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May 1986

Engineering and Research Center

S. Department of the Interior

Beauof Reclamation
~ . - -

Comparison of Cement Grouts Mixed by

High-Speed and Low-Speed Grout Mixers


I W. Glenn Smoak and Susan Carter

9 . P E R F O R M I N G O R G A N I Z A T I O N N A M E A N D A D D R E S S 10. WORK U N I T N O .
Bureau of Reclamation

Engineering and Research Center 11. C O N T R A C T OR G R A N T N O .

Denver, CO 80225

13. T Y P E O F R E P O R T A N D P E R I O D
12. S P O N S O R I N G A G E N C Y N A M E A N D A D D R E S S

1 4 . S P O N S O R I N G A G E N C Y C O D E
15. , S U P P L E M E N T A R Y N O T E S
Microfiche and/or hard copy available at the E&R Center, [ enver, Colorado

16. A B S T R A C T
A series of tests was performed t o compare the physical properties of cemerit grouts mixed
by a low-speed paddle mixer with those of grouts mixed by a high-speed centrifugal mixer.
Grouts with water-cement ratios of 0.8: 1, 1 : 1, 3: 1, 5:1, and 8: 1 by volume were tested
and compared.

Test results indicated that the difference in the mixer did not significantly affect compressive
strength, but the grouts prepared with the high-speed mixer exhibited less bleeding, more
water retentivity, and less shrinkage.

a. DESCRIPTORS-- portland cement grout/ grout mixers/ centrifugal grout mixers/ foun-

dation grouting physical properties/ laboratory tests/ unconfined compressions/ hydration/

shrinkage/ grout viscosity/ high-speed grout mixers

c . C O S A T I F i e l d / G r o u p 13B COWRR: 1315 SRIM:

18. D I S T R I B U T I O N S T A T E M E N T 19. S E C U R I T Y C L A S S 2 1 . NO. OF PAGES
A v a i l a b l e from t h e N a t i o n a l T e c h n i c a l Information Service, O p e r a t i o n s

D i v i s i o n , 5285 P o r t R o y a l Road, Springfield, V i r g i n i a 22161.

2 0 . S E C U R I T Y CLASS 2 2 . P R I C E


(Microfiche and/or hard copy available from NTIS) UNCLASSIFIED


W. Glenn Smoak
Susan Carter

May 1986

Concrete and Structural Branch

Division of Research and Laboratory Services
Engineering and Research Center
Denver. Colorado


As the Nation's principal conservation agency, the Department of the
Interior has responsibility for most of our nationally owned public
lands and natural resources. This includes fostering the wisest use of
our land and water resources, protecting our fish and wildlife, preserv-
ing the environmental and cultural values of our national parks and
historical places, and providing for the enjoyment of life through out-
door recreation. The Department assesses our energy and mineral
resources and works to assure that their development is in the best
interests of all our people. The Department also has a major respon-
sibility for American Indian reservation communities and for people
who live in Island Territories under U.S. Administration.

The research covered by this report was funded under the Bu-
reau of Reclamation PRESS (Program Related Engineering and
Scientific Studies) allocation No. DF-12, Portland Cement Grout-
ing Research.

The information contained in this report regarding commercial prod-

ucts or firms may not be used for advertising or promotional purposes
and is not to be construed as an endorsement of any product or firm
by the Bureau of Reclamation.



Introduction 00.0 0' 0 0 ..00..00..000.00,.0000.00.. 0 0 0 ..0000..00 00 00 000...00000.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 ...00.

Conclusions 00. 0 0 ".0..0...00..0.. 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0.000. 0 0 0 0.. 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 ..000...00 00",.000...0000.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..0000...0.00..0000 0 0 0 0 0 0...

