Large Scale Biosensing Technologies
Large Scale Biosensing Technologies
Large Scale Biosensing Technologies
Large-scale nano-biosensing
OPEN ACCESS technologies
Carlo Ricciardi,
Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy Ioulia Tzouvadaki 1 and Themis Prodromakis 2*
REVIEWED BY Centre for Microsystems Technology, Department of Electronics and Information Systems, Ghent
Vishva Ray, University–IMEC, Gent, Belgium, 2Centre for Electronics Frontiers, School of Engineering, University of
University of Michigan, United States Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Gianluca Milano,
National Institute of Metrological Research
(INRiM), Italy
Nanoscale technologies have brought significant advancements to modern
Themis Prodromakis, diagnostics, enabling unprecedented bio-chemical sensitivities that are key to
disease monitoring. At the same time, miniaturized biosensors and their
This article was submitted to integration across large areas enabled tessellating these into high-density
Nanodevices, a section of the journal biosensing panels, a key capability for the development of high throughput
Frontiers in Nanotechnology
monitoring: multiple patients as well as multiple analytes per patient. This review
RECEIVED 19 December 2022 provides a critical overview of various nanoscale biosensing technologies and their
ACCEPTED 30 January 2023
PUBLISHED 15 February 2023
ability to unlock high testing throughput without compromising detection resilience.
We report on the challenges and opportunities each technology presents along this
Tzouvadaki I and Prodromakis T (2023),
direction and present a detailed analysis on the prospects of both commercially
Large-scale nano- available and emerging biosensing technologies.
biosensing technologies.
Front. Nanotechnol. 5:1127363.
doi: 10.3389/fnano.2023.1127363 KEYWORDS
large-scale, biosensor, biosensor array fabrication, nanotechnology, nanodevice
© 2023 Tzouvadaki and Prodromakis. This
is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Introduction
Attribution License (CC BY). The use,
distribution or reproduction in other
Among the plethora of micro/nanotechnology applications, those in the medical field have
forums is permitted, provided the original
author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are drawn considerable attention. The micro and nanoscale structures offer a sensing platform
credited and that the original publication in relatively comparable in size to the species of interest such as antigen and antibody molecules
this journal is cited, in accordance with
(approximate average size of 10 nm), viruses (size ranging from 20 nm to 250–400 nm), bacteria
accepted academic practice. No use,
distribution or reproduction is permitted (approximate size of 1 μm), cells (diameter ranging from 1 μm to hundreds of μm) and other
which does not comply with these terms. biological entities. The advancement of nanotechnologies has aided the miniaturization of
electronic components from the micro to the nano-scale, where at least one dimension of the
structure is equal or below 100 nm while nanomaterials, chemical substances or materials
consisting of very small particles of different shapes and sizes no larger than hundred
nanometers (Figures 1A–L), exhibit novel characteristics such as increased strength,
chemical reactivity or conductivity compared to the same material without nanoscale
features particularly benefiting the medical practice in both diagnostics and therapeutics
(Alvarez et al., 2017). New opportunities in the development of highly-sensitive biosensors
have been demonstrated as appropriate solutions for enabling precise sensing of bio/chemical
events that occur at tissue, cell, and even at molecular level (Hannah et al., 2020).
Screen-Printed Electrodes (SPEs) (Mincu et al., 2020) usually comprise a 3-electrode
configuration (working, counter, and reference) printed on substrates such as plastic or
ceramic utilizing carbon, silver, gold and platinum and are often combined with a broad
range of functionalization strategies introducing for example graphene, and quantum dots,
implemented as enhancement to existing electrodes for boosting the sensing performance
comparing to the bulk electrode as well as specific-to-the-target receptors (e.g., enzymes). These
sensors are suitable for the rapid in situ detection, however, considering that commercially
available SPEs cannot be mechanically or electrochemically polished between measurements to
refresh the electrode surface for stability over consecutive scans for sensing reproducibility and
prevention of the electrodes’ passivation, SPEs are more suitable for single-use experiments and
Scale-oriented illustration of the landscape of nanomaterials and micro/nanostructures involved in biosensing technologies (A–L) and characteristic
biosensing data plots demonstrating indicative sensing principles and transduction mechanisms (M–P). (A) Graphene. (B) Nanotubes. (C) Nanowires. (D)
Nanoribbons. (E) Nanopores. (F) Nanoneedles. (G) Nano-wells. (H) Nano/microscale spheres. (I) Nano/micropillars. (J) Nano-pencil structures. (K) MOSFET.
(L) Microelectromechanical (MEM) systems. (M) Transfer characteristics of a receptor-target molecule interaction on gold extended-gate MOSFET, a
p-type transistor with gate length 0.7 μm and width 3,860 μm. (N) A nanopore separating two aqueous compartments filled with electrolyte solution while
small molecules are electrokinetically pulled through the pore by an applied potential, temporarily inducing a partial current blockade which is detected by an
amplifier. The amplitude of the current blockade, proportional to the volume of the molecule in the nanopore, and the dwell time, are the signatures of a
single-molecule translocation event. (O) Schematic illustration and Nyquist plots of an impedimetric graphene-based biosensing platform. (P) Amperometric
curve for the oxidation of a coenzyme at CNT-composite electrode and the corresponding calibration plot (inset figure). Source: (M) Reproduced from Wang
et al. (2010) with CCC permission from Elsevier (N) Reproduced under CC-BY-4.0 from Fragasso et al. (2020) (O) Reproduced under CC-BY-4.0 from Bonanni
and Pumera (2011) (P) Reproduced from Chakraborty and Retna Raj (2007) with CCC permission from Elsevier.
applications where disposability is preferred (Kerr et al., 2021). Paper- (Figure 1K) have been developed for sensing (Bergveld, 1985):
based sensors have a natural ability to wick fluids, enabling the notable, among these are, the ion-sensitive field-effect transistors
fabrication of pump-free microfluidic analytic devices. In paper- (ISFETs) (Wadhera et al., 2019) where the metal gate is replaced
based sensors (Martinez et al., 2007) the sensing electrodes are by an ion-sensitive membrane, electrolyte and reference electrode and
patterned onto the different areas of paper substrates using a the biologically sensitive field-effect transistor BioFET (Schöning and
variety of different methods such as screen printing, inkjet Poghossian, 2002). BioFETs are essentially ISFETs which are sensitive
printing, photolithography and wax-printing. Those patterned areas towards a selection of biomolecules due to the introduction of bio-
are thereafter modified to be selective to the target biomarker which recognition elements that are specific to the target molecules and are
reaches the sensing core through capillary and lateral flow properties. chemically or electrostatically bound to the transducer surface.
