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Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101698

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Journal of Building Engineering

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Bond performance of a hybrid coating zinc-rich epoxy incorporating

nano-ferrite for steel rebars subjected to high temperatures in concrete
D.E. Tobbala *, Bassam Abdelsalam Abdelsalam , Ibrahim Saad Agwa
Department of Civil and Architecture Constructions, Faculty of Technology and Education, Suez University, Egypt


Keywords: The main issues in common steel rebar coatings are the reduction in bond strength and inconvenience to high
Nano-ferrite temperatures. Inspired by these facts, a hybrid coating zinc-rich epoxy (ZRE) incorporating nano-ferrite (NF)
Zinc-rich (NF-ZRE) was prepared with different percentages. The performance of bond strength was studied at different
Epoxy resin bonding agent
temperatures up to 600 ◦ C in the presence of ZRE coating. In addition, the results of the uncoated specimens and
Steel reinforcing
High temperature
other categories with an additional layer of Sikadur-31 (SDE) epoxy bonding coating over ZRE coating (SDE-ZRE)
were compared. This experiment was performed for two different mixes, namely, normal (MN) and silica fume
mixes (MSF). The effect of adding NF with different percentages of ZRE on bond strength in the MSF mix was
investigated, and all results at distinct temperatures were compared. The compressive strength test and scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) were conducted to explain the obtained results of bond strength. Results showed that
the residual bond strength of uncoated and ZRE-coated specimens in the MSF mix was better than that of MN at
temperatures up to 400 ◦ C. The specimens with SDE-ZRE were deboned at temperatures over 300 ◦ C. Further­
more, the residual bond strengths of specimens incorporating NF-ZRE, specifically in 2% NF, recorded the
greatest values at high temperatures up to 500 ◦ C. All the attained results were verified and emphasized through
the compressive strength test and SEM.

1. Introduction strength, the cover thickness, length of the bonding, and the bar diam­
eter [10–14]. Although using epoxy-coated reinforcement, such as ZRE,
Steel materials are considered one of the most important and popular increases the durability of concrete–steel constructions, its bond
structural materials in the world. The corrosion problem in structural strength with the concrete decreases by nearly 20%–25%. This result is
steels must be carefully considered in industrial applications. Since the because the concrete is not adhering well to the reinforcement, thereby
1950s, the effect of contamination at the coating interface has drawn creating only a small number of physicochemical interactions. Thus,
great attention to the corrosion resistance of coatings. One of the most ZRE-coated reinforcements must have high bond lengths and other
widely used corrosion protection methods for steels is the application of anchoring modifications [15,16]. Many different types of particles, such
an organic protective coating [1,2]. Zinc-rich epoxy (ZRE) is considered as micaceous iron oxide, Zn, and Al lamellar particles, were used to
one of the important industry protection products, which can bind a improve the protection properties of the zinc-rich coating. Finally,
large amount of metallic zinc dust to realize the cathodic protection to nanoparticles, such as carbon nanotube, polyaniline clay nano­
the steel surfaces. Thus, efforts were made to improve the protectiveness composites, and nanozinc, have been dispersed successfully in a com­
of zinc-rich coatings by determining the best zinc content, particle size, mercial zinc-rich coating to improve its initial obstacle properties, the
and shape of zinc metal [3,4]. In ZRE, zinc particles provide cathodic protection of the zinc-rich coating, and the cathodic protection of
protection of the carbon steel or with sacrificial galvanic protection coatings [1,17,18].
[5–7]. Hence, improvements in zinc-rich coatings can reduce costs or The literature [19–21] recorded the following results. The exposure
improve performance [8,9]. During the last decades, many researchers to a high temperature effectively decreases the bond strength of un­
studied the bonding behavior of steel rebars with concrete including the coated deformed bars and its subsequent slippage. The residual bond
parameters that affect the bond strength, such as concrete compressive strength was nearly 26% and 32% of the initial bond strength for

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: eng.dinatobbala@gmail.com (D.E. Tobbala).