Description of Mixers.. 0".00.000..0000000.000..' 0 0 0.. 0 0 0 000...00...0000000000000. 0 0 0 0 0,.00000..00.00. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...00.. 1

0'" 0'"

Chemgrout high-speed mixer. 0 0 0..00,.00'.0000..00 00 00"..00 0000.000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,.00000.000000.000000000..000 1


Big Chief mortar and plaster mixer 0..000..000..000...00 00,...000...00000.000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0..000000. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0... 0


Physical properties tests and procedures 0 0.000 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0..00000"

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000000000000,.0000.0000..000...00 0 1

Unconfined compressive strength. 0 0..00..0000...0 00 0 0 000000000000.0 0 0 0 0.0000000.00000.0000.0000.0000 0. 1

Drying shrinkage... 0 0..000..00..000..000..000...000... 0 00 0..." 0 0 0 0.0000000.00000..00000000000..00000.000...00 1


Permeability... 0..00..00..00..000000...000.000..0000.000...00 0 0 0",.00...000000. 0.000.000000..0000.0.0000...000.0000.. 0 0 0 2

00'" 0"'00'

Water retentivity 0 ..00..0,..000.00.' 0 0 0 ..000. 0 0 0 ..0000...00...0"",.0 0 0000..0000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 ...0000..0000.0000.' 0 0 0 0.. 3

Banding.. 0 ".0..00..00..0...0..000.. 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 ..000..000..000".0 000...00.." 0 0 0 0 0 "0000"000000 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..00000.000000 0 0 0 0 ..000'...00...00 3

Flowability. 0 0..0...0..00...0.. 0 0 0.000.0000..00.. 0 0 0 0.000...00 00",.00 00 00000000000.000000' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00000.000..0000'..00...00' 3

Bleeding... 0 .. 0 0 ..0...0...0...00.000..000.000..0000.000..000 0 0 00..0000... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "00000 0.0000... 0 0 0 ..0000..000".000.' 3


Viscosity 0 ".0..0...0...0...0..00... 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 ..0000.00.0..000... 0 0 000...000 0000.0000000 . 0 0 0 0 ,.00000000.00000000...000'.000 00 3

Petrographic examination. 0 0..000..000.00... 0 0 0 0.000 000...0 000 0 0 0..000000.000000..00000.00000..0000..000...000...000" 3

Materials, mixes, and mixing procedures. 0 0 0..00..000,...0"..00 000..' 0 0 0 0 0..0000.000000. 0 0 0 0...00000..000..000".000..0000 3

Test results.. 0 0 ..00..00.' 0 ..0...000..00..00..000..000..000...00 00"..00... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..0000,.0000..000".000...00. 4


General... 0 '.0...00..00.. 0 ..0000.00..000.0000.000.. 0 0 0 ..000 00. o. 0 0 0

".00 000000.0000000.0000.0000000
0 0 0 0 0 0 . ..000...000...00... 4

Unconfined compressive strength 000'.0000.000...000...00 00 0000.000000..0000 0..00000,.00000..00000.0000..000... 0 0 0 0.0 4

Drying shrinkage 0..00..00..000.00...00..' 0..00000..000..00 00...000...0000...00000.000000 . 0 0 0 0 0 0,.00000..00000..00...0000..00...00 4

Permeability 00"
0 0..00'.0...000.000.000..000..00.' 0 0 0 0'..0"..00 0 00 0000' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0..00000.0.0000.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...0000...00.. 4

Water retentivity. 0 0 ..0...00" 0 0

'.00. . 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..0.0 000 00,...0000..000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 ...0000.' 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 ... 0 0 .. 4

Banding 0... 0...00.00..00..00..00..000..000.000.. 0 0 0 0.000 00 0 000 0 0...00000000000000.0000000000000..0000.00000..000..0 0 0 00.00 5

Flowability 0 0..00.00..00..00..00..000..000.000.00000.0000..000.'" 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000000.00000..0000.00000..00...00 5

Bleeding.. 0'.00..00..0..00...00..00..00..0000.000'.00000..000" 0 0 0...000...0000...000000000000.000000, 0 0 0 0 0 0.000000.0000000000".00... 0 0 o. 5

Viscosity.. 0 0 0..0...0..000.000,.00..0000.000.0000..000".00...' 0 0 000"'.000..000000.000000..000000.000000000000' 0 0 0 0...000... 0 0 0..0 5


Petrographic examination 0000.000.0000.0000..000..000 00 000 00..000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00000.00000..000..00 00 6

Summary.. 0.. 0 0.. 0 0.. 0 0.. 0 0.. 0 0.0000.000.. 0 0.. 0 0 0 0.. 0 0 o. 0 0 0 0...00...000 00... 0 0 0 0.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.. 0 0 0.. 0 0 0 0 6



