Euro Pol Convention Cons
Euro Pol Convention Cons
Euro Pol Convention Cons
The basis for this consolidated version of the Europol Convention is: The Convention based on Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on the establishment of a European Police Office (Europol Convention) (Official Journal C 316, 27/11/1995 P. 0002 0032) The Council Decision of 3 December 1998 supplementing the definition of the form of crime traffic in human beings of the Convention on the establishment of a European Police Office (Europol Convention) (Official Journal C 26, 30/01/1999 P. 0021) The Protocol drawn up on the basis of Article 43(1) of the Convention on the establishment of a European Police Office (Europol Convention) amending that Convention (the Money Laundering Protocol) (Official Journal C 358, 13/12/2000 P. 0002 0007) The Protocol amending the Convention on the establishment of a European Police Office (Europol Convention) and the Protocol on the privileges and immunities of Europol, the members of its organs, the deputy directors and the employees of Europol (the JIT Protocol) (Official Journal C 312, 16/12/2002 P. 0002 0007) The Protocol drawn up on the basis of Article 43(1) of the Convention on the Establishment of a European Police Office (Europol Convention), amending that Convention (the Danish Protocol) (Official Journal C 002, 06/01/2004 P. 0003 0012)
The aim of this consolidated version is to set up a document which will integrate all the changes included in the above-mentioned instruments. Please note that all changes deriving from the amendments are indicated with a footnote.
IMPORTANT Please be aware that this is a working document. A consolidation of legal instruments does not have legislative status. Reference must be made to the relevant instruments as originally published in the Official Journal, and not to this consolidation.
Consolidated Version
THE HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES to the present Convention, Member States of the European Union, REFERRING to the Council Act of 26 July 1995; AWARE of the urgent problems arising from terrorism, unlawful drug trafficking and other serious forms of international crime; WHEREAS there is a need for progress in solidarity and cooperation between the Member States of the European Union, particularly through an improvement in police cooperation between the Member States; WHEREAS such progress should enable the protection of security and public order to be further improved; WHEREAS the establishment of a European Police Office (Europol) was agreed in the Treaty on European Union of 7 February 1992; IN VIEW of the decision of the European Council of 29 October 1993 that Europol should be established in the Netherlands and have its seat in The Hague; MINDFUL of the common objective of improving police cooperation in the field of terrorism, unlawful drug trafficking and other serious forms of international crime through a constant, confidential and intensive exchange of information between Europol and Member States' national units; ON THE UNDERSTANDING that the forms of cooperation laid down in this Convention should not affect other forms of bilateral or multilateral cooperation; CONVINCED that in the field of police cooperation, particular attention must be paid to the protection of the rights of individuals, and in particular to the protection of their personal data; WHEREAS the activities of Europol under this Convention are without prejudice to the powers of the European Communities; whereas Europol and the Communities have a mutual interest, in the framework of the European Union, in establishing types of cooperation enabling each of them to perform their respective tasks as effectively as possible, HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS:
TITLE I Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Article 3a Article 3b Article 4 Article 5 Article 6 Article 6a ESTABLISHMENT AND TASKS Establishment Objective Tasks Participation in joint investigation teams Requests made by Europol to initiate criminal investigations National units Liaison officers Computerized system of collected information Information processing by Europol 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11
Article 7 Article 8 Article 9
Establishment of the information system Content of the information system Right of access to the information system 12 12 13
Article 10 Article 11 Article 12
Article 13 Article 14 Article 15 Article 16 Article 17 Article 18 Article 19 Article 20 Article 21 Article 22 Article 23 Article 24 Article 25
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Article 30 Article 31 Article 32 Article 32a Article 33 Article 34 Article 35 Article 36 Article 37 Staff Confidentiality Obligation of discretion and confidentiality Right of access to Europol documents Languages Informing the European Parliament Budget Auditing Headquarters agreement 33 34 34 35 36 36 36 37 38
Article 38 Article 39 Article 39a Article 40 Article 41
Article 42 Article 43 Article 44 Article 45 Article 46 Article 47
Relations with third States and third bodies Amendment of the Convention Reservations Entry into force of the Convention Accession by new Member States Depositary 41 41 42 42 42 43
Article 1 Establishment
1. The Member States of the European Union, hereinafter referred to as Member States, hereby establish a European Police Office, hereinafter referred to as Europol. 2. Europol shall liaise with a single national unit in each Member State, to be established or designated in accordance with Article 4.