These are very low cost, simple and disposable sensing platforms that One important issue in most FET-based sensing applications is the
are versatile and easy to customize, however, limitations in terms of requirement of a stable reference electrode e.g., an Ag/AgCl element,
reproducibility and long-term stability need to still to be addressed. In that provides a constant and stable potential during operation. Other
MEMS (Algamili et al., 2021) (Figure 1L), as well as in nano- applications replace the reference electrode with inert metals like gold
electromechanical-system (NEMS), the sensitive transduction or platinum or use gold as the sensing gate conjugated with bio-
mechanisms enable novel functionalities in devices with low power functionalization treatments. Measuring in dry conditions has
consumption. MEMS can be batch-fabricated onto semiconductors achieved successful detection without using a reference electrode.
with active components [mechanical, (bio) sensors, actuators, and In this framework, the extended-gate FET (EGFET) by extending
electronic elements] readily integrated resulting in miniaturized, off-chip the sensing pad, ultimately achieves separation of the wet and
microns-sized, features. Several variations of the dry environments. Apart from these factors, ionic strength, pH level,
metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) temperature and samples of complex mixtures can create potential
variabilities and instabilities in the detection processes (Kaisti, 2017). involves either a permanent magnet or external coil to magnetize
As the downscaling and miniaturization of the sensing elements and sense magnetic particles. The capturing probe is immobilized on a
progressed, nanoscale structures (Figures 1A–J) have revolutionized solid substrate (e.g., glass) and the sample is labelled with magnetic
the biosensing status quo and are expected to render even more particles will mix with the capturing probe. The matched target will be
advancements in diagnostics (Justino et al., 2010) as transducing captured, and unbound objects will then be rinsed off. A magnetic
elements of high sensitivity and, consequently, low limit of transducer, such as an LC-oscillator or Hall sensor will transduce the
detection (LoD). magnetism of the sample to electrical signals, which will be
The transducing mechanisms through which the chemical subsequently processed by the readout circuit. Finally, pressure-
information is ultimately communicated and quantified, is a pivotal based sensors (Chang et al., 2020) are mainly based on macro-scale
aspect in biosensors (Erickson et al., 2008) since their role is to convert diaphragm configurations, the deformation of which indicates the
the bio-recognition event into a measurable signal. Among the main applied pressure that is transduced into an electrical or other
transducing mechanisms optical biosensing methods are commonly identifiable output signal. In a similar concept mechanical-based
used for the detection of biological markers. Surface Plasmon bio-detection exploits a cantilever and the mass introduced by the
Resonance (SPR)-based biosensors use surface plasmon waves to presence of the biomolecules attached to it, transducing the bending
detect changes when the target analyte interacts with a force on the cantilever to electrical signals i.e., a resistance, and
biorecognition element on the sensor and are one of the most ultimately resistance variations.
favoured optical biosensing tools.
In colorimetric-based detection methods colour changes
quantitated in the visible light spectrum indicate the different Moving towards highly dense and large
concentration levels through the differences in the optical density. assays
The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) colorimetric assay
is of the most utilized tools in clinical laboratories and captures the An essential part of evaluating the success of global health, from
bio-specific interactions occurring in antibody-antigen and enzyme- monitoring an individual’s health status till the transmission of an
substrate pairs giving a quantification of the concentration of a target infectious disease in a large community, is the access to appropriate
inside a sample through a visual signal. On the other hand, Fluorescent diagnostic tools. These should be portable, complete and autonomous,
ELISA (FELISA) is a variation of the standard colorimetric ELISA that including the necessary readout circuitry for a direct and short result
rather than a visible colour change, the enzymatic reaction creates a turnaround time (Samson et al., 2020) as well as offering a comfortable
product that fluoresces when excited by light at a specific wavelength. experience for patients, by relying on small specimens. In this light,
Specifically, in fluorescence-based biosensing platforms an external nanostructure-based immunosensors offer miniaturization
light source is required to initiate the electronic transitions in an atom possibilities and potential for integration of the technology in a
or molecule which then produces luminescence. However, in small device together with the incorporation of processing and
chemiluminescence-based platforms luminescence is produced as a signal conditioning circuitry. The application of nanotechnologies
side-product of a chemical reaction, when the atom or molecule also bares benefits for applications in point-of-care (PoC) diagnosis
relaxes from its excited state to its ground state. The (Vashist, 2017), on the patient’s bedside, and Lab-on-a-chip (LOC)
electrochemical biosensors handle electrical signals/properties solutions (Dekker et al., 2018). It allows integration of one, or multiple,
providing measurement and quantification of the concentration of lab functions on a single integrated chip for providing easy-to-use,
an analyte inside a sample, covering a rather wide-range: from small health-self-monitoring systems (Wu et al., 2018) and self-diagnostics
(DNA and proteins) to large biological objects (cells and bacteria). at home. Τhis may apply in the case of an infectious disease (e.g.,
Electrochemical biosensors can be discriminated based on the nature COVID-19 (Bhalla et al., 2020; Samson et al., 2020)), where any
of the electrochemical changes detected during a biorecognition event infected members of a community can be quickly identified (Bhalla
(Figures 1M–P) and can be categorized as amperometric, et al., 2020; Samson et al., 2020) through the use of self-diagnostics.
potentiometric, impedance-based and conductometric. Similarly, the collection of various signatures reflecting a disease state
Amperometric sensors are based on the measurement of current as and progression is essential to maximize the amount of information
a function of time as a result of the oxidation and reduction of that can be obtained for the health condition of an individual patient.
electroactive species in a biochemical reaction that mainly depends Multiplexed systems allow detection of multiple biomarkers that
on the concentration of an analyte with a fixed potential. A favors a quicker, more accurate, and early detection of the disease.