1 Summary of grout mix tests 0

0 0 0,...00 0000..000000. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00000000000.000"'.00...00.. 2
2 Unconfined compressive strength tested at 7 days' age 0.. .. .. .. ... .. ... 4
3 Unconfined compressive strength tested at 28 days' age.................................................. 5
4 Drying shrinkage test on 1- by 1- by 11 %-inch prisms...................................................... 5
5 Water retentivity test results. 0 0 0 .0. 0 0 0
0 0 0... 0 0 0 0 0.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 o. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000000000000..00000.000..000...00...00 5
6 Flowability test results 00.000...000..000..0000 00 0 0 0 0 0.. 0 0 0..000000000000000000000000000000000.00000.000 0 0 ... 0 0 o. 6
7 Grout bleed-water test results 000000000..000
0 0 0 0 0.. 0 0 0'0000000. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0000000000000.000000000...000..00...00

8 Grout viscosity test results 00.00000.000...0000... 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0.00000... 0 0 0 0 0 0.0000.0000000.0000.0000...00.. 0 0 0... 0 6

CONTENTS - Continued

Figure Page

1 Chemgrout CG grout plant.............................................................................................. 7

2 Watermeter for Chemgrout CG grout plant....................................................................... 7
3 The Big Chief mortar and plaster mixer, model No.4........................................................ 8
4 Inside of the Big Chief mixer drum................................................................................... 8
5 Typical 1- by 1- by 11 Y-i-inch prism tested for drying shrinkage ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9
6 Permeability test apparatus............................................................................................. 9
7 Inside of the high-speed mixing drum............................................................................... 10
8 Apparatus for casting test cylinders using grouts with water-cement ratios
of 5: 1 and 8: 1 ,................ 10
9 Evidence of banding in the high-speed mixer 5:1 specimen ,......... 11
10 No banding in the paddle mixer 1: 1 specimen.................................................................. 11

INTRODUCTION Big Chief Mortar and Plaster Mixer

The Portland Cement Grout Research Program is part This paddle mixer was an electrically powered con-
of the Bureau of Reclamation's PRESS (Program Re- ventional plaster or mortar mixer (Fig. 3) containing
lated Engineering and Scientific Studies) allocation, four horizontal mixing paddles. Each of these paddles
No. DF-12. The purpose of the program is to gain had rubber strips attached to contact the inner wall
increased knowledge of portland cement grouting of the mixer and prevent cement/grout buildup on
materials and systems used in sealing and stabilizing the mixer walls (Fig. 4).
dam foundations. USBR (Bureau of Reclamation)
specifications now require that high-speed colloidal
grout mixers be used in the application of curtain PHYSICAL PROPERTIES TESTS
grouting, because it is believed that the colloidal AND PROCEDURES
mixer will provide a homogeneous mixture and,
therefore, a better curtain than the paddle mixer. The physical property tests were performed accord-
However, there is no known documentation for this ing to standard ASTM (American Society for Testing
theory. and Materials). Corps of Engineers, or USBR test
methods. An essential part of these, and all test
The main objective of this phase of the Portland Ce- methods, was recording observations of physical
ment Grout Research Program was to evaluate the characteristics, such as cracks, deformations, and
physical properties of grouts produced by two dif- discolorations, for all specimens. A summary of the
ferent mixers, the high-speed colloidal and the paddle grout mix tests is listed in Table 1. All water-cement
mixers. This report discusses the physical properties ratios listed in this report are by volume in accord-
of grout prepared in each mixer, test parameters, test ance with accepted U.S. practice.
procedures, test results, conclusions, and recom-
mendations for future research. The physical properties investigated in this study are
listed, and their test procedures are described below.

CONCLUSIONS Unconfined Compressive Strength

1. All mixes in the testing program produced grouts Strength is a good indicator of durability for mortar
exhibiting good hydration and good physical prop- and concrete mixtures, and it gives a good idea of
erties. the physical adequacy of grouts. The standard test
method, ASTM C 39, Compressive Strength of Cy-
2. Grouts prepared with the high-speed mixer ex- lindrical Concrete Specimens, was followed for un-
hibited less bleed water, more water retentivity, and confined compression tests with these additional
less shrinkage. They also showed up to 20 percent specific procedures:
faster flow through a standard flow cone.
1. Specimens were cast in 3- by 6-inch cylindrical
3. The compressive strength test results of grout cardboard molds.
samples indicated no significant strength differences
caused by mixer type. 2. All cylinders were capped and then tested. Cyl-
inders were loaded at a rate of 6,000 Ibf/min.


