Formalist Approach - Lesson Plan in English

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Lesson Plan in English (4 A’s

Approach) Grade 10 Week 5: 3rd


At the end of the lesson, 75% of the students are expected to:

a. Analyze the structure of a given text

b. Identify the figures of speech used in the poem.
c. Point out the literary devices in the poem.


Topic: Critiquing a Literary Selection: Formalist Approach
Instructional Materials: Visual aid Presentation and
Handouts References: English 10: Learner’s Packet (LEAP)
4 pages
Values Integrations: Able to reason; Open minded and think logically
Strategies: 4A’s Approach (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application)


Teaching Hints Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
I. Preliminaries
a. Greetings Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am!
b. Prayer Before we can start our day, can (Students will lead the
someone lead the prayer? opening prayer)
c. Checking of the Do we have absentees today? (Class secretary will report the
Attendance attendance)

Okay, Danica kindly list down the

names of the absentees and give it to me
d. Review of the  What is the topic yesterday? (Student will raise his/her
Lesson hand and give the possible

Good, Jana! Ma’am, it’s about Formalist


 What is Formalist Approach? (Student will raise his/her

hand and give the possible
It refers to critical
approaches that analyze,
interpret, or evaluate the
inherent features of a text.

That’s correct, Gia!

 What are the features of a text we (Student will raise his/her
analyze in the Formalist Approach? hand and give the possible
 Grammar
 Syntax
 Elements of poetry
Correct, Hannah!

(Student will raise his/her

 What are the elements of poetry? hand)
 Line
 Theme
 Mood
 Meter
 Rhyme
 Stanza

Great job, Anthony for remembering


e. Motivation To start our day, let’s play a short (Students will listen to the
game called Word Search. Please listen instruction)
to my instruction first.

Instruction: Search and encircle the

hidden words. These words can be found
vertically, horizontally and diagonally.
Raise your hand if you want to answer
Are you ready?

Good! You can now search for the


Yes, Ma’am!

(Students will find and

encircle the hidden words)

Alright! You’re done finding all the

hidden words today. We got

Are you familiar with these words?

Good to know.

 What are your ideas upon hearing

these words?

Yes, Ma’am!

(Student will raise his/her

hand and give the possible
They are literary devices

II. Lesson Proper

A. Activity
Get your handouts please. (Students will get their hand

Before we proceed to our discussion,

let’s read first the poem “The Road Not
Let’s read and analyze the poem quietly
Birthday Party (Students will read and
analyze the poem quietly)

They were a couple in their late thirties,

and they looked unmistakably married.
They sat on the banquette opposite us in a
little narrow restaurant, having dinner.
The man had a round, self-satisfied face,
with glasses on it; the woman was
fadingly pretty, in a big hat.

There was nothing conspicuous about

them, nothing particularly noticeable,
until the end of their meal, when it
suddenly became obvious that this was an
Occasion—in fact, the husband’s
birthday, and the wife had planned a little
surprise for him.

It arrived, in the form of a small but

glossy birthday cake, with one pink
candle burning in the center. The
headwaiter brought it in and placed it
before the husband, and meanwhile the
violin-and-piano orchestra played “Happy
Birthday to You,” and the wife beamed
with shy pride over her little surprise, and
such few people as there were in the
restaurant tried to help out with a
pattering of applause. It became clear at
once that help was needed, because the
husband was not pleased. Instead, he was
hotly embarrassed, and indignant at his
wife for embarrassing him.

You looked at him and you saw this and

you thought, “Oh, now, don’t be like
that!” But he was like that, and as soon as
the little cake had been deposited on the
table, and the orchestra had finished the
birthday piece, and the general attention
had shifted from the man and the woman,
I saw him say something to her under his
breath—some punishing thing, quick and
curt and unkind. I couldn’t bear to look at
the woman then, so I stared at my plate
and waited for quite a long time. Not long
enough, though. She was still crying
when I finally glanced over there again.
Crying quietly and heartbrokenly and
hopelessly, all to herself, under the gay
big brim of her best hat.
B. Analysis Now, that you are done reading the (Student will raise his/her
poem, let’s answer some hand and give the possible
questions: answer)
 Ma’am, I think the setting
 How would you imagine the setting is located in forest where
of the poem? there are two roads in

 Ma’am, it shows in Stanza

 What does personal feels? Explain. 3 on the Line 14-15 that
the persona actually
doubted if s/he should
ever come back.