potentiometric biosensor is essentially a device that combines a Thus, new sensor platforms should have inherently high degrees of
biorecognition element (i.e., an enzyme) with a transducer that multiplexing capabilities. In both cases of large-scale sensing platform
senses the ions amount variation with the recorded analytical for high sample throughput and multiplexing schemes the presence of
signal being logarithmically correlated with the analyte multiple identical device arrays is a fundamental prerequisite and can
concentration (Nernst equation). In the Electrical Impedance be achieved by the incorporation of multiple transducers attached to
Spectroscopy (EIS) the transduction mechanism is based on a the individual sensing area (Zupančič et al., 2021). In addition,
conductivity detection that scans the detection volume with an wearable biosensors (Kim et al., 2019a) can provide long-term,
electrical frequency sweep (usually in the range of 10 kHz and continuous and real-time monitoring of the physiological status of
10 MHz). Finally, conductometric-based devices consist of two an individual via dynamic, non-invasive measurements of biochemical
electrodes, separated by a medium such as nanowire, and the markers in biofluids, such as sweat, tears, saliva and interstitial fluid.
transduction method is essentially based on the information linked Moving towards highly dense and large multiplex screening assays
to the ability of an electrolyte solution to conduct an electric current comes with a range of challenges. First one needs to consider the
between electrodes. Meanwhile, magnetic-based bio-detection device and array-level challenges due to constraints related with device
scalability, inter-sensor differences and increased costs in fabrication Inspired by the ion-channel sensing, research efforts have been
and operation. Then, system-level aspects for the development of focused in emulating the structural properties of ion-channels
optimized large-scale testing tools such as integration interoperability related to the extracellular-intracellular potential, the ionic flows,
with complementary electronic and micro-fluidic components need and the molecular transport across cellular membranes, by creating
particular attention. Paper-based sensors have demonstrated some molecular-scale holes also known as nanopores (Anselmetti, 2012).
multiplexing capabilities through some sophisticated manufacturing According to the utilized material and fabrication method, nanopores
schemes (e.g., 3D paper-based platform simultaneously running fall into two main categories: the organic (Crnković et al., 2021) and
assays in different layers), minimising the need for external pumps the solid-state (Dekker, 2007) nanopores; a third hybrid category (Hall
thanks to the direct flow ability, alike conventional microfluidics. et al., 2010) can be thought that entails the insertion of a biological
These sensors however, exhibit a few limitations (Gutiérrez-Capitán nanopore into a solid-state one. Organic nanopores (Figures 2A, B)
et al., 2020) in terms of reproducibility and long-term stability as well can be found as natural protein ion-channels (Varongchayakul et al.,
as limited potential for scalability and integration in larger complete 2018), with a defined size ranging from 1 nm to 4 nm of diameter, in
schemes involving readout electronics. Conventional SPEs sensors can the cell lipid membrane (e.g., α-hemolysin, mycobacterium smegmatis
contribute moderate multi panel detection systems via utilizing porin A and Aerolysin) or they are fabricated by biological materials
multiple working electrodes and a signal output channel (Zhao (Howorka, 2017) and synthetic organic compounds (Langecker et al.,
et al., 2018), however, this technology is still limited due to the 2012; Diederichs et al., 2019) through solution based biological
need for relatively bulky instrumentation. Integrated, direct techniques. Biological materials such as lipid membranes, proteins,
connection of the sensor with readout electronics that perform and functionalized enzymes usually necessitate storage in aqueous
both signal processing and accurate analysis of the measured conditions, often present substrate to substrate transfer challenges
quantity is of paramount importance since it ultimately defines the while the fixed size range of the biological nanopores may limit their
response time of the sensor. On the other hand, (bio) MEM/NEM applications. On the other hand, solid-state nanopores (Figures 2C, D)
systems can perform the operation of sensing, controlling, and are artificially formed pores in solid-state membranes (Tang et al.,
actuating at microscale, either individually or in bulk, also 2016) (i.e., implementing SiNx and SiO2, Si and multi-layer Si, MoS2
providing high sensing performance expressed through ultralow and polymers) via electron beam milling (Goto et al., 2016), focused
limits of sensing (e.g., ultralow mass sensitivity for resonant ion beam and electron beam lithography (Storm et al., 2003) followed
MEMS) and a high degree of multiplexing (bio) NEMS. by etching, overall allowing a dimensional control with sub-
Nevertheless, issues related to the robustness of the provided nanometer accuracy and a tailored to the application geometry
detection answer still remains as an obstacle for reaching the end (i.e., size, shape, and thickness) of the resulted nanostructures. Ion-
users in the form of diagnostic tools (Leïchlé et al., 2020). Advances in channel mimicking sensing was first proposed by Sugawara et al.,
micro and nanotechnology ultimately provide biosensors that are (1987) and was deployed by Cornell et al., (1997) through the synthesis
small, ultrasensitive, compatible with standardized batch of lipid multilayer membranes on glassy carbon electrodes. Varying
complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology, the nature and type of integrated receptors, enabled the detection of a
mature production processes allowing accurate and low-cost wide range of analytes of interest (Anselmetti, 2012). The nanopore
fabrication of large-area arrays, along with a straightforward ultimately provides a single connection path between two separated
integration with readout circuitry reducing the time required for compartments in an electrolyte, while small molecules are
the diagnosis and consequently the waiting time for the test results, electrokinetically pulled through the pore by an applied potential,
offering significant benefits in clinical decision-making. through an external bias voltage added on the electrolyte across the
This paper reviews the current landscape of most celebrated nano- nanopore membrane through reference (Ag/AgCl) electrodes that in
biosensing technologies, their underpinning transducing mechanisms, turn establish an ionic current through the nanopore. During their
and use cases in applications. We focus our review on biosensor passage, these small molecules temporarily induce a partial current
technologies with excellent scaling prospects, including: nanopores, blockade with an amplitude proportional to the volume of the
nanowires, nanotubes, memristors and CMOS-based transducers, molecules. This amplitude and the so-called as dwell time, are the
along with those supporting integration in large testing signatures of a single-molecule translocation event (Figure 1N).