Received 6 July 2020; Received in revised form 20 July 2020; Accepted 23 July 2020
Available online 5 August 2020
2352-7102/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D.E. Tobbala et al. Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101698

Fig. 1. (a) Mixing of NF-ZRE using magnetic stirrer (b) coated steel rebar.

steel bars with different percentages up to 6.0% after the specimens was
Table 1
exposed to high temperatures up to 800 ◦ C. The rate of reduction in bond
Manufacturer mechanical properties of zinc rich epoxy and sikadur 31.
strengths of corroded specimens when exposed to high temperatures up
The properties Sika zincrich epoxy Sikadur 31 (A + B) to 800 ◦ C was slower than that of uncorroded specimens at a corrosion
Consist of 1part A + B mixed with 4:1 ratio percentage smaller than 1.15% for each temperature. Moreover, their
Density 1.6 kg/L 1.65 kg/L reduction rate generally increased for each temperature when the
Appearance/Colour Metal Grey concrete grey
corrosion ratio exceeded 2.13% [21].
Chemical base Epoxy resin Epoxy resin
Bond strength (MPa) With concrete ≥ 4 MPa This research aims to investigate the residual bond strength after
With steel 15 MPa exposure to different high temperatures up to 600 ◦ C in the presence of
E-modulus (MPa) 4300 hybrid coating ZRE incorporating nano-ferrite (NF) (NF-ZRE). More­
over, the study compared the results among uncoated specimens, ZRE
coating, and others with an additional layer of Sikadur-31 (SDE). Two
Table 2 different mixes were performed, namely, normal and SF mixes. Specif­
Mixture proportions of concrete mixes, all the component unit is with kg/m3. ically, the effect of adding NF with different percentages to ZRE on bond
Mix no. C SF Sand Dolomite W SP strength in the SF mix was investigated, and all results at distinct tem­
peratures were compared. Compressive strength test and scanning
MN 400 0 792.3 1188.4 120.0 16.0
MSF 400 60 740.8 1111.2 138.0 18.4
electron microscopy (SEM) of concrete mixes after elevating to different
temperatures up to 600 ◦ C were conducted to investigate its effect in
Where’s *All the Table content were in (kg/m3). reducing the adhesion with concrete at studied temperature.
C: Cement content (OPC I-52.5 N). W: Water.
S: Sand as a fine aggregate D: Dolomite as a coarse aggregate.
2. Experimental program
SF: Silica fume SP: Super plasticizer.

2.1. Materials, preparation, and application of epoxy coatings

Table 3
Chemical properties of the OPC and SF. Three categories of NF-ZRE at 1%, 2%, and 3% were prepared to
improve the cathodic protection performance of ZRE to rebars. The used
Properties OPC SF
ZRE was commercially known as “Sika zinc-rich-1,” which is considered
CaO 62.34 0.21
an anti-corrosion primer product. The used NF was a pure cobalt ferrite
SiO2 20 97.20
Al2O3 6.25 0.25 (CoFe2O4) nano-crystalline powder prepared through the citrate-gel
Fe2O3 3.55 0.54 method. The average particle size of NF was 29.62 nm with symmetry
SO3 2.42 0.11 magnetization (M) of 63.521 emu/g and magnetic field (H) up to 1660
MgO 2.12 0.43 Oe. Moreover, the average particle size of NF has a high transition
K2O 0.75 0.45
temperature of 835.27 K, correlated by the magnetic susceptibility test
Na2O 0.81 0.15
TiO2 – – [22]. ZRE was initially stirred using a magnetic stirrer for 5 min until a
LOI 1.67 0.74 uniform consistency is obtained to prepare these categories of NF-ZRE
coatings. Then, 1%, 2%, or 3% of NF was added as a replacement per­
centage of ZRE and stirred for another 15 min with 1100 rpm at room
specimens exposed to 800 and 600 ◦ C, respectively [19]. The residual temperature. The previous stirring time and velocity were determined
bond strength of epoxy-coated steel bars was higher than that of the based on several trails until a uniform consistency is obtained. Steel
uncoated ones when the specimens were exposed to a high temperature rebars must be coated with the composite coatings just after finishing
of less than 200 ◦ C. However, the former was less than the latter when the stirring process, as shown in Fig. 1. For comparison purposes, ZRE
the specimens were exposed to a high temperature of more than 200 ◦ C coating without any addition was prepared after 5-min stirring. The used
[20]. The reduction in bond strength between concrete and corroded

D.E. Tobbala et al. Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101698

Table 4
Test variables and terminology of the bond strength specimens.
Mix type Target temperatures (ᵒC) Uncoated (U) ZRE SDE 1% NF-ZRE 2% NF-ZRE 3% NF-ZRE