Article 2 Objective
1. The objective of Europol shall be, within the framework of police cooperation between the Member States pursuant to the Treaty on European Union, to improve, by means of the measures referred to in this Convention, the effectiveness and cooperation of the competent authorities in the Member States in preventing and combating serious international crime where there are factual indications or reasonable grounds for believing that an organised criminal structure is involved and two or more Member States are affected in such a way as to require a common approach by the Member States owing to the scale, significance and consequences of the offences concerned. For the purpose of this Convention the following forms of crime shall be considered as serious international crime: crimes committed or likely to be committed in the course of terrorist activities against life, limb, personal freedom or property, unlawful drug trafficking, illegal money-laundering activities, trafficking in nuclear and radioactive substances, illegal immigrant smuggling, trade in human beings, motor vehicle crime and the forms of crime listed in the Annex or specific manifestations thereof. 2. On a proposal from the Management Board, the Council shall unanimously lay down the priorities for Europol in respect of the combating and prevention of the forms of serious international crime within its mandate. 3. Europol's competence as regards a form of crime or specific manifestations thereof shall cover related criminal offences. It shall, however, not cover offences predicate to illegal moneylaundering activities with regard to which forms of crime Europol has no competence pursuant to paragraph 1. The following shall be regarded as related and shall be taken into account in accordance with the procedures set out in Articles 8 and 10:
criminal offences committed in order to procure the means for perpetrating acts within
Europol's sphere of competence, criminal offences committed in order to facilitate or carry out acts within Europol's sphere of competence, criminal offences committed to ensure the impunity of acts within Europol's sphere of competence. 5
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4. For the purposes of this Convention, competent authorities means all public bodies existing in the Member States, which are responsible under national law for preventing and combating criminal offences.1
Article 3 Tasks
1. In the framework of its objective pursuant to Article 2(1), Europol shall have the following principal tasks: 1) to facilitate the exchange of information between the Member States; 2) to obtain, collate and analyse information and intelligence; 3) to notify the competent authorities of the Member States without delay via the national units referred to in Article 4 of information concerning them and of any connections identified between criminal offences; 4) to aid investigations in the Member States by forwarding all relevant information to the national units; 5) to maintain a computerized system of collected information containing data in accordance with Articles 8, 10 and 11; 6) to participate in a support capacity in joint investigation teams, according to Article 3a;2 7) to ask the competent authorities of the Member States concerned to conduct or coordinate investigations in specific cases, according to Article 3b.3 2. In order to improve the cooperation and effectiveness of the competent authorities in the Member States through the national units with a view to fulfilling the objective set out in Article 2(1), Europol shall furthermore have the following additional tasks: 1) to develop specialist knowledge of the investigative procedures of the competent authorities in the Member States and to provide advice on investigations; 2) to provide strategic intelligence to assist with and promote the efficient and effective use of the resources available at national level for operational activities; 3) to prepare general situation reports. 3. In the context of its objective under Article 2(1), Europol may, in addition, in accordance with the staffing and budgetary resources at its disposal and within the limits set by the Management Board, assist Member States through advice and research in particular in the following areas: 1) training of members of their competent authorities; 2) organisation and equipment of those authorities through facilitating the provision of technical support between the Member States;
1 2
Article 2 replaced by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0003). Article 3(1) point 6 added by the Council Act of 28 November 2002 (Official Journal 312, 16/12/2002, p. 0002). 3 Article 3(1) point 7 added by the Council Act of 28 November 2002 (Official Journal 312, 16/12/2002, p. 0002).
3) crime prevention methods; 4) technical and forensic police methods and investigative procedures.4 4. Without prejudice to the Convention for the Prevention of Counterfeiting Currency, signed at Geneva on 20 April 1929, and the protocol thereto, Europol shall also act as a European Union contact point in its contacts with third States and organisations for the suppression of counterfeit euro currency.5
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6. During the operations of a joint investigation team referred to in this Article, Europol officials shall, with respect to offences committed against or by them, be subject to national law of the Member State of operation applicable to persons with comparable functions.7
3. Replies to requests by Europol to initiate, conduct or coordinate investigations in specific cases as well as information to Europol about the results of investigations should be forwarded through the competent authorities in the Member States in accordance with the rules laid down in the Europol Convention and the relevant national legislation. 4. On the basis of a cooperation agreement to be signed with Eurojust, Europol shall, when making a request to initiate criminal investigations, inform Eurojust thereof.8
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Article 3a inserted by the Council Act of 28 November 2002 (Official Journal 312, 16/12/2002, p. 0002). Article 3b inserted by the Council Act of 28 November 2002 (Official Journal 312, 16/12/2002, p. 0002). 9 Article 4(2) replaced by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0004).
3. Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the national units are able to fulfil their tasks and, in particular, have access to relevant national data. 4. It shall be the task of the national units to: 1) supply Europol on their own initiative with the information and intelligence necessary for it to carry out its tasks; 2) respond to Europol's requests for information, intelligence and advice; 3) keep information and intelligence up to date; 4) evaluate information and intelligence in accordance with national law for the competent authorities and transmit this material to them; 5) issue requests for advice, information, intelligence and analysis to Europol; 6) supply Europol with information for storage in the computerized system; 7) ensure compliance with the law in every exchange of information between themselves and Europol. 5. Without prejudice to the exercise of the responsibilities incumbent upon Member States with regard to the maintenance of law and order and the safeguarding of internal security,10 a national unit shall not be obliged in a particular case to supply the information and intelligence provided for in paragraph 4, points 1, 2 and 6 and in Articles 7 and 10 if this would mean: 1) harming essential national security interests; or 2) jeopardizing the success of a current investigation or the safety of individuals; 3) involving information pertaining to organizations or specific intelligence activities in the field of State security. 6. The costs incurred by the national units for communications with Europol shall be borne by the Member States and, apart from the costs of connection, shall not be charged to Europol. 7. The Heads of national units shall meet on a regular basis to assist Europol, at their own motion or on request, by giving advice.11
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Article 4(5) amended by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0003). Article 4(7) replaced by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0003).
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2. The liaison officers shall be instructed by their national units to represent the interests of the latter within Europol in accordance with the national law of the seconding Member State and in compliance with the provisions applicable to the administration of Europol. 3. Without prejudice to Article 4(4) and (5), the liaison officers shall, within the framework of the objective laid down in Article 2(1), assist in the exchange of information between the national units which have seconded them and Europol, in particular by: 1) providing Europol with information from the seconding national unit; 2) forwarding information from Europol to the seconding national unit; and 3) cooperating with the officials of Europol by providing information and giving advice as regards analysis of the information concerning the seconding Member State. 4. At the same time, the liaison officers shall assist in the exchange of information from their national units and the coordination of the resulting measures in accordance with their national law and within the framework of the objective laid down in Article 2(1). 5. To the extent necessary for the performance of the tasks under paragraph 3 above, the liaison officers shall have the right to consult the various files in accordance with the appropriate provisions specified in the relevant Articles. 6. Article 25 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the activity of the liaison officers. 7. Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Convention, the rights and obligations of liaison officers in relation to Europol shall be determined unanimously by the Management Board. 8. Liaison officers shall enjoy the privileges and immunities necessary for the performance of their tasks in accordance with Article 41(2). 9. Europol shall provide Member States free of charge with the necessary premises in the Europol building for the activity of their liaison officers. All other costs which arise in connection with seconding liaison officers shall be borne by the seconding Member State; this shall also apply to the costs of equipment for liaison officers, to the extent that the Management Board does not unanimously recommend otherwise in a specific case when drawing up the budget of Europol.