deployments such as PCB-based schemes, ultimately commenting Nanopore sensors (Xue et al., 2020) and modified biological
on the critical metrics for delivering optimized large-area multi- nanopores have been used in sequencing applications (Manrao
panel testing platforms. Finally, the review concludes by discussing et al., 2012) primarily aiming at DNA sequencing (Feng et al., 2015;
the technological potential and possibilities emerging from the use of Deamer et al., 2016) (Figure 2E), capturing dynamic processes such
dense multi-panel sensing arrays combined with embedded AI, as DNA-protein interaction (Bell and Keyser, 2016) and nucleic
providing an innovation roadmap for the medical diagnostics of acid analysis (Venkatesan and Bashir, 2011) as well as detection of
the future. peptides and proteins (Yusko et al., 2017), enabling ultra-low
(attomole range) limit-of-detection (Wu et al., 2020) and single-
molecule detection (Muthukumar et al., 2015) pushing the
Nanopore-technologies sensitivity to its limit. While the solution-based fabrication
techniques often jeopardize the prospects of biological
Nature performs exceptionally efficient cell signaling and signal nanopores for large-scale integration, solid-state nanopores
transduction via the diffusion of ions through highly selective allow fast (Kim et al., 2006), large-scale (Deng et al., 2016)
transmembrane ion-channels (Hille, 1978). Those channels production (Figures 2F, G), excellent geometry control (e.g., via
ultimately undertake the role of effective sensors opening and electron beam lithography and etching), a wide library of materials,
closing in response to electrical, mechanical, or chemical stimuli. compatibility with semiconductor processes and integration with
Nanopore-arrays technology (A) Averaged negative-stain TEM images obtained from purified DNA channel structures source (B) Illustration of the
single-molecule organic nanopore sensing mechanism; Ions flow freely across the nanopore due to an applied electric field, physical blockage of a protein
obstructs the ion flow, resulting in a drop in the pore’s current that is restored once the protein leaves the pore. (C) TEM characterization of a nanopore
fabricated by electron beam drilling. (D) Illustration of the single-molecule solid-state nanopore sensing mechanism; A voltage bias is applied across the
nanopore, ions move through the nanopore toward the oppositely charged electrode and the molecules of interest are subjected to net force contributions
(hydrodynamic drag force, Fdrag, and an opposing electrophoretic force, Felec) and translocate through the pore. (E) Illustration of a nanopore-array at the
bases of waveguides positioned on a 35 nm silicon nitride membrane. A voltage bias actively draws complexes of biotinylated DNA and fluorescently labelled
streptavidin to the pore placing the fluorophore in the waveguide excitation volume. (F) Illustration of a 200-mm wafer patterned in a matrix of 11 × 11 three-
metal 18-nm-diameter nanopores fabricated with standard semiconductor process. Source: (A) Reproduced from Langecker et al. (2012) with CCC
permission from The American Association for the Advancement of Science (B) Reproduced from Varongchayakul et al. (2018) with CCC permission from
ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY (C) Reproduced under CC-BY-4.0 from Kim et al. (2006) (D) Reproduced under CC-BY-4.0 from Carlsen and Cossa (2020)
(E) Reproduced under CC-BY-4.0 from Larkin et al. (2014) (F,G) Reproduced from Feng et al. (2015) with CCC permission from Elsevier.
readout electronics for high-throughput parallelized architecture worthy of attention (Beamish et al., 2013). To achieve a higher time
(Magierowski et al., 2016). Although solid-state nanopores hold and spatial resolution, the ability to distinguish weak signals from
promises for many emerging applications with the capability to background noise is essential.
sense a variety of analytes, there are still limitations impeding their
commercialization for real-life applications (Tang et al., 2016),
such as poor device-to-device repeatability and stability (Chou Nanowire and nanotube technologies
et al., 2020). The same nanopore may give distinct background
noise levels and translocation behaviors for the same analytes at Nanowire (Figures 3A, B) and nanotube (Figure 3C) technologies
different times of measurements, even under the same have attracted immense interest in building nanoscale electronic
measurement conditions. This can be attributed to the non- devices or as interconnections in extremely small circuits. Thanks
repeatable physicochemical microenvironment in and around to their high surface-to-volume ratio (e.g., typical nanowire length-to-
the pore, including surface charge density, wettability, chemical width ratio is 1,000 or more) these nanostructures exhibit many
groups and adsorption of contaminants (Balme et al., 2016; Zhou exciting (electrical, magnetic, optical, and mechanical) properties
et al., 2018) which are difficult to remain under strict control in that have been leveraged in applications ranging from energy to
every measurement. Even though a very carefully cleaning process solar cells, logic gates, computation, and even as emerging
has been done prior to each measurement, such as long-term transistor technologies for sustaining the scaling beyond
oxygen plasma treatment and piranha soaking, high convectional MOSFETs. Notably, the tunable electron transport
repeatability of the translocation outcome cannot be guaranteed properties of nano-wires/-tubes lead to a highly sensitive electrical
(Beamish et al., 2013). Another crucial problem is instability during response (Elfström et al., 2007) while their electrical properties are
measurement. It is related to the sticky surface of solid-state strongly influenced by even minor perturbations. These attributes, in
materials (Balme et al., 2016) which renders adsorption of addition to their dimension-related properties and their size that is
hydrated ions, analyte molecules, and other contaminates, often comparable to that of many biological species of interest, is key in
resulting to the clogging of the pore. Consequently, the attaining ultra-high sensitivity biosensors (Cui et al., 2001).
translocation process may be easily influenced to deviate from Single-layer (SWCNTs) (Figure 3C) or multilayer (MWCNTs)
the assumption of a stationary stochastic process. Furthermore, carbon nanotubes (CNTs), cylinders of one or more layers of
relatively high noise level of solid-state nanopores is a problem graphene, respectively, are very often reported in literature for
Nanowire and Nanotube-based schemes. (A) HRTEM image of an Al/Au-catalyzed silicon nanowire. (B) SEM image of Si nanowire obtained by a top-
down-based fabrication process and thermal oxidation thinning. (C) Illustration an individual nanotube, grown from natural abundance CO2. (D) Schematic
illustrations of a densely aligned CNT biosensor array and of a nanowire biosensor device demonstrating the biosensing principle. (E) Image of an 8-inch wafer
overall comprising 72 biosensing chips; each individual biosensing chip comprises 40 similar nanowire clusters, each consisting of five individual
nanowires of 50 nm width and 90 μm in length. (F) Illustration of an 100-mm- wide wafer on which the integrated circuits are fabricated and the 1.7 cm ×
2.2 cm chip-arrays are distributed. Source: (A) Reproduced under CC-BY-4.0 from Behroudj et al. (2019) (B) Reproduced from Lee et al., (2007) with CCC
permission from IOP Publishing (C) Reproduced under CC-BY-4.0 from Ren and Licht (2016) (D) Reproduced from Patolsky et al. (2006) with CCC permission
from FUTURE MEDICINE LTD and under CC-BY-4.0 from Kim et al. (2020) (E) Reproduced from Zhang and Ning (2012) with CCC permission from Elsevier (F)
Reproduced from Shulaker et al. (2017) with CCC permission from Springer Nature.