Normal mix (N) 22 NU22 NZRE22 NSDE22 – – –

100 NU100 NZRE100 NSDE100 – – –
200 NU200 NZRE200 NSDE200 – – –
300 NU300 NZRE300 NSDE300 – – –
400 NU400 NZRE400 NSDE400 – – –
500 NU500 NZRE500 NSDE500 – – –
600 NU600 NZRE600 NSDE600 – – –
Silica-fume mix (SF) 22 SFU22 SFZRE22 SFSDE22 1NF-ZRE22 2NF-ZRE22 3NF-ZRE22
100 SFU100 SFZRE100 SFSDE100 – – –
200 SFU200 SFZRE200 SFSDE200 – – –
300 SFU300 SFZRE300 SFSDE300 1NF-ZRE300 2NF-ZRE300 3NF-ZRE300
400 SFU400 SFZRE400 SFSDE400 1NF-ZRE 400 2NF-ZRE400 3NF-ZRE400
500 SFU500 SFZRE500 SFSDE500 1NF-ZRE 500 2NF-ZRE500 3NF-ZRE500
600 SFU600 SFZRE600 SFSDE600 – – –

Uncoated steel rebars: U

Zinc-rich epoxy coating: ZRE
Additional layer of Sikadur-31 epoxy bonding coating: SDE
Zinc-rich epoxy incorporated 1% of nano- ferrite:1NF-ZRE
Zinc-rich epoxy incorporated 2% of nano- ferrite:2NF-ZRE
Zinc-rich epoxy incorporated 3% of nano- ferrite:3NF-ZRE

deformed rebars were polished using emery papers to remove traces of different temperatures (22, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600 ◦ C) for MN
surface oxides before coating composites with a brush. The coated rebars and MSF mixes were compared. The residual bond strengths of NF-ZRE-
were kept at room temperature for 7 days after coating to dry. The dry coated specimens were investigated at distinct temperatures (22, 300,
film thickness of all categories of specimens was 48 ± 3 μm. The fifth 400, and 500 ◦ C) for the MSF mix and compared with the previous re­
category was prepared using an additional layer of commercial epoxy sults. The pull-out test was used to study and compare the behavior of
resin bonding agent coating commercially known as SDE. SDE is the previous categories at different temperatures. The pull-out test
commonly used in bonding rebars of concrete and steel structures. This specimens were coded as shown in Table 3. The test specimens were
resin has two components, namely, the epoxy resin and the hardener, formed as lollipop specimens of deformed rebars with a 10-mm diameter
combined in a weight ratio of 4:1 slowly using an electric drill for 1 min and a 150-mm length surrounded by a concrete cube of 100 × 100 ×
until smooth. Table 1 shows the manufacturer’s mechanical properties 100 mm. The embedded length of rebars in concrete was 50 mm in the
of ZRE and SDE. Finally, the behavior of all the previous categories of middle of the cube. The test specimens were cured for 28 days before
coated rebars was compared with that of the uncoated rebars. exposure to high temperature, as shown in Fig. 2. The compressive
strength and SEM of the specimens of both mixes at high temperatures
2.2. Concrete mixes and their materials were investigated. The compression test was carried out on cubic spec­
imens of dimensions, 100 × 100 × 100 mm at 28 days according to BS
Concrete mixes, namely, normal mix (MN) and silica fume mix (MSF), 1881–116 [25]. To conduct this, the specimens were heated in an
were designed with nearly the same percentages of components except electric furnace at fixed temperatures for an exposure time of 2 h. The