Chemgrout High-Speed Mixer Cementitious mixtures with high water contents,
such as grouts, usually undergo shrinkage caused by
The Chemgrout CG650 grout plant (Fig. 1) consists evaporation of water. This shrinkage, termed "drying
of a colloidal mixer, holding agitator, and grout pump shrinkage," could hinder the impermeability of a
driven by individual air motors. A watermeter (Fig. grout curtain. After crevices in foundation rock are
2) is included on the unit. sealed, drying shrinkage could cause minute cracks
where grout pulls away from rock surfaces. Drying
To provide power for the air motors, a 600 ft3/min shrinkage testing (Fig. 5) was performed according
air compressor was rented. The air motor that pow- to ASTM C 157, Standard Test Method for Length
ered the colloidal mixer was found to have a speed Change of Hardened Cement Mortar and Concrete,
range of 1200 to 1400 r/min; whereas, specifica- with the following exceptions:
tions required 1500 to 2000 r/min. The company
providing the grout machine unit was notified, and 1. Most grout mixes were fluid enough to be
they sent out a larger air motor, which met the re- poured into molds instead of being tamped in
quired r/min level. layers.
Table 1. - Summary of grout mix tests.

Water-cement ratio

Type of test 0.5:1 0.8:1 1: 1 3: 1 5: 1 8:1

7-day compressive
28-day compressive
Drying shrinkage PM-HS PM-HS
Water retentivity PM PM-HS PM-HS PM-HS PM-HS PM-HS
examination PM HS PM-HS PM-HS PM-HS PM-HS
PM = Paddle mixer
, HS = High-speed mixer
Testing discontinued
2 Specimen too short for testing
3 Test not attempted because of prior failure because of procedure
Test attempted but failed because of procedure

2. At an age of approximately 24 hours, the spec- imens. All specimens were sandblasted to expose
imens were removed from their molds. They were rough grout surfaces.
not placed in water for 15 minutes or longer as
designated, nor were they cured in lime-saturated 2. The diameter and length of each specimen was
water until 28 days' age. measured to the nearest 0.05 inch.

Initial comparator readings were taken at 7 days. 3. Specimens were sealed in containers and
After the 7-day reading, the specimens were placed placed in the same vertical orientation in which
in the 50-percent relative humidity room until the sec- they were cast. Each container had a 5-inch-
ond reading, which was taken at 28 days. Length diameter hole in the bottom to allow outflow of
changes of specimens were determined on the basis water during testing. Grout specimens were
of these two readings. seated on the bottom flange of the containers with
plaster of paris. Stearin pitch was then poured
Permeability around the specimens to seal the space between
their outer surface and the container walls.
When grout completely fills the voids in foundation
rock, a grout curtain is formed that is practically im- 4. Lids were fastened on the containers using a
penetrable by water flow. However, if hardened grout lead gasket. The assembled containers were con-
is permeable, it would allow water to seep through nected to a testing unit.
this grout curtain. Hardened grouts were tested un-
der high pressure to evaluate their permeability. 5. Water reservoirs were pressurized to 400
Ibf/in2, and this pressure was allowed to reach the
The apparatus and test method were adapted from specimens by opening valves at the tops of the
those used by the USSR in testing permeability of containers.
concrete. A drawing of the permeability equipment
is shown on Figure 6. The test procedures are sum-
marized below: 6. Inflow readings were taken from graduated
gauge glasses. Readings were taken every
1. Specimens were cast as 6-inch-diameter by 24 hours over a test period of 670 hours.
12-inch-long cylinders. These cylinders were then
sawed to form 6-inch-diameter by 6-inch-long 7. The coefficient of permeability (K) is derived
specimens. However, grouts with water-cement from D'arcy's law for viscous fluid flow through
ratios of 5: 1 and 8: 1 formed cylinders much less small connected voids. It states that, for constant
than 12 inches long, due to settling of cement physical conditions, the unit rate of discharge is
particles. It was not necessary to saw these spec- proportional to the hydraulic gradient. That is:

