Let Off
Let Off
Let Off
9. Secondary Motion
9.2 Let-off Motion
Objective of Let-off Motion
The objective of let-off motion is to maintain the free length of warp within specified limits and to control the
warp tension by means of feeding the warp at a correct rate to the weaving zone.
Let-off motion is classified as negative and positive let-off. In case of negative let-off, warp is pulled from the
warper’s beam against a slipping-friction system. For positive let-off system, warp beam is rotated through
driving mechanism at a controlled rate in order to maintain constant warp tension.
Negative Let-Off
The negative let-off mechanism is illustrated in the Figure 9.6. In this case, the warp is pulled off the warp
beam and warp tension is governed by the friction between chain and the beam ruffle.
Tt = tension in the chain on tight side (attached with the weight lever)
W= weight
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Equation 5 shows that the condition needed to achieve a constant warp tension is to maintain the ratio
constant. Thus as beam radius R reduces, the distance y must be reduced by moving the weight towards the
fulcrum H in regular interval to balance the warp tension. For example, if the beam radius decreases by 25%,
the distance y must be reduced by 25% to maintain a constant warp tension.
As shown in Figures 9.7, the warp tension is maintained within a small range from full beam to empty beam
by shifting the weights at regular intervals. It is also noted that the frequency of weight shifting increases
towards the beam is getting exhausted. This is ascribed to the asymptotic relationship between warp tension
and warp radius on the beam.
Hypothetical Example
Let the initial diameter of the warper’s beam is 100 cm. The allowable increase in warp tension is 25% of
nominal level. So, when the beam diameter will be 80 cm, the warp tension will increase by 25%. The weaver
will adjust the position of the weight so that the tension will come back to nominal level. In second step, when
the beam diameter will reduce to 64 cm, the warp tension will again increase by 25%. Therefore, first weight
shifting will be done after 20 cm reduction in beam diameter whereas the second weight shifting will happen
after 16 cm reduction in beam diameter. So, as the beam weaves down the shifting of weight will be more
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