 Ma’am, the theme of the

 What is the theme of the poem? poem is sometimes we do
things that we will regret
later, but somehow our
decision made us who we
are today.

C. Abstraction
All your answers are good, class!

These questions help us to critique the

poem but this time, we critique it in
Formalist Approach.

Formalist or Structuralist approach is

only one of different approach in
Literary Criticism.

 Again, what is Literary Criticism? (Student will raise his/her

hand and give the possible
Literary Criticism is the
study, evaluation, and
interpretation of literature.

Good, Mark! In order for us to analyze

the literature well, we use different
approaches in evaluating a literary work.

Can you read it for us, Henry? (Students will read the

What is Approach?
- seeks to understand a literary work
by investigating the social, cultural,
and intellectual context.

Now that you know what is approach,

let’s have Formalist or Structuralist

Can anyone read? (Students will read the


Formalist/Structuralist Approach

- refers to critical approaches that

analyze, interpret, or evaluate the
inherent features of a text. These
features include not only grammar
and syntax but also literary devices
such as meter and figures of speech.

- The formalist approach reduces the

importance of a text’s historical,
biographical, and cultural context.
To analyze the poem with
Formalist Approach, we have to
analyze its
elements and literary devices used.

But today, we will focus first on

literary devices that can be shown in
(Students will read the
Please read, Kyle.

What are literary devices?

Literary Devices are tools used by

writers to hint at larger themes, ideas,
and meaning in a story or piece of
writing. Some of them are as follows:

1. Simile- (indirect comparison) two

unrelated objects are being compared to
each other with the use of the words
“like” or “as.”

Ex. You are as brave as a lion. (Student will raise his/her

hand and give the answer)
 Using simile, can you compare your The answer may vary
crush to other things?

That’s very creative,

Faye! Next, read please,


2. Metaphor- (direct comparison) a

statement in which two objects, often (Student will raise his/her
unrelated, are compared to each hand and give the possible
other. answer)
Because ‘god’ means
Ex. This tree is the god of the forest. supreme and in this statement,
the tree being pertained is
 With that example, why tree maybe the biggest or supreme
is pertained to ‘god’? among others.
Nice interpretation, Kate!
 Can you give another example for (Student will raise his/her
metaphor? hand and give the answer)
The answer may vary

Please read, Mitch. (Students will read the


3. Imagery- it engages the senses to

deepen the reader's comprehension of
what is happening and how to feel about

Sight imagery: The tree spread its
gigantic, sun-flecked shoulders.
Sound imagery: The forest was hushed,
resounding with echoes of
the tree’s stoic silence.
Touch imagery: The tree felt smooth
as sandstone.
Taste imagery: The tree’s leaves
tasted bitter, like unroasted coffee
Smell imagery: The sweet aroma of the
freshly baked chocolate
chip cookies wafted from the kitchen to
the living room
(Student will raise his/her
 In your opinion, which imagery is the hand and give the answer)
most difficult? The answer may vary

Good observation but I hope you can get

used to it, Danica.

(Students will read the

Can anyone read ‘Symbolism’? following)

4. Symbolism-uses symbols which can

be words, people, marks, locations, or
abstract ideas to represent something
beyond the literal meaning.

Ex. rainbow–symbolizes hope and


four-leaf clover–symbolizes good luck

or fortune
wedding ring–symbolizes commitment
and matrimony

 What are the other things used as (Student will raise his/her
symbols for something? hand and give the possible
Dove as peace and gun as war
or violent.
Nice answer, Bob!

Okay, let’s move on. Please read, Nina. (Students will read the

5. Personification- giving human

attributes to nonhuman objects.
Ex. The car needs a cold shower.

 What does the given example mean? (Student will raise his/her
hand and give the possible
It means that the car needs to
be wash.

That’s right, Kaye!

 Can anyone give another example for (Student will raise his/her
personification? hand and give the answer)
The answer may vary

Nice example, Heidi!

