Flower Power

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Student: Emily Chu Professor: Ann Leiter

Course: Student Teaching Date: 5/06/2023

Grade: K Topic: Science Content Area: Flowers 


ELA Standard New York State Next Generation English Language Arts Learning
Standard Speaking and Listening Standards (Comprehension and Collaboration)
KSL1a: Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions, including listening to others, taking turns, and
staying on topic.
Indicator: This will be evident when students participate in group discussions about
flowers and follow the agreed-upon rules for having a discussion.
ELA Standard New York State Next Generation English Language Arts Learning
Standard Speaking and Listening Standards (Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas)
KSL5: Create and/or utilize existing visual displays to support descriptions.
Indicator: This will be evident when students create their own flower and label it based
on the vocabulary words that they learned.
After having classroom discussions and observing a teacher model, students will be able to
create and label their own flower based on the vocabulary from the PowerPoint. Students will be
graded based on a teacher created rubric, with a passing score of 3 out of 4.
Prior Academic Knowledge
Prior to the start of a lesson, each student will know the parts of a flower.
Prior to the start of the lesson, each student will understand not to speak when the teacher is
Prior to the start of the lesson, each student will understand how to behave on the carpet.

Some students may not understand how to spell certain parts of a flower.
Some students may not be able to fit all the vocabulary words in their assigned box.
1. MOTIVATION: During the beginning of the lesson, the teacher will ask questions during
a classroom discussion. (Does any more have a garden at home? If yes, what are you
growing in your garden?)
2. The teacher will than pull up a PowerPoint that first says IT’S FLOWER POWER TIME.
3. The teacher will call students to the carpet according on their table color. The tables that
are quiet and sitting still will be called first to the carpet.
4. An educational video about the parts of a flower will be played. During the video the
students will be able to dance along.
5. If the students behaved during the video, I will play the video again to show them that
good behavior gets rewarded.
6. After the playing of the video the teacher will ask during a group discussion. (What were
the parts of a flower discussed in the video?)
7. After the video students will be asked to go back to their seats and be shown a picture of
a flower along with its parts.
8. Students will be asked to come up to the smartboard and drag the vocabulary word to the
correct part of the flower.
9. While students are coming up to the smartboard the students at their desk will be filling
out their own flower along with the class. (Appendix A)
10. Once the flower is properly labeled students will be able to create their own flower.
11. Every student will be given parts of a flower that they will individually be able to glue
together on a large piece of paper.
12. Once their flowers are put together, they will be individually asked to label their own
13. The english language learners in the class will be given pieces of paper with the parts of a
flower already written on them next to a picture. This is so they do not have to write
anything down but still be involved in the lesson. (Appendix B)
14. The teacher will display a model of the flower, so the students know what the flower is
supposed to look like in front of the class.
15. Students that have finished their flower will be asked to write a sentence about their
flower. Their sentence could look like “My flower has two green leaves and a long stem”.
A model of the sentence will be displayed on the smartboard.

ASSESSMENT (formal & informal)

Informal assessment- The teacher will have group discussions with the class and walk
around and observe while the students are working independently.
Formal assessment- Students will be assigned to create their own flower and properly
label it. They will be graded based on a teacher created rubric, with a passing score of 3
out of 4. (Appendix C)
. Discussion (engaging in class discussion with the teacher)
-Indicator: This will be evident when the teacher asks the class questions about
the educational video and if they have a garden at home.
. Modeling (Students observing the teacher model
-Indicator: This will be evident when the teacher displays their own flower and
how it should be label in the front of the class.
     . Independent Work (Independently engaging in student work)
-This will be evident when students put together their own flower and properly
label it.
. English language learners will have directions simplified as needed.
. English language learners will have preferential seating in the classroom.

. Struggling Students- These students will be provided with pieces of paper with the parts
of a flower already written on them next to a picture. This is so they do not have to write
anything down but still be involved in the lesson.

. Average Students- These students will be asked to individually create their own flower
and label it.

. The higher- level students will be asked to write a sentence about their flower. Their
sentence could look like “My flower has two green leaves and a long stem”. A model of
the sentence will be displayed on the smartboard.

. Students will complete a flower craft and will have to label their flower properly based
on what was taught earlier in the lesson.
Direct Teacher Intervention: After the lesson is complete, students that struggled during
the lesson will be asked to refer back to the teacher diagram of the plant.
Academic Enrichment: Students who have completed the assignment will have a chance
to become creative. They will be asked to turn their flower over and write a sentence
about their flower. Their sentence could look like “My flower has two green leaves and a
long stem.
Construction paper Pencils
smartboard PowerPoint
YouTube Glue

NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. (2017). New York State Next Generation.
English Language Arts Learning Standards.

YouTube. (2021, March 11). Roots, stem, leaves, flower | parts of a plant song | parts of a
flower song. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bFU_wJgvBI
Appendix A
Appendix B

Flower Petal
Flower Petal
Flower Petal
Stem Leaves

Stem Leaves

Stem Leaves
Roots Roots
Appendix C

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