boosting the biosensors’ performance, offering dimensional and compatibility between the probe reagents and the surface, enabling
chemical compatibility with biomolecules, such as DNA and the optimum receptor molecule coupling.
proteins or used as the channel of a field-effect transistor The fabrication of such nanostructures falls into two main
(CNFETs) with traditional lithographically defined source, drain approaches (Hobbs et al., 2012) the bottom-up and top-down. In
and gate regions (Figure 3D). In these frameworks CNTs based the top-down methodology, nanostructures are etched out of a
biosensors are implemented for optical and electrochemical substrate whereas in a bottom-up approach, the structures are
biosensing (Heller et al., 2008) e.g., in amperometric (Chakraborty grown and subsequently assembled. Bottom-up methods provide a
and Retna Raj, 2007), potentiometric (Maehashi and Matsumoto, straightforward growth process of nanostructures with a wide range of
2009), capacitance change (Snow et al., 2005), impedance-based characteristics and properties (e.g., nanowires or nanowire-
(Lee et al., 2022) and conductance (Heller et al., 2008) measurements. heterostructures of different lengths and cross-sectional profiles)
Nanowire technologies (Figure 3D, E) have been reported as supporting a molecular-level control and the acquisition of very
promising building blocks for high sensitivity biosensors, enabling small geometries (Figure 3A). The synthesis of nanostructures can
direct electrical detection of biomolecules (Patolsky et al., 2006) be performed via spontaneous growth driven by the reduction of
(Figure 3D) and various biological species, such as proteins (Cui Gibbs free energy or chemical potential that involves evaporation
et al., 2001; Zheng et al., 2005), viruses (Patolsky et al., 2004) and DNA (dissolution) condensation or through vapor (or solid) growth and
(Hahm and Lieber, 2004). Such structures have mainly been stress induced re-crystallization. Growth methods include Vapor
implemented as the core (chanel) of FETs (Patolsky and Lieber, Liquid Solid (VLS), Vapor Solid-Solid (VSS), Oxygen Assisted
2005). The interaction of the target molecule with the detector Growth (OAG) and laser assisted catalytic growth (LAC). Template
element on the surface can be directly translated into a readable based synthesis, that includes electrochemical deposition,
electrical signal (e.g., variations in conductance), while sensing electrophoretic deposition, colloid dispersion, Chemical Vapor
specificity is defined via the choice of the detector element (e.g., Deposition (CVD), Atomic layer deposition (ALD), Molecular
antibody species, DNA, aptamers, peptides, engineered proteins Beam Epitaxy (MBE), add more pathways towards nanostructure
with elevated affinity toward target molecules). Bio- synthesis. On the other side, top-down nanopatterning techniques
functionalization processes typically includes a surface activation are typically carried out through lithographic processes defining the
step, followed by surface treatments providing chemical nanostructures that are then etched (Figure 3B). Many different
approaches, including Electron-Beam Lithography (EBL), Focused nanotubes in aqueous solution) to developed selectively placed arrays
Ion Beam (FIB) lithography, Nano Imprint Lithography (NIL) and of individually positioned carbon nanotubes resulting in an
Nano Function advanced optical lithography have been developed. outstanding high density (1 × 109/cm2) of carbon-nanotube
Other conventional top-down nano patterning techniques, such as transistors. A computing system prototype which integrates
extreme-UV lithography (deep UV and immersion deep UV multiple new nanotechnologies i.e., RRAM arrays, silicon and
photolithography). Overall, this prototyping versatility allows the CNFET computation units and memory access circuitry and more
fabrication of a wide range of nanowires consisting either of than one million CNFET-based gas sensors for inputs has been also
inorganic (Meyyappan and Sunkara, 2018) or organic materials reported (Shulaker et al., 2017), with all components fabricated on
(Min et al., 2015), including different types of structures such as overlapping vertical layers (Figure 3F) to realize a 3D integrated circuit
metallic (i.e., Ni, Pt, Au), semiconducting (i.e., Si, InP, Si, GaN), architecture.
insulating (i.e SiO2,TiO2), multi-component (Wang et al., 2021) as
well as molecular multi-segments (i.e., DNA, MoSI). Meanwhile
nanotube structures can be grown on different type of substrates CMOS-based technologies: ISFETs
with CVD and the electrophoretic deposition highlighted as the most
popular growth methodologies. CMOS technology leverages the maturity of microelectronics in
The development of highly dense and large-scale arrays for manufacturing for realizing low-cost and low-power electronic
biosensing applications, requisites a controlled alignment and elements along with the possibility of high-dense, large-scale
pattering, formation of a well-ordered assembly of individual integration of multiple transistors on tiny chips (<1 cm2). The
nanowire and nanotube structures and uniform placement of ability of CMOS technologies to monolithically integrate
multiple devices at precise locations over a large area are transducers and signal processing units on the same chip, allows to
fundamental prerequisites. Top-down fabrication methods use combine the two key functions of a biosensing cell: transducing, by
standard semiconductor processing techniques allowing more seamlessly handling electrical signals i.e., current, impedance and
precise designs and full control of the geometry and alignment of capacitance, thanks to the incorporated readout electronics, and
the nanostructures, offering the possibility to directly acquire pattern ultra-fast signal processing (Mitra and Cumming, 2018).
arrays consisting of homogeneous structures with no need of post- Combining considerations of process compatibility between CMOS
transfer, thus enabling the large-scale integration of a large number of functionality and biosensor needs, metal electrodes with affinity to
nanostructures on a single chip. Electrohydrodynamic printing for the biotargets are connected to circuitry through pre-designed surface
definition of nanowires, allows printing large-area organic contact pads. Recent CMOS biosensors unified different transducing
semiconducting nanowire arrays directly on device substrates in a mechanisms (Lei et al., 2016) (impedance, fluorescence, and nuclear
precisely, individually controlled manner, enabling sophisticated spin) and readout electronics, demonstrated competitive sensitivity
large-area nanowire lithography for nano-electronics (Min et al., elements comparing to traditional electrochemical sensors and
2013). On the other hand, bottom-up methods often present some instrumentation for in vitro (Lei et al., 2016) diagnosis healthcare
restrictions related to the production of entangled meshes, lack of systems e.g., detection of DNA (down to 10 a.m.), protein (down to
precise control, periodic ordering, and accurate placement. Most 10 fM), bacteria/cells (single cell) as well as for wearable systems, by
importantly, the fabricated nanostructures need post-transferring efficiently moving transistors to flexible and stretchable designs (Dai
and alignment to a new substrate, or deposition from solution onto et al., 2021).
