Cone Under Picking
Cone Under Picking
Cone Under Picking
Working Principle: In power loom, motion for picking is come from bottom shaft. On each
end of bottom shaft one nose cam is attached. These two cams are mounted on the shaft as 180°
to each other. On each side of the loom there will be one picking mechanism. The bottom shaft
received motion from crank shaft through a gear drive mechanism. The ratio of number of teeth
on gear attached to crank shaft to bottom shaft remained as 1:2, as a result in each loom cycle
bottom shaft make a half rotation or we can say r.p.m. ratio of crank shaft to bottom shaft is
In under picking the picking shafts situated horizontally and picking sticks will swing
vertically. The picker is slide over the spindle in shuttle box. Due to the half rotation of bottom
shaft the nose cam make half rotation. The cone follower which attached with horizontal
picking shaft will be displaced vertically to down wards direction. This causes rotation of
picking shaft. The lug strap which attached with the extended ‘L’ portion of picking shaft apply
a force in picking stick. The picking stick is fulcrum at the bottom will be swing inner ward in
the loom, as a result the picker apply force on shuttle and shuttle travel from one shuttle box to
On the other half rotation of bottom shaft the other picker which attached with second
picking shaft will came in action, as a result shuttle fly from second shuttle box to first shuttle