3) an index system containing certain particulars from the analysis files referred to in point 2, in accordance with the arrangements laid down in Article 11. 2. The computerized system of collected information operated by Europol must under no circumstances be linked to other automated processing systems, except for the automated processing systems of the national units.
Article 6a inserted by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0003).
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2. Personal data as referred to in paragraph 1 may include only the following details: 1) surname, maiden name, given names and any alias or assumed name; 2) date and place of birth; 3) nationality; 4) sex; and 5) where necessary, other characteristics likely to assist in identification, including any specific objective physical characteristics not subject to change. 3. In addition to the data referred to in paragraph 2 and data on Europol or the inputting national unit, the information system may also be used to store, modify and utilize the following details concerning the persons referred to in paragraph 1: 1) criminal offences, alleged crimes and when and where they were committed; 2) means which were or may be used to commit the crimes; 3) departments handling the case and their filing references; 4) suspected membership of a criminal organization; 5) convictions, where they relate to criminal offences for which Europol is competent under Article 2. These data may also be input when they do not yet contain any references to persons. Where Europol inputs the data itself, as well as giving its filing reference it shall also indicate whether the data were provided by a third party or are the result of its own analyses. 4. Additional information held by Europol or national units concerning the groups of persons referred to in paragraph 1 may be communicated to any national unit or Europol should either so request. National units shall do so in compliance with their national law. Where the additional information concerns one or more related criminal offences as defined in the second subparagraph of Article 2(3), the data stored in the information system shall be marked accordingly to enable national units and Europol to exchange information on the related criminal offences. 5. If proceedings against the person concerned are dropped or if that person is acquitted, the data relating to either decision shall be deleted.
First sentence of Article 9(1) replaced by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0004).
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administrative provisions and procedures of the retrieving unit, subject to any additional provisions contained in this Convention. 2. Only the unit which entered the data may modify, correct or delete such data. Where a unit has reason to believe that data as referred to in Article 8(2) are incorrect or wishes to supplement them, it shall immediately inform the inputting unit; the latter shall examine such notification without delay and if necessary modify, supplement, correct or delete the data immediately. Where the system contains data as referred to in Article 8(3) concerning a person any unit may enter additional data as referred to in Article 8(3). Where there is an obvious contradiction between the data input, the units concerned shall consult each other and reach agreement. Where a unit intends to delete altogether data as referred to in Article 8(2) which is has input on a person and where data as referred to in Article 8(3) are held on the same person but input by other units, responsibility in terms of data protection legislation pursuant to Article 15(1) and the right to modify, supplement, correct and delete such data pursuant to Article 8(2) shall be transferred to the next unit to have entered data as referred to in Article 8(3) on that person.The unit intending to delete shall inform the unit to which responsibility in terms of data protection is transferred of its intention. 3. Responsibility for the permissibility of retrieval from, input into and modifications within the information system shall lie with the retrieving, inputting or modifying unit; it must be possible to identify that unit. The communication of information between national units and the competent authorities in the Member States shall be governed by national law. 4. In addition to the national units and persons referred to in paragraph 1, competent authorities designated to this effect by the Member States may also query the Europol information system. However, the result of the query will only indicate whether the requested data is available in the Europol information system. Further information may then be obtained via the Europol national unit. Information concerning the designated competent authorities, including subsequent modifications, shall be transmitted to the General Secretariat of the Council, which shall publish the information in the Official Journal of the European Union.14
Article 9(4) added by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0004).
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Article 10(1) replaced by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0008). Article 10(1) amended by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0005). 17 Article 10(2) first point replaced by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0005).
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Only analysts shall be authorised to enter data into the file concerned and modify such data; all participants may retrieve data from the file.18 3. At the request of Europol or on their own initiative, national units shall, subject to Article 4(5), communicate to Europol all the information which it may require for the performance of its tasks under Article 3(1), point 2. The Member States shall communicate such data only where processing thereof for the purposes of preventing, analysing or combating offences is also authorized by their national law. Depending on their degree of sensitivity, data from national units may be routed directly and by whatever means may be appropriate to the analysis groups, whether via the liaison officers concerned or not. 4. If, in addition to the data referred to in paragraph 3, it would seem justified for Europol to have other information for the performance of tasks under Article 3(1), point 2, Europol may request that: 1) the European Communities and bodies governed by public law established under the Treaties establishing those Communities; 2) other bodies governed by public law established in the framework of the European Union; 3) bodies which are based on an agreement between two or more Member States of the European Union; 4) third States; 5) international organizations and their subordinate bodies governed by public law; 6) other bodies governed by public law which are based on an agreement between two or more States; and 7) the International Criminal Police Organization, forward the relevant information to it by whatever means may be appropriate. It may also, under the same conditions and by the same means, accept information provided by those various bodies on their own initiative. The Council, acting unanimously and after consulting the Management Board, shall draw up the rules to be observed by Europol in this respect.19 5. In so far as Europol is entitled under European Union or international legal instruments to gain computerised access to data from other information systems, Europol may retrieve personal data by such means if this is necessary for the performance of its tasks pursuant to point 2 of Article 3(1). The applicable provisions of such European Union or international legal instruments shall govern the use of this data by Europol.20 6. If an analysis is of a general nature and of a strategic type, all Member States, through liaison officers and/or experts, shall be fully associated in the findings thereof, in particular through the communication of reports drawn up by Europol.
Article 10(2), second subparagraph added by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0005). 19 Article 10(4) amended by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0008). 20 Article 10(5) replaced by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0005).