a device substrate. Efforts towards controlling the alignment and Among the advancement of sensing schemes based on CMOS
achieving a directed and precise assembly of single nanostructures technology, field-effect transistor (FET) biosensors take full advantage
include micro-machining processes (Lee et al., 2007), dispersion and of the native passivation and merits CMOS process
sorting for the acquisition of a dimension-limited self-alignment of i.e., miniaturisation, repeatability, minimal process variation, high
nanostructures with tunable density, as recently showcased for CNTs yield, and low cost of large volumes. Within those FET biosensors,
with density of 100–200 nanostructures/μm (Liu et al., 2020). ion-sensitive FET (Bergveld, 1970; Bergveld, 2003) (ISFET)
Vijayaraghavan et al. (2007) demonstrated a nanotube (Figure 4A) and BioFET (Schöning and Poghossian, 2002) were
dielectrophoresis method for achieving an integration density of suggested as chemical sensors and in particular for measuring ion
several million devices/cm2. In this paradigm, the dielectrophoretic concentrations in a solution. Their operation principles are similar to
force fields change incisively as the nanostructures assemble into the MOSFET (Bergveld, 1985), where the current between source and
contact areas, leading to a reproducible directed assembly which is drain terminals is proportional to the gate voltage that, for an ISFET,
self-limiting in forming single-tube devices. Rao et al. (2003) utilized corresponds the charges on the surface of the FET (Figure 4B). The
organic molecular marks on a substrate to guide the self-assembly of introduction of nanoparticles, on the gate and the use of aptamers as
individual single-walled carbon nanotubes while, nanostructures bio-recognition elements has been shown to improve sensitivity
assembly into parallel arrays with control of the average separation (Nakatsuka et al., 2018). The most highlighted implementations of
has been demonstrated by Huang et al. (2001) combining fluidic ISFETs is their role in biosensing technologies (Moser et al., 2016)
alignment with surface-patterning techniques enabled periodicity (Figure 4B) diagnostics (Sakata, 2019) and in DNA sequencing
control. Bishop et al. (2020) presented a deposition technique in (Rothberg et al., 2011; Toumazou et al., 2013) (Figure 4C). Large-
which the substrate is submerged within a nanotube solution scale sensing architectures (Figures 4D, E) with ISFET biosensors have
allowing CNFETs to be fabricated within industrial facilities. been developed for a plethora of applications (Moser et al., 2016) for
Finally, in their work Park et al. (2012) applied ion-exchange enzyme sensing, measuring antigen-antibody bonding reactions,
chemistry, leveraging the strong electrostatic interaction between a sensing of glucose as indication of diabetes, creatinine and urea as
functional surface monolayer and a surfactant (i.e., wrapped carbon a determinant for renal function, potassium and sodium for neuronal
Behind CMOS-based Technology. (A) Electron micrograph showing the aligned wells over the ISFET metal sensor plate and the underlying electronic
layers. (B) Schematic illustration demonstrating the ISFET working principle. (C) Schematic diagram of the underlying technology for semiconductor
sequencing with DNA template. (D) Unpackaged die indicating functional regions and (E) CMOS sensor built on an 8-inch wafer comprising approximately
200 individual functional ion sensor dies (d). Source: Reproduced under CC-BY-4.0 from Rothberg et al. (2011).
PCB technologies. (A) Magnified image electrodes developed using PCB technology showing the working (W), counter (C) and reference (R) electrodes
with a diameter of 300, 250, and 250 μm, respectively. Overall, a single PCB chip (side length of 24.6 mm) comprises a 64-electrode array. (B) Manufacturing
technology behind the Lab-on-PCB schemes. (C) Image of a 96-well PCB platform overlaid by the screen-printed carbon working electrode (W), the Ag/AgCl
counter/reference electrode (Ref), by an adhesive plastic foil (PF) and finally by the electrolyte drop (E). (D) Demonstration of a wearable sensing platform
for multiplexed perspiration analysis comprising a flexible sensing array integrated with the circuit components on PCB. (E) Lab-on-PCB up-scaling paradigm;
a multi-panel platform including designs of multiple, on-PCB-devices and modules. Source: (A) Reproduced from Sánchez et al. (2016) with CCC permission
from Elsevier (B) Reproduced from Vasilakis et al. (2016) with CCC permission from IEEE (C) Reproduced under CC-BY-4.0 from Abdellaoui et al. (2013) (D)
Reproduced from Gao et al. (2016) with CCC permission from Springer Nature.
monitoring and the detection of infectious diseases such as the SARS- fabrication of flexible printed circuits (FPC) and combinations of flexible
Covid (Gibani et al., 2020). and rigid (flex-rigid) printed circuits (Gao et al., 2016) (Figure 5D). In this
framework, flexible PCB technologies have promoted the development of
sensing platforms in deformable and stretchable formats (Gao et al., 2016)
Lab-on-PCB technologies that facilitate their use as wearable biosensing. The standardized and
mature PCB manufacturing process enables the realization of PCB-based
Printed Circuit Board (PCB) technologies hold great promise in detection devices on a large scale and provide more processes and
providing scalable biosensing devices (Moschou and Tserepi, 2017; prototypes adapted to the PCB that may include multiple designs and
Zhao et al., 2020), as they integrate control electronics and sample modules (Figure 5E). Multiplexed screening has been reported for genetic
handling modules (Sánchez et al., 2016) (Figure 5A) via low-cost biosensors (Prindle et al., 2012) involving a genetic clock approach, with
techniques. Thanks to the standardized fabrication processes and the synchronization of thousands of oscillating colony bio-pixels, and bio/
manufacturing technology i.e., typically comprising chemical detectors (Hierlemann and Baltes, 2003) where hybrid
photolithography and wet etching to form copper tracks on planar approaches combining PCB with other technologies pave the way for
insulating layers followed by drilling of vias (holes) enabling the advanced biosensing by combining the benefits that each technology
connection between the copper layers (Figure 5B), PCB systems brings. Integrating a CMOS-based ISFET sensor via wire bonding into a
show high cost-effective mass-manufacturing potential, while can PCB microfluidic platform and PCB-based extended gate ISFETs
be customized according to specific remands, thus, opening the ultimately combines the high sensitivity of the ISFET sensors for
way to the market and to reaching the end-users. Lab-on-PCB, a discriminating e.g., small pH changes, with the automated and rapid
scheme integrating microchannels, sensing and electronic modules, response output provided by the PCB circuitries (Tseng et al., 2015).
