Laboratory Activity No. 4 - Vitamins

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Laboratory Activity No. 4

Fat Soluble and Water Soluble Vitamins

Direction: Using the template provided, identify the functions, rich food sources (give 5)
and health effect of deficiency of each of the indicated minerals.

Fat Soluble Function/s Food Sources Health effect of

Vitamins Deficiency
A Vitamin A is a fat-  Green leafy Deficiency impairs
soluble vitamin vegetables like immunity and
that is naturally malunggay, hematopoiesis and
present in many kangkong, chili causes rashes and
foods. Vitamin A is tops, etc. typical ocular effects
important (eg, xerophthalmia,
for normal vision, night blindness).
the immune
system, and
D Its main function is • Liver Factors that
to maintain the • Fortified milk may
blood • Fortified contribute to
concentration of margarine deficiency
bone minerals like • Cod liver oil are dark skin,
calcium and • Tofu breastfeeding
phosphorous. and lack of

E Prevents oxidation • Rolled oats Erythrocyte

of polyunsaturated • Nuts hemolysis – occurs
fats • Egg yolks in premature infants
• Liver who were born
• Grains before the transfer
• Fortified oils and of vitamin E from the
margarine mother to the infant
takes place in the
last week of
K Vitamin K plays an Phyllo Quinone. Green Deficiency only
important role in leafy vegetables occurs when there
blood clotting by including collard and is a problem with fat
activating several turnip greens, kale, absorption due to
proteins. spinach, broccoli, failure of the kidney
Brussels sprouts, to produce bile
cabbage, lettuces.
Water Soluble Vitamins differ B-1: ham, soymilk, Beriberi and
Vitamin from watermelon, acorn Wernicke-Korsakoff
carbohydrates in squash. syndrome are
protein in such a B-2: milk, yogurt, illnesses caused by
way that they do cheese, whole and severe deficiency.
not provide energy enriched grains and Anorexia, weight
cereals. loss, poor brain
function, behavioral
B-3: meat, poultry, fish,
issues, muscular
fortified and whole
weakness, and
grains, mushrooms,
heart enlargement
are all symptoms
B-5: chicken, whole
linked with these
grains, broccoli,
avocados, mushrooms.
Niacin It is important in  Red meat: beef, Pellagra is a
the metabolism of beef liver, pork. disorder caused by
glucose, fat and Poultry. a lack of niacin
alcohol (vitamin B3).
Pellagra is a
Brown rice. disease that causes
Fortified cereals and dermatitis,
breads. dementia, and
Nuts, seeds. diarrhea, as well as
Legumes. mortality. Genetic
illnesses, and
interactions with
certain drugs can all
cause niacin
Riboflavin It also acts as • Milk and milk Skin disorders,
coenzyme in many products are the hyperemia (excess
reactions, good sources of blood) and edema
particularly in the B2, fortified corn of the mouth and
release of energy flakes, lean throat, angular
from nutrients in meat, mushroom, stomatitis (lesions at
all body cells etc. the corners of the
mouth), cheilosis
(swollen, cracked
lips), hair loss,
problems, sore
throat, and itchy
skin are all signs
and symptoms of
riboflavin deficiency
(also known as
Thiamin It is an important • Unpolished rice, Thiamin deficiency
component of a broccoli, fortified can induce weight
nerve cell cereals, carrots, loss and anorexia in
potatoes, its early stages, as
banana, well as
strawberry, tofu, disorientation, short-
ground meat and term memory loss,
others and other mental
signs and
symptoms, as well
as muscular
weakness and
Biotin The biotin as  organ meats, A rash around the
coenzyme also eggs, fish, meat, eyes, nose, mouth,
plays a vital role seeds, nuts, and and anal area;
in glycogenesis, certain pinkeye; excessive
fatty acid vegetables (such levels of acid in the
synthesis and as sweet blood and urine;
breakdown of potatoes) convulsions; skin
certain fatty acid. infection; brittle
nails; and nervous
abnormalities are all
symptoms of biotin
Pantothenic Pantothenic is • beef, poultry, In the United States,
acid involved in more whole grains pantothenic acid
than 100 different potatoes, insufficiency is quite
steps in the tomatoes and uncommon.
synthesis of lipids, broccoli Numbness and
neurotransmitters, burning in the
steroid hormones hands and feet,
and hemoglobin headaches,
sleeping issues,
stomach discomfort,
heartburn, diarrhea,
nausea, vomiting,
and loss of appetite
are all symptoms of
severe insufficiency.
Pyridoxine This vitamin fish, beef liver and other Pyridoxine
occurs in 3 forms organ meats, potatoes deficiency
pyridoxal, and other starchy causes blood, skin,
pyridoxine and vegetables, and fruit and nerve changes.
pyridoxamine (other than citrus). This vitamin is
unique in that either
deficiency or excess
can cause

Folate It helps prevent Dark green leafy Your body won't

heart disease vegetables (turnip operate as well as it
greens, spinach, should if you don't
romaine lettuce, get enough oxygen.
asparagus, Brussels Megaloblastic
sprouts, broccoli) anemia is caused
Beans. by a lack of folic
acid. The red blood
cells in this disease
Sunflower seeds.
are bigger than
Fresh fruits, fruit juices. normal. These cells
Whole grains. are in smaller
Liver. numbers.

Vitamin C Vitamin C losses • Fruits and Vitamin c deficiency

electron easily, vegetables are is a severe deficit
thereby consider good sources of that causes
as an antioxidant Vitamin C bruising, gum and
to defend the body tooth issues, dry
from free radicals. hair and skin, and

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