If the analysis bears on specific cases not concerning all Member States and has a direct operational aim, representatives of the following Member States shall participate therein: 1) Member States which were the source of the information giving rise to the decision to open the analysis file, or those which are directly concerned by that information and Member States subsequently invited by the analysis group to take part in the analysis because they are also becoming concerned; 2) Member States which learn from consulting the index system that they need to be informed and assert that need to know under the conditions laid down in paragraph 7. 7. The need to be informed may be claimed by authorized liaison officers. Each Member State shall nominate and authorize a limited number of such liaison officers. It shall forward the list thereof to the Management Board. A liaison officer shall claim the need to be informed as defined in paragraph 6 by means of a written reasoned statement approved by the authority to which he is subordinate in his Member State and forwarded to all the participants in the analysis. He shall then be automatically associated in the analysis in progress. If an objection is raised in the analysis group, automatic association shall be deferred until completion of a conciliation procedure, which may comprise three stages as follows: 1) the participants in the analysis shall endeavour to reach agreement with the liaison officer claiming the need to be informed; they shall have no more than eight days for that purpose; 2) if no agreement is reached, the heads of the national units concerned and the Directorate of Europol shall meet within three days; 3) if the disagreement persists, the representatives of the parties concerned on the Management Board shall meet within eight days. If the Member State concerned does not waive its need to be informed, automatic association of that Member State shall be decided by consensus. 8. The Member State communicating an item of data to Europol shall be the sole judge of the degree of its sensitivity and variations thereof. Any dissemination or operational use of data communicated shall be decided on by the Member State that communicated the data to Europol. If it cannot be determined which Member State communicated the data to Europol, the decision on dissemination or operational use of data shall be taken by the participants in the analysis. A Member State or an associated expert joining an analysis in progress may not, in particular, disseminate or use the data without the prior agreement of the Member States initially concerned.21 9. Europol may invite experts of third States or third bodies within the meaning of paragraph 4 to be associated with the activities of an analysis group, where:
Article 10(8), second sentence, replaced by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0005).
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1) an agreement is in force between Europol and the third State or third body, which contains appropriate provisions on the exchange of information, including the transmission of personal data, as well as on the confidentiality of exchanged information; 2) the association of the experts of the third State or third body is in the interest of the Member States; 3) the third State or third body is directly concerned by the analysis work; and 4) all participants within the meaning of paragraph 2 agree on the association of the experts of the third State or third body with the activities of the analysis group. The association of experts of a third State or a third body with the activities of an analysis group shall be subject to an arrangement between Europol and the third State or third body. The rules governing such arrangements shall be determined by the Management Board acting by a majority of two thirds of its members. Details of the arrangements between Europol and third States or third bodies shall be sent to the joint supervisory body referred to in Article 24 which may address any comments it deems necessary to the Management Board.22
Article 10(9) added by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0005).
3) the groups of persons on whom data are stored; 4) the nature of the data to be stored, and any of the data listed in the first sentence of Article 6 of the Council of Europe Convention of 28 January 1981 which are strictly necessary; 5) the type of personal data used to open the file; 6) the supply or input of the data to be stored; 7) the conditions under which the personal data stored in the file may be communicated, to which recipients and under what procedure; 8) the time limits for examining the data and the duration of storage; 9) the method of establishing the audit log. 2. The Management Board and the joint supervisory body provided for in Article 24 shall immediately be advised by the Director of Europol of the order opening the file and shall receive the dossier. The joint supervisory body may address any comments it deems necessary to the Management Board. The Director of Europol may request the joint supervisory body to do this within a certain period of time. 3. At any time the Management Board may instruct the Director of Europol to amend an opening order or close the file. The Management Board shall decide on what date any such amendment or closure will have effect. 4. The data file may not be retained for a period of more than three years. Before the three-year period has expired, however, Europol shall review the need for the continuation of the file. When it is strictly necessary for the purpose of the file, the Director of Europol may order the continuation of the file for a new period of three years. The procedure to be followed in such cases shall be as specified in paragraphs 1 to 3.23
Article 12 replaced by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0006).
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2. In addition, subject to other provisions in this Convention, Europol shall be responsible for all data received by Europol and processed by it, whether such data be in the information system referred to in Article 8, in the data files opened for the purposes of analysis referred to in Article 10, or in the index system referred to in Article 11, or in the data files referred to in Article 14(3). 3. Europol shall store data in such a way that it can be established by which Member State or third party the data were transmitted or whether they are the result of an analysis by Europol.
Article 16 replaced by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0006).
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Article 18(1) point 3 replaced by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0006). Article 18(2) amended by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0008).
1) obstruct the proper performance of the tasks falling within a Member State's sphere of competence; 2) jeopardize the security and public order of a Member State or otherwise prejudice its general welfare. 5. Europol shall be responsible for the legality of the authorizing communication. Europol shall keep a record of communications of data and of the grounds for such communications. The communication of data shall be authorized only if the recipient gives an undertaking that the data will be used only for the purpose for which it was communicated. This shall not apply to the communication of personal data required for a Europol inquiry. 6. Where the communication provided for in paragraph 1 concerns information subject to the requirement of confidentiality, it shall be permissible only in so far as an agreement on confidentiality exists between Europol and the recipient.
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communicate the data. The data which may be communicated and the arrangements for communicating such data shall be indicated by the Member State which entered the data; 2) as regards data entered within the information system by Europol, the Member States directly concerned by communication of such data must first have had the opportunity of stating their position, which may extend to a refusal to communicate the data; 3) as regards data entered within the work files for the purposes of analysis as defined in Article 10, the communication of such data shall be conditional upon the consensus of Europol and the Member States participating in the analysis, within the meaning of Article 10(2), and the consensus of the Member State(s) directly concerned by the communication of such data. Should one or more Member State or Europol have objected to a communication concerning data, Europol shall notify the person concerned that it has carried out the checks, without giving any information which might reveal to him whether or not he is known. 5. The right to the checking of information shall be exercised in accordance with the following procedures: Where the national law applicable makes no provision for a communication concerning data or in the case of a simple request for a check, Europol, in close cooperation with the national authorities concerned, shall carry out the checks and notify the enquirer that is has done so without giving any information which might reveal to him whether or not he is known. 6. In its reply to a request for a check or for access to data, Europol shall inform the enquirer that he may appeal to the joint supervisory body if he is not satisfied with the decision. The latter may also refer the matter to the joint supervisory body if there has been no response to his request within the timelimits laid down in its Article. 7. If the enquirer lodges and appeal to the joint supervisory body provided for in Article 24, the appeal shall be examined by that body. Where the appeal relates to a communication concerning data entered by a Member State in the information system, the joint supervisory body shall take its decision in accordance with the national law of the Member State in which the application was made. The joint supervisory body shall first consult the national supervisory body or the competent judicial body in the Member State which was the source of the data. Either national body shall make the necessary checks, in particular to establish whether the decision to refuse was taken in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4(1) of this Article. On confirmation of that, the decision, which may extend to a refusal to communicate any information, shall be taken by the joint supervisory body in close cooperation with the national supervisory body or competent judicial body. Where the appeal relates to a communication concerning data entered by Europol in the information system or data stored in the work files for the purposes of analysis, the joint supervisory body, in the event of persistent objections from Europol or a Member State, may not overrule such objections unless by a majority of two-thirds of its members after having heard Europol or the Member State concerned. If there is no such majority, the joint supervisory body shall notify the enquirer that it has carried out the checks, without giving any information which might reveal to him whether or not he is known.
