Experiment # 1,2,3

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EE-100L Electric Circuits Registration No.


Experiment No 1
Introduction to Laboratory Instruments---Using a breadboard
and Ohm Meter
In this experiment we will get
1. Hands on experience to implement a practical DC electric circuit on a breadboard.
2. To use the variable power supply to adjust any value of voltage and current limit.
3. To use a multi-meter to measure voltage, current and resistance.
4. To observe the effect on equivalent resistance in series or parallel connection.
5. To verify Ohm’s law.

• Resistors (10kΩ/20kΩ/Use resistor of standard value available in the Lab)
• Breadboard
• Multi-meter

Theoretical Background


A breadboard is a simple device designed to let you create circuits without the need for soldering.
They come in various sizes, and the design can vary, but as a general rule they look something like

EE-100L Electric Circuits Registration No. 2022-EE-171__
If you've never seen one before, you might wonder how to tell which holes do what. It becomes a
little easier to understand what's going on when you see one from the bottom.

Seeing it from this perspective makes it easier to understand what is going on. The two larger
pieces of wire down each side are typically used to connect a power source to the board. They are
usually referred to as power rails. The other smaller pieces of wire running perpendicular all the
way across the board are used for components in your circuit. This diagram will help visualize this
pattern from the top.

The power rails run horizontally as two rows at the top and bottom. Meanwhile, the vertical
columns run inwards as you move down the board.

If you were to pull any one of these metal pieces out, you would see their purpose. They're
designed to grab onto the legs of any components pushed through the breadboard holes. This
EE-100L Electric Circuits Registration No. 2022-EE-171__
allows you to test circuits without having to worry about soldering, or making a good contact with
the board.

As a general rule, this is how all breadboards operate, though they can come in a variety of sizes.
Some breadboards have binding posts to attach to a power supply, but you can get by just fine
without them. Also, most breadboards are designed to clip together, in case you need loads of room
for a mega-project!

Before we move on, there is one other notable feature of breadboards to know about:

The gap in the middle of the breadboard is for integrated circuits.

EE-100L Electric Circuits Registration No. 2022-EE-171__

Integrated Circuits (IC) are in almost every electronic device. They run motors, regulate voltage,
act as timers, perform logic tasks, and do pretty much anything you need them to. ICs can have
different numbers of pins, sizes, and functions. However, many ICs comply to a standard
called Dual In-Line Packages (DIP), meaning they all share a set width. That width is---you
guessed it---exactly the right size to fit across the gap in the middle of the breadboard. This makes
it much easier to work with ICs without worrying about accidentally connecting the wrong pins

It is important to breadboard a circuit neatly and systematically, so that one can debug it and get it
running easily and quickly. It also helps when someone else needs to understand and inspect the
circuit. Here are some tips:

1. Always use the side-lines for power supply connections. Power the chips from the side-
lines and not directly from the power supply.

2. Use black wires for ground connections (0V), and red for other power connections.

3. Keep the jumper wires on the board flat, so that the board does not look cluttered.

4. Route jumper wires around the chips and not over the chips. This makes changing the chips
when needed easier.

5. You could trim the legs of components like resistors, transistors and LEDs, so that they fit
in snugly and do not get pulled out by accident.

EE-100L Electric Circuits Registration No. 2022-EE-171__

Resistance is the opposition to the flow of current. The basic relationship between voltage, current,
and resistance is determined by Ohm’s law:

𝑉 = 𝐼𝑅

V = Voltage (Potential Difference) across the resistor (in Volts)
I = Current through the resistor (in Amperes)
R = Resistance of the resistor (in Ohms)

Given any resistor, its resistance can be found by one of the three methods:

▪ Using the color codes. This value is called the nominal value and it is only approximate
value in which tolerance range is defined.
▪ Direct measurement using an Ohmmeter. Connect the positive and negative lead of multi-
meter in Ohm scale across the resistor. The meter will provide the exact value of resistor.
Note: Do not touch your fingers with the resistor while measuring its value otherwise your
body resistance will come in parallel with the resistor.
▪ Measuring the voltage across the resistor and the current through the resistor, then applying
Ohm’s law.