using 15% of silica fume (SF) in the MSF mix. The used cement was an size of the used electrical furnace was of 250 × 400 × 350 mm with a
ordinary Portland type (OPC I-52.5 N). Cement tests were performed heating rate of 20 ◦ C/min and a maximum capacity of 1200 ◦ C. The
according to ASTM C-150-3 [23]. Table 2 shows the physical properties characteristics of the heated mixture sample were investigated through
and chemical compositions of OPC and SF. The coarse and fine aggre­ SEM. The specimens were taken from the core of cubes (see Table 4).
gates used were crushed dolomite (D) and natural sand materials. The
sand was natural sand (S) with a fineness modulus of 2.32, a volume 3. Results and discussion
weight of 1.76 t/m3, and a specific gravity of 2.67. The dolomite had
NMZ of 12.5 mm, a specific weight of 2.65, and water absorption of 3.1. Effect of temperature on compressive strength
1.1%. These materials were tested according to ASTM C33/C33 M − 18
[24]. High-performance super-plasticizer (SP), Viscocrete-3425, was Fig. 3(a) shows the compressive strength of MN and MSF mixes at
used to increase the workability of concrete mixtures. room temperature at ages 7, 28, 56, 120, and 180 days. At 28 days,
MN was designed using cement content (C), S/D %, water/total compressive strengths of MN and MSF mixes, fcu (N) and fcu (SF), at room
binder (C + SF) %, and SP/(C + SF)% of 400 kg/m3 at 40%, 30%, and temperature were approximately 55.5 and 71 MPa, respectively. The
4%, respectively. The SF mix, MSF, was prepared with the same contents compressive strengths of concrete mixes at 28 days exposed to high
of MN except using 15% SF as an additional percentage of cement con­ temperatures (100–600 ◦ C) were measured and compared with fcu (N)
tent. Initially, the fine and coarse aggregates were dry mixed at medium and fcu (SF) at room temperature, as shown in Fig. 3(b). At 100 ◦ C
speed of 80 rpm for 1 min in a concrete mixer. Next, the binder was exposure, the compressive strength of MN and MSF mixes increased with
added and stirred for another 1 min. Finally, water and SP were added approximately 17% and 8% respectively. These increased compressive
gradually, in parallel, to the constituents for 2 min. After 24 h in casting, strengths were due to accelerated hydration processes of cementitious
all specimens were cured in saturated water at 22 ◦ C until testing. materials. Moreover, at 200 ◦ C exposure, the fcu improvement ratios
decreased to 8% in the case of MN, whereas in MSF, such fcu improvement
2.3. Specimens and testing ratios were converted to marginal deterioration of 4%. After 300 ◦ C
exposure, the specimens recorded much deterioration percentages for
The residual bond strengths of ZRE-coated specimens were investi­ both mixes up to 8% and 21%, respectively. These deterioration per­
gated, and the results of uncoated and SDE-ZRE-coated specimens at centages increased up to 28% and 50% at 400 ◦ C, 36% and 64% at