Where the appeal concerns the checking of data entered by a Member State in the information system, the joint supervisory body shall ensure that the necessary checks have been carried out correctly in close cooperation with the national supervisory body of the Member State which entered the data. The joint supervisory body shall notify the enquirer that it has carried out the checks, without giving any information which might reveal to him whether or not he is known. Where the appeal concerns the checking of data entered by Europol in the information system or of data stored in the work files for the purposes of analysis, the joint supervisory body shall ensure that the necessary checks have been carried out by Europol. The joint supervisory body shall notify the enquirer that it has carried out the checks, without giving any information which might reveal to him whether or not he is known. 8. The above provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis to non-automated data held by Europol in the form of data files, i. e. any structured set of personal data accessible in accordance with specific criteria.
Article 21 Time limits for the storage and deletion of data files
1. Data in data files shall be held by Europol only for as long as is necessary for the performance of its tasks. The need for continued storage shall be reviewed no later than three years after the input of data. Review of data stored in the information system and its deletion 25
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shall be carried out by the inputting unit. Review of data stored in other Europol data files and their deletion shall be carried out by Europol. Europol shall automatically inform the Member States three months in advance of the expiry of the time limits for reviewing the storage of data. 2. During the review, the units referred to in the third and fourth sentences of paragraph 1 above may decide on continued storage of data until the next review if this is still necessary for the performance of Europol's tasks. If no decision is taken on the continued storage of data, those data shall automatically be deleted. 3. The need for continued storage of personal data relating to individuals as referred to in Article 10(1) shall be reviewed every year and the review documented. Storage of such data in a data file referred to in Article 12 may not exceed the period of existence of the file.27 4. Where a Member State deletes from its national data files data communicated to Europol which are stored in other Europol data files, it shall inform Europol accordingly. In such cases, Europol shall delete the data unless it has further interest in them, based on intelligence that is more extensive than that possessed by the communicating Member State. Europol shall inform the Member State concerned of the continued storage of such data. 5. Deletion shall not occur if it would damage the interests of the data subject which require protection. In such cases, the data may be used only with the consent of the data subject.
Article 21(3) replaced by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0006). Article 22(4) added by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0006).
1. Each Member State shall designate a national supervisory body, the task of which shall be to monitor independently, in accordance with its respective national law, the permissibility of the input, the retrieval and any communication to Europol of personal data by the Member State concerned and to examine whether this violates the rights of the data subject. For this purpose, the supervisory body shall have access at the national unit or at the liaison officers' premises to the data entered by the Member State in the information system and in the index system in accordance with the relevant national procedures. For their supervisory purposes, national supervisory bodies shall have access to the offices and documents of their respective liaison officers at Europol. In addition, in accordance with the relevant national procedures, the national supervisory bodies shall supervise the activities of national units under Article 4(4) and the activities of liaison officers under Article 5(3), points 1 and 3 and Article 5(4) and (5), in so far as such activities are of relevance to the protection of personal data. 2. Each individual shall have the right to request the national supervisory body to ensure that the entry or communication of data concerning him to Europol in any form and the consultation of the data by the Member State concerned are lawful. This right shall be exercised in accordance with the national law of the Member State to the national supervisory body of which the request is made.
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3) carry out the joint supervisory body's decisions on appeals in accordance with the provisions of Articles 19(7) and 20(4). 3. The joint supervisory body shall also be competent for the examination of questions relating to implementation and interpretation in connection with Europol's activities as regards the processing and utilization of personal data, for the examination of questions relating to checks carried out independently by the national supervisory bodies of the Member States or relating to the exercise of the right to information, as well as for drawing up harmonized proposals for common solutions to existing problems. 4. Each individual shall have the right to request the joint supervisory body to ensure that the manner in which his personal data have been collected, stored, processed and utilized by Europol is lawful and accurate. 5. If the joint supervisory body notes any violations of the provisions of this Convention in the storage, processing or utilization of personal data, it shall make any complaints it deems necessary to the Director of Europol and shall request him to reply within a time limit to be determined by it. The Director shall keep the Management Board informed of the entire procedure. In the event of any difficulty, the joint supervisory body shall refer the matter to the Management Board. 6. The joint supervisory body shall draw up activity reports at regular intervals. Such reports shall be forwarded to the European Parliament and to the Council; the Management Board shall first have the opportunity to deliver an opinion, which shall be attached to the reports.29 The joint supervisory body shall decide whether or not to publish its activity report, and, if it decides to do so, determine how it should be published. 7. The joint supervisory body shall unanimously adopt its rules of procedure, which shall be submitted for the unanimous approval of the Council. It shall set up internally a committee comprising one qualified representative from each Member State with entitlement to a vote. The committee shall have the task of examining the appeals provided for in Articles 19(7) and 20(4) by all appropriate means. Should they so request the parties, assisted by their advisers if they so wish, shall be heard by the committee. The decisions taken in this context shall be final as regards all the parties concerned. 8. It may also set up one or more other committees. 9. It shall be consulted on that part of the budget which concerns it. Its opinion shall be annexed to the draft budget in question. 10. It shall be assisted by a secretariat, the tasks of which shall be defined in the rules of procedures.
