differntial settlement = 10.72

Case 4 : Dead Load + Surcharge Load + Wind Load / Seismic Load

Max Base pressure acting inner edge of foundation = 75.08 kN/m2

Max Base pressure acting outer edge of foundation = 13.49 kN/m2

Settlement at inner edge = 15.64 mm Settlement at Outer edge =

Differntial settlement = 12.83 mm

35.8 kN/m2




3200 C TANK







Otherwise Vendor data

199.5 10 1

- 25 0.9
Cpe = -0.860
Actual H/D 0.8
H/D K2
0.5 -0.65
1 -1

Cpi =

conservative side.
( As per 1893-II)
kg = 54798.9

2.00 m
4.00 m
0.250 m
46625.65 kg
ering base pressure

base pressure
Axial Load
A= -0.1289
B= -1.1096
C= 0.2865
p= 35.76 kN/m2 coeff
q2 = 40.89 1.1435
q3 = -10.56 -0.2952
R4 = 3.200
Mrb = 0.191 4.2886

56.51 kN/m2

-10.56 kN/m2
-32.46 kN/m2

45.95 kN/m2


13.49 kN/m2


24.05 kN/m2
From design criteria, Table 3-4

Hence Ok
75.4344 kN-m
k= 1.33
Ast reqd. = 946.44 mm2

See Table 6.7, 6.1, 6.2 : Tall Chimneys: Design and Construction by S.N. Manoh
Surcharge load
A= -0.128865
B= -1.109557
C= 0.2864647
p= 35.76 kN/m2 coeff
q2 = 40.89 1.1435
q3 = -10.56 -0.2952
R4 = 3.200
Mrb = 0.191 4.2886

Axial load
Y2 = 0.9327755
Y3 = -0.304499
Y4 = -3.78125
p= 56.51 coeff
Mrb = -7.417 -1.2818

Y2 = -2.375117
Hence Ok Y3 = -0.17036
Y4 = 2.6808472
p= -32.46 coeff
Mrb = 4.034 -1.2137
11.77225 mm

-2.199401 mm

-6.762086 mm

9.572848 mm
2.810763 mm
= 0.36


struction by S.N. Manohar

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