top surfaces of grout caused by the settling of solid
Q ~ KA particles. In grouting technology, it is assumed that
( ~ )
much of the water in a grout mixture is forced out
where: into foundation rock during pressure pumping. Grout
specimens cast in the laboratory under atmospheric
K= coefficient of permeability in ft/yr, pressure do not experience the same conditions as
Q= inflow in ft3/yr, grout pumped into foundation rock. Therefore, the
L = thickness of specimen in ft, bleeding characteristics of the laboratory specimens
A = cross-sectional area of specimen in ft2, are only indications of field performance. In the bleed-
and ing test, an equal volume sample of each water-
H = water pressure head in ft. cement ratio was taken from each mixer and poured
Permeability for concrete is defined as the volume of into a graduated cylinder. The cylinder was covered
water that passes through a 1-ft2 area at a unit hy- with aluminum foil secured with a rubber band to
draulic gradient in 1 year. prevent evaporation. Two hours later, the volume of
clear bleed water above the grout was determined
Water Retentivity by observation.

This test determines the water retained in a grout Viscosity

sample. The measurement was performed less than
1 minute after the grout sample was taken from the The viscosity of each water-cement ratio grout mix
mixer. The time required to extract 60 mL of water from each mixer was determined with a Brookfield
from each sample was recorded for comparison. viscometer. The fresh sample of grout was poured
Corps of Engineers' test method CRD-C 612 was into a 100 cm3 beaker and the viscosity was meas-
followed. ured with the Brookfield viscometer. The viscometer
was checked for level, and the viscosity was read
Banding from the instrument's dial according to manufactur-
er's instructions.
To ensure that a homogeneous mixture had been at-
tained, a watertight box 2 to 3 inches deep was filled Petrographic Examination
with fresh grout and cured in 100 percent relative
humidity. The hardened specimen was then broken In addition to the physical properties tests, petro-
to see ifthere was any banding, which would indicate graphic examinations were performed on represent-
that the mix was not homogeneous. ative samples of the grout mixes. In general, ASTM
C 856, Standard Practice for Petrographic Exami-
Flowability nation of Hardened Concrete, was followed. Speci-
A comparison of flowability of all mixes was provided mens were examined megascopically, microscopi-
by the Corps of Engineers' flow-cone test CRD-C cally, by x-ray diffraction, and by differential thermal
611. This test involves the procedure used both in analysis. The x-ray and thermal analysis examina-
the laboratory and in the field for determining the flow tions complied with the standard practices of the
of grout mixtures by measuring the time of efflux of Chemistry, Petrography, and Chemical Engineering
a specific volume of grout from a standard flow cone. Section of the Bureau of Reclamation.

The inside surface of a standard flow cone was moist-

ened, and a finger was placed over the outlet of the MATERIALS, MIXES, AND
discharge tube. The grout was introduced into the MIXING PROCEDURES
cone until it rose into contact with the point gauge.
Then the stopwatch was started and the finger was Identical materials, i.e., type II portland cement and
removed from the outlet simultaneously. The watch tap water, were used for each mix. Six water-cement
was stopped at the first break of continuous dis- ratios were used for the comparison study: 0.5: 1,
charge from the cone, which was then essentially 0.8:1,1:1,3:1,5:1, and 8:1. However, the con-
empty. When there was a break in the continuity of sistency of the 0.5: 1 mix was that of a thick paste.
discharge before the cone was essentially empty, the Because it could not be mixed in the high-speed
grout was too thick to be properly tested for flow mixer, it was judged impractical for testing.
by this method.
An 8-minute mixing period was used for the paddle
Bleeding mixer, and a 1- to 3-minute period was used for the
high-speed mixer. A possible problem was noticed
In cement mixtures having high water content, bleed- in the mixing tank of the high-speed mixer: steel
ing is a concern. Bleeding is the rise of water to the flanges in the mixer tank prevented formation of a