and other components on a PCB, was first introduced (Merkel et al.,
1999) as a platform comprising fluidic systems (Perdigones, 2021)
arranged together with electronic circuitry for the monitoring of Memristor technologies
various metabolites by an integrated microdevice biosensor array
and, for handling fluids (i.e., transport, mix, flow control, heating) The memristor, was first theoretically introduced by L. Chua
while monitoring their properties i.e., temperature, viscosity, density, (Chua, 1971) as a non-linear electronic element whose current to
and pH). Such seamless, full integration of bio/chemical sensors (e.g., voltage characteristics appear as frequency-dependent hysteresis
Figure 5C) led to portable and automate diagnostic devices for loops. Thereupon, memristive technologies comprising a variety of
biomedical applications (Zhao et al., 2020) exhibiting rapid different materials and architectures have been implemented in a
response time and requiring miniaturized sample volumes along plethora applications (Zidan et al., 2018), mainly focusing on memory,
with minimizing the effective area of the whole diagnostic system. logic and computing systems and artificial neural networks (ANNs).
According to the detection methods and the analysis principles, these Memristors can simultaneously carry out computational tasks and
biomedical applications can be discriminated into those dedicated to store information (Ielmini and Wong, 2018) at very low energy
cell counting and analysis (Giménez-Gómez et al., 2020) i.e., red/white requirements (Jeong et al., 2016) and extremely low feature sizes
and tumor cells, and those targeting at biochemical analysis, namely, (Pi et al., 2019) (Figure 6A) and react to the occurrence of an event,
PCB-based electrochemical sensors (Shamkhalichenar et al., 2020) for such as a voltage pulse stimulation of an amplitude that exceeds
the analysis of blood glucose, electrolytes, and other nutrients in the certain thresholds, as thresholded, weighted integrators (Gupta et al.,
human body, for immunoassays leveraging the antigen–antibody 2016) and with a change in the state variable. The state variable of a
specific reaction targeting sensing of protein biomarker (Sánchez memristor can also change as a result of a chemical input in the role of
et al., 2016), detection of nucleic acids (Kaprou et al., 2019) and the excitation parameter. In these chemical-memristors, the chemical
viral diagnostics (Zhu et al., 2020). Cell analysis applications and biological species composed by charged residues, modify the net
involve cell detection, counting and sorting according to their charge and effective local potential ultimately acting equivalently to an
size and viability (Zhao et al., 2020). These applications are electrical stimulus or to a virtual all-around bio-gate effect (Carrara,
mainly based on the monitoring of the impedance change and 2020). Τhe integration of a multitude of such events gives rise to
comprise integrated resistance and capacitive sensors, microfluidic electrochemical bio-sensory systems (Figure 6B), for antigen-specific
cytometers, single-cell imaging technology, dielectrophoresis (DEP)- transduction, with the sensor’s specificity determined via bio-
based cell manipulation and Coulter’s counting schemes (Guo functionalization, for mimicking the natural neurotransmitter’s
et al., 2014), that rely on the change in the electrical resistance of behavioral cycle (Keene et al., 2020) (Figure 6C) and for
a conducting solution upon the introduction of an insulating compression and sorting of electrical neuronal activity (Gupta
biological particle through a micro/nano aperture that leads to a et al., 2016) (Figure 6D). Meanwhile, the high promises in the
significant drop in the electrical current across the aperture (Tsai overall speed/energy and throughput efficiency of larger arrays
et al., 2017). increasingly drove the attention towards levering memristors’
Electrochemical sensors comprise microchannel networks fabricated scalability properties, reaching crossbar arrays comprising 2 ×
in SU-8, TMMF, 1002F, PDMS and polyimide and formed through 2 nm2 devices (Pi et al., 2019) in dense, large-scale schemes. Such
standard lithography, in combination with layer-stacked sensing and systems coupled with bio-functionalization treatments providing
reference electrodes, microelectrode arrays and flow driving methods, in sensing specificity to arrays or series of individual devices, will be
addition to electronic instrumentation for collecting data. Post-processing able to support diagnostic tools for large specimen throughput and
the PCB electrodes by employing gold nanoparticles and graphene is simultaneous monitoring of multiple analytes per patient. So far, only
another widely used strategy for increasing the sensing sensitivity. New relatively small arrays have been demonstrated experimentally, mainly
advancements on the printed circuit industry have emerged with the focusing on neural networks.
Memristor-arrays technologies. (A) TEM image depicting a 3 × 3 memristor crossbar array with 2 × 2 nm2 device area and with sub-12-nm pitch. (B)
Schematic illustration of the surface bio-functionalization of a memristor device. (C) Illustration of a biosensing application showcasing a neurotransmitter-
mediated neuromorphic device. The scheme function is based on the oxidation of dopamine at the postsynaptic gate electrode controlling the change in
conductance of the post synaptic channel. (D) AFM image of a 32 × 32 solid-state TiOx-memristors crossbar-array. (E) SEM image of a 750-nm × 750-nm
Ag/h-BN/Ag memristors crossbar-array and (F) cross-sectional TEM image showing the detailed layered structure. (G) The memristor arrays are distributed
along a 2-inch wafer. Source: (A) Reproduced from Pi et al. (2019) with CCC permission from Springer Nature (B) Reproduced under CC-BY-4.0 from
Tzouvadaki et al. (2020) (C) Reproduced from Keene et al. (2020) with CCC permission from Springer Nature (D) Reproduced under CC-BY-4.0 from Gupta et
al. (2016) (E–G) Reproduced from Chen et al. (2020) with CCC permission from Springer Nature.