Now, we’re done on literary

devices, let’s go to the sound

Please, can anyone read the ‘Sound


(Students will read the

Sound devices are special tools the poet following)
can use to create certain effects in the
poem to convey and reinforce meaning
through sound. Some of them are:

1. Rhyme- is the matching vowel sounds

at the end of words or lines.
Out of the night that covers me
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

 What do you think is the rhyming (Student will raise his/her

scheme of the given example? hand and give the possible
Ma’am, the rhyming scheme
is ABAB because the first-
and third-lines rhyme, and the
rest of the lines are also

Nice observation, Kris! How about the (Students will read the
‘repetition’ Please read, Gian. following)

2. Repetition- is the repeating of any

words, phrases, sentences or lines within
a poem.
To the swinging and the
ringing of the bells, bells,
Of the bells, bells, bells, bells
To the rhyming and the chiming of the
(Student will raise his/her
 Can you give a song that has hand and give the possible
repetition? answer)
 Watch Me Whip –
“Watch me whip,
watch me nae nae
Watch me whip,
watch me nae nae”

That’s a good example of repetition,


(Students will read the

Let’s now go on ‘Assonance’. following)
Please read it for us, Kate

3. Assonance- is repetition of vowel

sounds within words.

Ex. I like to decline an offer of wine to

define my style.
 Can you spot the vowel sounds in (Student will raise his/her
given example? hand and give the possible
I like to decline an offer of
wine to define my style.

 What is the vowel sound used? (Student will raise his/her

hand and give the possible
The /ay/ sound

Good answer,

Rica! Next, please! (Students will read the


4. Alliteration- is the repetition of the

consonant sounds at the beginning of

Ex. The shepherd shook his head in


 How about in alliteration, can you (Student will raise his/her

spot the consonant sounds in given hand and give the possible
example? answer)
The shepherd shook his head
in negation.

 What is the consonant sound used? (Student will raise his/her

hand and give the possible
The /sh/ sound

That’s right, Fin!

For the last one, please read, Vin.

5. Onomatopoeia- uses words which (Students will read the

imitate the natural sounds of things following)

Ex. The sack fell into the river with a


 What are the other words use as (Student will raise his/her
natural sounds? Can you give an hand and give the possible
example? answer)
 The hiss of the snake
 Clicking of mouse

Nice example, Jennie!

Is there any question regarding to our None, Ma’am!

discussion for today?

Okay, now let’s put your

understanding in a test.

Are you ready, class? Yes, ma’am!

D. Application For your activity, I will group you into 4 (Students will get their
handouts again)

Row 1 & 2, you will be Group 1 (Students will identify their

Row 3 & 4, you will be Group 2 co-groupmates)
Row 5 & 6, you will be Group 3
Row 7 & 8, you will be Group 4

Do you all have a group already? Yes, Ma’am!

Good! Listen to my direction first so you (Students will listen to the

will be guided. direction)

Direction: Give atleast 1 literary or

sound devices you’ve noticed in your
assigned stanza. Explain your answer in
each table provided.

Stanza Literary/Sound Explanation


You have 10-15 minutes to finish (Students will start working

this activity. You may start now. together with their
IV. EVALUATION (5 minutes)

Identify the following statements. Choose from the word pool in the box.

Sound devices Literary devices Formalism Approach

Alliteration Assonance Imagery Metaphor

1. These literary elements used in prose and poetry to stress certain sounds and
create musical effects.
2. It refers to critical approaches that analyze, interpret, or evaluate the inherent
features of a text.
3. It is used to represent objects, actions and ideas in such a way that it appeals to our
physical senses.
4. The repetition of vowel sounds in words that are close together in a sentence or verse.
5. A figure of speech that uses one thing to mean another and makes a
comparison between the two.

Answer key:
1. Sound devices
2. Formalism Approach
3. Imagery
4. Assonance
5. Metaphor


Find a poem or song that you enjoy and respond to the following questions about it. Write it down
in a one whole sheet of paper. Your written work will be graded based on the given rubrics.

1. What is the rhyming pattern in each stanza?

2. What are the lines which show imagery in the poem?
3. What are the elements and other literary devices used in the poem?

Feature 4 3 2 1
Advanced Proficient Basic Not There Yet
Ideas Informative with Informative with Focus needs to be Topic needs to
clear focus and clear focus. expanded and be developed.
supporting details. supporting details
are needed.
Organization Very well Has a beginning, Little Organization is
organized; easy to middle, and end organization; needed
read needs transitions
Sentence Sentences flow Sentences mostly Sentences need to Sentences are
Fluency throughout piece flow flow difficult to read
and do not flow

Prepared by:


English Teacher

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