D.E. Tobbala et al. Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101698

Fig. 2. Test set-up schematic and picture for test specimens.

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Fig. 3. Compressive strength of concrete mixes (a) at different ages at room temperature, (b) At high temperature up to 600 ◦ C.

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Fig. 4. The relationship of fb-δ of heated specimens of mixes (a) MN and (b) MSF incorporating uncoated of rebar.

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Fig. 5. The relationship of fb-δ of heated specimens of mixes (a) MN and (b) MSF incorporating ZRE-coating.

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Fig. 6. The relationship of fb-δ of heated specimens of mixes (a) MN and (b) MSF incorporating SDE-ZRE coating.

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Fig. 7. The relationship of fb-δ of heated specimens of MSF incorporating NF-ZRE coating at (a) room temperature (22 ◦ C), (b) 300 ◦ C, (c) 400 ◦ C and (d) 500 ◦ C.

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Fig. 8. Effect of temperatures on the bond strength of mixes (a) MN and (b) MSF.

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Fig. 9. Effect of lifting temperatures on the bond strength of SF MSF including NF-ZRE Composite as a steel coating.

500 ◦ C, and 64% and 80% at 600 ◦ C, respectively. These results indicate average bond strengths (fb)–displacement (δ) relationship. Such an ef­
that SF addition adversely affects high-temperature resistance of such fect was compared with uncoated specimens as shown in Fig. 8.
matrices at temperatures above 200 ◦ C. Moreover, the compressive Reduction percentages of bond strengths of NZRE22 and SFZRE22
strength values of MSF were still greater than those of MN up to 400 ◦ C specimens were approximately 44% and 36.5% with respect to NU22
and then decreased until 600 ◦ C. The silica-fume concrete has a greater and SFU22 specimens at room temperature, respectively. The reduction
endurance of high temperatures than the normal concrete up to 400 ◦ C in bond was due to the smooth surface of ZRE coating. At 100 ◦ C,
due to low permeability. At temperatures above 400 ◦ C, the de­ NZRE100 and SFZRE100 specimens were improved up to 12.6% with
teriorations in concrete increase, resulting in a reduction in compressive respect to NZRE22 and SFZRE22, respectively. These improvements
strength [26]. might be due to the improvement of the concrete matrix. On the con­
trary, NZRE200 and SFZRE200 specimens reduced by 5% and 7.8% with
3.2. Effect of temperature on bond strength of uncoated rebars respect to NZRE22 and SFZRE22, respectively. These reduction per­
centages increased with increasing temperature up to 12.8% and 22.8%
The 28-day age bond strengths of NU22 and SFU22 specimens of at 300 ◦ C, 27% and 38.5% at 400 ◦ C, 40.2% and 59.8% at 500 ◦ C, and
uncoated rebars were 17.7 and 20 MPa at room temperature, respec­ 52.2% and 67.7% at 600 ◦ C with respect to NZRE22 and SFZRE22. The
tively. Fig. 4 shows the relationship between average bond strength (fb)– results show that using ZRE decreased the bond strengths of both mixes
displacement (δ) for all heated uncoated specimens. At 100 ◦ C, the bond at room temperature, but its resistance to temperature is still effective up
strength of NU100 and SFU100 improved with 15.3% and 8% with to 500 ◦ C. The reductions in bond strengths of specimens incorporating
respect to NU22 and SFU22 specimens, respectively. Moreover, the bond ZRE were less than those of uncoated specimens, which indicated that
strength of NU200 and SFU200 specimens reduced with 13.6% and ZRE had no significant deterioration up to 500 ◦ C. This finding may be
22%, respectively with respect to room temperature specimens. These because ZnO has the leading percentage in ZRE, and the melting point of
deterioration percentages increase with increasing temperature to reach the ZnO is greater than 750 ◦ C [27].
42.4% and 41% at 300 ◦ C, 45.2% and 51% at 400 ◦ C, 60% and 70% at
500 ◦ C, and 67% and 70.5% at 600 ◦ C, respectively. The bond strengths 3.4. Effect of temperature on bond strength of SDE-ZRE-coated rebars
of all MSF specimens were still greater than those of MN specimens up to
400 ◦ C and then decreased and converted to smaller than MN at 600 ◦ C. SDE was used as an alternative additional layer coating, and the
At 100 ◦ C, the thermal degradation of the material is not very signifi­ reductions in the bond strength of ZRE specimens at room temperature
cant. Moreover, the thermal expansion of the rebar and the concrete were overcome. The bond strengths of NSDE22 and SFSDE22 specimens
could lead to an increase in contact stress in the bond region, which will were 18.9 and 20.3 MPa with improvement percentages 90.14% and
eventually strengthen the bond. These results agree with the compres­ 59.84% with respect to NZRE22 and SFZRE22 specimens, respectively.
sive strength of the heated concrete specimens. The results of normal Fig. 6 shows the relationship of fb-δ of all heated reinforced normal and
and MSF showed that the ultimate compressive and bond strengths SF concrete specimens incorporating SDE, and Fig. 8 shows the com­
decreased as the exposed temperature increased. This result is because parison of the bond strengths of ZRE specimens at the same tempera­
the temperature usually causes severe material damage in concrete, tures. At 100 ◦ C, fb (N) and fb (SF) increased with marginal
specifically bond regions. improvements, which are nearly close to those of uncoated rebars at the
same temperature. These improvements might be due to the improve­
3.3. Effect of temperature on bond strength of ZRE-coated rebars ment of concrete matrix and expansion in rebar, which compressed the
bond coating layers. Moreover, exposing specimens to 200 ◦ C caused a
Using ZRE reduced the bond strength of NZRE22 and SFZRE22 major reduction in fb (N) and fb (SF) reaching 12.2 and 11.7 MPa,
specimens to approximately 9.9 and 12.7 MPa, respectively. Fig. 5 respectively. The reductions in fb (N) and fb (SF) increased dramatically
shows the effect of ZRE coating of steel reinforcing concrete on the with increasing temperature in this category up to 4.8 and 5.1 MPa at

D.E. Tobbala et al. Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101698

Fig. 10. SEM of ITZ and cement paste of mixes at room temperature.