Article 24(6) amended by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0006).
1. Europol shall take the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the implementation of this Convention. Measures shall only be necessary where the effort they involve is proportionate to the objective they are designed to achieve in terms of protection. 2. In respect of automated data processing at Europol each Member State and Europol shall implement measures designed to: 1) deny unauthorized persons access to data processing equipment used for processing personal data (equipment access control); 2) prevent the unauthorized reading, copying, modification or removal of data media (data media control); 3) prevent the unauthorized input of data and the unauthorized inspection, modification or deletion of stored personal data (storage control); 4) prevent the use of automated data processing systems by unauthorized persons using data communication equipment (user control); 5) ensure that persons authorized to use an automated data processing system only have access to the data covered by their access authorization (data access control); 6) ensure that it is possible to verify and establish to which bodies personal data may be transmitted using data communication equipment (communication control); 7) ensure that it is subsequently possible to verify and establish which personal data have been input into automated data or processing systems and when and by whom the data were input (input control); 8) prevent unauthorized reading, copying, modification or deletion of personal data during transfers of personal data or during transportation of data media (transport control); 9) ensure that installed systems may, in case of interruption, be immediately restored (recovery); 10) ensure that the functions of the system perform without fault, that the appearance of faults in the functions is immediately reported (reliability) and that stored data cannot be corrupted by means of a malfunctioning of the system (integrity).
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Article 26(3) amended by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0006). Article 28(1) point 1 replaced by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0006). 32 Article 28(1) point 1a inserted by the Council Act of 28 November 2002 (Official Journal 312, 16/12/2002, p. 0003).
3) shall decide unanimously on the number of liaison officers the Member States may send to Europol (Article 5); 3a) shall take part in the determination of the conditions related to the processing of data for the purpose of determining whether such data are relevant for its tasks, and can be included in the computerised system of collected information (Article 6a);33 4) shall prepare the implementing rules governing data files (Article 10); 4a) shall determine by a majority of two thirds of its members the rules governing arrangements regarding the association of experts of a third State or a third body with the activities of an analysis group (Article 10(9));34 5) shall take part in the adoption of rules governing Europol's relations with third States and third bodies with the meaning of Article 10(4) (Articles 10, 18 and 42) 6) shall unanimously decide on details concerning the design of the index system (Article 11); 7) may instruct the Director of Europol to amend an opening order or close the file (Article 12(3));35 8) may deliver opinions on the comments and reports of the joint supervisory body (Article 24); 9) shall examine problems which the joint supervisory body brings to is attention (Article 24(5)); 10) shall decide on the details of the procedure for checking the legal character of retrievals in the information system (Article 16); 11) shall take part in the appointment and dismissal of the Director and Deputy Directors (Article 29); 12) shall oversee the proper performance of the Director's duties (Articles 7 and 29); 13) shall take part in the adoption of staff regulations (Article 30); 14) shall take part in the preparation of agreements on confidentiality and the adoption of provisions on the protection of confidentiality (Articles 18 and 31); 14a)shall, acting by a majority of two thirds of its members, adopt rules for access to Europol documents (Article 32a);36 15) shall take part in the drawing up of the budget, including the establishment plan, the auditing and the discharge to be given to the Director (Articles 35 and 36); 16) shall adopt unanimously the five-year financing plan (Article 35); 17) shall appoint unanimously the financial controller and oversee the performance of his duties (Article 35); 18) shall take part in the adoption of the financial regulation (Article 35); 19) shall unanimously approve the conclusion of the headquarters agreement (Article 37); 20) shall adopt unanimously the rules for the security clearance of Europol officials;
33 34
Article 28(1) point 3a inserted by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0006). Article 28(1) point 4a inserted by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0007). 35 Article 28(1) point 7 replaced by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0007). 36 Article 28(1) point 14a inserted by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0007).
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21) shall act by a two-thirds majority in disputes between a Member State and Europol or between Member States concerning compensation paid under the liability for unauthorized or incorrect processing of data (Article 38); 21a) shall act by a two-third majority in disputes between a Member State and Europol concerning the liability with regard to Europol's participation in joint investigation teams (Article 39a);37 22) shall take part in any amendment of this Convention or the Annex thereto (Article 43);38 23) shall be responsible for any other tasks assigned to it by the Council particularly in provisions for the implementation of this Convention. 2. The Management Board shall be composed of one representative of each Member State. Each member of the Management Board shall have one vote. 3. Each member of the Management Board may be represented by an alternate member; in the absence of the full member, the alternate member may exercise his right to vote. 4. The Commission of the European Communities shall be invited to attend meetings of the Management Board with non-voting status. However, the Management Board may decide to meet without the Commission representative. 5. The members or alternate members shall be entitled to be accompanied and advised by experts from their respective Member States at meetings of the Management Board. 6. The Management Board shall be chaired by the representative of the Member State holding the Presidency of the Council. 7. The Management Board shall unanimously adopt its rules of procedure. 8. Abstentions shall not prevent the Management Board from adopting decisions which must be taken unanimously. 9. The Management Board shall meet at least twice a year. 10. Taking into account the priorities as set out by the Council in accordance with Article 2(2) and the update by the Director of Europol as referred to in point 6 of Article 29(3), the Management Board shall adopt unanimously each year: 1) a general report on Europol's activities during the previous year; 2) a report on Europol's future activities taking into account Member States' operational requirements and budgetary and staffing implications for Europol. Such reports shall be submitted to the Council to take note and endorse. They shall also be forwarded by the Council to the European Parliament for information.39
37 38
Article 28(1) point 21a inserted by the Council Act of 28 November 2002 (Official Journal 312, 16/12/2002, p. 0003). Article 28(1) point 22 replaced by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0007). 39 Article 28(10) replaced by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0007).