vortex (Fig. 7). A vortex acts as a centrifugal sepa- apparatus for casting cylinders from grouts with
rator. The unmixed cement and grout that is thicker water-cement ratios of 5: 1 and 8: 1 is shown on
than average is spun to the outside of the vortex, Figure 8. PVC standpipes had to extend at least 12
from where it passes to the mixing rotor revolving in above the molds to obtain a 6-in high specimen.
at high speeds. This process breaks lumps of cement Because cylinder heights varied, all strengths were
into individual particles, removes absorbent gas lay- corrected to compare with standard cylinders with
ers, thoroughly wets each cement particle, and pro- L/D (length/diameter) ratios of 2.0. The results of
duces a grout that resembles a colloidal solution these tests are listed in Tables 2 and 3.
rather than a mechanical suspension. The vortex con-
tinues to spin any thicker grout, together with the Drying Shrinkage
adjacent slightly thinner grout, back to the mixing
rotor. The resulting grout becomes progressively No shrinkage values for grouts with water-cement
thinner until all grout in the vortex has reached uni- ratios of 3: 1, 5: 1, and 8: 1 were obtained because
form thickness. 1 the cement particles settled so much that gauge
studs were not held securely enough in hardened
specimens to measure length change.
The high-speed mixes showed less drying shrinkage
General than the paddle mixes for the water-cement ratios
tested (Table 4).
The outer surfaces of hardened grout samples, es-
pecially the tops, contained a soft, white, chalky, and Permeability
scaly coating. All samples contained some continu-
ous and some discontinuous shrinkage cracks. The Tests for coefficients of permeability were at-
top surfaces of the high water-cement ratio samples tempted, but results were not attained because the
also contained numerous closely spaced, rounded, grout/tar bond failed. Several tests were attempted
cone-shaped structures. on the high-speed and the paddle mixer for 1: 1 and
3: 1 ratios. The specimens were dried, and the sur-
Unconfined Compressive Strength faces were sandblasted then heated to 130 of before
the hot pitch tar was poured around them. During
Compressive strength tests were conducted for both tests in the permeability apparatus, the tar/specimen
mixer types and for all water-cement ratios at 7 and bond failed seven out of eight times. Therefore, a
at 28 days' age. The 0.5: 1 mixture was determined comparison test with this procedure was judged im-
to be too thick and was dropped from the evaluation. practical.
Resulting heights of grout specimens varied because
Water Retentivity
of different amounts of settling for each mix. The
In every case except the 8: 1 water-cement ratio
1 Bard, Ronald J., Teton Dam - Foundation Grout Testing Program, mixes, the high-speed mixes exhibited greater water
Water and Power Resources (USBR) Service Report No. REC-ERC- retentivity than the paddle mixes. The results of
79-2, Denver, CO, December 1979. these tests are shown in Table 5.

Table 2. - Unconfined compressive strength tested at 7 days' age.

Compressive strength, Ibjin2

Mixer type Water-cement Specimen Specimen Average

ratio A B

High-speed 0.8:1 1,920 1.800 1,860

Paddle 0.8:1 2,300 2,130 2,220
High-speed 1:1 2,020 1,930 1,980
Paddle 1:1 1,150 1,420 1,290-
High-speed 3:1 390 370 380
Paddle 3:1 320 300 310
High-speed 5:1 270 240 260
Paddle 5:1 250 350 300
High-speed 8:1 80 100 90
Paddle 8:1 190 190 190

Table 3. - Unconfined compressive strength tested at 28 days' age.

Compressive strength, Ib/in2

Mixer type Water-cement Specimen Specimen Average

ratio A B

High-speed 0.8:1 3,320 2,690 3,010

Paddle 0.8:1 3,620 3,460 3,540
High-speed 1: 1 2,720 2,660 2,690
Paddle 1: 1 1,660 2,230 1,950
High-speed 3:1 570 500 540
Paddle 3:1 570 570 570
High-speed 5:1 350 430 390
Paddle 5: 1 410 490 450
High-speed 8:1 240 140 190
Paddle 8: 1 300 300 300

Table 4. - Drying shrinkage tests on 1- by 1- by 11 'A-inch prisms.