300 ◦ C. All other specimens exposed to 400–600 ◦ C deboned due to reductions in fb (SF) increases with the increasing temperature up to 8.8,
melting of SDE. Their bond reductions were due to the melted SDE be­ 9.8, and 9.5 MPa at 400 ◦ C and 5.86, 6.13, and 5.9 MPa at 500 ◦ C. The
tween concrete and rebar at 200 ◦ C. At 400 ◦ C, the specimens were results showed that the addition of 2% NF has the greatest bond strength
debonded due to the complete burning of SDE and the thermal mis­ at high temperatures up to 500 ◦ C. Moreover, using NF improved the
matches between concrete and rebar. More specimens were exposed to bond strength with respect to ZRE specimens at all temperatures up to
temperatures between 300 and 400 ◦ C to accurately find the melting 500 ◦ C (see Fig. 10).
point of SDE. The melting point of SDE was found between 320 and NF with an average particle size of 29.62 nm and a high specific
350 ◦ C. surface area was added to ZRE coating. The addition helps in filling the
free spaces between the zinc particles achieving very high dispersion.
Moreover, the conductivity of the coating was improved, which is
3.5. Effect of temperature on bond strength of NF-ZRE-coated rebars considered a promising way to enhance the cathodic protection dura­
tion. The high bond strength values of all NF-ZRE specimens, specifically
NF-ZRE coatings were used mainly to improve the cathodic protec­ 2NF-ZRE22, may be due to the physical effect of NF, which acts as nuclei
tion performance of zinc-rich coatings and substitute the reduction in accelerating the hydration process of the cementitious material in the
the bond strength of steel in the case of using ZRE only. NF at 1%, 2%, bond region. The high resistance of all NF-ZRE specimens to the high
and 3% was added to ZRE to improve the bond strength up to 14.43, temperature, specifically at 2% NF, may be due to the high value of
15.57, and 15.33 MPa at room temperature, respectively. Fig. 7 depicts transition temperature of NF (835.27 K).
the relationship of fb-δ of all heated MSF mix with rebars coated by NF-
ZRE, and Fig. 9 shows the comparison of ZRE results. The bond
strengths at 300 ◦ C decreased to 10.8, 12.3, and 10.2 MPa. The

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Fig. 11. SEM of ITZ and cement paste of mixes at 200ᵒC.

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Fig. 12. SEM of ITZ and cement paste of mixes at 400ᵒC.

3.6. SEM of heated specimens 4. Conclusion

Figs. 10–13 show the SEM of cementitious materials and the inter­ This research investigated the bond strength of normal and SF con­
facial transition zone (ITZ) close to the aggregate of mixes at different crete mixes with the presence of NF-ZRE coating. The results among
temperatures. The SEM shows that the MSF mix has a higher content of uncoated, ZRE coated, and ZRE with an additional layer of SDE speci­
CSH gel and a denser ITZ combined with lower content of calcium hy­ mens were compared. Some important conclusions were obtained.
droxide (CH) and pores than the MN mix. Moreover, needles of hydrates
are disappeared in the MSF mix when compared with MN due to the high 1. An addition of 2% NF improves fb (SF) to 15.57 MPa for NF-ZRE
pozzolanic reaction of SF that can also act as a micro filler. At 200 ◦ C specimens, which is considered the best percentage of NF addition.
exposure, the cement paste of both mixes shrank, and micro-cracks 2. An addition of 2% NF improves the bond strength with respect to
started to appear and weakened ITZ. These shrinkages and micro- ZRE specimens at all temperatures up to 500 ◦ C.
cracks increased with increasing temperatures up to 600 ◦ C due to the 3. At room temperature, using ZRE reduces fb (N) and fb (SF) with respect
expulsion of water vapors. Moreover, a proportional rise in porosity and to uncoated rebars from 17.7 to 20 MPa to approximately 9.9 and
severe deterioration of paste microstructures were observed. Further­ 12.7 MPa, whereas the results improved up to 18.9 and 20.3 MPa for
more, CSH gel is decamped and completely loses water, leaving pores at SDE-ZRE-coated specimens, respectively.
ITZ. A significant increase in micro-cracks occurred at 400 ◦ C. The CH 4. The melting temperature of Sikadur-31 has been found at nearly
was decomposed into lime and water, converting to small needle hy­ 320–350 ◦ C. Thus, all SDE-ZRE specimens de-bond at temperatures
drates at 200 ◦ C and transformed into additional CSH gel at 400 ◦ C. greater than the melting point.
These cracks were observed at above 400 ◦ C with a continuous rise in 5. The compressive and bond strengths of MSF are greater than those of
temperature (see Fig. 11). MN up to 400 ◦ C, and at 600 ◦ C, those of MSF decrease to smaller than

D.E. Tobbala et al. Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101698

Fig. 13. SEM of ITZ and cement paste of mixes at 600ᵒC.

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the work reported in this paper.

D.E. Tobbala et al. Journal of Building Engineering 32 (2020) 101698

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