Formalist Approach - Lesson Plan in English
Formalist Approach - Lesson Plan in English
Formalist Approach - Lesson Plan in English
At the end of the lesson, 75% of the students are expected to:
e. Motivation To start our day, let’s play a short (Students will listen to the
game called Word Search. Please listen instruction)
to my instruction first.
Yes, Ma’am!
Good to know.
Yes, Ma’am!
C. Abstraction
All your answers are good, class!
Can you read it for us, Henry? (Students will read the
What is Approach?
- seeks to understand a literary work
by investigating the social, cultural,
and intellectual context.
Formalist/Structuralist Approach
Sight imagery: The tree spread its
gigantic, sun-flecked shoulders.
Sound imagery: The forest was hushed,
resounding with echoes of
the tree’s stoic silence.
Touch imagery: The tree felt smooth
as sandstone.
Taste imagery: The tree’s leaves
tasted bitter, like unroasted coffee
Smell imagery: The sweet aroma of the
freshly baked chocolate
chip cookies wafted from the kitchen to
the living room
(Student will raise his/her
In your opinion, which imagery is the hand and give the answer)
most difficult? The answer may vary
What are the other things used as (Student will raise his/her
symbols for something? hand and give the possible
Dove as peace and gun as war
or violent.
Nice answer, Bob!
Okay, let’s move on. Please read, Nina. (Students will read the
What does the given example mean? (Student will raise his/her
hand and give the possible
It means that the car needs to
be wash.
Can anyone give another example for (Student will raise his/her
personification? hand and give the answer)
The answer may vary
Nice observation, Kris! How about the (Students will read the
‘repetition’ Please read, Gian. following)
Good answer,
What are the other words use as (Student will raise his/her
natural sounds? Can you give an hand and give the possible
example? answer)
The hiss of the snake
Clicking of mouse
Identify the following statements. Choose from the word pool in the box.
1. These literary elements used in prose and poetry to stress certain sounds and
create musical effects.
2. It refers to critical approaches that analyze, interpret, or evaluate the inherent
features of a text.
3. It is used to represent objects, actions and ideas in such a way that it appeals to our
physical senses.
4. The repetition of vowel sounds in words that are close together in a sentence or verse.
5. A figure of speech that uses one thing to mean another and makes a
comparison between the two.
Answer key:
1. Sound devices
2. Formalism Approach
3. Imagery
4. Assonance
5. Metaphor
Find a poem or song that you enjoy and respond to the following questions about it. Write it down
in a one whole sheet of paper. Your written work will be graded based on the given rubrics.
Feature 4 3 2 1
Advanced Proficient Basic Not There Yet
Ideas Informative with Informative with Focus needs to be Topic needs to
clear focus and clear focus. expanded and be developed.
supporting details. supporting details
are needed.
Organization Very well Has a beginning, Little Organization is
organized; easy to middle, and end organization; needed
read needs transitions
Sentence Sentences flow Sentences mostly Sentences need to Sentences are
Fluency throughout piece flow flow difficult to read
and do not flow
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