Article 30 Staff
1. The Director, Deputy Directors and the employees of Europol shall be guided in their actions by the objectives and tasks of Europol and shall not take or seek orders from any government, authority, organization or person outside Europol, save as otherwise provided in this Convention and without prejudice to the Treaty on European Union.44
40 41
Article 29(1) amended by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0008). Article 29(3) point 6 replaced by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0007). 42 Article 29(3) point 7 added by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0007). 43 Article 29(6) amended by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0008). 44 Article 30(1) amended by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0007).
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2. The Director shall be in charge of the Deputy Directors and employees of Europol. He shall engage and dismiss employees. In selecting employees, in addition to having regard to personal suitability and professional qualifications, he shall take into account the need to ensure the adequate representation of nationals of all Member States and of the official languages of the European Union. 3. Detailed arrangements shall be laid down in staff regulations which the Council shall, after obtaining the opinion of the Management Board, adopt unanimously.45
Article 31 Confidentiality
1. Europol and the Member States shall take appropriate measures to protect information subject to the requirement of confidentiality which is obtained by or exchanged with Europol on the basis of this Convention. To this end the Council shall unanimously adopt appropriate rules on confidentiality prepared by the Management Board and submitted to the Council.46 2. Where Europol has entrusted persons with a sensitive activity, Member States shall undertake to arrange, at the request of the Director of Europol, for security screening of their own nationals to be carried out in accordance with their national provisions and to provide each other with mutual assistance for the purpose. The relevant authority under national provisions shall inform Europol only of the results of the security screening, which shall be binding on Europol. 3. Each Member State and Europol may entrust with the processing of data at Europol, only those persons who have had special training and undergone security screening.
Article 30(3) amended by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0008). Article 31(1) amended by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0008).
evidence in or outside court or make any statements on any facts or information which come to their knowledge in the performance of their duties or the exercise of their activities, without reference to the Director or, in the case of the Director himself, to the Management Board. The Director or Management Board, depending on the case, shall approach the judicial body or any other competent body with a view to taking the necessary measures under the national law applicable to the body approached; such measures may either be to adjust the procedures for giving evidence in order to ensure the confidentiality of the information, or provided that the national law concerned so permits, to refuse to make any communication concerning data in so far as is vital for the protection of the interests of Europol or of a Member State. Where a Member State's legislation provides for the right to refuse to give evidence, persons asked to give evidence must obtain permission to do so. Permission shall be granted by the Director and, as regards evidence to be given by the Director, by the Management Board. Where a liaison officer is asked to give evidence concerning information he receives from Europol, such permission shall be given after the agreement of the Member State responsible for the officer concerned has been obtained. Furthermore, if the possibility exists that the evidence may extend to information and knowledge which a Member State has communicated to Europol or which clearly involve a Member State, the position of that Member State concerning the evidence must be sought before permission is given. Permission to give evidence may be refused only in so far as this is necessary to protect overriding interests of Europol or of a Member State or States that need protection. This obligation shall apply even after leaving office or employment or after termination of activities. 4. Each Member State shall treat any infringement of the obligation of discretion or confidentiality laid down in paragraphs 2 and 3 as a breach of the obligations imposed by its law on official or professional secrets or its provisions for the protection of confidential material. Where appropriate, each Member State shall introduce, no later than the date of entry into force of this Convention, the rules under national law or the provisions required to proceed against breaches of the obligations of discretion or confidentiality referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3. It shall ensure that the rules and provisions concerned apply also to its own employees who have contact with Europol in the course of their work.
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Council and Commission documents adopted on the basis of Article 255 of the Treaty establishing the European Community.47
Article 33 Languages
1. Reports and all other papers and documentation placed before the Management Board shall be submitted in all official languages of the European Union; the working languages of the Management Board shall be the official languages of the European Union. 2. The translations required for Europol's work shall be provided by the translation centre of the European Union institutions.
Article 35 Budget
1. Estimates shall be drawn up of all of Europol's income and expenditure including all costs of the joint supervisory body and of the secretariat set up by it under Article 22 for each financial year and these items entered in the budget; an establishment plan shall be appended to the budget. The financial year shall begin on 1 January and end on 31 December. The income and expenditure shown in the budget shall be in balance. A five-year financing plan shall be drawn up together with the budget.
47 48
Article 32a inserted by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0007). Article 34 replaced by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0007).
2. The budget shall be financed from Member States' contributions and by other incidental income. Each Member State's financial contribution shall be determined according to the proportion of its gross national product to the sum total of the gross national products of the Member States for the year preceding the year in which the budget is drawn up. For the purposes of this paragraph, gross national product shall mean gross national product as determined in accordance with Council Directive 89/130/EEC, Euratom of 13 February 1989 on the harmonization of the compilation of gross national product at market prices. 3. By 31 March each year at the latest, the Director shall draw up the draft budget and draft establishment plan for the following financial year and shall submit them, after examination by the Financial Committee, to the Management Board together with the draft five-year financing plan. 4. The Management Board shall take a decision on the five-year financing plan. It shall act unanimously. The five-year financing plan shall be sent to the Council. It shall also be forwarded by the Council to the European Parliament for information.49 5. After obtaining the opinion of the Management Board, the Council shall adopt Europol's budget by 30 June of the year preceding the financial year at the latest. It shall act unanimously. The adoption of the budget by the Council shall entail the obligation for each Member State to make available promptly the financial contribution due from it.50 6. The Director shall implement the budget in accordance with the financial regulation provided for in paragraph 9. 7. Monitoring of the commitment and disbursement of expenditure and of the establishment and collection of income shall be carried out by a financial controller from an official audit body of one of the Member States who shall be appointed by the Management Board, acting unanimously, and shall be accountable to it. The financial regulation may make provision for expost monitoring by the financial controller in the case of certain items of income or expenditure. 8. The Financial Committee shall be composed of one budgetary representative from each Member State. Its task shall be to prepare for discussions on budgetary and financial matters. 9. The Council shall unanimously adopt the financial regulation, specifying in particular the detailed rules for drawing up, amending and implementing the budget and for monitoring its implementation as well as for the manner of payment of financial contributions by the Member States.51
Article 36 Auditing
1. The accounts in respect of all income and expenditure entered in the budget together with the balance sheet showing Europol's assets and liabilities shall be subject to an annual audit in accordance with the financial regulation. For this purpose the Director shall submit a report on the annual accounts by 31 May of the following year at the latest.