Electric Power
The product of the voltage across a resistor and the current through the resistor gives power P (in
watts), namely:

𝑃 = 𝑉𝐼 = 𝐼 2 𝑅 =

The power absorbed by the resistor appears in the form of heat. The physical size of the resistor
determines the amount of power that it can safely dissipate. This amount is referred to as the power
rating. The dissipation of power that exceeds the power rating can damage the resistor physically.
When the resistor gets heated due to excessive power dissipation, its resistance changes. It will either
increase or decrease depending on the temperature coefficient. A carbon resistance is expected to
decrease as the temperature increases.

EE-100L Electric Circuits Registration No. 2022-EE-171__

Lab Task

1. Get a set of 8 resistors. Find the nominal value and the tolerance of each
resistance using the color codes. Record your observations in the table given below. The
color chart is given below.
2. Using the digital multi-meter as an ohmmeter, measure and record the resistance of each
resistor. Record your observations in the table given below.

Resistance Nominal Tolerance Acceptable Measured 𝑁𝑉−𝑀𝑉

𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 = 𝑀𝑉
value (NV) Range value (MV)
R1 1500 Ω 5% 1425-1575 1480 Ω 0.01
R2 3000 Ω 5% 2850-3150 2900 Ω 0.003
R3 12,000 Ω 5% 11400-12600 11760 Ω 0.02

3. Patch the circuit as shown below and find the equivalent resistance theoretically and

practically between points A and B. Use resistors R1 – R6 of 1.2kΩ.

Steps to calculate the theoretical value (do it once you have learned it in theory) of the equivalent

EE-100L Electric Circuits Registration No. 2022-EE-171__

Theoretical value of the equivalent resistance Req= 1.906k Ω

Measured value of the equivalent resistance Req= 1800Ω

Color Chart

Registration No. 2022-EE-171
Experiment No 2
Verification of Ohm’s Law

In this experiment we will get
1. Hands on experience to implement a practical DC electric circuit on a breadboard.
2. To use the variable power supply to adjust any value of voltage and current limit.
3. To use a multi-meter to measure voltage, current and resistance.
• Resistors (10kΩ/20kΩ/Use resistor of standard value available in the Lab)
• Breadboard
• Multi-meter
• DC Power Supply

Circuit Diagram:

Figure 1


1. Patch the circuit according to the circuit diagram.

Prepared By: Rehan Naeem
Department of Electrical Engineering
2. Select R = 470Ω . Increase the value of the source voltage V and measure the current I. Note
down the values and complete table 1.
3. Set voltage source to 10V. Change the value of the resistance R and measure the current I.
Note down the values and complete table 2.

Table 1

𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 (𝑅𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 ) = 460 Ω Use Ohmeter

Source Voltage Current 𝑽 Power

𝑹𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒄 =
(V) (I) 𝑷𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒄 = 𝑽𝑰

8V 18.43mA 434 Ω 147.44 W

4V 9.13mA 439 Ω 36.52 W

0V 0 0

-4V -9.13mA 439 Ω 36.52 W

-8V -18.43mA 434 Ω 147.44 W

20V 43.19mA 463 Ω 863.8 W

Question: What did you notice when the source voltage was set to 25V in table 1. Give reason

Answer: When source voltage was 25V,the resistor was burnt. Because the voltage was very high
which burnt the resistor.

Prepared By: Rehan Naeem
Department of Electrical Engineering
Table 2

Source Voltage (V) = 10V

Resistance Current Power

(R) (I) 𝑷𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒄 = 𝑰𝟐 𝑹

330Ω 28.2mA 262.4 kW

470 Ω 20.7mA 201.4 kW

1 kΩ 10.80mA 116.6 kW

1.2 kΩ 8.87mA 94.4 kW

3.3 kΩ 3.31mA 36.2 kW

For the circuit shown below, determine Vs and R such that I = 5mA. Patch the circuit on the
breadboard and verify your design. Hint: Use Ohm’s Law to design and keep in mind the actual power
flowing through R should not exceed its rated power.



V=5 V

R=1 K Ω

Prepared By: Rehan Naeem
Department of Electrical Engineering
Troubleshooting the Circuits :

1. Your instructor has provided you with the circuit shown below. A voltage of some value is
expected to appear across the resistor R. Determine whether there is a voltage or not. If not,
find the reason and write it below.