Challenges such as non-idealities in device properties, generated switching energy in the zeptojoule regime. Finally, the integration
offsets and variable responses across the sensing cells are particularly compatibility of memristors with CMOS (Xia, 2016) can be leveraged
highlighted in large array integration that get more pronounced when for integration of the memristive technology in more complex
increasing the number of the panels involved. In the case of a schemes.
biosensing platform, this means resourcing to external off-line
software/hardware calibration approaches. Limitations in
fabrication, automated device alignment and integration with Outline and future prospects
peripheral circuitries also consist important obstacles towards this
direction. Relevant mitigation strategies include improved pattering Lab-on-PCB systems can provide complete biosensing schemes that
and fabrication methods (Xia and Yang, 2019), optimizing the ratio include well-integrated fluidics and electronic circuitry, whilst CMOS
between mass production and high resolution, thickness uniformity, technologies leverage the maturity of microelectronics in manufacturing
accurate control and tuning of the film composition, smart alignment to monolithically integrate transducers and signal processing units on the
strategies, or even minimization of the overlay alignment same chip at low power and cost signal processing (Mitra and Cumming,
requirements, as for example by simultaneously pattering the 2018). Thanks to their standardized low-cost, mass-production
complete memristor stuck (bottom electrode/switching layer/top fabrication processes, both technologies offer the capability of
electrode) via a one step nanoimprint lithography process (Xia delivering high-density features, suitable for large-scale integration,
et al., 2010). Advanced interconnection technologies also adopting rapid and quantitative multi-analyte sensing platforms, while they can
organisation in multiple smaller arrays into different layers, either in be customized according to the specific needs of the end-user. CMOS
lateral organization (2D) or vertically (3D) (Xia and Yang, 2019) have technologies, and specifically those integrating ISFET and BioFETs, offer
also been applied. The reconfigurability (Lee and Lu, 2018) attributes sensing performance and sensitivity; similarly, the sensitivity of Lab-on-
of memristive systems enable an in-situ, at-device-level calibration of PCB systems strongly depends and can be enhanced by the involvement
entire biosensing arrays rendering a homogeneous sensing baseline of nanoscale components. Nanoscale sensors such as nanopores,
across the individual biosensing cells. Besides, the fabrication of nanowires and nanotubes show excellent potential for the detection of
memristor arrays showcasing standalone device-to-device variability various analytes with ultra-low limit-of-detection (reaching even single-
as low as 5.74% has been reported (Chen et al., 2020), while exhibiting molecule sensing) while the biosensing specificity can be defined in an ad
arrays of high device yield reaching 98% (Figures 6D–G) and ultralow hoc manner via bio-functionalization with receptor molecules. These
attributes combined with their scaling attributes, the compatibility with comprising SWCNTs ultimately targeting at ammonia and CO 2
mature, batch production technologies and semiconductor processes and detection (Kim et al., 2019b). A nanoarray involving a random
sound integration with readout electronics (Magierowski et al., 2016) and network of SWCNT combined with AI pattern analysis was
computing systems (Shulaker et al., 2017) render these nanoscale showcased (Nakhleh et al., 2017) for non-invasive diagnosis
structures candidates for advance large-scale biosensing tools. and classification of a number of diseases of exhaled breath.
Nevertheless, issues regarding robustness of the provided detection Memristors have also proven their potential in seamlessly
output, poor repeatability and stability (Chou et al., 2020), high noise supporting a bio-AI fusion scheme (Serb et al., 2020). Thanks
levels (as well as different background noise levels), instability and to their function resembling synaptic operations and plasticity
translocation behaviors during sensing are prohibiting the way and their ability to perform simultaneously memory-related
towards the end users and be readily used as diagnostic tools. Design and computation tasks, this technology may lead to
and fabrication of low noise nanostructures is a prerequisite for high independent and complete sensing-AI-processing systems with
quality sensing. Memristors may benefit the biosensing field with their minimized energy requirements for extraction of medical
reconfigurability (Lee and Lu, 2018) addressing the longstanding information patterns, ultimately shaping diagnostics models
bottleneck of generated offsets and variable responses across the out of big biological data.
sensing cells. Moreover, memristive technology simultaneously carries
out computing and memory (Ielmini and Wong, 2018) at very low energy
requirements (Jeong et al., 2016), enabling low-power consumption for Author contributions
the biosensing systems, that is one major issue especially present in the
wearable sensing systems. All authors listed have made a substantial, direct, and intellectual
The ability of distinguishing weak signals from the contribution to the work and approved it for publication.
background noise is essential for achieving a higher time and
spatial resolution; embedding artificial intelligence (AI)
algorithms can be a great benefit. AI and nanotechnology are Funding
instrumental merits in realizing precision diagnostics (Adir et al.,
2020) addressing complex problems that require parallel This work was supported in part by UGent Special Research Fund
treatment of many interacting parameters and multiple (BOF) (BOF/STA/202209/021), in part by the Engineering and
description levels and interactions (Cui et al., 2020). AI Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Programme under
algorithms can deal with pattern association, recognition, Functional Oxide Reconfigurable Technologies (FORTE) Grant EP/
classification, optimization, and prediction (Jin et al., 2020) R024642/2, in part by a SYnaptically connected brain-silicon Neural
tasks, addressing the challenges of big data; enabling fast real- Closed-loop Hybrid system (SYNCH) under Grant H2020-FET-
time complex analysis and computations (Haick and Tang, 2021) PROACT-2018-01, and in part by the RAEng Chair in Emerging
and generalizing complex or unknown functions or data. For Technologies under Grant CiET1819/2/93.
example bio-inspired AI paradigms based on evolutionary or
genetic algorithms are implemented to provide solutions to
optimization and search problems dealing with genomic Conflict of interest
diagnostics (Dias and Torkamani, 2019) and DNA sequencers
(Huo et al., 2021). A label-free method for identification of The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
respiratory viruses based on silicon nanopores and a machine- absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
learning algorithm, trained on the changes in current as the construed as a potential conflict of interest.
viruses pass through the nanopores was reported build a
working tool for accurate distinguishing and identifying
multiple viral species (Arima et al., 2021). An artificial neural Publisher’s note
network (ANN) model-assisted nanowire FET sensing system is
also implemented for specific volatile organic compounds All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the
detection (Wang et al., 2014). Machine learning advances the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated
FET-based technology for chemical and biological sensing, organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
enabling the data analysis as well as ameliorated sensor design, reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
while an ANN was implemented to convert the measured claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or
resistance change into analyte concentration in a system endorsed by the publisher.
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