49 50
Article 35(4) amended by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0007). Article 35(5) amended by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0008). 51 Article 35(9) amended by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0008).
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2. The audit shall be carried out by a joint audit committee composed of three members, appointed by the Court of Auditors of the European Communities on a proposal from its President. The term of office of the members shall be three years; these shall alternate in such a way that each year the member who has been on the audit committee for three years shall be replaced. Notwithstanding the provisions of the second sentence, the term of office of the member that, after drawing lots: is first, shall be two years, is second, shall be three years, is third, shall be four years, in the initial composition of the joint audit committee after Europol has begun to operate. Any costs arising from the audit shall be charged to the budget provided for in Article 35. 3. The joint audit committee shall submit to the Council an audit report on the annual accounts; prior thereto the Director and Financial Controller shall be given an opportunity to express an opinion on the audit report and the report shall be discusses by the Management Board.52 4. The Europol Director shall provide the members of the joint audit committee with all information and every assistance which they require in order to perform their task. 5. A decision on the discharge to be given to the Director in respect of budget implementation for the financial year in question shall be taken by the Council, after examination of the report on the annual accounts. 6. The detailed rules for performing audits shall be laid down in the Financial Regulation.
Article 36(3) amended by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0008).
Article 39(4) amended by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0008).
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______________________________________________________________________ Article 39a Liability with regard to Europol's participation in joint investigation teams
1. The Member State in the territory of which damage was caused by officials of Europol operating in accordance with Article 3a in that Member State during their assistance in operational measures shall make good such damage under the conditions applicable to damage caused by its own officials. 2. Unless otherwise agreed by the Member State concerned, Europol shall reimburse in full any sums it has paid to the victims or persons entitled on their behalf for damage referred to in paragraph 1. Any dispute between that Member State and Europol over the principle or amount of repayment must be referred to the Management Board, which shall settle the matter by a twothirds majority. 54
54 55
Article 39a inserted by the Council Act of 28 November 2002 (Official Journal 312, 16/12/2002, p. 0002). Article 40(1) amended by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0008). 56 Article 41(3) amended by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0008).
57 58
Article 42(2) amended by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0008). Article 42(3) added by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0008). 59 Article 43(1) amended by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0008). 60 Article 43(3) replaced by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0008).
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Article 47 Depositary
1. The Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union shall act as depositary of this Convention. 2. The depositary shall publish in the Official Journal of the European Communities the notifications, instruments or communications concerning this Convention. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have hereunto set their hands. Done at Brussels on the twenty-sixth day of July in the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five in a single original, in the Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Irish, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish languages, each text being equally authentic, such original remaining deposited in the archives of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union.
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murder, grievous bodily injury illicit trade in human organs and tissue kidnapping, illegal restraint and hostage-taking racism and xenophobia
Against property or public goods including fraud:
organized robbery illicit trafficking in cultural goods, including antiquities and works of art swindling and fraud62 racketeering and extortion counterfeiting and product piracy forgery of administrative documents and trafficking therein forgery of money and means of payment computer crime corruption
Illegal trading and harm to the environment:
illicit trafficking in arms, ammunition and explosives illicit trafficking in endangered animal species illicit trafficking in endangered plant species and varieties environmental crime illicit trafficking in hormonal substances and other growth promoters
61 62
Title replaced by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0008). Declaration by the Council annexed to the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0008): The Council agrees that the instruction of Europol to deal with fraud as one of the forms of crime referred to in the Annex to the Europol Convention confers, as far as tax fraud and customs fraud is concerned, competences to Europol only in the field of improvement of the effectiveness and cooperation of the competent authorities of the Member States responsible for the functioning of the criminal law enforcement system and not their authorities responsible for ensuring the levying of taxes and customs duties.
[]63 With regard to the forms of crime listed in Article 2(1) for the purposes of this Convention:64
crime connected with nuclear and radioactive substances means the criminal offences
listed in Article 7(1) of the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, signed at Vienna and New York on 3 March 1980, and relating to the nuclear and/or radioactive materials defined in Article 197 of the Euratom Treaty and Directive 80/836 Euratom of 15 July 1980;
traffic in human beings means subjection of a person to the real and illegal sway of
other persons by using violence or menaces or by abuse of authority or intrigue, especially with a view to the exploitation of prostitution, forms of sexual exploitation and assault of minors or trade in abandoned children. These forms of exploitation also include the production, sale or distribution of child-pornography material;65
motor vehicle crime means the theft or misappropriation of motor vehicles, lorries,
semi-trailers, the loads of lorries or semi-trailers, buses, motorcycles, caravans and agricultural vehicles, works vehicles, and the spare parts for such vehicles, and the receiving and concealing of such objects,
illegal money-laundering activities means the criminal offences listed in Article 6(1) to
(3) of the Council of Europe Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime, signed at Strasbourg on 8 November 1990;
unlawful drug trafficking means the criminal offences listed in Article 3(1) of the United
Nations Convention of 20 December 1988 against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances and in the provisions amending or replacing that Convention.66 The forms of crime referred to in Article 2 and in this Annex shall be assessed by the competent national authorities in accordance with the national law of the Member States to which they belong.
63 64
Paragraph deleted by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0008). Paragraph amended by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0003). 65 Indent amended by the Council Act of 3 December 1998 (Official Journal 026, 30/01/1999, p.0021). 66 Indent added by the Council Act of 27 November 2003 (Official Journal 002, 06/01/2004, p. 0003).
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______________________________________________________________________ DECLARATION
Article 40(2) The following Member States agree that in such cases they will systematically submit the dispute in question to the Court of Justice of the European Communities:
Kingdom of Belgium, Kingdom of Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany, Hellenic Republic, Kingdom of Spain, French Republic, Ireland, Italian Republic, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Kingdom of the Netherlands, Republic of Austria, Portuguese Republic, Republic of Finland, Kingdom of Sweden.