Circuit 1


There is no voltage across the resistor because it is an open circuit.

2. Your instructor has provided you with the circuit shown below. A current of 10mA is expected
to flow through the resistor R for Vs = 10V. Determine whether this is the case or not. If not,
find the reason and write it below.

Circuit 2


No, this is not the case.

Prepared By: Rehan Naeem
Department of Electrical Engineering

V=IR As V is the product of current and resistance so I individually can not be equal to V.

Fill table 1 by simulating the circuit shown in figure 1 using the Multisim software.

𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 (𝑅𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 ) = 470Ω

Source Voltage Current 𝑽𝒔 Power

𝑹𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒄 =
(V) (I) 𝑷𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒄 = 𝑽𝑰

-8V -17.021mA 0.470kΩ 0.136W

-4V -8.511mA 0.4699kΩ 0.034W

0V 0 0 0

4V 8.51mA 0.4699kΩ 0.034W

8V 17.021mA 0.470kΩ 0.136W

20V 42.55mA 0.4700kΩ 0.851W


Prepared By: Rehan Naeem
Department of Electrical Engineering
➢ Plot a graph between V and I in table 1. Take V along x-axis.

Prepared By: Rehan Naeem
Department of Electrical Engineering
➢ Plot a graph between R and I in table 2. Take R along x-axis.

Prepared By: Rehan Naeem
Department of Electrical Engineering
Prepared By: Rehan Naeem
Department of Electrical Engineering
Experiment No 3 Registration No. 2022-EE-171
Kirchoff’s Laws,
Voltage & Current Divider Rule

In this experiment we will get
1. Hands on experience to verify KVL, KCL, VDR and CDR on a breadboard and to use
them to design circuits.
2. Determine the internal resistances of a battery and a voltmeter.

Task 1a:

Figure 1

Prepared By: Rehan Naeem
Department of Electrical Engineering
1. Patch the circuit according to the figure 1.
2. Use R1 = 330Ω and R2 = 470Ω .
3. Set voltage source to 10V. Change the value of the resistance Rs and measure the
parameters shown in table 1.
4. Find the polarity of voltage Vs and Vo and direction of the currents Is, I1 and I2 using the
multimeter. Show the polarity and direction on figure 1.
5. Plot a graph between Rs and Vo in table 1. Take Rs along x-axis. Insert the graph below table
1. You can use PYTHON programming language to plot.
6. What is the effect of increasing the resistance Rs on the voltage Vo? See table 1 to answer.
7. Theoretically find Vs, Vo, Is, I1, and I2 using KVL and then by KCL. Show calculations on a
page and then attach an image of the page below table 1.

Table 1

𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 (𝑅1 ) = 330Ω

𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 (𝑅2 ) = 470Ω

Source Voltage (Vin) = 10V

Resistance Voltage Voltage Current Current Current

(Rs) (Vs) (Vo) through through through
Vin – (Vs + Vo) Is - (I1+ I2)
Rs R1 R2
(Is) (I1) (I2)
0Ω 0 9.73V 52.2mA 29.9mA 21.2 mA 0.27V 1.8mA
330Ω 6.2V 3.8V 19.7mA 11.6 mA 8 mA 0 0.1mA

470 Ω 7.1V 2.7V 15.3mA 9.1 mA 6.1 mA 0.2V 0.1mA

Note: The colored columns mean calculations are to be done by hand.

Prepared By: Rehan Naeem
Department of Electrical Engineering
Task 1b:
1. Patch the circuit according to figure 1.
2. Use Rs = 330Ω and R1 = 470Ω.
3. Set voltage source to 10V. Change the value of the resistance R2 and measure the
parameters shown in table 2. Measure R = R1 || R2 using ohmmeter. R1 and R2 should not
be in the circuit of figure 1 while measuring R.
4. Plot a graph between R and Vo in table 2. Take R along x-axis. Insert the graph below table
2. You can use PYTHON programming language to plot.
5. What is the effect of changing the resistance R2 on the voltage Vo across R1? See table 2 to
6. Suppose resistor R1 requires a voltage Vo which is equal to Vin and not affected by changes
in R2. Provide a solution.