Comparator readings, in
Mixer Water-cement Length Percent
ratio 7 days 28 days change change

PM'-A 0.8:1 11.1499 11.1261 0.0238 0.21

PM-B 0.8:1 11.1974 11 .1728 0.0246 0.22
HSt-A 0.8:1 11.1779 11.1601 0.0178 0.16
HS-B 0.8:1 11.1980 11 .1799 0.0181 0.16

PM-A 1: 1 11.1280 11 .0988 0.0292 0.26

PM-B 1: 1 11.1198 11.0914 0.0284 0.25
HS-A 1: 1 11.1565 11.1452 0.0113 0.10
HS-B 1: 1 11.1739 11.1589 0.0150 0.13

'PM = paddle mixer A = specimen A

tHS = high-speed mixer B = specimen B

Table 5. - Water retentivity test results. Flowability

Water retentivity, seconds 1 Grout mixes with water-cement ratios of 0.8: 1, 1: 1,

and 3: 1 prepared in the high-speed mixer flowed
Water-cement ratio High-speed mixer Paddle mixer more rapidly than companion paddle mixer grouts.
However, at water-cement ratios of 5: 1 and 8: 1, this
0.8:1 119 39
trend ceased to be apparent, and the companion
1: 1 109 37
3:1 25 17 mixes exhibited essentially the same flow rates. The
5:1 22 22 test results, which are averages of two tests on each
8:1 4 14 sample, are shown in Table 6.
1 The time taken to extract 60 mL of water from the Bleeding
grout sample.
2 This reading seems too low, but the test was repeated
with the same results.
The results of bleeding tests (table 7) show that
grout samples of every water-cement ratio exhibited
Banding more bleed water when mixed in the paddle mixer
A fresh grout sample was poured into a watertight than when mixed in the high-speed mixer.
box and allowed to cure in the fog room. The samples Viscosity
were removed from the forms, broken, and allowed
to dry. The high-speed mixed grout having a 5: 1 Readings were taken on fresh grout samples with a
water-cement ratio was the only one to exhibit band- Brookfield viscometer in a 500 cm3 beaker. The high-
ing (Figs. 9 and 10). speed mixer gave lower viscosities in the 1: 1, 3: 1,

Table 6. - Flowability test results. Table 8. - Grout viscosity test results.

Time to empty flow cone, seconds' Viscosity, centipoises

Water-cement ratio High-speed mixer Paddle mixer
Water-cement ratio High-speed mixer Paddle mixer
0.8:1 9 11
1: 1 8 9 0.8:1 1,360 670
3:1 7 8 1: 1 1,080 1,775
5:1 8 8 3:1 22 48
8:1 8 8 5:1 7 6
8:1 2 3
Values are the averages of the two tests on each sample
rounded to the nearest second.
All samples displayed shrinkage cracks parallel to the
short axis.
Table 7. - Grout bleed-water test results.
The top, white surfaces of the 1: 1 to 8: 1 water-
Amount of bleed water, mL' cement ratio samples contained numerous closely
spaced, rounded, cone-shaped structures. These
Water-cement ratio High-speed mixer Paddle mixer
structures were formed by the excess water and
0.8:1 no measurable 3.5
water-soluble salts escaping upward along tubular
settlement channels because of the settling and compacting of
1: 1 1 4.5 the cement before initial set. X-ray diffraction anal-
3:1 19 23.0 yses of representative powdered samples of the
5: 1 33 52.5 grout showed that all samples were well hydrated.
8:1 35.5 53.5
, Volume Petrographic examinations and studies revealed es-
of clear water above grout aher 2 hours. sentially no physical or chemical differences between
the paddle and high-speed mixed portland cement
and 8: 1 water-cement ratios; whereas, the paddle grout samples.
mixer gave lower viscosities in the 0.8: 1 and 5: 1
water-cement ratios (Table 8). Such results can only
be judged inconclusive. They indicate the need for SUMMARY
additional testing.
1. There was no significant difference in compres-
Petrographic Examination sive strength of specimens mixed with either mixer.