Table 2

𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 (𝑅𝑠 ) = 330 Ω

𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 (𝑅1 ) = 470 Ω

Source Voltage (Vin) = 10V

Resistance Resistance Voltage Voltage Current Current Current

(R2) R = R1||R2 (Vs) (Vo) through through through
Vin – (Vs + Vo) Is - (I1+ I2)
Rs R1 R2
(Is) (I1) (I2)

0Ω 2Ω 4V 5.7 V 30.4mA 0.7 mA 29.1 0.3V 0.6mA

(Short mA

330Ω 194 Ω 6.3 V 3.8 V 19.4mA 8.1 mA 11.2 -0.1V 0.1mA


470 Ω 466 Ω 5.6 V 5.2 V 17.8mA 9.6 mA 8.7 mA -0.8V -0.5mA

Prepared By: Rehan Naeem
Department of Electrical Engineering
Task 2: A battery can be modelled as a voltage source in series with the internal resistor as
shown below. The goal of this task is to find the internal resistance of the battery.

1. Connect circuit as shown in fig2. Measure and note down the voltage in the 1st column of
2. Connect circuit as shown in fig3. Measure and note down the voltage in the 3 rd column of
table. What output voltage did you expect and what was the actual output voltage? Calculate
the internal resistance Rint
3. Derive the equation given in the last column of the table. Show derivation below the table.
4. Repeat the above steps by using the power supply available in the lab instead of the battery.

Fig. Model of a Battery

Figure 2 Figure 3

Prepared By: Rehan Naeem
Department of Electrical Engineering
Open Circuit Output Load Resistance Closed Circuit Internal Resistance
Voltage Output Voltage
(RL) 𝒗𝒔
𝑹𝒊𝒏𝒕 = 𝑹𝑳 ( − 𝟏)
(Vs) (Vo) 𝒗𝒐

9.8 V 10Ω (Heavily Loaded) 5V 9.6Ω

9V 1kΩ 8.9V 11.24Ω

6.3 V 4MΩ(Lightly loaded) 9.3V 44.94kΩ

Task 3 The goal of this task is to find the internal resistance of a voltmeter.

1. Connect the circuit as shown below. Use Vin = 15V, R1 = 4.7MΩ and R2 = 10MΩ.
2. Measure output voltage Vo and calculate the internal resistance R int
3. Derive the equation given in the last column of the table. Show derivation below the table.
4. Why is there a difference between the actual and expected output voltage?

Input Expected Output
Resistance Resistance Output 𝑹𝟏 𝑹𝟐
Voltage Voltage 𝑹𝒊𝒏𝒕 = 𝒗
Voltage ( 𝒊𝒏
− 𝟏) 𝑹𝟐 − 𝑹𝟏
(R1) (R2) 𝒗𝒐
(Vin) (Vin*R2)/(R1+R2)

4.7MΩ 11.2MΩ 15V 8.1V 10.6V 10.97MΩ

Prepared By: Rehan Naeem
Department of Electrical Engineering
1. Design the circuit below to produce output voltage Vo which is half of the input voltage.
Show calculations below the circuit diagram. Verify your design practically.

2. Design the circuit below so that a 50mW power flows through the LED at VLED = 3.3V. The
instructor will come to you along with the LED to test the circuit.

Fill table 1 by simulating the circuit shown in figure 1 using the Multisim software.

Table 1

𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 (𝑅1 ) = 330Ω

𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 (𝑅2 ) = 470Ω

Source Voltage (Vin) = 10V

Resistance Voltage Voltage Current Current Current

(Rs) (Vs) (Vo) through through through Vin – (Vs + Is - (I1+
Rs R1 R2 Vo) I2)
(Is) (I1) (I2)
0Ω 0 10V 51.27mA 30.303mA 21.277mA 0 -0.31mA
330Ω 6.299V 3.701V 19.089mA 15.152mA 7.874mA 0 -3.937mA

470 Ω 7.08V 2.92V 15.063mA 12.5mA 6.214mA 0 -3.651mA

Prepared By: Rehan Naeem
Department of Electrical Engineering
Tasks Performed Status

1 Task 1a OK

2 Task 1b OK

3 Task 2 OK

4 Task 3 OK

5 Design Task 1 OK

6 Design Task 2 OK

7 Simulation OK

Prepared By: Rehan Naeem
Department of Electrical Engineering

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