Twelve grout samples were submitted to the USBR's 2. In the drying shrinkage test, the high-speed mixes
petrographic laboratory for evaluation. Seven sam- showed less drying shrinkage than the paddle mixes.
ples were prepared by the high-speed mixer and five 3. The high-speed mixer samples retained more
samples by the paddle mixer. Water-cement ratios water in every case except with the 8: 1 water-
varied from 0.5: 1 to 8: 1. All samples were 3-inch- cement ratio samples.
diameter cylinders and were cured in 100 percent 4. Banding was only seen in the high-speed 5: 1
relative humidity for more than 30 days. Samples
were sawed in half from top to bottom.
5. The high-speed mixer grouts with lower water-
The outer surfaces of the samples, especially the
tops, contained a soft, white, chalky, and scaly coat- cement ratios flowed faster through the flow cone.
ing composed chiefly of calcite and calcium hydrox- There was no significant difference in flowability at
the higher water-cement ratios.
ide. Moderate to minor amounts of ettringite, and
trace amounts of gypsum were also present. 6. The bleed-water test showed that the high-speed
mixer yielded less bleed water than the paddle mixer
The sawed interior portions of samples No. PM-
for every water-cement ratio.
0.5:1, PM-1:1, HS-0.8:1, and HS-1:1 were uniform
in color from bottom to top. 7. The high-speed mixes were less viscous in the
1: 1,3: 1, and 8: 1 water-cement ratios; whereas, the
The interiors of samples PM-3: 1, PM-5: 1, PM-8: 1, paddle mixes were less viscous in the 0.8: 1 and 5: 1
HS-3: 1, HS-5: 1, and HS-8: 1 were nonuniform and water-cement ratios.
gradational in color. These samples exhibited visible
signs of settlement and discontinuous, irregular light 8. Despite irregularities in the appearance of the
streaks at or near the bottoms. These streaks ex- hardened grout sample, including gray streaks,
tended about one-third to one-half way up the sam- shrinkage cracks, and a scaly coating (mostly on top),
ples and were aligned, more or less, parallel to the physical or chemical differences in grout quality could
long, or vertical, axis of the samples. not be found by petrographic examination.

Figure 1. - Chemgrout CG grout plant. The mixing tank is the cone-shaped tank in front; the holding and
agitation tank is in the rear. P801-0-80956

Figure 2. - Watermeter for Chemgrout CG grout plant. P801-8-80957

Figure 3. - The Big Chief mortar and plaster mixer, model No. 4. P801-D-80958

Figure 4. - Inside of the Big Chief mixer drum. The paddles have rubber strips on their ends, which scrape
the drum. P801-D-80959
Figure 5. - Typical 1- by 1- by 11%-inch prism tested for drying shrinkage. Gauge stud is barely visible at
left end of bar. P801-D-80960


Figure 6.- Permeability test apparatus

Figure 7. - Inside of the high-speed mixing drum. The steel flanges protruding from the
side of the drum prevented the formation of a vortex. P801-D-80961

Figure 8 . - Apparatus for casting test cylinders using

grouts with water-cement ratios of 5: 1 and 8: 1. The
joint between the PVC pipe and the mold is sealed with
wax. P801-D-80962
Figure 9 . - Evidence of banding in the high-speed mixer 5: 1 specimen. P801-D-80963

Figure 10. - No banding in the paddle mixer 1 :1 specimen. P801-D-80964

11 G P O 850 -957
Mission of the Bureau of Reclamation

The Bureau of Reclamation of the U.S. Department of the Interior is

responsible for the development and conservation of the Nation's
water resources in the Western United States.

The Bureau's original purpose "to pror~aefor the reclamation of arid

and semiarid lands in the West" today covers a wide range of interre-
lated functions. These include providing municipaland industrial water
supplies; hydroelectric power generation;.irrigation water for agricul-
ture; water quality improvement; flood control; river navigation; river
regulation and control; fish and wildlife enhancement; outdoor recrea-
tion; and research on water-related design, construction, materials,
atrnoqheric management, and wind and solar power.

Bureau programs most frequently are the result of close cooperation

with the U.S. Congress, other Federal agencies, States, local govern-
ments, academic institutions, water-user organizations, and other
concerned groups.

A free pamphlet is available from the Bureau entitled "Publications

for Sale." It describes some of the technical publications currently
available, their cost, and how to order them. The pamphlet can be
obtained upon request from the Bureau of Reclamation, Attn D-922,
P 0 Box 25007, Denver Federal Center, Denver CO 80225-0007.

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